Wholly Catholic

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FROM THE STAFF This year’s theme, “Christ Risen!,” has made the 2012 Summer Conference an apt moment for “resurrecting” the beloved tradition of a conference newspaper, while creating something new at the same time: a conference magazine. The Conference Magazine class viewed the mission of the magazine as helping to further the faith sharing and reflection that is central to the Summer Conference experience. Our objective was to try and tell a few stories from this summer’s conference while capturing some of its spirit through articles, interviews, creative writing, reflections, prayers, art, photography and whatever else might present itself. The participants of the Conference Magazine class chose to name this year’s edition “Wholly Catholic!” But Wholly Catholic! is not just a clever, Batman-esque pun (although Batman fans were well represented in our class!). Wholly Catholic! references the work we do here at Summer Conference as we seek to become a more holy people collectively. Individually, we’re holy people with an “H”, trying to become whole people with a “W”. And the exclamation point is significant as it represents an exclamation of our faith: Walking as Catholics in an increasingly secularized world. Wholly Catholic! is like how a labyrinth always turns you back towards the center. Wholly Catholic! is witnessing to ourselves and others. Wholly Catholic! is Christ died, buried and risen, appearing to—and in—each one of us. Wholly Catholic! is “bothfeet-in” faith in the face of an “indescribable paradox” (Fr. Jeremy, Keynote). Wholly Catholic! is “letting your whole being become your prayer” (Sr. Mary Jo, Contemplative Prayer). One long-time Summer Conference participant had this to say as she reflected on Fr. Jeremy’s comments on the life of the Church during Keynote: “This isn’t the end. We’re not at the end; we’re in the middle (of the Catholic Church).” As another conference comes to a close, and we contemplate re-entry into our daily lives, perhaps we can take this with us: This isn’t the end; we’re in the middle. And in the middle is where Christ appeared. Now that’s Wholly Catholic! See you next year!

IN THIS ISSUE Disclaimer: This edition of the conference magazine is an experiment. Our thanks to all of the contributors. Any errors, omissions or content that could be construed as unbecoming of a Summer Conference is the sole responsibility of the editors. This first effort was imagineered, designed, written and curated in 4.5 hours (give or take). We hope future conference participants can use this first edition as a springboard to more content and even greater depth. As it is now, it is our gift to you.



2 4

From the Staff

a letter from the 2012 Conference Magazine Class

Keynote Speaker

Father Jeremy Driscoll spends five days with conference attendees exploring the remarkable reality of the Risen Christ.

7 6

Take 5

An interview with the Dickinsons, new conference members and new teachers all in the same year!

Talking to our Teachers

Cecelia Guinee and Zac Olson are both veteran teachers.

8 9

Random Ramblings just for fun!

God Goes to the Movies

Michael Danielson offers a class that looks at popular culture in light of our faith.


Show and Tell

Reflections, poetry, writings, stories, artwork

Vo l . 1 â—? S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 S ummer C o n fere n ce Portland, Oregon

w w w. s u m m e r c o n f e r e n c e p o r t l a n d . o r g

2012 Summer Conference Theme


Conference Magazine Class members from left to right: Maddie Otto, James Dickinson, Rachel Dickinson, Kathryn Hart, Karyn Andriesen, Zac Oldham photo by Anita Klee

COVER Father Jeremy leads a discussion with the young adults of the conference on the lawn of the University of Portland campus. cover photo by Zac Oldham

Christ is Risen! Alleluia! What Resurrection Means For Us

Keynote Speaker:

Wholly Catholic is a publication of the 2012 Summer Conference Š2012 by The Engelberg Summer Conference. It is the product of contributions from participants, teachers and the 2012 Conference Magazine class.

Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B.


Summer Conference Core Committee

Layout & Design

Karyn Andriesen Kathryn Hart

Sr. Joyce Barsotti, Doug Cooper, Toni Cooper and Andy Oldham, Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B., Julie Ferrari, Chris and Mike Hughes, Catherine and David Otto and Susie and Andy Zaremba.


Special Thanks to the Founding Steering Committee

Editorial Board

Fr. Bernard Sander, O.S.B., Sr. Joyce Barsotti, Barbara and Gordon Bollinger, Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, Mimi and Mike Schaeffer and Bobbie and Bruce Weber.

