The Racquette

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the Racquette SUNY Potsdam’s Student-run Newspaper since 1927

Volume 85, Issue 16

April 5, 2013

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Who is Mr. Universe­ity?

pg. 9

INDEX !"#$%&'(&)&&*&&+',-,.-&/&01,2.3,45%&'(&6&&*&&732$&/&0-2"324,-8"-2%&'(&9&&*&&:.55";"&<,="%&'(&>&&*&&:.8,?$%&'(&@)&&*&&A'.32$%&'(&@6

Grad student explores alternate teaching method 08,5B&C"422B 01,2.3D,-D:E,"=

SUNY graduate student Krista Easton recently completed and presented her thesis research proj­ ect that focused on a method of education called democratic teach­ ing, where students are given more autonomy on what and how they learn and the teacher serves not as a “purveyor of information” but as a “researcher, learner and observer alongside their students.” Easton was selected from among the grad­ !"#$%&#!'$(#&%#)%*+$&$(#%,$+%-('.(/&% #)%#,$%0$/.&0"#.1$%)2-3$&%"('%4567% and CUNY schools in Albany. She conducted her research at Frasier Falls high school, also known as St. Lawrence Central. Explain what your research was. Easton: It was a project of demo­ cratic learning. It was a case study within the course I taught for a year. I studied my own teaching, it was "%#8)92)0'%&#!':;%<($=%.#%8"&%+$>$3­ tive practice on my part to see if I can’t transform what could be just a technical class where you give them a method book and they follow in­ structions for the instruments. And ?%8"(#$'%#)%>.*%#,"#%"+)!('%"('%&$$% if it was possible to be a researcher, observer and learner alongside the students. And I observed a lot and kept my own journals on how this transformed my own teaching prac­ tice. And the second part of it was watching and talking with the stu­ dents on how they learned if there wasn’t a method book to follow and what they could do without it. And can it work it a public school set­ ting? Was the class for guitar? Easton: It was a guitar class. My thinking was all school mis­ sion statements these days say things like, “we want them to be­ come responsible citizens” and “make choices” and blah blah blah, yet most classrooms look like a dictatorship, not a democracy. So I #,)!/,#%@#,$%30"&&A%&,)!0'%B$%+$>$3­ tive of the society they were enter­ .(/;%C('%?%8"&%+$"00:%>))+$'%.(%&$$­ ing what turned out to be possible, how much they did learn. I don’t think I was prepared for them to take it as far as they did.

So you feel that with the de­ mocracy technique, students were more motivated? Easton: Absolutely. I had the advantage of the fact that it was an elective class to begin with, so they already chose to be in the gui­ tar class. It wasn’t required. So for some reason they wanted to learn to play guitar and get better at it, but when you then open it up so they have the choice of what content the curriculum is going to be about­ and its not a performing class, so the question was, what other ways are there that can show you learned something? I found that it was very motivat­ ing to them because even the best method books­ and there are some good ones out there­ try to cover different styles, but they still never get to exactly what the students want to learn. These are North Country boys who have no interest in getting up on a stage and play­ ing for anyone, but they want to be able to look at someone playing and they want to join in. It’s a so­ cial thing. For others, they do want to get up on stage, they do want to sing and play at the same time. And others want to do all kinds of different styles, on electric gui­ tar and with alternate tuning, and other kinds of things, and the books aren’t going to cover that, and the truth is when we start researching what guitarists do in the real world by and large they did not take pri­ vate lessons and not a one of them is reading standard notation. It’s by ear, its tab, its charts, its all these other things. And again, I wanted #)% +$>$3#% !*)(% B+$"D.(/% ')8(% #,$% barriers a bit, on what is the school and what is the real world. What is school music and real music, because kids have this dichotomy between the two. So I opened the doors and said “its okay”. So, [the students] would tell you what they wanted to learn and you would teach them, or would it be a group research thing? Easton: I put it through some dif­ ferent lenses. I called them studio workshop phases where I did have a guiding role and would say, for the next six to eight weeks you’re going to spend time in a group. At -+&#%?%/"1$%#,$E%"%3,).3$%)2%#8$01$% songs that I thought they could be successful at as beginners, and they

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voted and talked about what they liked, and I sorted them according to musical taste and they taught each other. In the beginning, I wasn’t brave enough to dive right into this imme­ diately and say, ‘okay, go’. Some part of me who has been teaching for 16 years thought that they need­ ed to have some direct instructions. So I did keep them in a whole group and I did teach them the names of the strings, here’s some basic chords, all of that. I’m in my second round of this now. It’s not necessary. You can give them materials and let them go sooner. So they need very little struc­ ture then? Easton: The structure is that there is a project to be done. In one marking period I had them listen to F"(')+";%G,$%3,"00$(/$%8"&%#)%-('% some new songs, and I said we’re going to spend two entire classes just listening, and if you want to only listen to ten seconds of a song #,"#H&% -($=% B!#% D$$*% "% 0)/% )2% ,)8% long you are listening to what you love and what you hated, and then /)%B"3D%"('%-('%#,$%)($%:)!%0)1$'% the most and the one you hated the most and try to pinpoint why, what is it about those songs that were able to catch you and hook you, or

the opposite. And from that list they had to learn a new song, something they had never heard before. So there is some guidance, there is some structure, but within that structure there’s a lot of freedom and I’ve found that’s more successful than just letting them go and saying “do whatever you want to do”, because that’s like a deer in the headlights thing for them, they don’t know where to start. I found that when it came to learning the content of the song, they mostly taught themselves and taught each other. We had to break some rules. You’re not allowed to use cell phones, but we used them anyway. Youtube is blocked. What a great resource that is! There are tutori­ als that people put up of themselves playing. The school is in fact set­ ting barriers to them learning some­ thing that they want to know and it seems so backwards. We have a new principal now that’s open to the idea of unblock­ ing their accounts and letting them have access, in the context of this class. That’s some progress I hope, again because if we’re expecting them to make responsible choices in their life and then we tell them, “but you get no choices, we’re go­ ing to take them away from you,” it’s hardly a test.

An important message from the Racquette staff. Read our editorial in the Op­Ed section.

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Do you think that it’s impor­ tant to have a mix of the tradi­ tional class along with democracy or do you think that’s not even really needed? Easton: There were a couple of students in the beginning. One of them was the valedictorian who ex­ pressed that same concern, because he’s always done very well with the traditional instruction, he knows what to expect and he gets straight As, and he was really worried that he wouldn’t learn without that tra­ ditional direct instruction. But he was probably the one who was the most motivated because he wanted to learn, and he would challenge himself all the time. He ended up changing his mind, looking back on it. He thought it could work, maybe not in every class, but he was turned around on this subject. Because most kids are able to tell when they’re wrong, they may not be able to tell you why, but they can -/!+$% )!#=% I&)E$#,.(/% .&% )22% ,$+$;H% And when they get into a partner­ &,.*%)+%"%/+)!*=%!&!"00:%#,$:%-/!+$% it out if I just stay out of their way. I found that they learned much more, much faster, if I didn’t interrupt.



2 the Racquette

April 5, 2013

News you may have slept through !"#$"%&'#('($)*++, -*./%01)+,#

Although we’re one of the small­ est colleges in the SUNY system, we still manage to reap the ben­ !"#$%&'%()*+,-%)%.)/0%1&002,+#3% atmosphere where our alumni still -+*!% 4)15% ),6% $(&.% #(!+/% $277&/#8% 911&/6+,-% #&% :&/#(!/,% :!.% ;&/5% :!.$<% =>:;% ?&#$6)0% /),5$% "/$#% )0&,-%)@20,+%-+*+,-<%),6%&'"1+)@$% ()*!% /!7&/#!6% #()#% +,% #(!% @)$#% "$­ 1)@% 3!)/<% =>:;% ?&#$6)0% /)+$!6% )% .(&77+,-% AB8C% 0+@@+&,% +,% )@20,+% 6&,)#+&,$8% D(!% ,!.$% $&2/1!% )@$&% claims that 10 percent of SUNY ?&#$6)0E$%)@20,+%1&,#/+42#!%#&%#(!% 1&@@!-!%&,%),%),,2)@%4)$+$8%F,1!%)% 4!)/<%)@.)3$%)%4!)/8% North Country Now reports that #(!% =#8% G)./!,1!% H&2,#3% @!-+$@)­ #&/$%)/!%!I7!1#!6%#&%*&#!%#(+$%J&,­ 6)3%&,%)%K/!$&@2#+&,%&'%$277&/#%'&/% 9$$!04@3.&0),% 966+!% L8% M2$­ sell’s proposal to allow a one per­ 1!,#% $)@!$% #)I% +,1/!)$!8N% O&/% #(&$!% &'%3&2%#()#%/!-2@)/@3%*+$+#%=#!.)/#E$% ),6% P+,,!3E$<% 4!% 7/!7)/!6% '&/% )% $)@!$%#)I%(+5!%&,%3&2/%#&+@!#/+!$%),6% $,)15$%+'%#(+$%-!#$%7)$$!68% D(!%:!.%;&/5%D+0!$%()$%/!7&/#!6% #()#% J+5!% M+1!<% M2#-!/$% >,+*!/­ $+#3E$% 0!,E$% 4)$5!#4)@@% 1&)1(<% .)$% 6+$0+$$!6% #(+$% Q!6,!$6)3% )'#!/% )% *+6!&% .!,#% 724@+1% .(+1(% 6!7+1#!6% (+0% *!/4)@@3% )42$+,-% ),6% 5+15+,-% 7@)3!/$%)#%7/)1#+1!8%D(!%$&2/1!%.!,#%

