Guerreisms Presents the Taigan Holiday Gift Catalog

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Karl-Edwin Guerre

Guerreisms, Street Style Photographer and blogger Guerre has a refined sense of taste that inspires followers across the globe. A paragon of nonchalant elegance, Guerre is as compelling as his well-styled subjects. With just the right amount of attitude and a certain je ne sais quoi, you never know what he’s going to come up with next. Image by Victoria Adamson.

When the holiday season rolls around… I make it a point to reach out to some of those close to me that I may have lost touch with throughout the year. As a kid I spent the holidays… Enjoying naivety. One thing I do every year is… Reflect on the year that just passed. I’m a firm believer that one should take time and look at the past while charting for the future. The greatest holiday indulgence is… Sleeping in late, a luxury I rarely get to indulge in. My favorite holiday tradition is… Creating memories for my children and acquiring an item once a year that can be passed from one generation to the next.

When it comes to holiday meals… I always say quality over quantity. When it’s time to eat, I head for… My one weakness—spicy foods. When hosting overnight guests don’t forget to… Send them off with a great breakfast.

One good idea for a holiday party is… To have a small gift for everyone to remember the evening (like a scented candle). I recently had coasters made for a party and every guest left with theirs.

To avoid getting stressed during the holidays… Look at holidays through the eyes of a child, and there won’t be any room for stress.


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