Radius User Guide

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User Guide


Table of Contents Radius at a Glance.......................................................................................................6 The Radius Site Map ...................................................................................................7 Radius Data Diagrams .................................................................................................8 Common Radius Features............................................................................................9 List Views ..........................................................................................................................9 Create New List View ............................................................................................................ 10 Nested Logic.......................................................................................................................... 12 Customize List Columns ........................................................................................................ 15 Actions ............................................................................................................................16 Execute an Action ................................................................................................................. 17 Tools ...............................................................................................................................21 Export..............................................................................................................................22

Contact Module ........................................................................................................ 23 Creating a New Contact....................................................................................................24 Importing Contacts ..........................................................................................................24 How to Import Contacts ....................................................................................................... 24 Organizations ..................................................................................................................27 How to Manually Add an Organization................................................................................. 27 Importing Organizations ....................................................................................................... 28 Merge Organizations ............................................................................................................ 29 Lifecycles .........................................................................................................................31 Tasks ...............................................................................................................................32 Create New Task ................................................................................................................... 33 Appointments..................................................................................................................34 Create an Appointment ........................................................................................................ 34 Locations .........................................................................................................................35

Programs Module ..................................................................................................... 36 Programs .........................................................................................................................36 Create a New Program.......................................................................................................... 37 Registrations....................................................................................................................38 Create a New Registration .................................................................................................... 39 Invoices ...........................................................................................................................40 Create a New Invoice ............................................................................................................ 40 Payments ........................................................................................................................41 Create a New Payment ......................................................................................................... 41 Application Forms ............................................................................................................42 Create Application Form ....................................................................................................... 42 Sites ................................................................................................................................45

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3 Create a New Site ................................................................................................................. 45 Communication Plans ......................................................................................................46 Create a Communication Plan .............................................................................................. 46 Email Templates ..............................................................................................................52 Discounts.........................................................................................................................55 Self Service Center ...........................................................................................................55 Iterations.........................................................................................................................58 Recommendations ...........................................................................................................64 Requirements ..................................................................................................................66 Recommender Forms .......................................................................................................67

Sales Module ............................................................................................................ 70 Leads ...............................................................................................................................70 Manual Lead Entry ................................................................................................................ 70 Opportunity.....................................................................................................................72 Manual Opportunity Creation .............................................................................................. 72

Inquiry Module ......................................................................................................... 72 Inquiries ..........................................................................................................................73 Create New Inquiry ............................................................................................................... 73 Inquiry Forms ..................................................................................................................74

Event Module ........................................................................................................... 78 Events .............................................................................................................................78 Attendees ........................................................................................................................81 Targets ............................................................................................................................82 Event Communications ....................................................................................................83 Locations .........................................................................................................................83 Event Forms.....................................................................................................................84

Marketing Module .................................................................................................... 86 Campaigns .......................................................................................................................86 Select Target List ................................................................................................................... 87 View & Edit Message ............................................................................................................ 88 Preview and Test................................................................................................................... 88 Schedule................................................................................................................................ 89 Exclusions ........................................................................................................................90

Cases Module ........................................................................................................... 91 Cases ...............................................................................................................................92 Creating a New Case ............................................................................................................. 92 Case Messages .................................................................................................................94 Create New Case Message.................................................................................................... 95

Analytics ................................................................................................................... 98 Dashboards .....................................................................................................................98 Reports............................................................................................................................99

Setup Options ......................................................................................................... 101 Personal Settings .................................................................................................... 102

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4 Account Information ...................................................................................................... 102 Edit Account Information ................................................................................................... 102 Change a User Password..................................................................................................... 102 Create User Email Signature ............................................................................................... 103

Users & Permissions................................................................................................ 103 Data Sharing Settings ..................................................................................................... 103 Institutional Default Permissions........................................................................................ 103 Field Level Security ........................................................................................................ 104 Groups........................................................................................................................... 104 Creating a Group................................................................................................................. 104 Profiles .......................................................................................................................... 105 Creating a Profile ................................................................................................................ 105 Roles ................................................................................................................................... 108 Creating a New Role ........................................................................................................... 108 Create a Role....................................................................................................................... 109 Edit a Role ........................................................................................................................... 110 Security Settings ............................................................................................................ 110 Users ............................................................................................................................. 110 Create a New User ............................................................................................................. 111 The List View ....................................................................................................................... 112

Organization Settings .............................................................................................. 113 Configure Search Settings............................................................................................... 113 Customize Form Field Lists ................................................................................................. 113 Create Mail Profiles........................................................................................................ 114 Create a New Mail Profile ................................................................................................... 114 Mailboxes ...................................................................................................................... 115 Create a New Mailbox ........................................................................................................ 115 Organization Details....................................................................................................... 117 Payment Gateway Settings............................................................................................. 117 Payment Gateway Transaction Log ................................................................................. 117 Recycle Bin .................................................................................................................... 119 Emptying the Recycle Bin ................................................................................................... 119

Radius Web Services ............................................................................................... 120 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 120 What is a Web Service? ...................................................................................................... 120 The Components of a Web Service..................................................................................... 121 Radius Web Service Set-up ................................................................................................. 122 Creating a Web User Account............................................................................................. 123 Radius Web Services Use Cases .......................................................................................... 127 Available Field Attributes.................................................................................................... 130 Web Service Methods for Radius ....................................................................................... 131 List All Modules................................................................................................................... 131 Get a Module’s Meta Data ................................................................................................. 131 List All Fields for a Module.................................................................................................. 131 Get an Entity ....................................................................................................................... 131 Create an Entity .................................................................................................................. 132

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5 Update an Entity ................................................................................................................. 133 Delete an Entity .................................................................................................................. 134 Search for Entities............................................................................................................... 134 Usage Limits & Best Practices ............................................................................................. 136 Product Releases & Web Services ...................................................................................... 136 Resources............................................................................................................................ 137

Import Tools ........................................................................................................... 138 Tab Settings ............................................................................................................ 139 Organize Tabs ................................................................................................................ 139 Rename Tabs ................................................................................................................. 140

Workflow Settings .................................................................................................. 140 Workflow Rules ............................................................................................................. 141 Workflow Alerts............................................................................................................. 143 To create a Workflow Alert: ............................................................................................... 143 Workflow Tasks ............................................................................................................. 144 To create a Workflow Task: ................................................................................................ 145

Modules ................................................................................................................. 146 Field Lists ....................................................................................................................... 147 Field Types .......................................................................................................................... 148 Edit................................................................................................................................ 151 Field Dependency .......................................................................................................... 151 Quick Link Settings ......................................................................................................... 154 Assignment Rules........................................................................................................... 155 Edit Page Layout ............................................................................................................ 159 Duplicate Contact Settings ............................................................................................. 160

Radius Data Diagram............................................................................................... 162

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RADIUS AT A GLANCE Rad i us at a Gl an ce Radius is structured to provide users with the ability to engage students throughout the entire student lifecycle. Additionally it allows for increased efficiency and communication as institutions manage recruitment, enrollment, and overall student success. Using a module-based format Radius allows for seamless transitions between system functions.

Each module in Radius is comprised of sub-modules that provide access to the various record types within the system. The Radius navigation ribbon includes:

These modules are included in the default system configuration. Since Radius can be customized it possible for the user to be presented with a ribbon that differs from the default view.

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The Radius navigation ribbon is structured to facilitate a user experience that is easy and efficient. Sub-modules allow the user to access the various parts of the system where action can be taken to: manage contacts, create communications, create and manage applications, and coordinate events. Because Radius is a relational database many of the sub-modules can be found under multiple tabs in the navigation ribbon.

The Radius Site Map The following chart represents the available modules and sub-modules included in the Radius system.

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R a d i u s D a t a D i a g r a ms The Radius system is a complex relational database. A comprehensive set of diagrams can be found in Appendix A.

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C o mmo n R a d i u s Fe a t u r e s Radius utilizes common features to aid the user in quickly learning the system. These features are found throughout the system and share similar functionality. The user can expect to encounter the following common elements in the Radius system. List Views Actions Tools Export

This section discusses the features and process for utilizing these elements, and should be referenced for all questions regarding the topic.

List Views The List Views functionality within Radius provides the user with the ability to quickly and efficiently access, manipulate, and use the various pieces of data that have been collected. While the List View functionality exists across Radius, each view is subject to user customization. Within each module the user is provided the ability to customize the columns of viewable data that is relevant to him. It is important to note that a generated list of data directly correlates with the module where it was accessed. For example, the Contacts List View presents a list of Contacts; the Cases List View presents a list of Cases, etc. The View button, provides the user with a standard set of actions, which can be utilized to do the following: Edit – Edit the current view Create – Create a new view Delete – Delete the current view Reload – Refresh the current view Save As – Clone an existing view and save as a new view Share Settings – Allow sharing the view with other users, groups, or roles

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Create New List View The process for creating a new List View is simple, and requires the user be familiar with Boolean Logic. To facilitate the process Radius clearly organizes the requirements on screen. Before beginning the creation process the user should clearly identify the intended purpose & information to be included in the view. Users are encouraged to practice building views, but should expect a trial & error process – that is, if they cannot clearly define the purpose of the view.

Step 1: Designate List Name All List Views must have a unique name. When providing a list name the user should consider utilizing defined naming conventions and practices. For example, it is better to use Submitted Applications rather than John’s View. A user can expect the submitted applications view to provide information involving the applicant; whereas John’s view does not provide any insight into the contents. Step 2: Select the Criteria Type List Views can be configured using a Dynamic or Static criteria type. This selection directly determines the final step in the creation process.

