SWM February 2013

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move through experiences, she explained. For every hardship, there’s a new turn. “We move forward and learn to better connect and our passions really come alive.”

Uzma’s humble character shines through when she’s speaking in a room. She’s welleducated and has many years of experience to back up her words of advice on heart health and the science of cardiology. She is equipped with a strong mind that remembers the generations of inspiration before her success. “My mother showed me that it was possible to be a working woman and still raise a healthy and happy family,” Uzma said. “My husband has been like a pillar, never letting me fall and always providing me with encouragement and advice.” Finally, Uzma says her mother-in-law taught her in medical school and still provides her with the best advice about matters of the heart and mind. It’s easy to read this article or any other on heart health and table the idea to actually take better care of you. But it’s difficult to actually make that change, whatever it might be. Whether it’s exercising more (or at all), eating healthier or quitting smoking — it’s your choice. As we’re not promised tomorrow, each woman-on-the-go in CNY (or elsewhere) reading Uzma and Leisha’s stories should take a challenge. Make your heart health, your passion and the love in your heart No. 1 on your list today — your life may very well depend on it.


In the same way, Uzma has great love in her heart because of her family. Many family members have played a big role in making her who she is today. “My father always taught me to dream big and always told me I could achieve anything I set my mind to,” Uzma said. “He taught me that success was being able to get up after a failure and with a smile on your face.”


Leisha’s relationship with her children has truly come alive as she has come to “be alive” each day. “We’re not guaranteed tomorrow,” she reminded me. And with that in mind, the love in Leisha’s life is genuine and very real. She has three children who live to see their mother live each day and she has work that allows her to influence other women — two apparent loves in her life.

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