Season 50 Season Summary

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We also discovered through our research that the strengths of Studio One ranked as the top qualities students look for in an internship experience. We made sure to underline the program’s national appeal, quality equipment and networking opportunities within the Studio One family in classroom presentations, campus booth, and promotional advertisements and items. Our results showed that 26% of applicants applied from class presentations and 8% applied from booths.

Weaknesses evaluation Unlike threats, weaknesses are internal vulnerabilities that an organization has control over. Understanding our weaknesses will make us aware of what we need to focus on for this semester. � The weaknesses section of the SWOT analysis helped in determining our goals for recruitment and how to improve awareness of Studio One. We were able to identify certain areas of the program that were weaknesses in our control. We looked at two areas when we were determining weaknesses. The first area, the internship, had weaknesses such as that it is unpaid, a large time commitment, limited amount of spaces for new interns, and separation between the teams. The second area, the program, had weaknesses such as that there is no live show during the summer or breaks between semesters, and that it’s content type may not appeal to all viewers. Based on these weaknesses, we were better able to plan accordingly. During classroom presentations, booths, and radio advertisements we would turn our weaknesses into positives. Instead of talking about how we do not get paid, we highlighted the fact that students can earn credit. For the time commitment aspect we told students that it looks great to future employers when they see that you were involved around campus. The limited amount of interns weakness allowed us to give the program an edge by telling students that it is competitive, showing them how great of a program Studio One is. Almost no one likes to hear about the weaknesses of their program, but getting insight into these vulnerabilities allowed the team to focus in on how to make the internship and program even better. Being able to identify areas of dullness helped us to jazz up the positives, and turn the weaknesses into strengths. Some of the main areas we succeeded in were improving the weakness of time commitment by

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