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VOLUNTEERS South Sound Outreach is offering free tax preparation for those who make $50,000 or less. To schedule an appointment call 253.593.2111 or visit our website at www. southsoundoutreach.org Project Homeless Connect is an annual event where homeless individuals can receive free services. The next event will be held at Spanaway Elementary on Friday, January 26th. For more information visit www. pchomelessconnect.com or call 253.593.2111. Help lift people out of poverty by volunteering with VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)! Provide free income tax preparation to low and moderate income households. Locations throughout Pierce County. Day, evening and weekend hours available. Volunteers can serve as tax preparers, quality reviewers, greeters, or interpreters (for non-English speaking or hearing-impaired tax payers). Free training provided. Contact Amy Allison, amya@associatedministries.org, or apply online at www. VolunteerTaxHelp.org.

Get involved with Metro Parks Tacoma’s Citizen Advisory Councils! The Business & Responsive Agency Council helps district leadership with business planning, ÀQDQFLDO VXVWDLQDELOLW\ decisions, revenue development and quality assurance. Monthly meetings focus on issues that affect the future of our park system. Visit www.metroparkstacoma.org/business-volunteer to learn more or call Brett Freshwaters, &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2IÀFHU DW 253.305.1081. Brettf@ tacomaparks.com. Metro Parks Tacoma Special events bring the community together and provide families with affordable fun. Metro Parks Tacoma needs volunteers to help produce memorable events. Visit www. metroparkstacoma.org/ volunteer and signup WR EH QRWLÀHG RI VSHFLDO event service opportunities. To learn more, contact Roxanne Miles, Volunteer Manager, at 253.305.1068. Roxannem@tacomaparks.com.

Make a difference in the life of a child! The Northwest Youth

VOLUNTEERS Sports Alliance is looking for coaches for our developmental youth sports program. Sports vary by season. Coaches are provided general training and go through a national background check clearance process. For more information, visit www.metroparkstacoma.org/nysa or contact Roy Fletcher, Youth Sports Coordinator, royf@ tacomaparks.com or 253.305.1025. Help a Child Improve Reading One-on-one support makes a huge difference in an elementary student’s ability to overcome reading challenges. The Tacoma School District and the Tacoma Community House are partners in this endeavor, and we are on the lookout for committed tutors for grades 1-3. As a Read2Me Tutor, you can be that person who makes a difference. Currently we have sessions at Roosevelt and McCarver Elementary Schools and will soon start sessions at Mann and Manitou Park. Call Mark Rud at (253) 3833951 for more information. Literacy Tutor Tacoma Community House is looking for volunteers to help adults improve their reading, writing, and basic math skills. Training is provided. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer tutor, please contact Karen Thomas at (253) 383-3951 or at kthomas@tacomacommunityhouse.org.

Join us in changing lives! Changing Rein Equine Assisted Activities and TherDSLHV D QRQSURĂ€W RIIHUV equine assisted services to differently-abled individuals. Currently the program offers several volunteer opportunities. Our primary need at present is for program volunteers who work with our horses and support our riders in therapeutic and adaptive lessons. Other volunteer opportunities include: grounds maintenance and administrative/clerical work. Must be at least 14 years old to participate. Horse experience helpful, but not necessary. Training provided. For more information contact: Jacki Berreth at 253-9617277 or volunteer@changingrein.org. The Tacoma Maritime Institute meets every 4th Monday at the Midland Community Center 1614 99th Street East Tacoma WA Potluck at 6:00, all are welcome. Meeting Starts at 7:00 CONVERSATION PARTNERS NEEDED Help adults learn to speak English! Mornings, no experience or foreign language skills needed. South Tacoma. Contact Lee Sledd, Madison Family Literacy, 253-5711887. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you enjoy helping toddlers learn, you can help us! Seeking retired or experienced volunteers to assist in expand-

ing our capacity and provide quality learning for busy little people. (No diaper changing!) Background check required. Contact Lee Sledd, Madison Family Literacy 253571-1887