Toni Cooper, Nick Danielson, Anita Klee, Zac Oldham


James Dickinson, Rachel Dickinson, Madeline Otto Karyn Andriesen, James Dickinson, Rachel Dickinson, Kathryn Hart, Zac Oldham, Madeline Otto


Michael Danielson

SP RI NG 201 0


Keynote Speaker Father Father Jeremy opens Summer Conference on Wednesday evening and introduces us to the icon that will be reflected upon during the week. Below is the text of his introductory remarks.


he most important event of human history, indeed, the most important event that has ever happened anywhere in the created universe, is the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and his being raised from the dead by the one whom he called God and Father. This event is the central proclamation of Christian faith. Everything that is

Christian derives from this: a way of life, a way of prayer, a body of doctrine. If we Christians are to understand our faith and live it, we must continually deepen our grasp of what it means to say that the Jesus who was crucified has been raised up. An unimaginable new content has been introduced into our world by the resurrection of Jesus. Everything in the created order is changed by it. What was “natural” can now be played in a new key: a sweeter, stronger music that is nothing less than supernatural. The new key of

resurrection takes up every melody of the old creation— from the joyous sounds of life’s greatest pleasures to the heartrending cries of suffering and death— and plays it in its supernatural tones. All that was passing and destined to be lost in the natural world is transformed into a song that will sound forever in the presence of God. Easter is the annual celebration of this totally transformative event. Sunday is the weekly celebration of the same. Every day Christians live from within

r Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B. photo by Toni Cooper

this same reality. By our very celebration of it— whether at Easter or on Sunday or any day— we come under its force, we yield to its sway, we are inserted into the new life that will never end. The fifty days of Easter are the heart of the liturgical year, and by celebrating them we are meant to renew ourselves for the whole year, for the whole of our lives. Above all when we celebrate the liturgy— Mass, Reconciliation, Baptism, etc.— we enter into the force and energy of the Resurrection. The celebration of various liturgies are

themselves events. They are strong, complex sets of rites. In all their moving and acting and speaking and singing and taking up of symbols of the strongest kind, these liturgies become events in the community that celebrates them. In fact, these liturgical events converge with the most important event that has ever happened: the death and resurrection of Jesus. By means of the liturgical events the community has communion in the event. We die with Christ and rise with him to new and everlasting life.

In this year’s Summer Conference we will think together especially about the resurrection of Jesus and its consequences for us who believe in him. We will see that the Church that we are is formed directly by our participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus. In community and prayer our hearts and minds are meant to expand. We becomes witnesses of what God has done. We become evidence in the world that the Jesus who was crucified has been raised up by God, and so all things are new.

Art as Faith and Fun


An Interview with Art Teacher Cecilia Guinee conducted by Maddie Otto

he Summer Conference is defined by an entire spectrum of things, ranging from shared faith to sheer fun. For many participants, the first thing that comes to mind when they think of the conference is art. Classes and free time are filled with people displaying their artistic talents through so many mediums, thanks to teachers such as Cecilia Guinee. Cecilia has taught more art classes in her 26 years at the conference than you can count on both of your hands. She’s all about the adventure of experimenting and helping others to try new art forms with the hope that they might find a new favorite. This year, teaching a class called Fabulous Fun With Fibers, Cecilia is accompanied by her partner in teaching, Toni Cooper, whom she describes as “Toni: the master photo by Zac Oldham teacher, creative and gifted. A trailblazer of art!” Cecilia got recruited, not unwillingly, to teach yet another Conference art class when a fun class that young kids would enjoy was needed. “Ironically,” she says, “only one kid signed up. The rest are adults.” In the past, she’s led classes with mosaics, beading, felting and more. In Fun With Fibers, Toni, Cecilia and their various students are playing around with hand-made wool felt, baskets, raw

wool and natural reed. With her husband Doug Cooper, Cecilia’s kids grew up with Summer Conference, and now, Cecilia gets to watch other people’s little ones grow up in the same way. She explains how she loves the Conference, with its mixture of fun and spirituality. Cecilia loves getting to know all different kinds of people through their art and creativity—and her outgoing and joyous personality makes it easy for her students to learn from her. Watching people create beautiful pieces lets Cecilia get to know them on a different level. “It’s a window into someone,” she explains, elaborating on how one’s artistic work lets their personality come out as well. And often times, in our busy lives, there’s not time for crafts, a fact that, says Cecilia makes teaching these classes more special to her. Her art is also a form of faith, in that it gives her “the grace of gratitude.” She’s inspired, she says, by colors—vivid shades of red and orange and blue—as well as the raw beauty of her materials. Cecilia continues, saying, “beauty is a human need, an aesthetic pleasure. I wouldn’t say that I’m a gifted artist, but the elements I use start and end as elements of beauty.”