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the Racquette 3

April 5, 2013

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Interested in writing for News? Contact News Editor Carla Furguglietto at

4 the Racquette the Racquette !"#$%&'#(')*#+,

Emily Beatty -./0#1*+&

Amanda Cacace 23(34#(45!"#$%&

Alexandra Kesick 6"7#1%&

Dr. Susan Novak 8+915!"#$%&

Carla Furguglietto :;<!"5!"#$%&

Emily Beatty 6=!5!"#$%&

Nathan Rubadou )%00+4+5>#,+5!"#$%&

Annie Smith )%?#@15!"#$%&

Bryan Meyer A;%&$15!"#$%&

Tom Benedetto -*%$%5!"#$%&

Mark Stevens B.1#(+11523(34+&

Tiffany Miner 6"7+&$#1#(4523(34+&

Leanne Boje :(0#(+5!"#$%&

Caryn Kelleher C#1$&#/.$#%(523(34+&

Cael Manning D#1$%&#3(

Opinion & Editorial

April 5,2013

Message from the Racquette staff No one has ever said that journalism was easy or glamorous; that goes for campus newspapers and well­recog­ nized national titles alike.

perform to produce a weekly newspa­ per are labors of love, the Racquette staff also understands the reality of uncompensated hours that have pre­ viously been valued in the form of a But sometimes, situations arise in wage. which the staff members feel that they need to take a stand. It is imperative that newsrooms re­ tain a certain amount of autonomy in As many of our readers may be their structure; this includes an abil­ aware, a situation has recently arisen ity to decide how paid staff functions between the SGA and the Racquette within the structure. Newspapers pro­ regarding wage payment. A ruling vide a product that opens a space for handed down by the SGA Supreme all voices within the community to be Court on Tuesday, April 2, has placed heard; this is vital to any democracy, an injunction on Racquette wage pay and this is a service the Racquette has for the remainder of the spring 2013 provided to the college and to the vil­ semester; in addition, SGA is with­ lage of Potsdam for 86 years. It is a holding all pay for the work the Rac­ service its editors and staff hope to ,-#))#$/)+&&$"+/$0#1&%12#3$%4$)"#$'5#$ continue providing in the future. issues published since the beginning of the semester and before the SGA For now, however, the Racquette court made its decision. staff feels they cannot adequately con­ tinue to perform its function until the Newspaper writing and publish­ situation with SGA is resolved. ing is a labor­intensive job that hap­ pens seven days a week even when Our newspaper has a proud history the publication appears only weekly. on this campus, and it has been able Although the duties the staff members to successfully serve the Potsdam

community thanks to you, the stu­ dent body, because of your readership, your contributions and your funding. We are here to serve you. Students who are interested in read­ .46$ )"#$ %&'(.+7$ 89:$ (%-1)$ 1-7.46$ (+4$ %;)+.4$+$(%0<$&1%2$)"#$89:$%&'(#= Regardless of your stand on this is­ sue, we want to remind everyone that SGA Assembly is a forum for you, the student, to make your voice heard about matters related to campus. As­ sembly takes place on Thursdays at 5 p.m. in the Union forum room.


Cael Manning A+@&+$3&E

Rachel Daley A$3,,5F&#$+&1

C.F. Doyle Naomi Gillick Michael Desahies Geniel Young Joe Lauda Anthony Grasso Meghann Lyon A$3,,5-*%$%4&3;*+&1

Leanne Boje Christina Wahl Katasha Gilette )%;E+"#$%&1

Danielle Argentina )%?#@56&$#1$1

Tim Simmons Dennis McCorry John Andalora G($+&(1

Jason Falks Valerie Russell Georgia Tsalatsanis


9039 Barrington Drive SUNY Potsdam Potsdam, NY 13676 !'?3#0 !"#$ %&'(#$ %&$ )"#$ *+(,-#))#$ ./$ located in Room 119 of the Bar­ rington Student Union on the SUNY Potsdam campus. The Racquette is partially funded by the Student Goverment Association of SUNY Potsdam. A distribution of 2,000 copies is printed by Newspapers of Northern New York located in Mas­ sena, New York. Every member of the public is allowed one free issue and will be charged 50¢ for each ad­ ditional issue.

We are still holding meetings! )%?+5H%#(5.15 2%("3E153$5IJKL5 #(5.(#%(5&%%?5 MLK !0+@$#%(153&+5 /+4#((#(4N5 G,5E%.53&+5351$3,,5 ?+?/+&53("59%.0"5 0#O+5$%5?%7+5.;P5(%95 #15$*+5$#?+Q

The Feeding Craze Pizza all meat pizza with bbq sauce on top. HvZ Burger grilled burger with pepperjack cheese, jalapenos, and nacho cheese sauce. Survivor Pack Burger grilled burger with swiss cheese, fried onion rings, and bbq suace. Double Tap Fries Mozzerella cheese with marinara sauce.

the Racquette    5

April 5,2013 Â

!"#$%&"!'&()*+, w w w. p o t s d a m . e d u / s u m me r PLEASE NOTE — Graduate courses and up­to­date courses also can be viewed at For more information call 315­267­2166 or 1­800­ 458­1142, ext. 2 or stop by the Office of Extended Education, Raymond Hall 206. Course information is accurate as of 2/19/13.

5.23.13 ­ 8.9.13 (registration opens April 1, 2013)

Undergraduate Course Listing All classes are 3 credits and meet Monday through Friday unless otherwise indicated.

Session 1

May 23 ­ June 27 (No class on Memorial Day) t "354 t $0-03 %&4*(/ t $SFEJUT t "& t BN QN t #*0- t )6."/ #*0-0(: t Online t 4# t (VBSBOUFFE t #*0- t )6."/ #*0-0(: t Online t 4# t $0.. t #"4*$ 13*/$* 1-&4 0' 41&&$) t '4 t QN t (VBSBOUFFE t $0.. t '*-. '06/ %"5*0/4 t "$ t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE t $0.. t */5&3$6- 563"- $0..6/*$"5*0/ t 9$ 4* t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE t $0.1 83*5*/( $3*5*$"- 5)*/,*/( t $SFEJUT t '8 t BN t (VBSBOUFFE t -*53 t '*-. '06/%" 5*0/4 t "$ t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE t ."5) t 130#"#*-*5: 45"5*45*$4 * t '. t .5ɨ' BN t (VBSBOUFFE t ."5) t $"-$6-64 t $SFEJUT t '. t QN t (VBSBOUFFE t ."5) t 130#-&. 4&.*/"3 t 8* 4* t BN t .6$) t 5)& .64*$ 0' 5)& #&"5-&4 t Online t .6-) t 5)& .64*$ 0' 5)& #&"5-&4 t Online t "$ t (VBSBOUFFE t .6-) t 5)& .64*$ 0' 5)& #&"5-&4 t Online t "$ t 1)*- t */530%6$ 5*0/ 50 1)*-0401): t 1* '$ t .8' QN Pending Approval t t 10-4 t 64 10-*5*$4 t $SFEJUT t Online t 4" t (VBSBOUFFE t Pending Approval t 10-4 t ".&3* $"/ .&%*" 10-*5*$4 t $SFEJUT t Online

t 10-4 t 10-*5*$4 0' (-0#"- */&26"-*5: t $SFEJUT t Online t 9$ t (VBSBOUFFE

Session 1A

t 1):4 t $0--&(& 1):4*$4 * t -BC t $SFEJU t 41 -# t . ɨ QN t (VBSBOUFFE t 14:$ t 14:$)0-0(: 0' "%0-&4$&/$& t 4" t QN t (VBSBOUFFE t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t BN t (VBSBOUFFE t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t BN t (VBSBOUFFE t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t .- t BN

May 23 ­ June 10 (No class on Memorial Day)

Session 1B

t "35) t 4637&: "35 3&/"*44"/$& .0%&3/ t 8$ t QN t (VBSBOUFFE

t "/5) t 803-% $6- 563&4 t 9$ t BN QN

t "354 t */530%6$ 5*0/ 50 8"5&3$0-03 t "& BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE t $0.. t 1&346"4*7& 41&",*/( t 4* t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE t %3". t "-&9"/%&3 5&$)/*26& t $SFEJUT t 1& t BN Pending Approval t (&0- t "/$*&/5 -*'& t Online t 41

June 12 ­ June 27 t "35) t "35 */ ".&3* $" t ") t QN t (VBSBOUFFE t $*4 t */530%6$5*0/ 50 $0.165*/( -&$563& t $SFEJUT t . ɨ BN t -BC SFRVJSFE t $*4 t */530%6$5*0/ 50 $0.165*/( -"# t DSFEJU t . ɨ BN QN t -FDUVSF SFRVJSFE

t '*/" t '*/"/$& t BN

t $0.. t */530%6$ 5*0/ 50 $3&"5*7& 83*5*/( t $SFEJUT t 8* "& t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE

t '*/" t ."/"(&.&/5 0' 3*4, */463"/$& t BN QN

t '3&/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: '3&/$) -"/(6"(& t .- t BN

t '3&/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: '3&/$) -"/(6"(& t BN

t )-5) t %36( 456%*&4 t Online t (VBSBOUFFE

t )-5) t $)*-% "#64& "/% /&(-&$5 t Online t (VBSBOUFFE

t )-5) t 13&7&/5*/( 7*0-&/$& "("*/45 80.&/ t Online

t )-5) t !453&44 453&44 ."/"(&.&/5 t Online

t 1& t 70--&:#"-- t $SFEJU t 1& t BN

t -*53 t 4)035 4503: t "$ t QN t (VBSBOUFFE

t 1& t 8&*()5 53"*/ */( t $SFEJU t 1& t QN

t 1& t 3"$26&5#"-- t $SFEJU t 1& t QN

t 1):4 t $0--&(& 1):4*$4 t -FDUVSF t 41 -# t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE

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Session 2

July 8 ­ August 9 t "35) t *%&" *."(& t $SFEJUT t '4 "$ t . ɨ QN t )*45 t &/&3(: */ ".&3*$"/ )*4503: t Online t ") t (VBSBOUFFE t )*45 t &/&3(: */ ".&3*$"/ )*4503: t Online t ") t )-5) t /"7*("5*/( 5)& ".&3*$"/ %*&5 t Online t (VBSBOUFFE t )-5) t -&4#*"/ (": #*4&96"- )&"-5) t 5VUPSJBM t .FFUJOH %BUFT 5#"

Session 2C

July 8 ­ July 23 t )*45 t &6301& 4*/$& t 8$ t BN t (VBSBOUFFE t 1& t 8"-,*/( '03 '*5/&44 t $SFEJU t 1& t QN t 1)*- t */530%6$ 5*0/ 50 1)*-0401): t 1* '$ t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE t 4&$% t !3&"%*/( */ .*%%-& 4&$0/%"3: 4$)00- t BN t (VBSBOUFFE t 4&$% t !83*5*/( */ 5)& .*%%-& 4&$0/%"3: 4$)00- t BN QN

Session 2D

July 25 ­ August 9 t 1& t 8"-,*/( '03 '*5/&44 t $SFEJU t 1& t QN t 4&$% t !3&"%*/( */ .*%%-& 4&$0/%"3: 4$)00- t BN t (VBSBOUFFE t 4&$% t !83*5*/( */ 5)& .*%%-& 4&$0/%"3: 4$)00- t BN QN t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t .- t BN t (VBSBOUFFE

Full Summer

t 1):4 t $0--&(& 1):4*$4 t -BC t $SFEJU t 41 -# t QN t (VBSBOUFFE

May 23 ­ August 9 (no classes July 1­5)

t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t BN

Additional Sessions

t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t BN t 41"/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: 41"/*4) -"/(6"(& t .- t BN QN t (VBSBOUFFE

t .(.5 t !0$$61" 5*0/"- -"8 t ɨ QN

June 13 – June 28

t '3&/ t $0/5&.10 3"3: '3&/$) -"/(6"(& t 5JNF 5#"

June 17 ­ July 12 (no classes July 1­5) t "/5) t '*&-% "3 $)"&0-0(: t -BC t $SFEJUT t -BLF 1MBDJE t BN QN

Arts & Entertainment Wild Adriatic returns to Hurley’s nightclub

6 the Racquette

April 5, 2013



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On March 15, Wild Adriatic returned to Hurley’s for a Friday­ night show that was warmly wel­ comed by loyal and adoring fans (some were even wearing fan tees, and those that didn’t could purchase one at the merchandise table in the back of the nightclub). As I settled in for the evening, the audience chatted excitedly. Sam Lasky, an avid musician and sophomore student here at Potsdam, was looking forward to Wild Adriatic: “Their sound is in­ fectious and energetic and always draws you in,” said Lasky. “It’s what keeps me coming back.” MoChester, a four­man band from Rochester whose name is a collision of their hometown and Motown, opened the show. It was !"#$%& '%(!& !$)#& $*& +,!(-.)& /01#&

the cold weather joke), but I am already cheering them on for a re­ turn. The band – Brandon Sheffer on lead vocals and guitar, Jona­ than Sheffer on keys, guitar and backup vocals, Ben Overmyer on bass guitar, and Alex Melville on drums – is currently record­ ing their second album, and if it mirrors their performance, it will be an eclectic mix of genres with endearing and meaningful lyrics. Sheffer has great vocal con­ trol with a thrilling range that sings and rings above a contrast of gritty guitar riffs and thump­ ing bass lines. They opened their set with originals “Between the Sheets” and “I’m Into You” that had a hard sound and a laid­back tempo, maintaining a lower en­ ergy that kept the crowd inter­ ested in a head­nodding, slow­ swaying way. Their covers, on the other hand, changed up and

shook up the mood: Bob Mar­ ley’s “Is This Love” and Andy Grammer’s “Keep Your Head 234& '!& 3#%5#0!67& $*!,& 8"#55#%9(& aforementioned voice, and the (,*:(& ;#%#& <.;6#((67& %#0%#.!#-& while still preserving their origi­ nal light­hearted feel. The band is still touring, and you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter (@ mochester) and YouTube (MoCh­ esterBand), or visit them at www. After a brief intermission, the houselights dimmed and the stage was aglow. (Speaking of, can I give a quick shout out to SES for their new, improved and impec­ cable lighting? From the stage !,&!"#&-.*0#&<,,%=&!"#&#*!$%#&(7(­ tem was impressively rigged). Wild Adriatic took the stage with a generous round of applause. Coming from Saratoga Springs, the band is slowly settling in

the music world, having earned a spot alongside bands such as MuteMath, Flogging Molly, and >"$%-& ?7#& @6$*-A&>"#& B15'*:!,*& Post said they are “full of rock­ ing blues, soul and depth,” and USAToday has claimed they are “an act to get behind.” As the band got on stage and soared into !"#$%& '%(!& (,*:=& C& 0,16-& .6%#.-7& see why: they may have dressed like bow­tied gentlemen but they played like they meant serious business. Their eccentric dress code pulled them together, their unspo­ ken camaraderie kept them there, and their overriding talent solidi­ '#-&!"#&1*$,*A&C*&.66&.(3#0!(=&!"#7& were a band. Travis Gray (lead vocals and guitar) has an impres­ sive upper register and a soulful mid­range with a smooth transi­ tion between the two. Shane Gil­ man showed his own skills with

guitar solos and riffs with full support from Rich Derbyshire on bass and Mateo Vosganian excit­ edly banging away on the drums. While playing, they were in their own slamming, jamming world: solos became duels that turned into battles in order to push one another to play harder, faster and better. The audience was kept interested with friendly banter and genuine showmanship. The band’s gritty charm, gripping en­ ergy and raw power came from ;"$%6;$*-(&,5&:1$!.%&%$55(=&-#'.*!& D.((&6$*#(=&3,;#%516&-%1)&'66(&.*-& a voice that belted big and strong. Wild Adriatic’s new EP “Lock & Key” is out now, and you can follow them on Facebook, Twit­ ter (@wildadriatic), and YouTube along with their personal website

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“G.I. Joe: Retaliation”’s actors shoot blanks /<=<'!03&% ,+"--'.)$+%)

E"#*& C& '%(!& (.;& !"#& 3%#F$#;(& for “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” it looked like it was going to be pretty amazing and a big step up 5%,)& !"#& '%(!& ,*#A& G$H#& $!(& 3%#­ -#0#((,%=& !"#& '6)& 0,*!.$*(& D$:& action scenes, stuff blowing up, laughable dialogue and poor act­ ing. But this time around it fea­ tures Dwayne “The Rock” John­ son, who makes a more believable “G.I. Joe” than any of the charac­ !#%(&$*&!"#&'6)A In “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” the

Joes are faced with an even bigger crisis than before: their govern­ ment. After a routine mission that seemed to go smoothly, the Joes wait for an extraction to go home. Instead, they are attacked and bombed until there are only three of them left. The President of the United States then frames them for stealing nuclear warheads, al­ though Zartan (Arnold Vosloo), an agent of Cobra, is actually im­ personating the President. Left alone and by themselves, Roadblock (The Rock), Flint (D.J. Cotrona) and Lady Jaye (Adrianne Palicki) decide that

only their own government could pull off the attack. It becomes clear that Cobra is running their government, which is an evil or­ ganization with plans on control­ ling the world. The only people the Joes can trust are Snake Eyes (Ray Park) who is hunting Storm Shadow (Byung­hun Lee) across the world and General Joe Colton (Bruce Willis). General Joe Colton provides the Joes with the weapons and the help that they need to prove their innocence and stop Cobra for good. “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” is ar­ :1.D67& D#!!#%& !".*& !"#& '%(!& ,*#&

but still not by much. It contains scenes of non­stop action and things blowing up for no apparent reason. If you’re looking for qual­ ity acting or strong characters, then you’re looking in the wrong place. The characters are so un­ derdeveloped that most of the time I was wondering why they were important. One character in !"#&'6)&C&5,1*-&0,)36#!#67&3,$*!­ less was Storm Shadow’s cousin named Jinx (Elodie Yung). Her 0".%.0!#%&;.(&).$*67&!"#%#&!,&'66& 13& (3.0#& !"%,1:"& !"#& '6)& ;"$6#& Bruce Willis is clearly only in the '6)& !,& ).H#& .& I1$0H& 3.70"#0HA&

The same thing goes with Chan­ ning Tatum’s character, Duke, even though he doesn’t make it !"%,1:"& !"#& '%(!& !"$%!7& )$*1!#(A& The only decent enough charac­ ter in “Retaliation” comes from The Rock’s performance that is perfect for this type of role and seems well at home with it. The Rock’s acting is about the only thing that’s good in “Retaliation” despite some decent action scenes and special effects. In other words 7,1& (",16-& !"$*H& -#'*$!#67& !"$*H& twice before going to see this movie in theaters.

