Season 50 Season Summary

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We focused on putting show content immediately after the show. This helped reach our online/mobile audience. The Digital Communication team is also responsible for sharing content online. Cutting up and showing individual stories may attract viewers who are not interested in watching the whole show.

Suggestions Positive: 1. Keep up number of class presentations 2. Facebook AD had 5,000 views 3. T shirts and promo items early 4. Radio was good, also go to Leighton Broadcasting 5. Research for booth placement and timing again Negative: 1. Link booth was unproductive 2. Better communication between teams 3. Better engagement with audience during marketing presentation 4. Interns represent Studio One better at all times. New: 1. On campus external event (similar to Night Life) 2. InDesign for graphics 3. Tour guides have talking points when stalled at production control 4. Two different recruitment videos 5. Studio One App (mobile) 6. Swag contest for reaching the HTNR deadline 7. HTNR during team meetings 8. Non‐marketing interns at booths 9. Announce radio opportunity to all interns 10. Less communication class presentations to avoid overbearing message

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