Swimmer's Ear Magazine #16

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Live Photos: Adam Krause Interview With: Dave Hause

How did the 3 members come together to make The Loved Ones? I roadied for Kid Dynamite in 1998 and 1999 and kept in touch with Spider through the years. I was in a band called The Curse that broke up just before we were going to do a record for Jade Tree and at the time Spider wasn't playing bass for anyone. Sneeringer, we both knew from Trial by Fire, and I was working on Brian Mcternan's house in DC. On the off days during the recording of the last Thrice record, Sneeringer, Spider and I would sneek into the studio and jam, and it ended up being great chemistry...thus, The Loved Ones were born... Since each member of The Loved Ones has been in a band that has had a CD released on Jade Tree, was Jade Tree your first choice for a label? Well, to some degree yes. It was an obvious choice to “start the band out” so to speak on Jade Tree by releasing this EP. We aren't quite sure what label we are going to have put out our full length yet, but Jade Tree is definitely part of our past and part of our family, those guys are great and its been fun working with them again... Since The Loved Ones’ past bands have all broken up, have you taken certain steps to avoid that from happening with this band? I think when you go through a band or two where it doesn't work out, you naturally make certain adjustments to the way you choose to interact in the future. If you are in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex that ends because you are selfish or unfaithful or whatever it may be, typically you think about those things then when you are attempting your next romantic endeavor... Do you think putting a tagline of ex bands on The Loved Ones packaging will turn away or confuse fans expecting to hear music like those previous bands? Well, some. The thing is, we decided to tagline it because I always like to know what people in bands that I enjoyed are up to, so I don't so much mind it. I guess the problem is, if someone loves Paint it Black or something and buys our record expecting that, they may be disappointed. But maybe they also will realize they were mislead and we can lead them onto greener pastures...Just kidding. Has working in the past with bands like The Explosion and The Bouncing Souls, helped with touring with those bands now? Of course. We haven't toured yet with the Explosion, but I suppose it’s just a matter of time. We have played a handful of shows with them though, and our first tour was with The Bouncing Souls. Some people like to give us shit about how we are only on those tours b/c of who we know, but the thing is, you play with who you know. If we knew those people's shitty bands, we would play with them! Instead we are fortunate enough to have some friends in some great bands, so we are afforded some great opportunities. We don't take them for granted and we pour just as much heart into a show with the Bouncing Souls or whoever as we do with local bands on a show we headline. We are passionate regardless of who we play with. 16

Swimmer’s Ear Magazine

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