Meals on Wheels at Federal Way Senior Center seeks morning volunteers: One Co-coordinator, Friday and Monday; two Callers, Monday; three Packers, Wednesday; two Drivers, Thursday. To learn more, call 206-727-6250. Be a Big Brother! Becoming a Big is a fun and easy way to volunteer in your community and make a BIG difference in the life of a child. There are several program RSWLRQV WR Ă€W \RXU VFKHGXOH and interests, such as meeting your Little at school, going on an outing or attending an agency-planned activity. For more information, visit www.bbbsps.org or call 253.396.9630. INTERVIEWEES FOR A NON-PROFIT PROJECT “MEMORY COMMUNITYâ€? What It Is: We are Memory Community (a nonSURĂ€W FRUSRUDWLRQ 7KH Memory Community Project is a creative service to seniors. Our Goals & Objectives: To create an acFHVVLEOH UHVRXUFH WKDW ‡ helps our senior citizens WHOO WKHLU VWRULHV ‡ FRQQHFWV WKH \RXQJ DQG WKH ROG ‡ LQcreases our understanding of those before us who help us be who we DUH ‡ KRQRUV WKH JHQHUDtions before us and show our appreciation by preVHUYLQJ WKHLU PHPRULHV ‡ All seniors are welcome WR YROXQWHHU IRU Ă€OPLQJ WKHLU VWRU\ ‡ $W PRVW WZR days of work during daytime – Day 1: pre-production meeting, and Release )RUP VLJQLQJ 'D\ Ă€OPing, ideally wrapped within half a day What we’d like you to talk about in the Ă€OP 8VH PLQXWHV RU VR to tell the most memorable story from your life, the lessons that were learned, and the wise words you want to pass along to your children/grandchildren. Compensation: a DVD in which you are the leading character, and a free upload to our website http://memorycommunity. org/ Contact: send your emails to deyung@memorycommunity.org Or call Deyung at 253-858-2445 for scheduling a meetLQJ 7KH Ă€OPLQJ LV IUHH but donations are appreciated to help the project continue.* Donate time and receive free groceries. Volunteers needed with skills in management, organization, clerical, food handling, warehousing, maintenance etc. and receive free grocerLHV IURP D 1RQ 3URĂ€W )RRG Distribution Program. Older teens are welcomed to volunteer and gain valuable work experience. Contact Ms. Lee at (253) 677-7740 for further information. Knitters and Crocheters &RPH -RLQ 8V /RYLQJ

VOLUNTEERS Hearts is a group of volunteers who crochet or knit: hats for chemo, baby items, and blankets for GLIIHUHQW QRQ SURÀW RUganizations with in the community. We meet twice a month. Once on the second Tuesday, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and again on the fourth Thursday, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Please join us at the WayPoint Church, 12719 134th Ave KP N, Gig Harbor. We are also in need of donations of yarn. For more information please email: lovingheartsonkp@aol.com or call Virginia at 253-884— 9619 Loving Hearts also meets 1pm to 3pm 3rd Thur. at Clubhouse Mobile Park Ardena Gale 4821 70th Ave. E., Fife 98424

Donate Your Car, RV or Boat. Tax Reduction. All Proceeds Go to Locale Food %DQN )UHH 3LFN 8S &DOO Ted (253) 475-5774 The Backpack Program of the St. Leo Food Connection is looking for a volunteer to pick up backpacks full of food for the weekend for students at McKinley Elementary and Sheridan Elementary from the Food Connection and deliver them to both schools the 2nd and 4th Thursday or Friday of each month for the duration of the school year. Volunteers must have their own vehicle and be able to commit to volunteering for the rest of the school year. This is a low time commitment way to make a big difference to kids! If interested, please contact Britani Hollis: jv@foodconnection.org Hospice is seeking compassionate, caring individuals to volunteer up to 4 hrs. per week with terminally ill patients. Comprehensive training and education provided. We support your service goals and your spirit to give. Training Jan. 2010 call today! 253.301.6464 Franciscan Hospice and Palliative Care-Life giving and Life changing If you have a few hours per week to sew, hold hands, listen to life stories, make phone calls, play cards or work puzzles, we have a need for your compassionate presence. Support patients/families in the home, nursing home, or Hospice House. Daytime volunteers especially needed.Comprehensive training and on-going support are provided. Call 253-5347050 or log onto www. fhshealth.org to learn more Brighten the day of a senior with Alzheimer’s! Volunteer an hour or two visiting with a resident at HearthVLGH 0DQRU LQ 8QLYHUVLW\ Place. Please contact Tashia

Cress at 253-460-3330.