the Racquette 7

April 5,2013

Something bold, something new !"#$%&&%'()*%#+$#" ,+"--'.)$+%)


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G.I. Joe: Retaliation in 3D (110min) PG­13 7:00, 9:30 Nightly Matinees Fri­ 3:00 Sat, Sun 3:00 G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2D)(110min) PG­13 Matinees Sat, Sun 12:30 Evil Dead(98min) R 7:00, 9:00 Nightly Matinees Fri­ 3:00 Sat, Sun 12:45, 3:00

I’m a sucker for jazz. I’m even more inclined to love a small jazz ensemble – give me a good rhythm section and one or two featured instruments and I’m set. Needless to say, Something Bold, an up­and­coming quartet based out of Crane, quickly stole my heart with their small showcas­ $*:&$*&E.H#'#6-&B.66&,*&81*-.7=& March 17. >"#& 'F#J(,*:& (#!& 6$(!& 0,*­ sisted of four completely original works written by Ethan Cypress, the trombone and piano player of the band, and an arrangement of Harold Allen’s “If I Only Had A Brain.” While his commentary between songs leaned toward the quieter side, Cypress made up for it in power of performance and 3%,'0$#*07& ,*& "$(& $*(!%1)#*!(A& Cypress shared the piano with Trevor Wells when he was not busying himself on the trumpet,

while Jarod Grieco varied be­ tween stand­up and electric bass, and Paul Pearl tied them altogeth­ er with a talented and remarkably strong feel for his drum set. From “Duffy’s Blues” to “Waltz” to “Jarod’s Tune,” Cy­ press summed up the set perfectly with his constant retelling of an apparent disclaimer: “This next song is completely different.” Whether they were settling into a slow trombone feature, amping it up with an electric bass line, or rearranging a familiar and fond tune, the band ambitiously explored every aspect of jazz and blues and played with every possibility of improvisation in their solos. Personally, I will be keeping my eyes out and ears up for their next stimulating perfor­ mance, and I highly recommend anyone looking for a jazz concert with an innately intimate setting to do the same.

The Croods(98min) PG 7:00, 9:00 Nightly Matinees Fri­ 3:00 Sat, Sun 12:45, 3:00 No 9PM Showing Sunday and Monday April 8th The Host(125min) PG­13 6:50, 9:30 Nightly Matinees Fri­ 3:00 Sat, Sun 12:30, 3:00

Olympus Has Fallen(120min) R 7:00, 9:30 Nightly Matinees Fri­ 3:00 Sat, Sun 12:30, 3:00 No 7PM Showing Sunday April 7th

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8 the Racquette /0#+$#1%5' -)0H' +8%' -)0#+' 7"*%< And the class was a se­ ries of successes and frus­ trations . Both are pathways to learning. If frustrations were so great that they couldn’t move past it, that was when I thought, here’s my chance as the expert in the room to say “Here’s how I handle this frustration in the practice room, it’s re­ lated to muscle memory, you have to slow it down, if you can identify it you can (,6F#&$!=&,%&7,1%&'*:#%(&.%#& too tired right now, you’re mentally exhausted, switch to another song and come back to it later’, it depends on what the situation is. So I only helped if I felt direct guidance was needed or I was directly asked. Do you think that this method of teaching could work in every classroom situation? Easton: I think it could. Project­based learning and constructivist learning­ this research has been around for a century of it proving that it is long­lasting, it is motivating, it is real­world, hands­on experiences, and counter all of these bubble­ sheets and testing that we all seem to be so focused on. That is not, in my opin­ $,*=& %#<#0!$F#& ,5& ;".!& ;#& know makes good teach­ ing. It’s just directly the op­ posite, and that’s a shame. We’re destroying a genera­ tion of thinkers and poten­ tial thinkers, and we’re not talking about their inter­ ests or the world they live in, and I think that for the arts anyway, with so much danger of being cut, it’s im­ portant to break down those walls between school and their life so that its relevant and meaningful to them, and they can bring their music in and with an ex­ pert, learn to talk about and analyze and research and understand it more. I’ve heard professors say, especially in the past few years, that they’ve no­ ticed students being inca­ pable of thinking outside the box. Easton: Well, when do they get to try? When do they get to practice to do that? A lot of professors say, “I give them a project with leeway, and [the stu­ !"#$%&' %()*' +#,' !"-#"' ".­ erything for me’.’ Did you -#!'$/($'('01,23"4'5#'$/"' 63(%%' ($' -1%$' ,1' $/1,78/­ out the class? Easton: Sometimes, yeah. But very often anoth­ er student would help­ they came with varying skills on guitar anyway. The other mistake I think, in some of the traditional teaching, is that you make this assump­ tion that these students come as blank slates and they don’t know anything about your subject. But they’ve lived in the world and they know things, and you can draw on that. And certainly in the case of music, even if they

April 5,2013 haven’t picked up the gui­ tar they have some intrinsic knowledge because they are avid listeners to music, so you can just help them '*-&;".!&!"#7&.6%#.-7&0.%%7& with them. So if there were students who were hesitant or unsure on how to start, other students in the class could help them, and say, ‘here’s what I tried’, and “here’s what helped me’, and I purposefully, at the #*-& ,5& !"#$%& '%(!& 3%,K#0!& where they were in groups of four, split them up so two people out of that group had to mix with two people of another group and now they had to teach someone else. And that’s how they started to learn different strategies ,5&",;&!,&'*-&!"$*:(&,1!&5,%& themselves. So the results were bet­ ter than what you had previously experienced with a more traditional method? Easton: Oh, sure. Espe­ cially when it comes to the boredom. I wouldn’t say they were bored with this class. Did they get frus­ trated at times? Certainly. There were some who needed to take a break and do something else, maybe because they picked a song that had a skill­set that was !,,& -$5'016!& .!& !"#& !$)#=& in which case they had to change their goals and they )$:"!& ".F#& !,& D#& (.!$('#-& with learning the introduc­ tion or getting the chords down, and then revisit this when you have more expe­ rience kind of a thing. Whereas in a class where they’re learning, and these method books have things like “Mary had a Little Lamb”, folk songs that they’ve never heard or whatever, when they’re bored that’s when discipline becomes an issue. And that was never the issue. And if there was some conversa­ tion that wasn’t musically oriented, well, by and large, they got their projects done, and they were able to show that they learned and its still %#<#0!$F#&,5&!"#&%#.6&;,%6-A& Because no band I’ve ever been in has sat down and done nothing but musical 0,*F#%(.!$,*A& >"#& '%(!& -.7& where I let them go, where I said “today’s the day, you’re going to go into groups,” .*-&;#&(#!&13&$*&.D,1!&'F#& different spaces, so there’s an element of trust there that I’m not watching them D#0.1(#& ;#& 0.*9!& .66& '!& $*& one room and still be able to hear. So I’m in the corner or I’m there watching, and I was just so surprised at the amount of content they learned in 40 minutes when they were in groups like that. I never could have taught the amount of mate­ rial in the same amount of time. So when I thought of it that way as we went along, if you compiled minute by minute, the 16 different courses that were going on with 16 different students, there’s no way I could have covered that material in a large group setting and had it work. I’m now asking ques­ tions like, ‘I have 80 people in my high school chorus,

is democratic education possible? How do you do that with 80 people?’ Con­ ducting is pretty straight­ forward, it’s ‘here’s your piece, and you do what the conductor says”. And I don’t think that will ever change, but I started brain­ storming with my junior high chorus this year, be­ cause someone raised their hand and said, ‘Can we do a song we know?’ And I said, ‘that’s a good question, let’s just talk about that.’ And we had great conver­ sations about music they liked, and I said, ‘okay, but when there’s a 100 of you singing it, will it still sound like Adele?’ ‘Okay, you love ACDC, but what if we don’t have the guitar? Are we going to be able to do it justice? Can we sing the guitar part?’ And we started talking about what was pos­ sible and what would be too cheesy and what would do service to the music and what would cheapen it, and we’re probably better off arranging it ourselves. So they were really excited by that idea, and there’s anoth­ er music teacher that I went to grad classes with this year, Brian Franco, who’s also presenting similar re­ search, and he did that with his Junior High chorus. He had them arrange, conduct, and accompany themselves on a familiar tune that they knew. So I guess the answer is yes, it is possible, even with enormous classes like that. So you think that, when students are given ini­ tiative, they will use it? Teachers should be more willing to trust their stu­ dents? Easton: Yes, I think so. And not just initiative, but asking them what they’re interested in learning, and go from there. Teaching is an art, after all. If I can’t '*-& (,)#& F.61#& $*& .& 3$#0#& of music that they like then I’m no music educator. Ev­ ery piece of music has the elements in it that I can talk and teach them about, tex­ ture and melody and har­ mony and rhythmic interest. It’s scary though, I will admit, especially be­ cause we parent as we were parented, we teach as we were taught, and I was nev­ er taught this way. Because you think that they are just going to go wild, or they’ll sit there and do nothing, and again, I had it going for me that it was an elec­ tive that they chose to take, so they wanted to be there and they wanted to learn and they wanted to get bet­ ter. Now can it work in an English class? I would say so. I would say that there are overarching goals, that you want them to be able to talk about theme and char­ acter and development and all these things. Could you give them some guidance 0",$0#(& .!& '%(!=& (.7& "#%#& are some books for you to choose from, or ask them to bring in anything that they like to read? And draw from that, the goals that you want them to be able to do? The writing and reading skills you want them to know at the end of that course?

