Doctor Who Fanzine: Tardis Base Magazine Issue 2

Page 29

Aliens in disguise, always wrongfully

robots designed to heal the injuries of

receiving the worship and devotion of

living beings. Chula brand nanogenes are

gullible human figures until their true

widely preferred in most quarters to the

nature is revealed and they are destroyed.

much cheapter nanobots produced by

“nowhere,” which should rather be a clue

As Neitzsche would put it, “God is dead…

rival company DivaDroid International,

for anyone venturing to travel there.


which tend to have a mind of their own.



, n.






, n.


, n.

, v.


A planet on which the ruler is willingly

Using a fob watch for the strange purpose

A messianic figure from Gallifrey who

subjected to pain or even death at the

of making a human being pliable rather

once died that his people might live but

disapproval of his subjects, where the

than making oneself a pliable human

who now wishes to live that his people

health of the state directly affects the


might die.

health of the one governing. In other

Perception filter


, v.

words, a place in which revolution has , n.

been corralled by the ballot box. Strangely,

A popular Christmas time activity in which

A field generated around the TARDIS with

the serial murder of figureheads has



the result that most people ignore it. In

not resulted in an end to governmental

each year—reenact the deeds of Herod’s

the United States, a quite similar field

corruption, though efforts to change the

soldiers for the population of Earth.

generated around the rest of the world.

system on the part of some rulers have



resulted in their swift dispatch at the


Jelly Baby

, n.

, n.

A type of candy treat once preferred by the Doctor, who, as a result of overconsumption, was later restricted to

hands of voters.

A group of four people.

War, Time

, n.


, v.

A periodic cleansing of the canonical

To let someone else lead a life of peril while

palate, the temporal equivalent of pickled

you live on your royalties. As the poet

Key to Time

ginger during a dinner of sushi. Time wars

Stonelecce Striphroche once quipped—

are useful for extirpating all tangled and

A popular puzzle that can only be stored

- How to escape this workaday fate?

contradictory continuities of the past and

in pieces.

- Only one way—regenerate!

creating a blank slate upon which much

wearing a stalk of celery.

, n.


, n.


the same might be created in the future.

, n.


the universe’s evolution.

interstellar warriors who have mastered

A planet known throughout the universe

the high technology of metalsmithing.

for so conveniently beginning with “x” and


, n.

Fourth planet in the Sol system, widely







A conservative faction working to retard

Time Lords

, n.

, n.

thus providing some sense of completion to lists such as these.

remembered as the source of the alien

A species of walking tapestry from the

invasion in H. G. Wells’s War of the Worlds.

planet Gallifrey. They lay claim to having

Mars has, in fact, never been home to

invented time travel, seemingly unaware

the bulky, tentacled creatures described

of the fact that all living creatures travel

by Wells, though it is the origin of the

through time, though most in only one

Ice Warriors, Osirians, the Ambassadors,

direction. At present, there is only one

A small utopia within the TARDIS, with the

etc., which might well have earned it the

Time Lord known to exist, but at past

added, paradoxical advantage of actually

title of the Planet of Evil, had that not

and at future there are no doubt many


already been taken.

more. They practise the action of going to


, n.

One of many trade names for microscopic


, n.

A Hasidic Cyberman.

Zero room

, n.

a previous era, usually to cause an event

A huge thank you to Guy Lancaster

already recorded in history books and to


a future era (when the budget permits).

submitting this brilliant and witty piece! •,


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