Criteria Type: Static

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A Static list includes a user-defined list of records that will not change. Radius provides the user with a search feature to easily add contact records to the list.

Criteria Type: Dynamic

Selecting the dynamic criteria type will result in the creation of a list view that utilizes logic and results in a continually changing view. Contact records that appear in the list view must meet the set of user-defined criteria. Step 3: Build Criteria (for Dynamic only) Each row of logic consists of the following components: Module Field Comparator Value Select the appropriate Module. Custom views can reference all modules within the system. Once the Module has been selected, the user is presented with a list of all fields associated with the module. At this point the user needs to select the Field. After selecting the Field, the user is required to choose from a list of available Comparators, or criteria operator. Available operators include: Contains

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Doesn’t Contain Ends With Is Is (Case Sensitive) Is Empty Is Not Empty Isn’t Starts With Users are presented with the full set of operators; however, the field type will determine the usability of an operator. For example, the selection “Ends With” would not be applicable for a field that utilizes a pick-list. Finally, the user must select, or provide, the value(s) to be included in the logic statement. To complete the logic statement, place ( ) at the beginning and end of the line. If additional lines of logic are desired, the user can click

to add or delete a row.

Finally, rows are joined with And, Or, Minus. Nested Logic When creating a complex query in Views, Reports, and Targets, the user may find the need to use a mix of "and, or, minus" joins to combine multiple lines of filter logic. Parentheses "(" can be used to identify which parts of the query logic are to be solved first and which parts of the query logic should be solved as a group to be compared to other logic outside of the group. Simply type a parenthesis inside each open parenthesis and closed parenthesis field needed to begin and end a bracketed group. One group can be nested completely inside another group if needed—just make sure that there are always an equal number of opening and closing parentheses. Bracketed expressions are solved from the inner most brackets first. Just as in ordinary algebra, there is an order regarding which operators are evaluated first. Understanding Order of Operations: Query logic will be evaluated in the following order: 1. () 2. NOT [MINUS] 3. AND 4. OR © 2015 Hobsons

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For example: If a user queries, Contact State (Line 1) is OH AND Program (Line 2) is Biology, they will find results for all contacts interested in Biology that live in Ohio. Line 1:

Contact State =



Line 2:

Contact Gender =


For example: If a user queries, Contact State (Line 1) is OH AND Program (Line 2) is Biology OR Program (Line 3) is Chemistry, they will find results for all contacts interested in Biology that live in Ohio and all other contacts that are interested in Chemistry regardless of their state. For example:


Line 1: Line 2: Line 3:

Contact State = Contact Program = Contact Program =

OH Biology Chemistry

If a user is interested in finding Biology and Chemistry contacts in Ohio only, they will need to include parentheses around lines 2 and 3. For example:


Line 1: ( Line 2: Line 3:

Contact State = Contact Program = Contact Program =

OH Biology Chemistry)

If a user adds Line 4 to MINUS or subtract from that list Applicants below 3.0 they will find all contacts interested in Biology and Chemistry in Ohio only that have a high GPA 3.0 or higher. For example:


Line 1: ( Line 2: Line 3: Line 4:

Contact State = Contact Program = Contact Program = GPA

OH Biology Chemistry) < 3.0

Caution: The MINUS operator is the least used operator because it could exclude valuable references if not used correctly. If a user would like to exclude targets (or contacts, lifecycles, etc.), they can use the pull down tab under “Join” on the left and choose MINUS. A MINUS sign will exclude any/all targets referenced after the MINUS © 2015 Hobsons

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14 sign. Attaching a MINUS sign indicates that the user does not want targets they are specifying. We strongly recommend users use parenthesis to eliminate confusion.

Once saved, the created list view is accessible via a drop down menu. All Contacts


[r.ttJ Add/Remove Columns }

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View As: Ust

Sorting order


Drag your columns here to son

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Customize List Columns The List View determines the visible records; however, it is the customization of columns that determines the data points available to the user. Customization of columns is a simple process that requires the user to select the appropriate module, and fields.

Module Menu – The Module drop down includes a listing of all available modules in the Radius system. After a module is selected the list of Available Columns is refreshed and users can select the additional fields(s) for the view. Users will encounter a triangle icon next to those columns. When clicked, the column name is expanded and the user can select individual fields that are associated with the category. Additional Customization Radius utilizes drag-and-drop functionality for the customization of list view columns. Users are able to place the cursor a column, left-click, and drag the column to a new location.

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The drag-and-drop functionality is also utilized for sorting list results.

Simply drag the column to the sort area to further customize the view.

Once a column has been placed in the sorting order it becomes an actionable drop down menu. This menu includes options for: Sort Ascending Sort Descending Remove Sort These features are present throughout the system and are found in each of the modules.

Actions The Actions menu is a feature that is common across all Radius modules. The menu is dynamic and presents a unique set of actions specific to the module. For example, the Actions menu within the Contacts module includes options for: Mass Update Delete Create Task Show on Map Send Email Add to Static Target Merge Contacts The same menu changes drastically when accessed via the Programs menu as users are presented with the option to: Mass Update Delete

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Execute an Action All actions require that, at minimum, one record be selected. Once selected, it is possible to select the desired action from the menu. A triggered action will produce a pop-up and the user will be presented with a step-by-step process for executing the action. Mass Update The Mass Update option allows for efficient management of a single data point for an identified record, or group of records. Step 1: Select the Records The Mass Update process requires the user to select the identified records by clicking the box to the left of the contact record name.

Step 2: Field Selection & Define Value

Using the dropdown, select the field to be updated and define the new value. In the above example the field Postal Code is to be updated. This field is configured as an open text field, and the new value must adhere to this configuration. Click Update to complete the process.

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Show on Map Radius includes integration between the list view and Google Maps, which can generate a map based on the contact’s core address. This feature can be utilized for both single and multiple records.

After selecting the records, trigger the Show on Map functionality by using the dropdown menu.

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Send Email Users have the ability to communicate with contacts via the Send Email functionality. After selecting the contact record, trigger the Send Email action. Radius will generate a pop-up.

The editor includes a standard set of tools to facilitate the email creation. In addition to these standard tools the user has enhanced features for communication customization and workflow. Send & Create Case o This option will generate a Radius case and send the email to the recipient. Please refer to the Cases section of the manual for detailed information regarding the use of this functionality. Merge Fields o This feature allows the user to integrate contact data into the communication.

To merge fields into the email: 1. Select the desired Merge Module 2. Select the desired Field 3. Copy the field code, and insert at the cursor

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Add to Static Target A Static Target is a fixed list of Contacts that is defined by the user. As the name suggests, this list must be managed by the user and will not change as new contact records enter the system. The user has access to this feature throughout the system and can add records as needed. To add a contact record to a Static Target: 1. Select the contact record(s). Radius will generate a pop-up.

2. Use the search field to find existing Targets, or click the green plus icon to create a Target 3. Click Add to complete the process.

In addition to these actions, there are module-specific actions. Use of these actions is detailed in later sections of this guide.

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The Tools menu is present throughout Radius and provides users with the ability to execute actions related to the module data. Available actions will differ depending on the selected module. For example, under the Contacts module, the Tools menu includes: Assignment Rules Import Contacts Import Contacts New Import Test Scores These options change as the user navigates to the Cases module: Assignment Rules Import Cases In addition to the drop-down menu, User can access the Tools menu within the Contact record.

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The Export functionality allows the user to export the visible List View as a PDF, Excel, or CSV format. To export: Set the desired List View Select the Export format Once selected, Radius will generate the report and it will download to the user’s machine.

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THE CONTACT MODULE Contact Module As previously discussed, Radius is a relational database. Central to this relational model is the Contact Record. All data found within the system is associated with a contact record. The Contacts Module contains functionality that is key to the creation and management of contact records and their associated data. The following section will provide a guide to the functionality within the Contacts Module and will cover each of the following topics: 1. Contacts a. Creating a New Contact b. Importing Contacts 2. Organizations a. Creating a New Organization b. Importing Organizations c. Merging Organizations 3. Lifecycles a. Roles and stages 4. Locations 5. Tasks 6. Appointments

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24 Creating a New Contact

Step 1: Click New Contact Button Click on the New Contact button towards the top left of the page. Step 2: Complete the Onscreen Form Complete the contact form (fields with a red asterisk are required). Click Save. To create another contact record, click on Save and New instead. *Note that contacts can also be created manually via the Contact List View and the Quick Create module. This process can be used for creating individual records. For the bulk creation of contacts, the user should utilize the Import functionality.

Importing Contacts The Import Contacts functionality is used to upload multiple contact records into the system at one time. This functionality is beneficial when users have a large list of contacts that would be time consuming to import manually. The import layout must include existing system or custom fields. New fields cannot be created within the system during the import process. During the import process Lifecycle Roles and Lifecycle Stages may also be assigned (more on assigning lifecycle roles & stages in the next section). By default, the user conducting the import will be listed as the owner of all imported records. Organizations may also be created via the import functionality.