And maybe they look less carefully at the music wing, because we aren’t under the gun as much as English and math teachers are now, especially with AAPR and this test­ ing business, they don’t have the luxury of time in their classrooms to try some of these new ideas. But even one lesson, maybe it doesn’t have to be your whole course, but I would encourage teachers to try it, because students, whether you want to talk about the risk of dropouts or people who are not interested in learning and not thinking and not solving problems, I despair for our society to think of the generation of kids who are coming through. They can’t think outside the box or think for themselves, what kind of jobs are they going to have? How will they take care and solve the problems that our world has? And even students who had previously never had a theory course did very good? Easton: When present­ ed with, ‘you can do any­ thing you want to learn this song’, nobody went to standardized notation. Un­ less you’re playing classi­ cal guitar, unless you have a stellar ear or you’re lucky enough to have someone tab out those pieces, the only way to learn them is to read the music, to analyze it and learn that this line and this note here means this. But mostly the knowledge of theory as we think of it is the decoding of standard­ ized notation. It wasn’t nec­ essary. We could talk about structure in other ways. Speaking of music the­ ory, I’m not sure if there would be a democratic way to teach that. Do you think that [dem­ ocratic classes] would work well for people who are more interested in music academically, for specialization? Easton: I was just trying to compare this to another subject. Say you want to learn about Sanskrit, you’re going to need a very fo­ cused, probably very guid­ ed experience. We have our Crane school of music right here. Do you think that Crane 9,73!'2"#"-$':1,4'!"4,­ cratic classes? Easton: Actually I was working in conjunction with Doctor Mark Campbell, he was my advisor for my the­ sis and this course is what I wrote my thesis about. He does the music teaching and learning classes, which is a class you have to take in your junior year to prepare students for teaching in the schools, and we did some long distance connection back and forth [between Potsdam and St. Lawrence Central], so I would be leading a class discussion with my students while he had his college kids there, and our students were talk­ ing back and forth.

[Crane] no longer teaches classroom guitar, they’ve gone through some huge curriculum changes that I don’t entirely agree with and I feel that they don’t give students the practical, hands­on knowl­ edge they need as begin­ ning teachers. Their gradu­ ate program is very good, but they’re shoving more philosophy down to the undergrad and less practi­ cal [lessons on instruments commonly found in class­ rooms], they don’t teach that anymore. Guitar? Everyone should know how to play guitar as a beginning music teacher. Whether you think you’re going to conduct a high school band, you’re going to be in that kinder­ garten classroom. It’s just the reality of that situation, that you need that skill. I was appalled. They have guitars, they have room­ fuls of instruments that are not being used, and so two of my students had written in their journals, “if we can teach ourselves, maybe we can teach them guitar.” I never would have thought ,5&!".!L&8,&C&<,.!#-&!"#&$-#.& to my kids, do you want to !.H#&.&'#6-&!%$3&!,&M%.*#&.*-& go teach college kids how to play? And they were like, 11"""N&.!&'%(!=&!"$(&$(&O0­ tober this is two months in, not very far in. It’s so weird, the thing that excited them the most was, ‘can we eat at Lehman?’ So I made up a les­ son plan, from their inter­ est and ideas. I shifted my curriculum to meet their ideas. And I thought it was a win­win situation for the college kids to see high school students and what they can do. And I let them get into partnerships, may­ be two or three people each out of my sixteen kids, and I gave them a really basic lesson plan grid, like you need to have a beginning and a middle and an end of your lesson, choose some­ thing you’re going to teach them, you can teach them the name of the strings, chords, favorite song, what­ ever resources you want to use, great. And their lesson plans couldn’t have looked more different in terms of how they taught and it was amazing. We brought our guitars and they had theirs, and it was tremendously empowering to my stu­ dents. They were like, wow, these are music majors and I taught them something they didn’t know. And the college kids seemed like they had a re­ ally good time with it, they were really good students, they were patient and asked questions and participated so it wasn’t like­ some of my kids were very intimi­ dated in talking with them, but when it came down to just sitting down and play­ ing the music they were all successful with that. I couldn’t ask for a better tes­ timate to their learning. And once again, there are things more meaningful than test scores. That’s an experi­ ence they’re never going to forget.

College Life Potsdam crowns first Mr. Universe­ity

the Racquette 9

April 5, 2013

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10 the Racquette

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Why can’t I feel my boyfriend inside me when he’s wearing a condom, but I can when he’s bare? *4?%'>".&"9#'>"9%'/.'04)/"7#'#/:%#'4.&'$!/><.%##%#'4.&'>4.'488%>$' #%.#4$/".+'Q4$%U'>".&"9#='H!/>!'4)%'$!%'9"#$')%4&/?2'404/?4B?%'>".1 &"9#='4)%'$!/><%)'$!4.'3"?27)%$!4.%'>".&"9#+'D/9"."k'4)%'".%'$23%' "8'3"?27)%$!4.%'94?%'>".&"9#+'c"7'942'4?#"'H4.$'$"'$)2'$!%'8%94?%' >".&"9'H!/>!'/#'4?#"'94&%'"8'3"?27)%$!4.%+'M%94?%'>".&"9#'4.&'$H"' &/88%)%.$'</.&#'"8'94?%'>".&"9#'4)%'404/?4B?%'/.'$!%'#48%)'#%U'</$#+'@481 %)'#%U'</$#'4)%'404/?4B?%'8)"9'@$7&%.$'L%4?$!'@%)0/>%#'".'>4937#'4.&' /.'#"9%'"8'$!%')%#/&%.>%'!4??#+

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April 5, 2013

SUNY Potsdam’s Relay for Life !-):#$%1#&;)/.(< 1*'*%&'%(!+&/.$

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Internet Session II (VB) July 8 – Aug. 15

Internet Session III (VS) May 20 – Aug. 15

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*See full list of classes and times at


the Racquette 11

April 5, 2013


SUNY Potsdam celebrates 197th birthday !-):#$%1#&;)/.(< 1*'*%&'%(!+&/.$

@-\c' C"$#&49' >%?%B)4$%&' /$#' ^lb$!'B/)$!&42'$!/#'67%#&42'H/$!'4' 3%)8")94.>%' B2' $!%' C"/.$%)>"7.$#=' 8"??"H%&' H/$!' 4' #3%%>!' B2' C)%#/1 &%.$'@>!H4??%)+' @-\c' C"$#&49' H4#' 8"7.&%&' ".' *4)>!' F_=' ^j^i=' 4.&' #$7&%.$#' H%)%'/.0/$%&'$"'?""<'4$'$!%'")/5/.4?' >!4)$%)' $!4$' B%54.' $!%' #>!""?=' 4#' H%??'4#'"$!%)'!/#$")/>4?'/$%9#'8)"9' $!%' 4)>!/0%#+' @;I' C)%#/&%.$' a24.' T/??/49#' 4.&' J0%.$#' A"")&/.4$")' D4$!)2.'R%7%?'!4.&%&'"7$'>4<%+ 6!%' C"/.$%)>"7.$#=' 4.' 4??194?%' 4>433%??4' 5)"73' ".' >4937#' $!4$' H4#' 8"7.&%&' /.' ^llF=' 3%)8")9%&' $"'37??'/.'#$7&%.$#'H4?</.5'$!)"75!' $!%' -./".' ?"BB2+' 6!%/)' 3%)8")1 94.>%' /.>?7&%&' SI>>/&%.$4??2' W.' Q"0%V=' S6H%?8$!' @$)%%$' a45=V' 4.&'4.'W)/#!'C)42%)+'T/$!'$!%'W)/#!'

