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Opening Title 21 jump street By Tara Mann





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1 The audience will always see the insAtuAonal logo’s during the opening sequence, this is a convenAon of all movies. As the logo in this case is of the women who looks like the statue of liberty, this could be connoted as an American film only appealing to people who live in America. Most movies start of with the main companies logo.

2 The Atle of the movie will then shortly appear, mainly at the beginning, about 30 seconds in. This helps establish the a small idea of what the film could outline. The use of blue and red (bright) could connote the film is very modern view on the issues it may deal with. In this case the audience would expect the film to do with the police due to the flash lights of red and blue. However some film Atles are very basic not giving much away. The Atle establishes the genre to be acAon due to the police flashing lights, which could only appeal to a male audience. The Atle is a big convenAon in all movies as the audience know what movie they are watching.

3 We the see another insAtuAonal logo appear this is because they want the audience to be aware of who made the movie. This could be a markeAng technique, aUract a passive audience. Original film could also be connoted as a film which has been based on a completely new idea from new directors. However it not as they are part of the creators of 21 jump street and many other hit movies. The logos of the companies are a convenAon as its their stamp on the movie if it does well, also allows the audience to see who created the movie.

4 We see this in many movies when it sets the era by using graphics, this impacts the audience as we have to think about what that year was like. Movies use this graphic to put the audience in 2005 mind set. The use of blue may be connoted as the year 2005 being a blue year, not a year of hope. This helps the audience imagine the characters. Text on screen is a common convenAon in BriAsh social movies however the date/ year appearing is added out of choice, common but not in every movie. Most of the graphics where slapped effect as they appear from nowhere.


We then see Columbia pictures reappear however this Ame in text form, this presses the idea of the people who made the movie into the audiences mind. We see two names on one screen as they co present. We hear the sound of sirens when the credits appear on screen. The credits appear as if they are being slapped on screen, and flicker due to the consistent effect of sirens. This is a convenAon of companies having their name twice, logo then in text. The credit come before we see any acAon or story in most movies and also appear in-­‐between acAon.

6 We then se the main character being established as we see short takes then a close up of him. This is done in all movies to make the audience familiar with the characters to begin the story. The audience then create their own view on him. His costume is very typically American as his cloths are baggy, we also denote him to be dressed as the real slim shady, whilst the song by eminem is being played which connotes to the audience he is not original. We see close up of him which make us feel close to the character. We see close up and mid shot of this character and long takes when we first see him properly. We see this introducAon of characters in every movie making it a convenAon of movies. The use of the character helps set the genre as we see what the characters are like.

7 We then see what the movie could be about or what could happen now. In this film we see him ask a girl to the prom. The shot helps establish the story. Due to the close up of the banner we believe that the story may revolve around the whole idea of a boy being rejected by his dream girl to prom. We can clearly see that the style of the movie is American due to the school and the idea of the big prom night. The ediAng on this shot is a short take but a very quick reverse zoom reverse.

7 We are then introduced to another character who is over listening the conversaAon. We see a clear divide in the school helping again establish a story for the audience. The audience will be aUracted to this character due to his status in an American high school but feel sorry for the boy he is laughing at. We only see him struggling with school which makes us feel sorry for him. As he is wearing a sports jacket we can see his personality. The ediAng on him is very long (long takes), the camera are also mid shots and close ups. Most movies show a direct difference between characters to create conflict and interest the audience.

9 This is very common in movies it help the audience picture the move in Ame without adding in boring parts. The audience then have to picture the change in their mind and assume what has happened during that Ame. This save the company money instead of making a quick part to show Ame has passed. The mise en scene is very dark pulling your eyes to the text.

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