How to Import Contacts

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25 Step 1: Select Import File Click on Contacts then select Import Contacts (New) from the Tools Dropdown Menu. Select the file for import by using the Browse functionality. Hobsons recommends importing .csv files only. Step 2: Designate the Lifecycle Role/Stage Select a Lifecycle Role and Stage (if applicable). Please note that doing so will assign this Lifecycle Role and Stage to all contacts within the import file. This will also override a preexisting contact’s current role and stage within the system. Imported contacts may be added to a static target. If these contacts will be used in an email campaign or event invitation then this is a good practice. Search for an existing target or create a new one by clicking the green plus sign to the right of the Add to Static Target box. By default, the user importing the contact list is made the contact owner of each record. Another user may be selected as contact owner or an assignment rule can be utilized. Step 3: Schedule Import Check the Schedule Import option to schedule the import for a date in the future. You will then be prompted to input a date and time. Step 4: Designate Duplicate Check Settings Select Duplicate Check Settings. Choose whether the duplicate within the import file should update a preexisting contact and whether a new contact should be created within the system if a duplicate record is not found. Step 5: Designate Field Mappings Once a file to import has been selected and verified by the system, the Field Mappings section will appear. Map each field found within the import layout to a field currently found within the system. The user has the ability to map a single field to many system fields. In the example below, the import layout field “First” has been mapped to system field “First Name.”

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1. Once field mapping is complete, select Import Records. 2. A pop up message will appear once the import has been queued. The status of the import can be viewed by clicking the Import History button.

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Organizations are groups for which contacts are affiliated. Some examples of organizations include high schools, companies, and non-profit organizations. Their usage is beneficial because they enhance the comprehensiveness of the contact record. Organizations are particularly useful when utilizing Events (see the section on Events for more information). Contact records can be associated with multiple organizations, and there is no limit to the number of organizations for which a contact record may be associated. Similar to contact records, organizations can be added manually or imported into the system. See below for step-by-step instructions on how to create organizations within Radius.

How to Manually Add an Organization Adding a new organization is similar to adding a new contact. Follow these steps to manually create a new organization within the system: Step 1: Initiate the Creation of an Organization Navigate to the Contacts menu and select Organizations. Click on the New Organization button towards the top of the page. Step 2: Provide Organization Details Complete all relevant fields. Please note that fields with red asterisks are required. The Description field may be used to provide all users in the system with helpful information to further identify the organization. Step 3: Save Created Organization Click Save once finished. The user may also click Save & New to add another organization.

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28 Importing Organizations It is possible to import a list of organizations into Radius. This is beneficial when users have a large number of organizations they wish to input into the system at one time. Importing organizations is very similar to importing contacts and can be accomplished by following the steps below:

Step 1: Initiate the Creation of an Organization Click on Contacts then select Import Organizations (New) from the Tools Dropdown Menu. Step 2: Select the Import File Select the file for import by using the Browse functionality. Import files must be formatted using .csv. Step 3: Determine the Organization Owner By default, the user importing the organization list is made the owner of each record. Another user may be selected as organization owner or an assignment rule can be utilized. Step 4: Determine the Import Schedule Check the Schedule Import option to schedule the import for a date in the future. At this point the user is presented with options for scheduling the import process. Step 5: Designate Duplicate Check Criteria Select Duplicate Check Settings. Choose whether the duplicate within the import file should update a preexisting contact and whether a new contact should be created within the system if a duplicate record is not found. Step 6: Field Mapping Once a file to import has been selected and verified by the system, the Field Mappings section will appear. Map each field found within the import layout to a field currently found within the system. For each field click the drop down arrow to the right and select the corresponding system field. In the example below, the import layout field “First” has been mapped to system field “First Name.”

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Once field mapping is complete, select Import Records. A pop up message will appear once the import has been queued. The status of the import can be viewed by clicking the Import History button. Merge Organizations The Merge Organizations functionality allows you to merge the data of duplicate organizations into a single organization record. All data associated with the organization will be transferred from the non-surviving record to the surviving record. The merge of organizations is a permanent action and cannot be reverted once triggered. Step 1: Select the Organizations Select Organizations under the Contacts Module. From the list view, select the two organizations you wish to merge by checking the box to the left of each organization name. Step 2: Trigger the Merge Process From the Actions dropdown toward the top right of the page, select the Merge Organizations option. From the Merge Organizations screen select the surviving record you wish to keep as well as which data points to associate with the surviving record. In the example below, “ABC” has been selected as the surviving record while “ACME” has been selected as the organization name to retain.

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When Step 2 has been completed, click on the Merge button.

Once two organizations have been merged this cannot be reversed. Related organizational data will also be transferred to the surviving organization.

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Lifecycles Lifecycles assist in the tracking of contacts as they move through the admissions process. A lifecycle demonstrates exactly where a contact record falls within the admissions process at any given point in time. Is the contact a lead, a prospect, or an applicant? These are all examples of lifecycles. Users have the option of assigning contacts both a lifecycle role and stage. A lifecycle role allows the user to categorize a contact's progress, status, or type within the Radius tenant. While not a comprehensive list, some examples of lifecycle roles include: lead, prospect, applicant, admit, student, or alum. A lifecycle stage is a subcategory of the role and is dependent upon it. A dynamic relationship exists between the role and the stage. For example, a contact record’s role might be Applicant and the Stage might be Accepted or Denied. Each role will have its own unique stages that do not appear as options when selecting other roles. Both the lifecycle role and lifecycle stage can easily be assigned and edited for any contact within Radius. To assign a lifecycle to a contact within Radius, follow these steps: Step 1: Navigate to Lifestyles Menu

Navigate to the Contacts module then select Lifecycles. Click on the New Lifecycle button. Step 2: Search for Contact Record

Enter a contact name or search for a name by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. Step 3: Select the Lifecycle Role, Owner, & Stage

Select the appropriate lifecycle role, owner and stage. Also identify whether this role is the primary role by clicking on the checkbox. Please note that fields with a red asterisk are required. Click Save.

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The task functionality enables users to create, track, and complete action items within the system. For example, a user might set up a task in order to track their progress on an email communication they wish to send to contacts. Once the email is sent, the user would then mark the task as complete. It is also possible to assign tasks to other users within the system. Task Views Tasks can be sorted according to column headers. For example, a user who wishes to view tasks according to the Task Owner, would hover over the Task Owner column, click on the dropdown arrow, and select Group by this field. The user can sort tasks by Created Time, which will sort tasks in either ascending or descending order based upon your selection. A view will need to be created in order to see only those tasks associated with a specific user. To do this, click on the View dropdown menu towards the top left of the page. Click Create and a pop up box called Create Custom View will appear. Give this view a unique name and select the appropriate criteria. To create a view that displays tasks associated with a specific user, the criteria would look something like this:

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Create New Task

To create new tasks navigate to the Contacts Module and select Tasks from the dropdown menu. From there, follow these quick steps: Step 1: Initiate the Creation of a New Task Click on the New Task button towards the top left corner of the page. Step 2: Select Task Subject and Date Enter a task subject and the date for which the task is due. Step 3: Designate the Task Owner If desired, the Task can be assigned to any Radius user. From this menu search and select the appropriate user. Step 4: Associate with a Specific Contact or Campaign Tasks can be associated with a specific contact or campaign. This is optional but can enhance the overall use of the Radius system. Step 5: Assign the Task Status Select a task status. A status allows you to track a task until completion. Step 6: Send Notification Email The Send Notification Email box allows the user to toggle the use of task creation notification. When used, Radius will automatically notify the task owner of the newly assigned task. It is a best practice to utilize this feature. Step 7: Save the Task After all required fields are completed, click Save to finalize the creation process.

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Appointments An Appointment is a way to schedule a meeting that is to take place with multiple participants in a certain location. Think of an appointment as an invitation to a meeting; it will take place in a certain place, with certain people, at a certain time. Create an Appointment

Step 1: Initiate the Creation of an Appointment Navigate to the Contacts Module and select Appointments. Click the New Appointment button towards the top of the page. Step 2: Provide Appointment Details Enter the appropriate values. Please note that fields with red asterisks are required. The following fields will need to be populated with information: o Subject: The topic of the meeting. o Start Date & Time: When the meeting will begin. o End Date & Time: When the meeting will end. Step 3: Save Appointment Once all fields are complete, click Save. To add another appointment, click Save & New.

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Locations Within the Contacts Module, locations specify where an appointment will take place. To create a new location in Radius, follow these steps: Step 1: Initiate the Creation of a Location Navigate to Contacts, select Locations, and then click on the New Location button. Step 2: Designate the Name, Owner, & Status Specify the location, location owner, and location status (fields with a red asterisk are required). Step 3: Additional Details Additional information about the location such as address and a brief description may be added to further distinguish the location. Step 4: Save Location Once all fields are complete, click Save. To add another location, click Save & New.

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PROGRAMS P r o g r a ms M o d u l e The Programs module, and its sub-modules, allows for the management of Applications, Programs, Registrations, Invoices, and Recommendations, as well as many others. This section includes detailed information regarding the use of these features, as well as best practices and considerations. Under the Programs tab the user is presented with the following options:

The contents of this section are organized according to this menu and specific page numbers can be found in the Table of Contents.

Programs The Programs sub-module is the core part of program management within the Radius system. It is the container that holds Iterations associated with the program. Iterations are the time periods or instance for which the Program occurs, and includes details such as capacity, application forms, etc. Within the program the user can manage Registrations, Iterations, Invoices, Payments, etc.

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37 Create a New Program To create a new program it is necessary to navigate to the Programs sub-module, located under the Programs tab. Click New Program to begin the process.