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12 the Racquette

Obama switches parties


April 5, 2013


!"#$%&'()&*$%"&* +,%--(./",&/

President Obama announced on Sunday that he will no longer align himself with the Democrats by !"#$%&$%'(#)*+'#,-.&#*&/$'*/'*"0'10­ publican party. This will mark the -)2*'*&30'#'4)02&50$*'"#2'060)',7..+' made a party switch in America. The only other president to come close was George Bush back in 2004 when he accidentally crossed off the wrong box when he was reg­ &2*0)&$%'*/'6/*08'972"'!.#&305':#!;' then that he, “Thought it was ask­ &$%'30'&,'<'=#2'&$',#6/)'/,'503/!)#­ cy so I was all like yeah I guess so.” >:#3#'"/=060)'!.#&305'"0'=#2' upset with his party inability to get anything done. “Look. Democrats "#60'*"0'3#?/)&*+'&$'*"0'@0$#*0'#$5' #)0' !/$2*#$*.+' ./2&$%' */' 10(7:.&­ cans when it comes to passing bills #$5'10(7:.&!#$2'!/$*)/.'*"0'"/720' *//'=&*"'#$'#!*7#.'3#?/)&*+8'<A..'"#60' a much easier time passing laws as a 10(7:.&!#$'*"#$'#'B03/!)#*8'C60$' when the Democrats had full con­ trol of both the house and the sen­ #*0' *"0+' 2*&..' !/7.5$A*' %0*' #$+*"&$%' passed,” said Obama on [generic *#.;'2"/='"0)0D8'EF2',#)'#2'<A3'!/$­ cerned the laws I want to pass are 60)+' 37!"' 10(7:.&!#$' &50#2' #$5' there are two things that are stop­ (&$%' *"03' &$' !/$%)022G' >$0H' 10­ publicans are blocking them simply :0!#720' *"0+A)0' ,)/3' #' B03/!)#*8' F$5' *=/H' B03/!)#*2' 5/$A*' "#60' *"0' :#..2' */' -%"*' ,/)' #$+*"&$%8' F*' .0#2*'10(7:.&!#$2'"#60':#..2HI'2#&5' Obama. @(0!7.#*/)2' :0.&060' >:#3#' "#2' made this change due to the lack of growth in the economy. If the 0!/$/3+' 5/02$A*' %0*' #$+' :0**0)' :+' JKLM'#$5'#'10(7:.&!#$'&2'!7))0$*.+' &$'/,-!0'*"0$'&*A2'$/*'60)+'.&;0.+'10­ publicans will win in 2016. N/O'P0=2'&2'!/3(.0*0.+':#,Q05' with how to spin the news now that the president who was clearly de­ -$05'#2'ER"0'=/)2*'F30)&!#'060)I' was now in cahoots with the “The 3/2*' F30)&!#$' (#)*+' 060)8I' @/' */' $/*' !/$,720' *"0&)' #75&0$!0' *"0+A60' decided to support the liberal ideol­ /%+' #$5' :#2"' 10(7:.&!#$2' 2/' *"0+' !#$' (7*' *"0' S' +0#)2' /,' $0%#*&60' Obama propaganda they already 5060./(05'&$*/'%//5'7208' MSNBC is in a similar boat but has decided to put good ideas and ="#*'&2':02*',/)'*"0'!/7$*)+'-)2*'&$­ stead of Ideological nonsense. As 1#!"0.' T#55/=' 2#&5' /$' "0)' 2"/=' /$' 3/$5#+' $&%"*H' EU"#*' 5/' 10­ (7:.&!#$2' #$5' B03/!)#*2' "#60' &$' common? They both are bought out by the same billionaires and they 5/$A*' )0#..+' !#)0' #:/7*' *"0' (0/(.08' >:#3#' 2=&*!"&$%' */' #' 10(7:.&!#$' is big news? Seriously!? The only *"&$%' "0' "#2' 5/$0' ="&.0' &$' /,-!0' &2'!#60'&$*/'*"0&)'503#$528'R"&2'&2' /.5' $0=2H' "0' =#2' #' 10(7:.&!#$' #2' soon as he put big banks, health in­ surance companies, wall street, tax breaks for rich people, and credit card companies before the people.” >:#3#'(.#$2'*/'"#60'#'3&$&V&$­ #7%7)#*&/$',/)'"&320.,'#2'#'10(7:­ lican at the end of next week at the P1F' "0#5W7#)*0)2' &$' U#2"&$%*/$' B8X88' Y0' 5&5' .0#60' 72' "&2' ,0../=' B03/!)#*2'=&*"'/$0'-$#.'3022#%0H' “The dark side is in fact stronger.” A message Yoda would disagree with.




the Racquette 13

April 5, 2013 ­

Worked at the Racquette and all I got was a lousy t­shirt. ing homework. R"020' +0#)2' "#60' :00$' %//5' */' 30H' <Z60' .0,*' #' 50-$&*0' (0)2/$#.' 3#);' /$' *"0' (#(0)8' R"&2' +0#)Z2' U#!W70**0'502&%$'=#2'3+'&50#':7*' <' !/7.5$Z*' "#60' 5/$0' &*' =&*"' /7*' C3&.+' 90#**+' #$5' \0#$$0' 9/?08' <' was able to secure higher pay for myself two years ago after argu­ ing for it for months, I was hoping

>/1%2(!&1&/ 08="#*(L3",8/

*"#*' =/7.5' :0' 3+' .0%#!+8' B/02$Z*' 2003'*/'.//;'*"#*'=#+8'<'"#60'/$.+' not published two comics due to 20$2&*&60' */(&!2' #$5' <Z60' :00$' &$' hot water for a comic I thought was (0),0!*.+' -$08' <Z60' =)&**0$' #:/7*' ="#*060)'27&*2'3+',#$!+'#$5'*7)$05' the comics section into the most read on campus. Currently still in direct competition with the police

:./**0)8' <Z60' :0!/30' #' ("/*/2"/(' %/5'/,'*"0'/,-!0H'/$.+'*)73(05':+' the art students who are formally *)#&$058'<Z60'#.2/'.0#)$05'0$/7%"'*/' be an asset in a real newsroom with my talents at InDesign, photo ma­ nipulation and newspaper policy. My comic this week is about how our court case took 7 weeks before a decision was made after

Good morning Potsdam! It seems my 3 years of being your Com­ &!2' C5&*/)' #)0' 7(8' U0Z60' .#7%"05H' =0Z60' !)&05H' =0Z60' ,/../=05' *"0' comedic rule of 3. Through it all <Z60':0!/30'/$0'/,'*"0':02*'!/3&!2' 05&*/)2' &$' 1#!W70**0' "&2*/)+' [20.,' diagnosed). My only regret is not -$&2"&$%'<$?7)+'\#58'<*Z2'-$&2"05'&$' my head. Unfortunately, my artist works JK' "/7)2' #' =00;' #2' *"0' C5&*/)V&$V chief, and I felt it would be a dis­ 20)6&!0' */' 2=&*!"' #)*&2*2' /$' .&**.0' <$?7)+'\#58'<Z60'20.0!*05'#',0='(#$­ 0.2',)/3'*"0'3/2*')0!0$*'<$?7)+'\#5' comic to remind you of my work. <'3&22'"&3'#$5'<Z3'#2203:.&$%'#)­ !"&602'/,'#..'3+'!/3&!2'*/'060$*7­ #..+' (7*' /$.&$08' @/30' (/2&*&602' /,' this whole situation, I will be able to focus on rewatching “Samurai ]#!;HI' E9&/2"/!;G' <$-$&*0I' #$5' -$&2"&$%' "/30=/);8' @/30' $0%#­ *&602H' $/*' 3#;&$%' )0$*H' $/*' :7+&$%' M2NH/1(9%3(38"2O(.$%,($&(38&*(A&*,((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>1(>/1%2(!&1&/(%23(L="'1(>&%,,1 ,//5H' )0*7)$&$%' <$-$&*0' #$5' -$&2"­















#$' &$?7$!*&/$' =#2' (.#!05' /$' /7)' wages. We produced 5 issues of *"0'1#!W70**08'U0'=&..'$/*':0'(#&5' for those issues. Our club has been paid for many years and has been making money since its creation. In 2013 payment becomes a problem. <*Z2' 7$:0!/3&$%' /,' 2*750$*2' ="/' want to lead one day to defund a newspaper to the point where it can no longer publish. <' !/7.5' %/' /$H' :7*' <' 5/$Z*' =#$*' 3+'20!*&/$'*/':0'*//'"0#6+'#$5'*"0' editorial says all I need. Y0)0Z2'#',7$'2*/)+H'/7)'.#$5.#5+' ?72*'-O05'/7)'5//);$/:H'#$5'&*Z2'$/' ./$%0)'?72*'#':)00^+H'2#,0'"/.0'&$'*"0' door! Praise the gods! Now if only <' !/7.5' -$5' /7)' "/720' ;0+8' <' "/(0' +/7Z60'0$?/+05'*"0'<$*0)$0*'!/3&!2' <Z60'!"/20$'/60)'*"0'+0#)2'#$5'*"0' student content. I put in about 15 hours to make this paper look damn 20O+'#$5'<'"/(0'+/7Z60'#(()0!&#*05' my work. Goodnight Potsdam!






Choose Healthy Snacks

These Healthy Snack Items are low in calories and contain both carbohydrate and protein to keep your energy level up throughout the day. Apple or Banana with Peanut butter Yogurt Cup Baked or Vegetable Chips & String Cheese Kashi Bar Whole Grain Cereal Cup with Skim Milk Small Salad with Kidney Beans & Fat Free Dressing Peaches & Cottage Cheese Whole Wheat Bread or English Muffin with Peanut Butter Carrot Sticks with Hummus Pita Bread Triangles with Hummus Nuts & Dried Fruit 1 Cup Skim Milk or Silk Soymilk with a Piece of Fruit $,,5DEE...F=%//"&3,8,$&*&%F#8=E

14 the Racquette

April 5, 2013


!"#$!%&#""'!()(*+!,-.!/-%!-!01#21$3 45!1""!&1!456!1""!

