Winter 2013 Sylvania Franciscan Newsletter

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Sylvania Franciscan Sisters of St. Francis OF Sylvania, Ohio Development Report WINTER 2013

2012-2013 Year of Faith

Pope Benedict XVI declared October 11, 2012 to November 24, 2013 a “Year of Faith” in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He announced this special year so “we as the Church might renew our enthusiasm of believing in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, revive our joy walking the path Jesus pointed out to us and to bear a tangible witness to the transforming power of our faith”. Following, are responses from a few Sylvania Franciscans about how they have lived their faith in “fullness, confidence, hope and conviction”.

Mission Statement

“In today’s world, with so much violence around us, sometimes it is hard to live your faith. I try to live it to the fullest knowing that maybe this is the last day that God is going to give to me to share His love with others. I am confident that my life, as seen in the eyes of others, is a sign of hope that there is more to come if we only believe. I try to give hope to those who are suffering by bringing the Eucharist to them, which is the source of our life. I am convinced that all of the things we experience every day of our lives are in God’s plan for us individually as well as for the world to use every means possible to come closer to Him. Living my faith really doesn’t depend on being a Sylvania Franciscan because I believe that it started at my baptism and, through that, I grow in all the qualities mentioned: fullness, confidence, hope and conviction. However, being a Sylvania Franciscan, I know with all my heart, that I am not in it alone…I have my Sisters to help me live my faith.” Sister Claudia Bronsing, Pastoral Associate St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Vermilion, Ohio

Called like Francis of Assisi to live the Gospel in joyful servanthood among all people, the Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio, as messengers of peace, commit themselves to works that reverence human dignity, embrace the poor and marginalized, “We have been called by Pope Benedict to celebrate this Year of Faith. As I have reflected and respect the gift of on this celebration, I feel blessed that I began my journey of religious life right in the all creation. middle of the Second Vatican Council. The Franciscan women who inspired me to become a Sylvania Franciscan have continued to encourage me to have confidence, hope and conviction in this inward journey toward a deeper and always authentic relationship with all who reflect God to me in challenging and renewed ways.” Sister Rachel Nijakowski, PhD, Executive Director Sophia Counseling Center, Sylvania, Ohio

“I see Faith as a strong allegiance to God and His Church, and the “Year of Faith” as a renewal of this allegiance. The Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania nurtured faith in my grade school years. I came to Sylvania with a lively interest in the Fathers of the Church, sparked by teachers from Sylvania. My postulancy and novitiate gave me, through Duns Scotus Library, the chance to study the works of St. Bonaventure, St. Augustine, and other great saints of the Church. Since then, my conviction was deepened by the example of the Sisters with whom I lived.” Sister Eucharista Ward, Writing Ministry Holy Cross Parish, Minneapolis, Minn. “All praise and thanks to God our Father for this “Year of Faith”. In humility, may we come to know his Truth and put it into action through faith and love.” Sister M. Philothea Chirpich, Retired, Sisters of St. Francis Motherhouse

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