EDGEWOOD COMMUNITY FOOD BANK Seeking volunteers to staff Thursdays from 3:30pm 6:30pm and/or Saturdays from 11am-2pm . Those interested contact Community Coordinator, Kate Wright at 253-826-4654 Address: 3505 122nd Ave E Edgewood Tacoma/Pierce County Chamber of Commerce needs volunteers to help with special mailings. Call Janice Hutchins at 6272175. The Greater Federal Way Orchid Society invites you anyone who is interested in learning about growing orchids - to attend their monthly meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month except July, August & December. We gather at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7:00pm and ends before 9:00pm. Held at Kloshe Illahee Lodge at 2500 S. 370th. This is East of Enchanted Parkway in Federal Way, South of 348th. For more information call 253-946-2300. Tacoma Bible College Requests anyone interested in making friends with international students to call S. Robinson at (253)-396-0467 Literacy Tutor Tacoma Community House is looking for volunteers to help adults improve their reading, writing and basic math skills. Training is provided. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer tutor, please contact Karen Thomas at (253) 3833951 The Tacoma Food Co-op is growing and looking to bolster its outreach committee. There is need for people to be present at community events and meetings, as well as farmer’s markets. Please contact John Toler if you are interested in joining the committee jtoler@ waldenmortgage.net Coalition: HUMANE, a spay and neuter clinic, seeks volunteers. For details visit: www.coalitionhumane.org or call 253.627.SPAY

VOLUNTEERS HOST AN EXCHANGE STUDENT/HOST FAMILIES NEEDED Make international friendships and create memories to last a lifetime. Host a high school foreign exchange student with EF Foundation, a nonSURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQ 6WXGHQWV are fully insured and bring their own spending money: host families (single, married, retired, etc.) provide room, board, and a caring environment. For more information call: PAT HALCEY 253-3350446 or toll-free: 1-800-446+$5( () )281'$7,21 )25 )25(,*1 678'< ZZZ effoundation.org Meal site volunteers: Assist in the kitchen, be a host or hostess, set tables, be a

server or help us clean up. Opportunities available in Fife, Puyallup, Parkland and Tillicum lunch sites. Times and days DUH à H[LEOH 0HDO VLWHV RSHUDWH 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Fife meal site: Volunteers needed to ÀOO WKH IROORZLQJ SRVLWLRQV .LWFKen prep and cleanup: Mon. and Fri., 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; front desk: Mon.-Fri. Puyallup meal site: Volunteers needed for kitchen prep, Monday, ThursFri., 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; table setter, Mon., Thurs. and Fri., 9-10 a.m.; cleanup, Tues., 12:30-1:30 p.m. Parkland meal site: volunteers needed for front desk, Tues., Thurs. and Friday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; kitchen assistant, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cost of food handlers card is reimbursable. Call 474-1200.


Tiny Bird Rescue 3ANDY

Female Terrier Mix. Lost near Tacoma Dome on Dec. 23rd. $100 Reward. 425.269.2811

Metro Animal Services Pets of the Week


Twizzle Pheobe Twizzle is a spunky little Phoebe is a little wiggle girl who is very strong worm! She is a sweet minded! She will cuddle, and happy girl who just but make sure it is her wants to be with people. idea! Twizzle would do She is patiently waiting great in a Forever Family for the perfect Forever without small children Family to take her and would probably love home! to be able to hunt. Currently available animals are featured on our website www.MetroAnimalServices.org

Pet of the Week

Big Brothers/Big Sisters: Make a difference in the life of a child. Offer one hour a week to be a mentor with an elementary school aged student during the school day at various schools in Tacoma and local area. Training provided. Call 253-3969630. Mentor a prisoner’s child )XQ à H[LEOH OLIH FKDQJLQJ volunteer opportunity. 6hr/mo for one year must be 18yr+, pass a background check, and have a car. See www. voaww.org/mcp http://www. voaww.org/mcp for more info or call Amber at 253-2736282.

“Zowe� Need a giant bundle of love? Then look no further than our Featured Pet, Zowe. She is an 8 year-old, declawed, grey domestic short hair, who loves to play and purr. Zowe could stand to lose a few pounds to help keep her feeling her best, but if its love and affection you are looking for, she is the cat for you. Her number is #470368

Visit us at 2608 Center Street in Tacoma www. thehumanesociety.org

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