&-7(!-!0/-$0(!1$!8/-&9%!:$%:;(3! 1$<+!45=>>

!"#$%&''#(#$)*&+# ,-+.'$/012$ 3&+$45*.'$64--'.#6$'76*8

April 5, 2013

the Racquette 15

Creative Writing The Hiring !"#$%&'()$


Nikolai Chernenko was a tiger with a hiring problem. Dressed in formal brown clothing, he sat at his desk. The Siberian tiger morph was not impressed after seeing the absolute sloth of the other anthromorphs he had selected to be hired as his servants. After going through and rejecting many, he was only down to four. At this rate, it would be folly to dismiss the remaining four. He would never have a chance like this again. If !"#$%&'(#")"*#+",#,!"#-!./-"#,%#(%#0&-!#.#,!1/+#.+.1/2#3%*#!"'4#$.0#1/(""(#!.*(#,%#5/(6#7/#*",&*/#3%*#,!"1*#0"*)1-"2# he would give them pay, and a roof over their heads. Nikolai was not wary that they would try to rob him; he had good faith in these morphs. As much faith as a tiger on his last rope would be. 8!"#5*0,#$.0#.#9*%$/#3%:2#.#*.*1,;#1/#<&001.6#=!"/#!&>./1,;#4*%>4,';#(10.44".*"(#1/#,!"#'.,"#?@0,#-"/,&*;2# many of their creations, the anthromorphs, were scattered around the world. Many of them chose to adapt, regard­ '"00#%3#,!"1*#04"-1"02#,%#,!"1*#!%>"#/.,1%/6#A"-.&0"#%3#,!102#>./;#%3#,!"#B!&>./C#/.,1%/0#$"*"#0,1''#1/#":10,"/-"6## D./;#%3#,!"0"#/.,1%/0#$"*"#01>1'.*#1/#>./;#$.;0#,%#,!"1*#%'(#$%*'(#-%&/,"*4.*,02#":-"4,#3%*#,!"#3.-,#,!.,#$.*#$.0# no longer a means of force. In other words, many nations no longer had a standing army, only self­defense forces modeled after the human militaries. Their function was both for defense and for ceremonial parades. Nikolai could still remember the parades that his human predecessor attended; both those of the old Soviet Union, and ,!.,#%3#>%("*/#<&001.6#8!"#3%:#$.0#(*"00"(#1/#9*%$/2#".*,!"/#-%'%*"(#-'%,!1/+2#'%/+#0!1*,#./(#0'.-E06#F%/01("*1/+# that the morphs in general were digitigrade, many did not wear any footwear, save for special occasions. They $"*"2#!%$")"*2#":4"-,"(#,%#$14"#,!"1*#4.$0#.,#,!"#3*%/,#(%%*6 G1/10!1/+#!10#4"*&0.'#%3#,!"#5*0,#%3#,!"#4%,"/,1.'02#H1E%'.1#0.1(2#5*0,#1/#<&001./2#,!"/#1/#I/+'10!2#BJ%2#$!.,# can you do?” 8!"#3%:#'%%E"(#/"*)%&02#./(#!"01,.,"(6 B72#7#-./#!"'4#$1,!#;%&*#+&"0,06C#8!102#1/#I/+'10!6 “So you wish to be my butler, then?” “Yes, sir.” “Your name?” “Tyrell, Tyrell Adamson.” BK%&*#/.>"2#.*"#;%&#I/+'10!LC Tyrell looked nervous, glancing at the others beside him for support. He replied, “Yes, from Devonshire, sir.” “Hmm… I’ll keep that in mind. You’re in. Duty starts tomorrow morning.” 8!"#3%:#'%%E"(#*"'1")"(M#./(#0,"44"(#9.-E2#.''%$1/+#3%*#H1E%'.1#,%#":.>1/"#,!"#%,!"*06# 8!"#0"-%/(#$!%#0,%%(#9"3%*"#!1>#$.0#&/(%&9,"(';#./#":%,1-M#,!"#9.0"#./1>.'#+"/",1-0#,!.,#>.("#&4#".-!# >%*4!#1/#,!"#$%*'(#("5/1,"';#(1(#/%,#1/-'&("#-%'%*0#0&-!#.0#0E;#9'&"6#J!"#$.0#.#0/%$#'"%4.*(2#3*%>#,!"#).*1%&0# !1/,0#%3#+*";#1/#!"*#3&*6#J!"#$%*"#.#0E;#9'&"#(*"00#$1,!#$!1,"#!1+!'1+!,06#N"*#5+&*"#5,#O&1,"#/1-"';#1/,%#,!"#(*"002# neither too tight nor too loose. Her eyes were the color of bright emeralds, and she also had human looking hair. This was a bit rare, considering the majority of anthromorphs did not have hair, as it was a human trait. But then .+.1/2#H1E%'.1#>&0"(2#0%#$.0#0E;#9'&"#3&*6#P+.1/#!"#0,.*,"(#,!"#O&"0,1%/1/+6 BJ%2#$!%#.*"#;%&2#./(#$!.,#-./#;%&#(%LC#N"#0.1(#,!10#1/#I/+'10!2#Q&0,#1/#-.0"6 “My name is Lucia Perosi. I am from Italy.” N"#5/.'';#-.&+!,#,!"#0'1+!,"0,#!1/,#%3#./#7,.'1./#.--"/,6 He asked her again what could she do, and she responded with; “I can do many things; I was created as a maid.” “Are you a custom then?” Customs being those who were created early on, as amusements and tests. BK"02#7#$.02#9&1',#3%*#.#$".',!;#7,.'1./#3.>1';6#=!"/#,!";R#(10.44".*"(2#7#$.0#'"3,#$1,!#/%,!1/+#,%#(%6#7#!.(# !".*(#%3#;%&#./(#.**./+"(#,*.)"'#!"*"#,%#<&001.#,%#0""#;%&6C “So, other than being a maid, what else can you do?” “I was taught how to preserve paintings. The family had me in charge of keeping their paintings…” “That will do. I have some that need to be attended to. You’re hired.” 8!"#/":,#,$%#$"*"#>%*"#-%>4'":6#8!";#$"*"#4&>.#>%*4!#,$1/02#9%,!#>.'"06#S/"#$.0#(*"00"(#1/#+*""/#./(# +%'(2#-.0&.'#-'%,!1/+6#8!"#%,!"*#$.0#(*"00"(#1/#.#>%*"#3%*>.'#%&,5,2#*"(#./(#01')"*6#S/-"#.+.1/2#H1E%'.1#$"/,# ,!*%&+!#,!"#O&"0,1%/1/+6#8!"0"#$"*"#,%#9"#,!"#'.0,#%3#,!"#!1*"(M#!"#$%&'(#.--"4,#/%#%/"#"'0"#.3,"*$.*(06#8!"#%((# ,!1/+#.9%&,#,!">#$.0#,!.,#,!";#04%E"#%/"#.3,"*#./%,!"*2#9&,#1/#-%>4'","#0"/,"/-"02#*.,!"*#,!./#5/10!1/+#".-!# other’s. Their conversation went like this: “You two are…” “I’m Sebastian,” The one in green said, then indicated his twin, “And he is Alec.” Upon asking what they could do, they both replied that they were cooks. They were from North America, ,!";#,%'(#!1>2#./(#$"*"#/%,#":%,1-06#8!";#!.(#".*/"(#,!"1*#,.'"/,02#(")"'%41/+#,!">#%)"*#,!"#4.0,#3"$#;".*06#=!"/# they were asked if there was anything else they wished to tell Nikolai, Alec spoke up. “You see, Mr. Chernenko, Sebastian has a wife and several kittens. I worry for my brother’s family, and in the case that I wish to have one as well.” “I’ll see what I can do. Listen, the four of you. I consider you all part of the Chernenko family. Do not feel as if I will be a harsh employer, I will be pretty generous.” At this, the four rejoiced, eager for employment. And so it was they began their work for the Chernenko !%>"#,!"#/":,#>%*/1/+2#./(#!.(#O&1,"#,!"#4'".0&*"#$1,!#1,6

Ever Endlessly *"$4&!&5",,/,2


He couldn’t stand to see her cry like this again. Maybe it was the fact that he loved her, S*#>.;9"#1,#$.0#9"-.&0"#!"#-.&0"(#,!106 =!.,")"*#,!"#-.0"2#!"T(#-.&0"(#!"*#,".*06 She screamed and raged at him, The names he hated most, Knives that dug deep, I)"*#"/('"00';#9'""(1/+6 Then silence… SLAM!

Culinary Club Hosts Human Vs. Zombies Sign Up Meetings! Dates and locations: April 7th 7-9 pm Kellas 100 April 8 April 9

7-9pm 7-9pm

Kellas 100 Kellas 100

16 the Racquette

April 5, 2013


Scoreboard Women’s Lacrosse Bears 9 H"$#[.',\##@]

Women’s Softball Bears #? ^"/"0"%##@Z

Women’s Softball Bears )06##S/"%/,. UVW##X#@?Y#ZZ#46>6 Men’s Lacrosse Bears vs. Brockport UVW##X#@Y#UZ#46>6

Men’s Lacrosse Bears #@@ Castleton St. 8

Insanity workout review >4$?",:."&@$%/A) 5","2/,2&=:/-+.

I had never been one for high 1/,"/01,;#":"*-10"6#=!"/")"*#7#$"/,# ,%#,!"#+;>2#7#$%&'(#":"*-10"#3%*#.# long time, but I wouldn’t push my­ 0"'3# ,%# ./# ":,*">"# '")"'6# 7# 0.;# ,!10# because, like the average person, 7# $.0# '.\;# ./(# &/"/,!&0"(# ,%# ":­ ercise, and I never looked forward to it. The “Insanity” workout is for those who do not particularly like ":"*-101/+#9&,#$./,#*"0&',0#3.0,6 Many people may have seen “Insanity” on late­night television infomercials. The part most people remember is Sean T., the creator of “Insanity”, shouting at the par­ ticipants boot camp style. The par­ ticipants of “Insanity” are mostly beach bodied trainers, dance in­ structors, or athletes, and in every video they are sweating and strug­ gling. “Insanity” is not an easy workout, but it is possible. It is also 4%0019'"#,%#(%#$1,!1/#%/';#WZ#(.;06# The basis of “Insanity” is tak­ 1/+# ./# 1/,"*).'# $%*E%&,# ./(# k14­ 41/+# 1,6# =!1'"# >./;# .*"# ,.&+!,# ,%# ":"*-10"# $1,!%&,# 4&0!1/+# ;%&*0"'3# for ten minutes, and then going as !.*(#.0#,!";#-./#3%*#5)"2#J"./#86#*"­ verses it. “Insanity’s” videos force you to work as hard as possible for up to ten minutes, then giving you %/';# .# UZ# 0"-%/(# 9*".E6# K%&# $1''# sweat, and you will need water. It is a different video each day, .',!%&+!# B7/0./1,;C# -1*-&'.,"0# @c# videos within the two months the participant works. It can get a bit boring, but I suggest that you pull out your own music once you know the moves to all the videos. The )1("%0# 1/# ,!"# 5*0,# >%/,!# .*"# %/';#

