Tampere Film Festival Programme Catalogue 2013

Page 118

DOC: ASIA 3 INDIA DOC: AASIA 3 INTIA ▶ 8.3. 22:00 PLEVNA 2 P/P2/63 • 10.3. 16:00 PLEVNA 5 S/P5/130 • language: FIN/ENG


Norway | Norja 2012 Documentary | 96 min Director: Nistha Jain Script: Nistha Jain, Torstein Grude Cinematography: Rakesh Haridas, Torstein Grude Sound: Peter Schultz Editing: Arjun Gourisaria, Nishtha Jain, Erik Andersson Music: Peter Scartabello Production: Piraya Film AS Contact: Norwegian Film Institute / Arna Marie Bersaas, tel +4722474500, arna-marie.bersaas@nfi.no In the Bundelkhand region of India, the poorest in society are subjected to oppression and abuse. Despite massive opposition, Sampat Pal has started a neighbourhood watch group for women called The Gulabi Gang. They travel from village to village helping women who are treated badly, in cases where the police are either unwilling, or unable, to do their job.


Bundelkhandin seudulla Intiassa yhteiskunnan köyhimmät kokevat sortoa ja hyväksikäyttöä. Laajasta vastustuksesta huolimatta Sampat Pal on perustanut naisten avuksi asukaspartion, jonka nimi on Gulabin jengi. He matkustavat kylästä kylään auttamaan kaltoin kohdeltuja naisia tapauksissa, joissa poliisi ei joko halua tai voi tehdä työtään.


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