Step 1: Designate a Program Name The Program name is a customizable field that is unique to each institution. It is Hobsons recommendation that the institution utilize a consistent naming convention for the creation of Programs. Step 2: Designate a Code & Description The Code and Description fields are not required, but provide the user the opportunity to provide additional information for system management. It is a best practice to include a description, which will contribute to system organization. Step 3: Designate a Group The Group field is required and must be provided prior to saving the new Program. This is a drop-down field that pulls predefined values from the Group field. This field is editable and is accessible via Setup->Modules->Programs->Groups->Action->Edit.

The edit process involves adding single (or multiple) values to field.

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The Registration is the record of a Contact registering (or applying) for a Program. Every time a constituent registers/applies for a program, a Registration record is automatically created. There are three distinct methods for which a contact can be registered for a program iteration: Self Registration: This occurs when the contact completes (and submits) an online application form. Manual Registration by an Admin User: This process is initiated by the Radius user, and is completed in the Registrations module. Import Registrations: This action is initiated by the Radius Admin User, and upon completion, results in the creation of multiple program registrations.

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Create a New Registration

Step 1: Select the Iteration Using the search field, enter the Program Iteration. Radius will search the list of Iterations and provide the user with a matching value – in the event the iteration exists. Step 2: Select the Registration Owner This value will default to the user who is creating the registration. The registration can be assigned to an alternate user if necessary. Step 3: Designate the Registration Status Each registration is given a status so the user can determine where the contact is in application or program process.

Step 4: Provide Additional Information The remaining fields are not required and can be provided at the user’s discretion. Waive Access to Recommendation Credits Earned Application Submitted Date Application Submitted (checkbox)

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Radius provides institutions the ability to create and manage invoices as part of the program management process. When an iteration or term is created in Radius the user must determine if the system will automatically create an invoice when an application is started. As payments are posted Radius automatically updates the invoice. Create a New Invoice To initiate the creation of a new invoice click the New Invoice icon.

The process for creating an invoice consists of the Invoice Information and Payment Information. Invoice information Step 1: Select the Program Name Using the search functionality, select the Program for which the invoice is affiliated. Step 2: Select the Iteration Name Using the search functionality, select the Iteration related to the selected Program.

Step 3: Select the Registration

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41 Invoices are connected to the Contact record via a Registration. After completing the Program Name and Iteration Name fields, the user has the ability to search for available Registrations. Step 4: Designate a Due Date & Payment Method These fields are not required, but add to the completeness of the iteration record.

Upon completing the Program & Iteration fields, Radius will populate an additional Payment Information section. From this section, users can: Add Line Items Add Program Charges Apply Discounts Click Save to complete the process.

Payments Any application for an iteration or program of study will have a payment function that is defined in the iteration. The payment function in Radius allows the user to capture payments online or give instructions for offline payment. The cost of the application and any additional items are defined in the iteration. Various discounts can also be defined as a part of the payment experience. Create a New Payment

Designate the Program Name – using the search functionality, select the Program for which the Payment will be affiliated Designate the Iteration Name – using the search functionality, select the specific Program Iteration. Designate the Registration – using the search functionality, select the Registration record related to the Contact. © 2015 Hobsons

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42 Select the Invoice – using the search functionality, select the open Invoice for which the Payment will be applied. Provide the Payment Date Select the Payment Type – Payment type is a drop-down menu including the various payment options in Radius.

Application Forms

Application forms are customizable and provide users the ability to create unique forms for institution programs. The process for creating new forms requires the user to complete a short setup prior to accessing the application form builder. Create Application Form

Step 1: Form Information Name – Provide an Application Form Name. It is recommended to utilize a defined naming convention. Application Form Owner – This value defaults to the user creating the form. It can be changed to another user if needed. Status – This is a drop-down that allows for ether an Active or Inactive value. Description – The description field contributes to the overall long-term organization of the system. It is not required, but is recommended. Requires Login – This option is available and should be utilized for institutions placing the application behind authentication.

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Step 2: On Initial Login of the Form Registration Status on Login – This is a drop-down that includes the various Registration Status options. When the contact logs into the form for the first time they are given a status. This value determines their initial status. Lifecycle Role on Login – This field is not required; however, users can select a Role that is applied upon logging into the form. Lifecycle Stage on Login – Similar to the Lifecycle Role, this is not required but allows the user to further track the contact through the process. Step 3: On Save of the Form Lifecycle Role on Save – Upon saving the form, contacts will receive this Role. This is not a required field. Lifecycle Stage on Save – Upon saving the form, contacts will receive this Stage. This is not a required field. Registration Status on Save – This is a required field and determines the contact’s registration status. Relabel Save and Logout Button – This field provides the user the opportunity to customize the Save and Logout button labels Step 4: On Submit of Form Lifecycle Role – This value determines which Role will be applied to the contact record upon submission of the form. Lifecycle Stage - This value determines which Stage will be applied to the contact record upon submission of the form. Registration Status – This is a required field and determines the Contacts Registration Status upon submission of the form. Form Submission Message – This is the message the contact will see upon submission of their application form. Return URL – After submitting the application the contact is redirected to this URL. Relabel Submit Button – This field provides the user the opportunity to customize the Submit button label. Step 5: On Cancel of the Form Registration Status on Cancel – In the event the contact cancels the application process, their Registration Status will default to this value.

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44 Lifecycle Role on Cancel – In the event the contact cancels the application process, their Lifecycle Role will default to this value. Lifecycle Stage on Cancel – In the event the contact cancels the application process, their Lifecycle Stage will default to this value. Return URL on Cancel – In the event the contact cancels the application process, this is the URL for which they will be directed. Relabel Cancel Button - This field provides the user the opportunity to customize the Cancel button label. Click Save to complete this part of the process. After saving Radius will refresh and the user is redirected to the Application Forms page.

Here the user can view a list of Application Forms, as defined by the List View. To access the Application Form Builder, select the designated application form.

Once open, users are presented with The Application Form Builder is a tool that permits the user to customize the fields, structure, and design of the application form. Prior to beginning, it is recommended that users possess a clear understanding as to the application purpose and desired content and structure.

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Sites allow the user to display and promote all types of information about the Institution’s Programs and Offerings. Since programs may change frequently, the Radius Site functionality allows the user to have immediate access to edit or unpublish websites. Create a New Site Click the New Site icon Designate a Site name – this field is required Provide a site Description – this field is not required but is recommended Save the new site

After saving the user is redirected to the Site list view. Click the name of the created site. Click the Site Builder Tab

Each item listed is editable by clicking the item name, i.e. Edit Header, Edit, Edit Footer. Each click triggers the popup of a content editor.

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46 Using the editor(s), develop the site content. After saving, Radius populates a unique URL that can be used to promote the institution programs and services. Finally, publish the site to activate the URL.

Communication Plans Communication plans are unique and used for various reasons in the Radius system. For example, the user could create a communication plan to market to prospective students who have filled out an inquiry form on-line. A second user might develop a communication to assist applicants through the application process. Finally, another might develop a communication plan for students who have been accepted but need to complete the registration and welcoming process for the institution. In these examples communication plans are utilized for institution program marketing, and assisting students through the application and enrollment process. These are the most common use cases; however, communication plans are customizable and can be utilized in numerous scenarios. Separate communication plans are necessary for each of these efforts. It is important to think through the entire process and develop all the emails associated with the plan prior to launching or developing the communication plan. Communication plans use a series of emails that are sent out to a group of contacts based on pre-defined intervals of time, and they use targets with specific entry and exit rules. Since communication plans involve multiple different emails that are sent at intervals during the process, it is necessary to have all templates created before beginning the communication plan. *See Email Templates section for detailed instructions regarding the creation of templates.

Create a Communication Plan Communication plans are composed of three distinct parts: Plan Information Plan Details (Entry & Exit Rules) Template Details (Email Templates)

Step 1: Plan Information

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The first step in the creation of a new communication plan involves defining the Plan Information. Designate a Plan Name – All Communication Plans require a name. There are no restrictions, and users can select a name of their choice; however, it is highly recommended that a common naming convention be utilized. Communication Plan Owner – Like other parts of the system, this value defaults to the user creating the plan. The plan can be assigned to another user if necessary. Status – This value provides the option of Active or Inactive. Mail Profile – Like the Plan Owner, this value defaults to the user creating the plan. It can be changed as needed. Description – The addition of a description is recommended, but not required. Publication Type – Select from o Alumni o Current Student o Graduate Admissions o Undergraduate Admissions o General Email Address Sent To – Determine whether the communication is sent to the Default Email Address or Other Email. Upon saving, the screen refreshes and provides the user with two additional tabs.

The second step in this process requires the user to define the rules which will govern the entrance and exit from the plan.

Step 2: Plan Details

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Communication Plans are dependent upon both entrance and exit rules. After saving the plan information, click the Rules tab. Click New Rule Rule Name – Designate a name for the rule Rule Type – Designate whether the rule is for Entry or Exit Each rule must consist of at minimum one line of logic. The user is presented with:

Target – Using the search bar, select the desired Target. Targets must be created prior to selection For additional rows click Add Row, or the green plus icon Click Save to continue the process Step 3: Template Details The final step in the creation of a Communication Plan is selection of the email templates.

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49 Using the envelope icon, select the desired email template

Clicking the icon triggers a pop-up.

Days – This is an integer value that determines when the contact will receive the communication. For example, Days = 1 would prompt Radius to send the email 1 day after the contact entered the plan. Using the dialogue bubble icon, select a case template

Clicking the icon triggers a pop-up.

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Designate Top and Unsubscribe messaging

Assignment Settings – Determine whether a specific user will be designated the owner, or if Assignment Rules will be utilized.