UZ#>1/&,"0#'%/+2#$!1'"#,!"#0"-%/(# month’s videos are an hour long. “Insanity” has a wide variety of workouts including Circuit, Plyo­ metric Cardio, Yoga, and Strength. H%,!1/+#1/#B7/0./1,;C#/""(0#"O&14­ ment; the only thing you need is your own body weight. The only downside to “Insan­ ity” is how rough it can be. If you !.)"#$".E#E/""02#;%&#!.)"#,%#5/(# $.;0#,%#$%*E#.*%&/(#-"*,.1/#":"*­ cises. The toughest part about “In­ 0./1,;C# 10# /%,# ,!"# ":"*-101/+2# 9&,# the mental power it takes to push through. Sean T. does a really good job at encouraging you to do your best and push farther. Something I feared going into “Insanity” was watching a cheesy workout video; “Insanity” is not cheesy whatsoev­ er, and is pretty down to earth. “Insanity” comes with a diet plan, but I did not follow it, and still had major results. I personally do not believe in diets, but in eat­ ing healthy for life. In my research of other’s reviews of “Insanity”, people have said that there are bet­ ter results with the diet. It is your choice, although the diet is hard on a college student’s budget! 7# '%0,# @Z# 4%&/(0# ,%,.'# $1,!1/# ,!"#5*0,#,$%#$""E0#%3#B7/0./1,;C6#7# did not keep track of my weight just 9"-.&0"# ,!"# k&-,&.,1%/# %3# $"1+!,# with muscle gain made me lose 8 4%&/(0#,!"#5*0,#>%/,!2#./(#+.1/#1,# back the second. My results were really great by the end, and not only did I look better, I felt so much bet­ ter and healthier. I have more en­ ergy, and I feel generally stronger.

Chmiel named SUNYAC Goalie of the Week


As the weather starts to warm e!%4"3&'';g2# 1,T0# 1>4%*,./,# ,%# +1)"# real consideration to proper hydra­ ,1%/6##P0#jZ#4"*-"/,#%3#;%&*#9%(;#10# composed of water, it is safe to say that hydration is an important com­ ponent to consider when planning for any type of physical activity. Your body wants to maintain a very 04"-15-# 1/,"*/.'# ,">4"*.,&*"# ./(# it uses sweat as a tool to regulate ,!.,#,">4"*.,&*"6##=!"/#;%&#+",#,%%# hot, you sweat. Any fourth grader 1/#[!;01-.'#I(&-.,1%/#-'.00#-./#,"''#

Bears’ Best

you that. However, did you know that just a one to two percent reduc­ tion of body weight through sweat (&*1/+# ":"*-10"# -%&'(# /"+.,1)"';# affect performance? Since I still -%&/,#%/#>;#5/+"*0#0%>",1>"02#.'­ low me to do some easy math here. ##d",T0#0.;#;%&#$"1+!#@]Z#4%&/(02# ,!.,#>"./0#13#;%&#'%0"#@6]aU#4%&/(0# %3# 0$".,# (&*1/+# ":"*-10"2# ;%&# .*"# %35-1.'';#("!;(*.,"(6##A;#,!"#$.;2# that weight loss is water everyone, $"1+!1/+#;%&*0"'3#.3,"*#":"*-10"#10# not a good indication of fat loss; I’m sorry. If you don’t have a scale or if you forgot to weigh yourself before ":"*-10"#,!.,T0#/%,#.#4*%9'">M#,!"*"#

This day in sports: April 5th 8+#&9$,$:$--+ ;<+.-%&=:/-+.




SUNY Potsdam women’s la­ crosse player Jen Chmiel has been named the State University of New York Athletic Conference’s Goalie %3# ,!"# =""E# 3%*# ,!"# $""E# "/(1/+# D.*-!#U@6 In two contests last week, F!>1"'# !"'4"(# ,!"# A".*0# ,%# .# ?aZ# *"-%*(6#8!"#)1-,%*1"0#$"*"#,!"#5*0,# of the junior’s collegiate career.

S/#8&"0(.;2#1/#G'%*1(.2#,!"#+%.'­ 1"#0,%44"(#.#-.*""*a!1+!#%3#@j#0!%,0# to help Potsdam rally past Southern D.1/"2# @Wa@]6# F!>1"'# ,!"/# 4'.;"(# ,!"#5*0,#!.'3#1/#./#@ba]#9'%$%&,#%3# visiting Morrisville State on Satur­ day. 8!"# =%>"/T0# d.-*%00"# ,".># continues their SUNYAC play on Saturday morning when they host 8!"# F%''"+"# .,# A*%-E4%*,# eWa?g# .,# @@YZZ#.6>6

Tanya’s Fit Tips: hydration nation 8",("&B$3/--

Women’s Lacrosse Bears vs. Brockport UVW##X#@@Y#ZZ#.6>6

is a more practical method. Check %&,#,!"#-%'%*#%3#;%&*#&*1/"#e+*%00g6## If it is anything darker than light yellow you may be dehydrated. So, here is some advice on what to drink and when. The follow­ ing guidelines come from the Na­ tional Athletic Training Association eHP8PgY 73#,!"#.-,1)1,;#'.0,0#>%*"#,!./#c]a ]Z#>1/&,"0#%*#4.*,1-&'.*';#1/,"/0"a# consider a sports drink (aka Gato­ *.("# %*# [%$"*P("g6# # S,!"*$10"2# water is a great no calorie choice. h*1/E#-%%'#9")"*.+"0#e]Za]`#("­ +*""0#Gg6## Drink before, during and after

.-,1)1,;# e1/# +"/"*.'2# (*1/E# ja@Z%\6# %3# $.,"*# %*# 04%*,0# (*1/E# ")"*;# @Za ?Z#>1/&,"0#(&*1/+#.-,1)1,;g Drink before you are thirsty. It should be noted that there is such as thing as drinking too much water. Back to the urine test above ­ if it’s clear, there is no need to go pound a gallon of Poland Springs. For more information on proper hydration during activity, check out the NATA’s position stand at www. /.,.6%*+V0,.,">"/,0V4%01,1%/Vk&1(­ replacement.pdf.



Morrill scored 3 goals against Kean last week and then proceeded to score the game winning goal against Castleton State on Saturday.

Johns earned her spot as the female Bears’ Best por­ former by scoring 4 goals against Southern Maine and Morrisville St.

1896:#8!"#5*0,#>%("*/#S';>41-# games are held in Athens. 1904:# 8!"# 5*0,# 1/,"*/.,1%/.'# league game is played between I/+'./(# ./(# ./# S,!"*# H.,1%/.'­ 1,1,"0#0O&.(6 1915:# _"00# =1''.*(# E/%-E0# _.-E# _%!/0%/# %&,# 1/# *%&/(# ?W# 3%*# ,!"# N".);$"1+!,#9%:1/+#,1,'"6# 1925:# A.9"# <&,!# -%''.40"0# 1/# North Carolina because of an ulcer after the Yankees beat the Dodgers @`aW6 1959:#P*,#=.''#_*6#$1/0#,!"#?U*(# Annual Golf Masters Champion­ 0!14#9;#0!%%,1/+#.#?bc6 1964: Mary Lena Faulk wins ,!"#d^[P#J,6#[","*09&*+#=%>"/T0# ^%'3#S4"/6 1967:# =1',# F!.>9"*'.1/2# $!%# was a ‘76er at the time, sets an HAP#*"-%*(#$1,!#c@#*"9%&/(06# 1972: The Major League Base­ ball season is delayed because of a strike. 1973: The National Football League creates the uniform num­ 9"*1/+#0;0,">#e3%*#":.>4'"2#f&.*­ ,"*9.-E0#$1''#$".*#/&>9"*0#@a@`g6 1974:# ^.**;# J%9"*0# ./(# <%!./# Kanhai have their last day of crick­ et. 1981:# 8!"# @Z,!# F%'+.,"# h1/.!# Shore Golf Championship is won by Nancy Lopez. 1981: The Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League set s a record of most penalty minutes ".*/"(#$1,!#?2W?@#>1/&,"06# 1984:Kareem Abdul­Jabbar sur­ 4.00"0# =1',# F!.>9"*'.1/T0# HAP# all­time career points scored record $1,!#U@2c?@#4%1/,06# 1987:# =.;/"# ^*",\E;# ".*/0# !10# seventh straight National Hockey League scoring title. 1990: John Stockton reaches the @ZZZa.0010,# >.*E# 3%*# ,!"# HAP# *"­ cord for the third year in a row. 1991: Joe Dumaars, who played for the Detroit Pistons at the time, ends his NBA free throw streak of W?#+.>"06 1992:#7/#,!"#@@,!#HFPP#=%>­ en’s Basketball Championship, J,./3%*(# 9".,0# ="0,"*/# i"/,&-E;# 9;#.#0-%*"#%3#jbaW?6 1993: The Colorado rockies play ,!"1*# 5*0,# D.Q%*# d".+&"# A.0"9.''## game and lose to the New York D",0#9;#.#0-%*"#%3#UaZ6

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