CHOICES An Interview with Choices teacher Zac Collins as reported by Rachel Dickinson


ac Collins is the Choices teacher, father of two kids; Claire and Nate, and husband to Beth Collins. In his life, he’s made a lot of choices. One of those was becoming a teacher at Summer Conference. About 10 years ago, his bride-to-be, Beth, introduced him to the Summer Conference. Barbara Bollinger, an original Steering Committee member and Beth's mother, called and asked if Zac could teach. He said “ Why not??”. And that is how he began his journey. He enjoys teaching Choices because of the age group. He says “ I like this age group because they are beginning to think about bigger things in life.” A truly

exciting time in life. Some of his teaching strategies include engaging the students. “If they aren’t engaged,” he says “ than teaching them is pointless.” But of course, teaching the Choices isn’t the only thing that goes on in his extremely busy life. Between Summer Conference and family life, he is an ergonomist. An ergonomist is someone who makes sure that the employees of the hospital are not injured. The hospital he works for is St. Vincent, in Portland. photo by Zac Oldham




Rachel Dickinson interviews her parents, Margaret and James Dickinson, and learns a few things she didn't already know...


How have you enjoyed your first year at Summer Conference? We are enjoying getting to know the other families, especially the students’ parents. We are enjoying spending time with the “goofy red card horizons group”.


What are your teaching methods? We seek to show students the connection between nature and God’s love. Our class contains many interactive activities and reflective writing.


How is Horizons different from what you usually teach? Because it is smaller, you get to know students quicker and deeper. Also, James says, he can actually hear his students laughing at his jokes.


James, I know that you teach online classes. Tell us about your work. The way I communicate with my students is by posting notices online and individually emailing people. It takes time for the students to answer. It makes my work harder, and more asynchronous than teaching in a classroom. I always have to be there [ at the computer] if the students need any help.


Wow. So James, you teach college and Margaret, you teach 5th grade. How does your teaching translate for a different age group? Margaret: The age group is pretty close. There isn’t much a change for me. James: I think my teaching translates fine, but you’d have to ask my students.

photo by Zac Oldham





a sam p ling



f rom mini su rv e ys f o u nd ( by som e )

on br e a k fast, lu n c h and dinn e r tabl e s

What did you do during afternoon free time? Like my daddy, I took a nap.

• Visited

for a while and then took a great nap

• Swam - Zoe Vanderwal • Water Balloons -Simon

What do you want to be when you grow up?

• A loving wife and mom • A photographer - Dick Barsotti • I want to be a teacher. I want


Nothing...actually I played with Caroline. Then I played with Greta Grace. - Emma Hart • Nothing...layed in my bed and swimmed a little. - Samson Hjorth

• Swam

with Samson, Will, Zoe, Elsie, and then rested. -Dick Barsotti

• Stayed

in the cafeteria to stay cool.

• Had

a tea party with Emma - Anita Klee

• slept

• A • A

to teach math because sometimes I can beat my mom in math. Samson Hjorth

baby sitter that baby sits babies - Emma Hart

How important are naps to you?

• I don't know yet - Zoe Vanderwal • Happy - Paul Vanderwal • An Italian gardener tending his

• Incredibly

important! Especially for the little ones. Without naps, they just get crazier and crazier as the day goes on. Aaaah!

The power of blinding light.

• The power to have other powers. • I am the YES person. I will not

• No importance. Naps are bad. • Naps are more important than meals.

see God in the Eucharist and the prayers of others at Mass. I also see God in the simple joy of my family. -Dane Conroy small children, actions of adults, and sometimes in nature.

• I don't know - Caroline Barsotti • In my children, especially in their smiles. - Tara Barsotti

• At church • In books, He

looks like Jesus. - Emma Hart

•  E = m c 2 • Childrens'


• In prayer • Mountains,

• I like naps. - Keylie • Not important for me.

• I

Where do you see God?

get a no to an answer...oh well, not really

• be a flying princess - Emma Hart • Super strength - Keylie • Sister Joyce Barsotti reportedly

mandatory! Law enforced!!! For adults and children

am currently reading This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It is beautifully written.

• In

What is your superpower?

• Good to have one once in a while. • Very important. Naps should be

• I


has super strength, as a freshman could beat senior boys in arm wrestling matches and can stand on her head to boot!- as reported by a reliable source

have the power to instantly and without fail get my daughter to roll her eyes at me. Amazing.


