2013-14 Pre-Departure Handbook

Page 10

2. Packing Pack Lightly! It is nearly impossible to take everything you want, and remember, you are the one who has to carry your belongings. A common suggestion is to pack your bags, then carry them around the block and up and down some stairs; then, re-evaluate what is really necessary to take. Another method is to lay out everything you want to take and then reduce it by half. Also, remember that every airline has restrictions on how many bags you can check and carry and how much they can weigh, with hefty charges for going over the limit. Check with the airline before you leave home. Keep in mind, as well, that you will acquire things while abroad that you will want to bring back, so consider taking an empty suitcase with you or purchase one there. Checklist of packing suggestions: Documents passport and visa photocopy of passport credit cards, debit card, currency from your host country money belt and/or passport pouch proof of insurance, insurance card and insurance claim forms personal medical records acceptance letter from your host university and/or approval letter from Middlebury travel information and in-country staff contact information provided by your sponsoring program or university abroad your academic adviser's phone number and email address extra passport-size photos for any ID cards you may need abroad Medical/Health prescription medications in original containers and copies of prescriptions in generic form contraceptives eyeglasses/contact lenses, including extras and prescriptions travel first aid kit and sewing kit Travel Practicalities converter and/or electrical adapter camera and equipment travel alarm clock language dictionary country travel guide photos of your family and friends, Middlebury, and your home gift items for your host family and/or other friends you meet abroad toiletries, including feminine products dress outfit and shoes swimming suit and exercise clothes robe and slippers, especially for those who will live in dorms


Pre-departure 2013-2014, Page 10

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