Once complete, click Save This Tab to conclude the process. Step 4: Additional Features There are additional features that are available for communication plans, these features include the ability to: Clone an existing plan Print a configuration summary View plan statistics

Clone Plan Š 2015 Hobsons

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When cloning a communication plan, Radius replicates the existing plan and permits the user to make changes and save the copy. This is similar to a “Save As” function found in other products. Print Preview The Print Preview functionality allows the user to generate a printable summary of the plan configuration.

Statistics Effective communication plans can contribute to recruiting efforts, and Radius provides users the ability to quickly review a plan’s statistics. The Statistics feature populates a report of metrics, which can be used to enhance the communication plan.

The statistics report provides the user with an overview of: The rules under which the plan is configured The metrics regarding emails sent, emails viewed, and overall recipient engagement

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52 The total URL visits for links included in the communications

Email Templates

Users can create and save email templates for sending bulk emails to contact records, whether for immediate or future use. Radius allows for creation using simple text email or rich HTML-based emails with pictures and rich text. Text can be hand entered or copy and pasted content from Microsoft Word. Upon saving the template, Radius will automatically clear any non-standard HTML created by Microsoft Word that can adversely affect the success of the email delivery. Cleaning HTML may impact text formatting and style, so Hobsons recommends users review the saved template. The editor is structured so both beginner and advanced users can create email communications. The creation of an email template consists of two parts: Email Template Information Email Template Body Step 1: Email Template Information

Email Name – Designate a unique name for the email communication. This is an internal field and is not visible to recipients. Email Subject – Designate a subject for the email communication. NOTE: This field is visible to the recipient. Folder – All emails must be filed in a folder. This practice contributes to the long-term organization of the Radius system. Clicking the magnifying glass icon will trigger a drop-down where available folders reside. Additional folders may be created via the Email Templates list view.

Step 2: Email Template Body

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Radius provides the user with a standard content editor that allows for both HTML and editor-based email creation. While the editor includes a robust icon set, simply hovering the cursor over the icon will elicit an alt tag (the name of the icon). It is possible to create the communication within the editor, or an external word processor, such as Microsoft Word. As previously mentioned, carefully review pasted content to ensure all prior formatting is stripped. Effective communication (for recruiting) is dependent upon the ability to connect with the recipient. Personalization is important. The communication features in Radius allow the user to integrate information from the contact record into the email communication. Merge Fields Use the Merge Module drop-down to select the specific module for which the data will come. Use the Select Field drop-down to select the specific field to be used. The combination of the Module and Field will generate a tag, which can be copied and pasted at the cursor location. Merge Views Similar to Merge Fields, the Merge Module functionality allows for the integration of full views. Using the same process as Merge Fields, Select the appropriate Merge Module Select the appropriate Merge Field Copy the merge tag and paste at the cursor location

Conditional Sections The insertion of fields and views allows for the integration of personalized data into the message. In addition to this level of personalization, Radius also allows for the

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54 integration of conditional sections. These sections utilize logic to determine whether a contact can view the specific email content. The Conditional Section icon is found in the email editor ribbon. Clicking this icon triggers the following pop-up:

The Query Builder is common to Radius system, and functions in the same manner. It is important that the user clearly identify the group for which the content is directed. This will help to minimize mistakes in the building of queries. Upon saving, the user is redirected to the email template screen. Within the editor the following content will be visible.

Radius has placed an opening and closing tag based on the query. Simply place the email content between the tags and Radius will populate the message for those recipients meeting the query criteria.

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Radius provides users the ability to create discounts, which can be applied to program fees. Discounts can be structured as: A percentage or fixed amount A discount code or radio button To create a new discount, click From here the user is redirected to

Each new discount requires the user to provide three items: Item – The item is the name of the discount. To maintain system organization, it is recommended that this correspond with a defined naming convention. Amount – The amount can be entered as either a Percentage or a Fixed Amount. Description – The description field is not required, but is recommended. The use of a detailed description will add to the long-term organization of the system.

Self Service Center The Self Service Center is a Radius tool that allows users to create customized web experiences for their constituents. This tool can be found within the Marketing and Programs modules of Radius. To further enhance the experience, the Self Service Center can adopt the institution branding to ensure the student experience is seamless between the institution and Radius sites.

Through the Self Service Center, students can: Submit additional application requirements © 2015 Hobsons

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56 Check the status of an application Make a payment Update student contact profile information Change their password The Self Service Center configuration process requires the user to complete a series of tabs that correspond with the student view of the system.

Branding The Branding tab allows the user to configure the look of the Self Service Center. Using the content editor, users can customize the Header and Footer, and assign the Reset and Change Password email templates. It is common for the branding to correlate with that of the institution. Home Content on the Home tab reflects what the student will see upon logging into the Self Service Center. Using the editor, users can customize the design and messaging visible to the student. Additionally, users can determine whether the tab is visible through the use of the Display and Do No Display radio buttons. Applications The Applications tab includes a full list of all active applications, and permits users to view and take actions on submitted applications. The user can customize the specific language for the Public Description. As with the Home tab, the Applications tab can be toggled between Display and Do Not Display. Contact Preferences

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57 The Contact Preferences tab allows the student to view their communication subscriptions, as well as manage those subscriptions. To prevent students from inadvertently unsubscribing from all communications, it is important to use varied publication types. Publication Types can be edited via the Modules section of the Setup menu. Change Password Through the Self Service Center students can manage their password. This tab is always visible and users can customize the messaging. Profile The final component of the Self Service Center configuration is the Profile. The profile tab includes the common elements from other tabs, such as visibility and messaging customization; however, the most important element is the selection of visible contact fields.

For each selected field the user can designate whether it is Editable and Required. Adding fields can be achieved by simply dragging and dropping from one column to another. Once configured, the Self Service Center can be viewed using the URL on the Branding tab. The Self Service Center cannot be viewed until it has been activated from the Iteration module.

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Iterations are the occurrence of a Program, and applicable actions such as the online application, capacity, registration cutoff, pricing details, recommenders, requirements, etc. The creation of an iteration involves the completion of numerous sections, and Radius walks the user through step-by-step. To begin the process select the Iterations link located under the Programs tab.

The user is redirected to the Iterations list view. From here, users can view existing iterations, as well as create New Programs and New Iterations. Click New Iteration to begin the process. Step 1: Iteration Information

Iteration Name – The iteration name corresponds to the time for which the iteration is meant. For example, a common practice is to name the iteration for the term and year – Fall 2015. Iteration Owner – The iteration owner defaults to the active user. Program Name – Users can either begin typing the name of the Program to generate a list of results, or can search via the magnifying glass icon.

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59 End Date/Time – This value correlates with the time for which the iteration is active. For example, if the iteration were meant for the fall term the End Date would likely correspond with that term’s deadline. Credits – This is an optional field that can be used if there are credits affiliated with the iteration and program. Status – The default value is Active; however, it can be changed if the user is not quite ready to launch the iteration. Step 2: Online Application Form

With the exception of the Mail Profile, all of the fields in this section are optional, and easy to understand. Users should take note of the following fields: Application Form – The creation of the application form occurs outside of the iteration setup. Users can either begin typing the name of the Application to generate a list of results, or can search via the magnifying glass icon. Enable Self Service Center – This is a simple check box that determines whether the student will have access to the Self Service Center upon submission of the application. Do Not Create New Contacts – Radius will, by default, create new contact records each time an application or inquiry form are submitted. The iteration configuration allows the user to override this feature. Step 3: Invoice and Payment Options

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60 Application Form Invoice Options – Users have the option for Radius to generate an invoice upon the submission of the application. This is a required field. For additional information regarding invoices, see the Invoices section of this document. Invoice Type – This is a required field that determines how the system will generate the invoice o Individual – A unique invoice for each Registrant in the group o Group – A single invoice for all Registrants in the group

Step 4: Capacity

The capacity fields are only applicable when the user determines the iteration has a defined capacity. Active – To activate the capacity feature, click the box. Iteration Capacity – This is the number of applications permitted by the iteration. Capacity Cutoff Message – This is the visible message for those students attempting to register after capacity has been reached. Calculated Registration Levels – This is a drop-down menu that allows the user to designate the field that will determine capacity has been reached. Allow Overflow Registrations – For those clients wishing to utilize the capacity feature, but would rather not reject submissions, overflow registrations can be permitted. Overflow Registration Status – Each application received after capacity has been reached will be given this registration status. Overflow Registration Message – This is the visible message for those students who have registered during the overflow period.

Step 5: Price & Discount Details

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Part of the iteration configuration involves specifying the price and discounts affiliated with the iteration. These values can reflect the application fee, or add-on items. To add items simply provide the item name, description, and cost. Discount details allow the user to affiliate a previously created discount with the iteration. It is mandatory to complete the select options field and designate whether discounts will be presented as either Manual Entry or Radio Buttons.

Step 6: Recommender Settings

The process for adding recommenders to an iteration involves designating the type, number, and form that will be used. Add Recommender – Click the icon to create a new line. At this point the line will become active. Enable Recommendations – Click the box to enable recommendations for this iteration. Recommendation Thank You – Select the desired email template. Recommendation Invitation – Select the desired email template. Recommender Type – Click the field to trigger a drop-down including the values o Guidance Counselor o Teacher o Co-Worker o Friend o General

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62 Required Number of Recommendations – Designate the required number of recommendations for the recommender type. Note, this is directly related with the type and does not represent the total number required for the application. Recommender Form – Begin typing in the field, or use the magnifying glass icon to search for available recommendation forms.