The Science of the Cross by Edith Stein

wants me to be P.O.T.U.S. (president of the United States)

• While

- Emma

• Clockwork • The Pencil • I'm reading

• I

• Colorer Extraordinaire - Julie • The power to destroy other

the little ones need their nap but often fight going down, I need my nap and look forward to the after lunch rest.

with the bottle and baby Wilbur - Emma Hart

flowers and veggies

• A dad • My dad

• Steve Jobs • My Name is Khan and Amalie • I'm reading Shakespeare • Fallen • Pillar and the Earth, Dove Keeprs • Charlotte's Web, I like the part

soldier superhero - Simon Vanderwal

and read


What book did you bring to read?

o f t h o u g h t s and o p inions

faces, the wind or breeze, the ocean trees, lakes the details!

What is your favorite movie?

The Shawshank Redemption" starring Tim Burton and Morgan Freeman

• "Dora" • "Sleeping Beauty" • "Sweeney Todd" or • "The Avengers"


God Goes to the Movies


ichael Danielson has been involved with Summer Conference since its second year. Currently teaching at Seattle Prep, he teaches a Media Understanding class. At this year's Summer Conference. Michael is teaching a class called “God Goes to the Movies”. This class offers the opportunity to look for positive messages in the movies produced by Hollywood. The first question Michael asked the class was to write down their favorite movie. Responses ranged from Sound of Music to Memento. Sister Alison Green enthusiastically shared that the newest Batman movie was her favorite. Find her

review of this movie below. A few of Michael’s favorites are "Crash," "Bruce Almighty", and "Remember the Titans." It is challenging today to keep up with all of the movie choices. Parents can breathe a sigh of relief because there are resources to help. At imdb. com, look for the Parents Guide link on most movies. At Common Sense Media (http:// www.commonsensemedia. org/movie-reviews), you will find detailed descriptions and advice. Finally, Michael has offered himself as a resource if anyone

The Dark Knight Rises

a review by Sr. Alison Green

This final installment in Chris Nolan’s Batman trilogy explores the themes of selfsacrifice, freedom, class warfare and authority. In a world with conflicting values, each character is challenged to make a decision to determine what the right thing to do really is. Parents should be aware that the violence and themes make this movie appropriate for mature audiences of teens and adults who can discuss the themes, values, and current events portrayed in the film. Fans should re-watch the first two installments of the trilogy because you will not want to miss the foreshadowing that has been leading up to this thrilling and satisfying conclusion!

would like more recommendations or would like to offer more suggestions. He can be reached at mdanielson@seaprep.org. James Dickinson enjoyed and wrote this article about Michael's class and thought all of us would benefit from their conversations.

Michael Danielson’s recommended movie list

Prince of Egypt – good for the whole family Millions – middle school and up Remember the Titans – middle school and up Radio – middle school and up Pursuit of Happyness – teens and ups

Class Recommendations

Babe – younger children Forrest Gump – many scenes of selflessness – good for the whole family Sound of Music – good for the whole family Narnia movies – Christian story in metaphor Dear God – older children Shawshank Redemption – adults Boy in the striped pajamas – adults






stra to re ceiv ing l Christ on The Run --Ina He

Oldh Zac

And in the joy of a sharing gesture You leap into eternity Escaping us… Impulsing us to follow you To search for any clue That reveals your presence . And when we loose track Then, you are again Revealing your light through humanity, Through our da ily events, Through struggles… You leave us with our senses Filled with the fragrance of your be ing.


by hoto

It's a mystery That you let yourself be see n And for a brief moment Show us your glory.



Well I have learned to say my prayers and be thankful for what I have because not everyone has what I have. I’ve learned to like me for me because the best thing in the world is just being me. – Mackensie Gross


m ldha ac O by Z

I can see the tassel Of your shiny cloak With the corner of my eye . And a second after You are on the run…




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photo by Zac Oldham

ita C oope r Kle e

SUMMER 201 2


n’ slip ‘ f o art y the on the to you b tto ught Expertise ddy O , bro s. a M d e ort sliding onal -as rep fessi o pr

he ot at t o h s u hit .. Yo grace. u don’t just e n i l e F “ yo d, and !” groun heeewww’ ‘p it, you dham l O –Zac



photo by Zac Oldham

photo by Zac Ol


. erman p u S e th .” t. I like ide too “I like i e softball sl th I have a Voie L –Alivia


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g is Nothin

photo by Nick Danielson

photo by Zac Oldham

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SUM MER 201 2





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photo by

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Anita Kle










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SUM MER 201 2


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