Texas Architect Jan/Feb 2006: Schools

Page 47

relatively compact, self-sufficient complex of buildings set well back from its frontage along FM 1103. As an expression of purposeful building form that corresponds honestly to appropriate spatial relationships, Steele High School acts as an aggregated network of small to large spaces set within a conventional grid-work of structural configurations that support what is necessary without overly celebrating structure or form in pursuit of meaningless sculptural shapes. Upon initial impression, the combination of contrasting beige and terracotta colored exterior brick appears to be patterned to accentuate punched window openings in an overly contrived manner. But as revealed by the architects, the client encouraged them to include references to brick detailing of early-twentieth-century storefronts along Cibolo’s main street. Despite the awkwardness of some brick details and evidence of compromises in job quality due possibly to low-bid masonry work, the attempt at abstracting historic brick facades comes off acceptably playful if one knows anything about the character of Victorian-inspired small Texas towns and the civic pride bestowed on such decoratively accentuated buildings. The primary means of arrival is effectively announced by a concrete-and-steel logia that hovers above a northeast-facing window-wall entry. This formal main entrance differs considerably from that of the student entry, a space defined by a comfortably scaled courtyard suggestive of a village plaza and surrounded by academic centers, the cafeteria, and athletic facilities. Recognized as the common meeting ground for all, the courtyard is afforded the latitude of being an open-air arena for the rituals, such as pep rallies or spontaneous arts events, that foster school morale. The casual, sparingly landscaped outdoor space, along with the more business-like main entry, are clearly iden-

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(opposite page) The main entry welcomes the public with processional formality that contrasts with the more casual entrance for students (shown above). A comfortably scaled arena for school events, the sparsely landscaped courtyard connects the academic core of the complex with the gymnasium.

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