Step 7: Requirements

The addition of requirements can assist the user in developing a complete application experience. This section is optional, but its robust features can be customized to meet the unique needs of the institution. Users can add new Requirement Sections and unique Requirements under each of those sections. Enable Requirements – By default, the requirement functionality is inactive. Click the box to utilize requirements. Registration Status When All Requirement Received – This is a drop-down and represents the label that is applied when all requirements are received. Click Add Requirement to begin the process. The available requirement types are: General Upload Transcript Recommender Custom Field Test Score Once selected, Radius triggers a pop-up that contains the required elements for the particular type.

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Each pop-up is similar in nature and includes fields such as: Deadline Description Form Section Name Required Status on Submit Step 8: Assignment Rules

The final component of the Iteration is the Assignment Rules. Like other parts of the system, assignment rules can be associated with the active user, or can utilize logic.

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The Radius recommendation module allows the user to manage the various components of application recommender process. The module is accessible via the Programs tab, and is part of Radius application and program management.

Step 1: Create New Recommendation New Recommendation – Click the icon to begin the creation process

Step 2: Recommendation Information Recommendation Owner – This value defaults to the active user; however, it can be reassigned to other Radius users Registration – Begin typing or use the magnifying glass to search for the identified student registration Recommended By – It is necessary to identify the contact making the recommendation. Users can opt to search for contacts via typing or searching © 2015 Hobsons

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65 using the magnifying glass icon. In the event the contact cannot be found, users can use the green plus icon to create new records.

Recommendation Type – Click the field to trigger a drop-down including the values o Guidance Counselor o Teacher o Co-Worker o Friend o General Recommendation Form – This is an optional field and allows the user to designate a specific recommendation form. Recommendation Status – This is a required field and determines whether the recommendation is o Pending o Received o In Process o Declined Recommendation Form Submitted – This box signifies that the form is complete and has been submitted to the institution Received Date – This is optional information that can be added by the user for record completeness. Rate the Applicant – This is an optional field that incorporates additional information regarding the applicant.

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The requirements module is a tool that allows the user to easily add received requirements from applicants. The process for creating new requirements is simple and can be completed by most users. To begin the process, click on the New Requirement icon.

Status – This is a required field and determines if the requirement has been: o Received o Not Received o Waived o Incomplete Registration – This field is required and determines the specific contact record for which the requirement should apply. Users can locate active registrations using the search bar or magnifying glass icon. Requirement Name – This is a required open-text field and allows the user to provide a name for the recorded requirement.

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Recommender Forms

The Recommender Form comprises the second part of the Recommender process. Through this module, users have the ability to create and configure recommender forms, which are used during the recommendation process.

From this menu users can view existing recommender forms, as well as create new forms using the New Recommendation Form button. The form creation process consists of four sections: Form Information On Save of the Form On Submit of the Form On Cancel of the Form Step 1: Form Information Name – Provide a unique name for the recommender form. It is best to adhere to a defined naming convention, which will contribute to the overall organization of the system. Status – This is a drop-down that allows for signifying the form is either Active or Inactive. Recommender Form Owner – This value defaults to the active user; however, can be reassigned to any system user. Description – This field is not required but highly recommended. The use of a description contributes to the long-term organization of the system. Requires Login – Use of this option will require the user to login prior to using the form.

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68 Step 2: On Save of the Form Recommenders Status on Save – This is the label given to the recommender upon saving the form. The status options include: o Pending o In Process o Received o Declined Step 3: On Submit of the Form Recommender Status – This is the label given to the recommender upon submitting the form. The status options include: o Pending o In Process o Received o Declined Form Submission Message – This is an optional field that determines the message the recommender will receive upon submission of the form. Return URL – This is the site for which the user will be redirected upon submission of the form. Relabel Submit Button – This option provides the user to customize the label of the submit button. Step 4: On Cancel of the Form Recommenders Status on Cancel - This is the label given to the recommender upon submitting the form. The status options include: o Pending o In Process o Received o Declined Return URL on Cancel – This is the site for which the user will be redirected upon cancellation of the form. Relabel Cancel Button – This option provides the user to customize the label of the submit button. Click Save to complete the process. After configuring the form settings, the user is redirected to the Recommender Forms list view.

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The Action button includes options for:

To continue the creation process select Launch Form Builder. The form builder tool is a standard tool and is identical to those found in other areas of the system. For more information see the Form Builder section of this manual.

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SALES Sales Module The Sales tab contains features that support business-to-business sales. This module is designed for executive education programs in order to manage their business opportunities in Radius. In other words, the Sales module is developed specifically for admissions and enrollment professionals in continuing education and graduate programs. Leads and Opportunities were created to help these types of programs manage their selling and outreach to businesses and executives. For example, if the user wants to reach out to a business to help them develop custom courses for employee development, he or she can manage this process in the Sales tab. The Sales module allows for the creation of Leads and Opportunities: Lead – A lead is a person with whom to engage to provide or sell services. This is not yet a contact in Radius. If the intent is to communicate with this lead, create them as a contact record. Opportunities – An opportunity is a record that has been generated once the lead has been converted. Once the lead is converted to a contact, an opportunity can be created. Opportunities are directly related to Organizations, hence, the business-to-business relationship tracking

Leads As previously mentioned, a Lead is a person with whom to engage with the intention to provide/sell services. Leads can enter the system via a manual process or via an import. Manual Lead Entry Click New Lead within the Sales list view

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71 Step 1: Lead Creation

Creating a new lead involves completing a series of user-defined fields. To customize this screen, navigate to: SetupModulesLeadsEdit Page Layout

Editing a page layout involves arranging fields, and customizing the visible fields through the use of the Available Field List (located on Page Right).

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72 Opportunity

An opportunity is a potential sale, or revenue brought in by an existing Contact, Organization, or Lead Record. When a Lead is converted to an Opportunity, the Lead Record is converted to a Contact Record and the Lead no long exists. The creation of opportunities facilitates the tracking of business-to-business sales opportunities. Manual Opportunity Creation Similar to Leads, the creation of an Opportunity requires the completion of a set of fields.

Required fields include: Opportunity Name – All opportunities require a unique name. Organization Name – Opportunities are directly affiliated with Organizations and this relationship must be established during the creation process. If the organization does not yet exist, the green plus icon allows the user to create new organization. Closing Date – The goal of maintaining opportunities is to facilitate and enhance the business process. For this reason, users are required to provide a Closing Date for the opportunity. This date can be approximate; however, accuracy will improve the overall effectiveness. Stage – Each opportunity must be given a stage. This is utilized to classify and track the progression of the opportunity. Stage values include:

INQUIRIES Inquiry Module © 2015 Hobsons

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73 The Inquiries module allows the user to effectively collect contact inquiries, add them to the pipeline, convert them to applicants, and ultimately students. The Inquiry Module facilitates the creation of inquiry forms, and the ultimate collection of inquiries. An Inquiry is a question, request or a statement of interest that a constituent may have for your institution. An Inquiry is a type of Case. The distinction between the two is that Inquiries are self-generated, meaning a constituent filled out an Inquiry form on the web. In order to start managing inquires, the user must first create Inquiry Forms.


Create New Inquiry Click the New Inquiry button to begin the creation process.

The Inquiry creation requires the user to provide pre-defined set of fields. The onscreen form is unique and customizable. To customize the page layout: SetupModulesInquiriesEdit Page Layout

Inquiry Form Elements Subject – All inquiries must have a subject. Hobsons recommends utilizing a consistent naming convention, which will help maintain system organization. Primary Contact – All inquiries must be tied to a contact record. Radius provides the user the ability to search for, and select the primary contact. © 2015 Hobsons

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74 Inquiry Owner – By default, the Inquiry Owner is the active user. Ownership can be transferred to another user as needed. Each of these fields is mandatory and is necessary to the creation of the inquiry. Additional optional fields include: Status Source Organization Priority Description

Inquiry Forms The Inquiry Form Builder assists users by walking through necessary steps for configuring and building custom inquiry forms. When configured, users have the ability to control form content, as well as customize the look and feel – thus enhancing the student experience. To begin the creation process, navigate to: Inquiries TabInquiry FormsNew Inquiry Form

The configuration of an inquiry form consists of two parts, Form Information and Assignment Rules. Much of the form information is option, but is recommended.

Step 1: Form Information The following fields comprise the Form Information section of the configuration process: Name – This is a mandatory field. Each inquiry form requires a name. This name is used for internal purposes and will not be published to students.

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75 Inquiry Form Owner – Each form has a form owner. By default, this is the active user. Ownership can be transferred to another user if desired. Status – Each inquiry form is given an Active or Inactive Email Template – This is the template associated with the Inquiry. For example, if an email is to be sent upon the completion of the form. Return URL – Upon submission of the form the student is redirected to this site. Cancel Return URL – Upon cancellation of the form the student is redirected to this site. Relabel Submit Button – This gives the user the ability to change the label of the Submit button. Functionality does not change. Relabel Cancel Button – This gives the user the ability to change the label of the Cancel button. Functionality does not change. Form Submission Message – This is a custom message presented to the student upon submission of the inquiry form. Description – This is an optional field that allows the user to include a description as to the specific use of the form. Lifecycle Role – This allows the user to designate a lifecycle role for the contact upon submission of the form. Lifecycle Stage – This allows the user to designate a lifecycle stage for the contact upon submission of the form. Case Priority – The submission of an inquiry form results in the creation of a Case. Users have the ability to indicate, via the form configuration, the priority of the new case. Priority includes Low, Medium, High. Case Status – Along with the Case Priority, each new case is given a status. This can be set to Open or Closed. Upon completion of these items, the user is able to proceed to the Assignment Settings.

