34 BakkerElkhuizen Knowledge Centre Listings

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Knowledge Center


Infographic: Improvement coaching for Office Athletes

Interventions for vitality in the workplace

The Mousetrapper feeling

Added small changes in daily habits can have a major impact on your physical well-being and cognitive performance.

Modern technology lends itself to us spending a large part of the day sitting down. We have cars, laptops, home delivery services and Netflix; little physical activity is required on an average weekday.

Our hands are the most versatile tools we have. The delicate, complex combination of nerves, muscles, and 27 bones in each hand can perform almost any action your brain can conceive. But do we actually make optimal use of our hands when we work at a computer?

The post-holiday depression

The effect of light on performance

The agility of the organisation

Around March or April, with the winter holiday still fresh in mind, many office workers start to long for the summer holiday. It will give them a chance to recharge their depleted “batteries" and get ready to

It is widely known that light has an effect on our wellbeing. In general, north Europeans suffer more from afflictions such as winter depression than central Europeans do. This disparity is

Videoconferencing, working from the cloud… Just a few examples of flexible working. Especially in these times when more companies are embracing agile working.

Multi-pairing: One keyboard, numerous devices It is easy to switch between different devices with the use of multi-pairing. Switch easily between PC, tablet or smartphone at the touch of a button. Would you like to know more about how it works and what the benefits are?

Sounds in professional practice Sound is all around us, both indoors and outdoors. We spoke to Gijs van Wijk about his views on, and expertise in, acoustics in the corporate office environment.

Sitting? Where, what and how There must be some reason for all these rules and guidelines. What are the facts?

Featured: compact keyboard

What is the right mouse for me?

Research by Microsoft shows that an active computer user covers 32 km with his or her fingers daily. Therefore, the keyboard is an important part of the computer. This means that choosing the right keyboard is vital.

Computer mice are still the most-used accessory on people’s desks. Since different people need different types of mice, we present a practical overview below.

How do you facilitate sustainable performance at work?

5 reasons why it is good for you to alternate between sitting/standing while you work

The consequences of increasing digitisation include (excessive) pressure of work and a lack of physical exercise. But despite these negative consequences of digitisation, there are also positive outcomes. Curious?

It is obvious to most people: standing all day is not good for your health. Neither is sitting all day. Yet many employers require their employees to stand or sit all day.

There must be some reason behind all these rules and guidelines, right? What are opinions and what are facts? It's time for an update on the benefits and drawbacks of sitting in office environments.

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Sitting/standing working: what's its real impact?

Tomorrow's office: virtual and augmented reality

Sitting/standing working is becoming increasingly popular. But what are the actual effects of switching between working standing up and sitting down?

Virtual and augmented reality offer creative professionals endless opportunities. But can this technology also be applied by VDU users in an office setting?

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What are virtual and augmented reality?

Ergo Expert Talk: Dr. Ahmet Cakir

Practical tips for making progress at the office

Walking around in a computergenerated space or communicating with a hologram of your colleague? It looks like this technology is no longer science fiction but reality!

We spoke with Ahmet Çakir, the scientific manager of the ERGONOMIC Institute for Social and Occupational Sciences in Berlin, about today's workplace. Which aspects stand out? What are the challenges and opportunities associated with today's workplace?

Here are some practical tips for being able to focus better on your work and get it done more effectively

What if your e-mail suddenly stops working tomorrow?

Whitepaper: Office employees are like professional athletes!

Ping! You've got mail, or you see it as a pop-up on your desktop. But what will happen if you arrive at work tomorrow and find that your e-mail isn't working?

This whitepaper focuses on practical ways that organisations and their employees can use insights gleaned from professional sports in order to improve work performance.

A practical guide to improving work performance with insights from pro sports The whitepaper ‘Office employees are like professional athletes!' provides five insights. This guide gives insights into measures that can be implemented in practical situations.

Infographic: office employees are like professional athletes

The workplace of the future fits into your back pocket

Whitepaper: How do you choose the right mouse?

Download a useful infographic that provides a short concise summary of the whitepaper 'Improving work performance with insights from pro sports!' accompanied by a practical guide here.

Take a good look at your desk: all it has on it is a monitor with keyboard and mouse and a telephone or smartphone. Forty years ago, this would have been inconceivable.

The most commonly used accessory for working with a computer or laptop is still the mouse. This whitepaper provides insight into the effects of ergonomic mice on health and performance.

10 tips for an ideal workplace

New: the stylish Evoluent C mouse

Ergo Expert Talk: Levent Caglar

An ergonomic workplace facilitates the comfort and productivity of VDU users. All it takes is a few changes to create the ideal workplace.

This ergonomic Evoluent C mouse not only features a luxurious look and a new shape but also sports a number of technological improvements.

BakkerElkhuizen spoke with Levent Caglar, Senior Ergonomist, about various trends in the field of ergonomics and knowledge workers.

VDU-work not the cause of eye problems

Whitepaper: Designing workstations

How can you ward off the post-lunch dip?

