StudenTalk #141 - January 2013

Page 24


opinionIS MONTH your TH voice ED: h to rm from whic o tf la p a it a w eive nts of Ku , students rec ive the stude re g e e H . w , m n e o th ti c t c e r them that affe Within this s others to hea n the matters g o in fs w e o li ll e a b t s ir il e ions, wh express th ice their opin o v to y it n u rt the oppo out.

Let us know if you have any further ideas for future topics at

Sara Al-Sayed, 22, ACK, Business Management They would participate more. If you understand the world economically and socially, it will give you a chance to participate.

Basma Younes, 23, ACK, Business Management ‫عندما تتعرف على النواب ستتمكن‬

Lulwa Al-Tourah, 23, ACK, Oil and Gas Engineering Politics didn’t do any good for people. So if they listen to people, the politics will be between us the people not between the politicians only.

Mohammed Al-Kandari, 18, ACK, Petroleum Engineering There will be many benefits and it’s good to understand these two factors.


.‫وقتها من اختيار الشخص األنسب‬


What benefit would a greater understanding of world politics and economics bring to society?

Haitham Al-Barqawi, 22, ACK, Business Management It will help lead to a more utopian society and benefit communication between one another and create an overall peace for mankind.

Ahmed Arshad, 21, ACK, Marketing People would have more understanding of politics and economics. This way, they can plan for a safer future.

Ahmed Al-Attar, 22, ACM, HR Management Understanding world politics and economics eliminates uncertainty (which is the cause of panic and non-acceptance) which puts most people in clear waters Therefore, understanding helps up coop better towards change.

Ifrah Khan, 22, ACK, Management If they understood it better, they’ll be well informed about their decisions. They’ll know how the system works which will help them improve anything that they think is wrong.

Waseem Waheed, 21, ACK, Management They’ll be more supporting, understand the prospective and put forward suggestions.

Anaheed Youssef, 21, ACK, Civil Engineering People will be more effective in this society. People will be the main issue not only politicians.

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