Step 2: Assignment Settings The use of Assignment Rules and Assignment Settings contribute to the overall organization of the system, and are an import factor in developing an effective workflow.

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Assignment settings allow for each incoming inquiry/case to be assigned to a system user, and can be manually assigned or automatically assigned via an assignment rule. Step 3: Inquiry Form Builder Upon saving the form configuration, the user is redirected to a summary of the form setup.

Users will notice a summary of the selected configuration; as well some additional features. Clone – The clone functionality allows the user to make an identical copy of the form, make changes, and save a new version. Launch the Form Builder – This feature allows the user to continue the creation process by launching the builder. Form Preview – This allows the user to view the created form. Related Information: Deployed Form Locations

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The Deployed Form Locations provides the user with an overview of the active forms, as well as the location for which they are used. Form Information - The form information section displays the Inquiry Form URL and gives the user the ability to view the form’s source code.

The provided source code can be copied and used in a location(s) of the users choice. It is provided in both Full HTML or as an iframe.

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EVENTS Event Module Event management is one of the most important strategic marketing and communication tools used by colleges and universities. From Information Sessions to Campus Tours, institutions create events to help communicate with prospects, students, and alumni. An event can be any type of session or gathering the user would like constituents to attend. Events allow the user to manage the registration process, attendees, and the location for these meetings. Constituents register for these events, thus allowing the user to communicate with contacts more efficiently.

The Events Tab includes: Events The primary purpose of the Event module is to facilitate the creation of new events, and manage existing ones. The creation process is separated into six sections, which contribute to the configuration of the new event. Configuration of an event involves: Event Profile – This is general information about the event Scheduling – The date and time of the event Online Registration – Details regarding registration Capacity – Details regarding the capacity and overflow of the particular event Notifications – This allows for the specific email content sent to registrants. Assignment Rules – This allows the user to designate the owner of newly created contacts as a result of the registration.

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Radius is structured to allow the user to easily navigate the creation of event content. Below is a list of form fields, and clarification/considerations for their use. Event ProfileLocations o Every event must be affiliated with a location. Users have the option of searching for existing locations, or create a new one by using the green plus icon. Event ProfileCategory o The category field is not required; however, is an internal field that can assist users in effectively maintaining data associated with university events. Event ProfileHost & Presenter o These fields are not required, but their use is recommended. A contact in Radius can be categorized as a host, presenter, or both. As a host/presenter, they can appear on the public listing of the event. SchedulingTime o Note that Radius uses a 24-hour clock. All times must be entered in this format. Online RegistrationEvent Form o To utilize online registration, an event form must be affiliated with the event setup. To add a form, use the magnifying glass icon, search for the form, and select. Online RegistrationAttendee Status o The Attendee Status field is required and allows the user to designate a status for those individuals registering for the event. The default Radius values include Accepted, Rejected, and Under Review. These values can be changed via SetupModulesAttendeesAttendee Status. Notifications o The notifications functionality provides the user the ability to create communications to be used during the duration of the event. Users are required to provide the Email Template, as well as a schedule for which Radius will send the communication. By default, three communications will be present – Registration Confirmation, Did Not Respond, and Reminder for Registered. Users can add to this list at their discretion. To add to the list, use the Add Notification button. This will trigger a popup

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The final part of the creation process involves configuring Assignment Settings. This is common to many parts of the system and functions identically.

Once an event has been created, the user can focus on the promotion and management of the event. The events module presents the user with a set of standard list views, which allows the user to quickly transition between: Events in Progress All Events Completed Events Future Events The All Events option is good option for new users, looking to familiarize themselves with the Events module. In an active system, the All Events option would yield:

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81 All events can be managed through the list view. Entering an event displays an overview of the configuration, as well as related information for the event. Related information includes: Appointments Attachments Attendees Campaigns Tasks From this menu the user can manage these various components.

Attendees Attendees are individuals who register for an event. While they might not have yet attended the event, it is possible to access their record via the Attendees module. Like other areas of Radius, the Attendees module includes standard list views, as well as the ability to create custom views. Attendees can be imported into Radius, or created manually. The manual creation process is simple and requires the user to complete a series of five fields.

These required fields include: Contact Name Event Name Attendee Status Attendee Owner

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Targets are created lists of contacts that assist the user in effectively communicating with prospective students. There are two types of targets – Static & Dynamic.

Static Target A Static Target is a fixed list of Contacts that is defined by the user. As the name suggests, this list must be managed by the user and will not change as new contact records enter the system. The user has access to this feature throughout the system and can add records as needed. To add a contact record to a Static Target: 1. Select the contact record(s). Radius will generate a pop-up.

2. Use the search field to find existing Targets, or click the green plus icon to create a Target 3. Click Add to complete the process.

Additionally, this process can be completed via the Targets module by clicking New Target and selecting the Static target type.

Dynamic Target

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A Dynamic Target is a list of records that changes based on the defined query logic. For example, a dynamic target list might only be concerned with students who have selfidentified themselves as a first generation student. Once this data is collected, the student will automatically be added to the created target list.

Created targets can be utilized for marketing and event communications, as well as reporting features.

Event Communications

The Event Communication module provides the user a single location to assess the active, scheduled, and archived communication for Radius events. Users have the ability to create custom list views, mass update, and export via this interface.

Locations The Locations module is important in the creation and management of Radius events. All events in Radius must be assigned to a location. Effective location management contributes to the overall organizational health of the Radius system. Locations are customizable and only require a Name, Owner, and Status.

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While the creation process only includes three required fields, Hobsons recommends users are comprehensive in the completion of the form.

Event Forms Event Forms can be created and posted on the institution’s website where constituents can register for an Event. Using the form builder, users can customize content, as well as the look and feel of the form. To create a new event form, click the New Event Form icon.

The creation process requires the user to (at minimum) provide a form name. It is recommended that all fields be completed. This practice will contribute to the long-term system organization, and will enhance the student experience. After completing the fields, click Save to continue the process. Reentering the form configuration page will yield additional options

It is from here the user can access the Form Builder. This is the tool that is utilized to create the visible form used by the student. Additionally, users have additional options under the Related information button.

These options include:

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Attachments Deployed Form Locations





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MARKETING Mark et in g Modu le The Marketing module gives users the tools to create and track marketing campaigns— including direct mail, email, and phone calls—to prospective students, current students, employers, and alumni. The purpose behind an email campaign is to reach out and communicate to a specific population with a specific message. The Marketing module allows users to: Build Targets based on demographic data. Create email templates for consistent communications and messaging. Build and test sample campaigns on a subset of customer data. Store and reuse content from previous marketing campaigns. See who has viewed a particular campaign and who has clicked embedded links. Send follow-up campaigns based on who has and who hasn’t viewed campaigns.

Campaigns Campaigns provide the ability to send a one-time mass email to an identified target list. The role of campaigns is to promote a single message or cause, and evaluate its effectiveness. Creating a campaign is simple and requires the user follow a defined stepby-step process.

Step 1: The Campaign Profile

The Campaign Profile includes the necessary details needed for creating a new campaign. * Campaign Name – All campaigns require a unique name that is used to identify it in Radius. It is a best practice to utilize an established naming convention when selecting a campaign name. © 2015 Hobsons

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87 Type – The type field labels the campaign as being either Direct or Indirect. Channel – The channel is an optional field that allows the user to identify the campaign as being Email, Direct Mail, or Marketing. Status – The initial status of the campaign is Planned until the user saves and continues the creation process. Approval Status – This is an optional field that allows the campaign to be marked as Approved, Under Review, or Submitted. This is a useful tool in situations where there are multiple levels of approval prior to launching the campaign. * Publication Type – The publication type is required and identifies the group to whom the campaign is targeted. These groups include Alumni, Current Students, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Student, and General. Step 2: Campaign Goals The Campaign Goals section is completely optional, and provides the user the opportunity to further define the details of the campaign.

Click Save to continue the process. Once saved, Radius will refresh and present the user with additional tabs.

Select Target List All campaigns must have an associated target list. The target list determines the group for which the communication will be delivered. The process for creating a target is consistent with the functionality found in other areas of Radius.

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IMPORTANT – Click Save this Tab prior to proceeding to the next step. Failure to save the tab will result in losing any created content. View & Edit Message The message is the core component of the Campaign. Users are offered the option of utilizing a previously created email, or creating a new communication.

Along with the identifying information, users can select whether the communication will be sent to the default or alternative address. Users wishing to utilize a previously created template can use the Email Template drop-down to select the communication. When complete, click Save This Tab to proceed to the next step.

Preview and Test This tab gives the user the ability to view their content, and verify its correctness prior to distribution. This is a step that should not be overlooked.

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Schedule Users must indicate a schedule for which the campaign will be launched. Radius offers three options for scheduling: Launch Now Schedule Later Start Date & Time If selected, Launch Now will immediately begin the campaign. Schedule Later causes Radius to save the Campaign settings, but will hold the campaign for a later date. Finally, scheduling a Start Date & Time will prompt Radius to hold the campaign until the specified date and time.

Once launched, campaigns will automatically begin to collect data associated with the communication. Campaigns can be viewed via the Campaigns list view.