Tired, dry or sore eyes after working on a computer for a long period of time? It is not so that eyes deteriorate as a result of working for lengthy periods with a computer

This article provides a summarized manual for making your workstation more comfortable and productive

Do you suffer from a dip during your workday? Here are three tips to help you ward off this post-lunch dip.

Whitepaper: Optimal performance with two or more computer screens This whitepaper provides an introduction to the impacts on performance and health when working with multiple computer screens.

AltMOUSE: for less use of the mouse Reducing mouse use has two major advantages. It reduces physical stress and increases productivity. The challenge, however, is memorizing and actually using the shortcut keys.

Can you work comfortably with a laptop? On its own, the laptop is unsuited for working for more than two hours a day. This whitepaper provides an introduction to safe productive ways of working with a laptop.

Coach for sit-stand furniture means more effective use

Flexible working resulting in more variation in workplaces

Office space design for working comfortable and efficiently

Organizations are attempting to discourage sitting behavior by using sit-stand furniture, yet employees don’t seem to be making the best possible use of it. So why not?

The need for flexible and mobile workplaces is rising sharply. What kinds of challenges are associated with these new workplace concepts when it comes to ergonomics?

The New Way of Working requires new equipment and workstation setups to create a healthy workplace, regardless of where the person works.

comfortably on a tablet?

for travelling laptop users

How do you select a business laptop bag?

This whitepaper shows that while tablets were never ergonomically designed for these long-term tasks, the right accessories can prevent the physical strain caused by uncomfortable tablet use

We are increasingly using laptops while on the go: in the train, during a fligh or even in the back seat of a car. This is why BakkerElkhuizen introduced the ErgoTraveller.

Choosing the right laptop bag is becoming increasingly important. But how can you choose the most suitable bag for you and your work situation?

Spotlight on the keyboard: what to know when buying one We still spend half of our computer time using our mouse, but we are increasingly being encouraged to make more use of the shortcut keys. What should you be aware of when buying a keyboard?

Put people at the heart of the digital work environment Sam Marshall is an expert in digital work environments and spoke at the Congres Intranet 2014. During his speech, he reflected on the basis of the digital work environment.

People in an open-plan office are more often ill

A new improved FlexDesk 640

Research shows that people who work at these flexible workstations take more (63% more) sick days than people who have their own office. But this can be prevented.

Computer users often work with documents, notes and reports when carrying out their computer tasks. The solution? FlexDesk document holder.

Flexible working: savings or an investment? Does Flexible Working actually save money or does it require just the opposite: investment?

Home workstation underexposed in Europe The International Comparative Flexible Working Survey 2013 showed that the number of people working at home is increasing rapidly.

UltraStand: ultimate comfort through fusion with laptop BakkerElkhuizen’s UltraStand is the thinnest and lightest laptop stand in the world. This integrated laptop stand weighs just 250 g, is wafer-thin (just 2 mm).

The three most important advantages of telecommuting and flexible working An increasing number of employees are being given the opportunity to decide when and where they work. Here are the three most important advantages.

Case: Flexible Working for Securex in Flanders To ensure that the flexible working proceeds as ergonomically as possible, Securex nowadays provides all its laptop users with BakkerElkhuizen’s Ergo-Q 260 as standard.

The UK also adopts flexible working Although the Netherlands and Flanders are the pioneers of flexible working in Europe, research has revealed that flexible working has also become fully integrated on the work floors in the UK.

Essential resources for flex workers In our International Comparative Flexible Working Survey 2013, we asked respondents what kind of facilities they provide their employees in the way of training activities and computer accessories.

59% would resign if Flexible Working would no longer be allowed Once staff get used to flexible working, they don’t want anything else. 59% of staff said they would switch jobs if their employer would discontinue the option of flexible working.

Five tips for an increased work productivity after the holidays The restart after the holidays is the perfect time to structurally increase your staff’s productivity. The following tips will help you do this without any sense of extra workload on the part of your staff.

The history of ergonomics Ergonomics is mainly known as the science of improving workplaces to enable workers to use their computers in a safe and productive way.

In the picture: the Evoluent mouse It might seem a trivial part of our comfortably arranged workstation: the computer mouse. But don’t let its small appearance deceive you.

Ergonomics and the New Way of Working Modern Habits

Implementation of the New Way of Working at Microsoft One of the best known implementations of the New Way of Working in several countries has been realised by Microsoft. What made Microsoft’s implementation in several countries so successful?

Get the most out of the Evoluent mouse Of course, the optimal situation is when computer users get the most out of our products, without too much effort. For this reason, we have written new instruction manuals for our vertical Evoluent mouse devices.

Smart combination of work, private life and environment

Should I have the Feet on my keyboard in or out?

Flexible working hours and telecommuting can contribute to the improvement of the private / work balance, reduce environmental burden, and help to cut back on facility costs in the office.

A question that is often asked within the scope of ergonomics is: ‘Should I have the Feet on my keyboard in or out?’

Computer workplace ergonomics This article is a concise manual on how to set up your workstation.



Work Smart - Feel Good

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