Texas Architect July/Aug 2009: Residential Design

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C o n t r i b u t o r s

Lawrence Connolly, AIA Urs Peter Flueckiger

Gregory Ibañez, AIA

Michael Malone, AIA

Dror Baldinger, AIA

D r o r b a l d i n g e r , AIA is originally from Tel Aviv, Israel, and graduated from Arizona State University in 1985. He has contributed to the San Antonio firm, Marmon Mok, since 1992, where he serves as the director of design. G r e g o r y i b a Ñ e z , AIA has been practicing in Texas since 1980 and is still looking forward to the time when we all have enough work to be busy, but not so much that we can’t enjoy it. We can dream, can’t we? L a w r e n c e C o n n o l l y , AIA is a long-time TA contributor. He has written over 40 articles since his first piece in the early 1990s, reflective of his passion for architecture and knowledge of Texas projects. M i c h a e l M a l o n e , AIA Two down, two to go is the way Michael and Amy Malone view the recent graduation of their son Max. Between raising four children (Meredyth, Max, Riley, and Carlie) and leading a design studio at


t e x a s

a r c h i t e c t

Val Glitsch, FAIA

WKMC Architects, Malone is completing a book on residential design for McGraw Hill available this fall. U r s P e t e r F l u e c k i g e r teaches and practices architecture in Lubbock where he is an associate professor at Texas Tech University. When he is not thinking architecture or playing with his family, he loves riding his motorcycle across the High Plains. V a l g l i t s c h , F AIA As a sole practitioner in Houston, Glitsch has enjoyed being a part of Texas architecture on a larger scale through involvement with the TSA Publications Committee for the last 12 years. As a contributing editor for TA for the last three she has enjoyed tormenting TA Editor Stephen Sharpe with her excessive italics, hyphenated word-groups, and run-on sentences.

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