Center for Faith and Culture Faithful Citizenship Dinner Program

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25th Anniversary Year Events

2 0 1 9 J u n e 1 0 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 9 | 7 th S e m i n a r o n S p i r i t u a l i t y

Presented by: Rev. Donald S. Nesti, CSSp, Rev. Binh The Quach, CSSp and Ms. Maureen Bacchi, LMSW

September 21, 2019|Archbishop Fiorenza Symposium

Open Wide Our Hearts: An Encounter of Grace and Race

Exploration of Racism in America and the Transcending Nature of Grace

October 2, 2019 | 9th Annual Faithful Citizenship Dinner

Honoree: Fr. Donald S. Nesti, CSSp, Founder of the Center for Faith and Culture Honorary Chairs: Dr. & Mrs. Ludwick

events 2 0 2 0 J a n u a ry 2 0 2 0 | 7 t h A n n u a l W e e k o f P r ay e r f o r C h r i s t i a n U n i t y E c u m e n i c a l S e r v i c e Spring 2020 | Symposium: Radical Encounters of Compassion Summer 2020 | Rome Study Abroad: Centro Pro Unione Fall 2020 | Archbishop Fiorenza Lecture October 2020 | 10th Annual Faithful Citizenship Dinner Page 1

25TH ANNIVERSARY HIGHLIGHTS Donald S. Nesti, CSSp Center for Faith & Culture

FOUNDED IN 1994 In response to Pope John Paul II’s 1982 creation of the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Center for Faith and Culture was established in January of 1994 as a study, research, and outreach center to the Houston community and surrounding area, as a part of the University of St. Thomas, and was sanctioned by the [Arch]Diocese of GalvestonHouston under [Arch]Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D. It was located at St. Mary’s Seminary for the first 15 years, functioning under the founding director, Rev. Donald S. Nesti, CSSp.

FA I T H A N D C U LT U R E The Center for Faith and Culture demonstrates a concern for all aspects of American Culture, diverse ethnic backgrounds, and other religious traditions. In looking at the relationship between Catholicism and American culture, the Center investigates various topics such as Faith and Science, Faith and Economics, Faith and Family Life, Immigration and Refugee Policy, Ecology and participation in Civic and Political Life. One example was the Conference on Faith and Science held in 2006 at the IMAX Theatre with over 600 attendees in which the themes of Creation and Evolution engaged the reflections of participants.

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SEMINARS ON SPIRITUALITY In 2004, the Center launched the first of our Summer Seminars on Spirituality and Culture. These seminars explore the similarities and differences between a Catholic and an American understanding of different life themes. Themes that have been explored so far include our different understandings of Freedom, Suffering, and Staying Connected. Understanding these world view differences helps us to engage more fully in a dialogue that continues to bring the Good News of the Gospel to our American culture.

ECUMENICAL & INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE The Donald S. Nesti, CSSp Center for Faith & Culture embraces ecumenism (Christian unity) and interreligious dialogue (outreach to people of other world religions) as an integral mandate of its mission. In this way, the Center exemplifies its commitment to dialogue as in all segments of its programs and undertakings.

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C e l e b r at i n g 2 5 y e a r s i n 2 0 1 9 , at the Donald S. Nesti, CSSp Center f o r Fa i t h a n d C u lt u r e , o u r p r i m a ry e d u c at i o n a l t o o l i s d i a l o g u e . W e discuss and debate the hard questions of life and issues we face in t o d ay ’s w o r l d. A s w e s t r i v e t o l i v e a n d w o r k t o g e t h e r f o r t h e c o m m o n g o o d i n s o c i e t y, w e b r i n g t h e C a t h o l i c v o i c e t o t h i s o n g o i n g c o n v e r s a t i o n , w h i l e a c t i v e ly l i s t e n i n g a n d va l u i n g t h e v o i c e s o f o t h e r s .

