Tabor Today Magazine Summer 2021

Page 43

ALUMNI CONNECTIONS The work of the Alumni Relations Office continues, and in fact thrives, during this unique year. In the previous issue of Tabor

Today, we reported on the early stages of our Forecasters Series.

“Tabor’s Forecasters Series has been a phenom-

Built from scratch as an alternative to traditional in-person pro-

enal way to keep alumni of all ages connected to

grams, Forecasters has offered meaningful engagement opportu-

Tabor and one another. I’ve been impressed by the

nities for a cross-section of interested alumni to network around

breadth and relevance of subjects the series has ad-

shared personal and professional interests. And in the middle of a

dressed – from cryptocurrency to returning to a post-

global pandemic, this series has allowed alumni to come together

COVID workplace to the future of the sports indus-

socially, albeit virtually.

try. The presentations have been a great reminder of

Now, at the close of its inaugural season of ten episodes, we couldn’t be happier with the results. To date, over 1,000 alumni from 29 states and 5 countries have registered for the series–nearly 15 percent of our alumni base. Compared to 2019-20, our last year with a full slate of in-person programs, Forecasters has nearly tripled our event registrations, resulting in a 21 percent increase in alumni engagement, and extended our institutional and geographic reach. We have been pleased to see “new” names on the attendee roster and faces on our Zoom calls. In short, by going virtual, we have reached more alumni in more places than we did prior to the pandemic.

the strength of the Tabor alumni network, and I’ve been encouraged to see so many new and familiar faces joining the episodes. At a time when it’s so difficult to feel connected and when many are suffering from Zoom fatigue, Tabor’s Forecasters Series has stood out for its ability to educate, entertain, and connect alumni.” – Kelley Newman ’12

“Forecasters has brought me closer to Tabor and provided me with new ways to give back. I have extended my network with like-minded alumni to

And despite all the planning in the world, we wouldn’t have

learn together and share my knowledge of and pas-

achieved such an overwhelming response to the initiative without

sion for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

our remarkable lineup of hosts. The talented and accomplished

I am very grateful for the new experiences that the

alumni who shared their wisdom and time with their fellow

Alumni Relations Office has created for us and look

alumni are central to the success Forecasters has had in bringing

forward to Season 2!”

alumni closer to Tabor and one another.

– Alec Parsons ’89

If you’ve missed an episode of the Forecasters Series, you can

“I loved being a part of the Forecasters Series.

catch up by visiting Over the

First and foremost, it gave me a way to give back

course of nine months, the series has examined COVID-19 and the

to the Tabor community leveraging the talents I

road ahead, explored the pandemic’s impact on higher education,

have developed since my time on The Waterfront.

discussed developments in professional sports, provided an out-

Second, through the prep and conversation, I was

look on American foreign policy, demystified cryptocurrency, sur-

able to meet some “new to me” and very talented

veyed the shifting realities of office culture, assessed residential

Seawolves. And lastly, I have had some wonderful

and commercial real estate markets, identified trends in venture

follow-up conversations with alumni. It reinvigo-

capital, and investigated the state of cybersecurity.

rated a connection to all alumni even in this virtual

the months ahead, but there is little doubt that the Forecasters Series has a permanent place in our alumni engagement arsenal today, tomorrow, and forever. The lessons are obvious–when possible, strip away the limitations of geography, offer interesting, insightful, and compelling programs, and rely on your alumni to tell their own stories.

We obviously look forward to being with each other in person in

world we are operating in.”

– Nicole Greene ’95 41

Articles inside

A Salute to Salit

pages 6-7

Letter from the Editor: Change.

page 5

View from the Bridge: Believe.

page 4

The Road to the Gold

pages 44-47

Squash in the Olympics

pages 54-57

Athletic Hall of Fame

pages 64-68

Going to the Games

pages 48-49

Olympic Sailing

pages 50-53

Alumni Connections

page 43

The Tip of the Sword

pages 11-13

Meet the New Head of School

pages 34-35

The Miracle Before the Miracle on Ice

pages 18-21

The Joy of Sports and Service

pages 22-25

The War Torn Games

pages 14-15

Global Citizens & Spectators

pages 16-17

Along Front Street

pages 28-29

Anchors Aweigh

pages 8-10
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