25TH ANNIVERSARY HIGHLIGHTS Donald S. Nesti, CSSp Center for Faith & Culture

FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP DINNER The inaugural Faithful Citizenship Dinner took place in 2011. Each year at this dinner, the Faithful Citizen Award is conferred upon persons who, led by the Holy Spirit, manifest the Incarnate Love of God for this world in their lives and actions as Catholics. This dinner is also the Center’s principal fundraising event. It provides the necessary resources for the Center to mentor, teach, and form leaders of faith and character through the Master of Arts in Faith and Culture, various Conferences, Seminars and Lectures.

SUMMER STUDY ABROAD The MAFC program held its first study abroad session in the summer 2014. This is a three-week course of study at the Centro Pro Unione in Rome, Italy. The program focuses specifically on Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue by studying the history of the Ecumenical Movement, various Dialogues between other Christian denominations and the Catholic Church that have grown since the end of the Second Vatican Council, and finally on the Dialogue between the Catholic Church and World Religions. This program is offered every two years and may be taken for Graduate Credit or Non-Credit Certificate.

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1999 Vietnamese American Conference

M A S T E R O F A R T S I N FA I T H A N D C U LT U R E The Master of Arts in Faith and Culture degree was approved the summer of 2009. It is designed to form lay leaders who are faithful citizens. Students in the program are professionals, as well as community and church ministers who seek to be capable in assisting others in the integration of their personal and communal lives within the American context. The MAFC degree program provides opportunities for intellectual, spiritual, pastoral, and human/social growth and development. This prepares students to be virtuous leaders equipped with dialogical skills so they may live as people of faith, hope and charity in responding to the challenges and demands of the cultural context.

ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH A. FIORENZA LECTURE The Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza Lecture was established in 2008 to honor the Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of Galveston-Houston, who continues to be recognized as one who fosters ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. Each year the Center invites preeminent individuals to address various cultural questions. Examples of past subjects addressed include: “The Roots of Peacemaking in Scriptures and Traditions”, “Understanding and Interpreting Vatican II and the Promotion of Dialogue”, “Religious Freedom: Its Roots in Catholic Thought and its Place in Vatican Diplomacy” and “The Domestic Church and the Encounter with God”.

1998 Becoming Alive in the Holy Spirit

2008 Interreligious Dialogue Symposium

2004 Faith and Economics

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25TH ANNIVERSARY THROUGH THE YEARS Donald S. Nesti, CSSp Center for Faith & Culture

2009 Spirituality Seminar

2010 Lecture by Fr. Fabio Ciardi

2011 MAFC Graduates

2012 Religious Sisters Luncheon

2013 MAFC Retreat

2014 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Prayer Service

2017 MAFC Graduates

2018 Rome Study Abroad

2002 Czech Culture Conference

2018 MAFC Student Open House

2019 Blessing of CFC House

Master of Arts in Faith and Culture Classroom

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The Donald S. Nesti, CSSP Center for Faith & Culture brings the Catholic voice to the ongoing conversation about the meaning of life, and the liberty and pursuit of happiness we hold in common as Americans. The Center seeks to understand and affect the relationship between and among the many facets of the American way of life in relation to God’s ongoing, loving encounter with humanity. We educate faithfull citizens to become leaders capable of dialogue and proclamation in articulating a God-centered vision of the world and how that vision strengthens the institutions that govern us. Through its programmatic offerings, the Center serves the local and regional Catholic, ecumenical and interreligious communities, our sister university communities, civic society, and various professional segments of our culture.

Fr. Donald Nesti, CSSp Founding director MAFC Professor

Fr. Binh Quach, CSSp CFC Director

J a n S k r e h o t, M D i v CFC Associate Director

Dr. Don Frolich Biology Professor, School of Arts & Sciences

Maureen Bacchi, LCSW MAFC Adjunct Professor

Arlene Leggio CFC Administrative Assistant

Brenda Banegas CFC Communications Coordinator

U n i v e r s i t y o f S t. T h o m a s

3800 Montrose Boulevard

Houston, Texas 77006

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