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Exclusions are Targets that contain a list of records that should be excluded from email campaigns. By default, the system keeps track of all Contacts that have previously opted out of email through the Email Opt-out Exclusion. Contacts that have opted out using the “No Campaign Mail" option will no longer release any emails. Users can create their own custom Exclusion lists to help further clarify who should and who shouldn't receive a particular email.

The process for creating an Exclusion requires the user to provide identifying information, and define the criteria for which contacts will be excluded.

The Exclusions Builder functions similarly to the Criteria Builder. Users can look-up existing target lists by clicking the target icon. Clicking the icon triggers a pop-up menu. Simply select the appropriate target list and save.

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CASES Cases Module Cases are designed to keep a record of any/all interactions that a contact has with the institution (outside of applications and event registrations). A Case is automatically created when someone fills out an inquiry form over the web or when an inbound email is received. The user can also manually create a Case for a contact, which is helpful for phone or face-to-face interactions. For example, if an admissions counselor has a phone conversation with a prospective student, the admissions officer would create a case related to the student to document the conversation. Within the Case, users can assign a status, a priority, and even change the Case Owner for given interactions. A user may also create and assign Tasks related to the Case to signal that further follow-up is needed. As further communication takes place related to the Case, a thread of messages will be created to track the interaction history to allow users to easily catch up on the correspondence between your institution and the contact. Clicking on the Case Module button in the toolbar will cause a drop-down to appear that will include the Cases button. Clicking on this will take the user to the Cases List View. Depending on the list view configuration, the user will see a variety of fields related to each Case. Clicking on the Case ID or Case Subject will allow access to the specific case itself. Within each Case, again depending on your institutions Cases page layout, you will see a information about that particular Case, typically including the Subject, Type, Status, Source, and Priority. The user will also see any messages or comments regarding a given Case at the bottom of the layout. Within each Case, the user has the ability to add or respond to messages, add comments, and create Tasks or Appointments. At the top right-hand corner of the Case, clicking on the Related Information drop-down allows the user to open tabs to display any related Tasks, Appointments, or Attachments.

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The Cases list view provides the user with an overview of cases, as defined by the list view configuration. Clicking on the Case ID, or Case Subject will open the existing case.


Creating a New Case The process for creating a new case is simple and requires the user to provide Radius with information and reason for the case.

The page layout can be customized via the Setup menu. SetupModulesCasesEdit Page Layout. From this menu the user can alter the view to ensure it can collect the desired information. © 2015 Hobsons

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To begin the creation process, click the New Case button atop the screen.

Complete the required fields. When entering the Primary Contact, Radius allows the user to search for existing contacts by typing into the field; however, for new contacts, the green plus icon can be used to add a contact. Clicking the green icon will trigger a pop-up. A new contact can be created by providing a First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Since the layout can be customized there are no fields that are standard. However, the following fields should be categorized as being important in the creation of a new case. Status – By default this field includes values of Open and Closed. Users can customize this list via the Setup menu. SetupModulesCasesField List. Source – The Source field allows the user to track “how” the case was created, or from where it was created. By default this field includes the values, Phone, Email, Web, Fax, and Chat. This is a customizable field. Priority – The Priority field is important because it contributes to workflow by assisting users in determining which cases should be immediately addressed. This field is customizable and can be accesses via the Setup menu. It includes values of Low, Medium, and High. Inquiry Categories – Radius provides users the option of categorizing each new Case. Through categorization, users can determine the “Type of Inquiry.” Description – Likely the most important element of the new case is the description. This is an open field that allows the user to include all comments and details relevant to the case. Complete the desired fields and click Save to continue. Saving refreshes the screen and provides users with an overview of the newly created case.

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The created case presents the user with additional information. This includes: A Case ID A section for Case Messages From this screen the user can manage all aspects of the created case.

Case Messages The Case Message is a tool that can be utilized in the management of Radius cases, and assists in the handling of all created cases. Case messages can be generated through the Cases tab, and directly within the case view. Regardless as to where they are created, the case message is an integral part of case management.

Case message creation via the Cases Tab

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Case message creation via the Case view Create New Case Message To begin the creation process, click the Create Case Message button.

Each new case message consists of the following components: Contact – Case messages should be associated with a contact in Radius. The user can search for existing contacts or add new contacts using this field. Case Subject – The Case Subject field directly relates to an established Radius case. The open field provides users the ability to search for cases. Once a Contact is selected the Case Subject field becomes active. Sent by – This field defaults to the active user; however, can be reassigned if needed. Message Type – Case messages are labeled as Incoming, Outgoing, or Internal. This field can be edited via the Setup menu. SetupModulesCase MessagesMessage Type Case Message Owner – This value defaults to the active user. It can be reassigned to other users as needed. © 2015 Hobsons

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96 Sent Date – Radius utilize a 24-hour format. Case Message Subject – This is an open text field. While the message subject is not restricted, it is a best practice to utilize a consistent naming convention. Message Content – Case messages are created using the Radius content editor. The editor incorporates a common set of editing tools found in programs such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Once created, click Save to complete the process.

Upon saving a case message the user is presented with additional functionality. This functionality includes the ability to Send Email, and Create Attachments.

When clicked, the Send Email functionality will trigger a pop-up. Users are then provided an efficient method for sending an email to the contact. Email created with this method automatically becomes part of the original case. In addition to sending emails, users can attach files to a case message. Radius maintains a log of all files and generates a history

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To create an attachment: Enter the Case Record Click Create Attachment, located in the menu on the right Clicking the link refreshes the screen, and provides the user with:

Select the file to be uploaded Provide a description of the file Confirm the Case for which the attachment will be held Attachments can be affiliated with multiple modules within Radius. The process for attaching files is the same throughout Radius.

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ANALYTICS A n a l yt i c s The Analytics functionality allows user to better understand system data, and make informed decisions based on the available data. This module allows for the generation of reports, and the creation of dashboards.

Dashboards Dashboards are a pictorial representation of data, which gives a real-time snapshot of an organization's key metrics. On a single screen, the user can see comparisons, patterns, and trends in prospect-related data. Radius users are presented with Dashboards for Cases, Campaigns, Contacts, and Lifecycles. Below is a description of each of these dashboards. Dashboard Cases

Description The Cases Dashboard provides a year-over-year breakdown of Cases by Status, Top Cases Owners and Messages.

The Campaigns Dashboard provides Campaign effectiveness by showing Campaigns the Top URL Visits across Campaigns, and the Top Campaigns by Emails Sent/Viewed Contacts

The Contacts Dashboard provides a year-over-year breakdown of Contacts based on Contact Owners, Contact Sources and their most recently attended institution.


The Lifecycles Dashboard provides a year-over-year breakdown of Lifecycles by Role/Stage and the Top Lifecycle Owners.

These Dashboards provide users with an efficient method for accessing data already in Radius. Users can expect to encounter the following features:

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99 1. When placing the cursor over a selected report, and double-clicking the mouse, Radius will toggle between the Dashboard and a full-screen view of the selected report. 2. When clicking the word Filters, Radius will display the filters used to generate the selected report. 3. Clicking on the Actions drop-down will display additional options. 4. Users have the option of populating the report data in a variety of formats. Selecting a format automatically repopulates the data and displays it onscreen. 5. Users have the option of visualizing data in the following formats Table



Chord Chart

Cross Filter


Stacked Bar


Packed Circle

Parallel Coordinates

Stacked Column 100% Stacked Bar Scatter

Tree Map


100% Stacked Column


Heat Grid

Funnel Cloud


Column-Line Combo


Geo Map

Tag Cloud

Index Chart

6. Radius Analytics provides Users with the ability to Export their report in both PDF and Excel formats.

Reports Analytics provides the user with a variety of standard reports in the Radius system. The reporting tool shares the same functionality as dashboards, but allows users the ability to access view a single report on screen. All reports present the users with a year-over-year breakdown of the identified data points for the current and previous 2 fiscal years. Selecting Reports from the Analytics tab allows access to: Name Cases: Case by Status

Description Cases by Cases Status based on created date

Cases: Top Case Owners

Cases by the Top 10 Case Owners based on created date

Cases: Message by Type Channel

Messages by Type and Channel based on created date

Cases: Message by Source

Messages by Source based on created date

Campaigns: Top Url Visits

Top URL visits based on created date

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100 Name Campaigns: Top Campaigns by Emails Sent

Description Top Campaigns by Emails Sent based on created date

Campaigns: Top Campaigns for Top Campaigns by Emails Viewed based on created Emails Viewed date Campaigns: Top Campaigns by Interactions

Top Campaigns by interactions with links in the campaigns based on created date

Contacts: Top 5 Attended Schools

Top 5 Attended Schools based on most recent education record based on created date

Contacts: Contacts by Primary Role Stage

Contacts by their Primary Role and Stage based on created date

Contacts: Top Contact Owners

Top Contact Owners based on created date

Lifecycles: Lifecycle Roles and Stages

Lifecycle Roles and Lifecycle Stages based on created date

Lifecycles: Lifecycle Roles and Stages Grid

Lifecycle Roles and Lifecycle Stages in a table grid based on created date

Lifecycles: Top Lifecycle Owners

Top Lifecycle Owners based on created date

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RADIUS SETUP Rad iu s S et u p F u n ct ion alit y Setup Options Within the Radius setup portion of the system the user has the ability to manage various sub-modules and system workflow. These sub modules include: Personal Settings Allows the User to edit individual account settings Users & Permissions Allows for the management of system security and the creation of new users Organization Settings Allows for the management of search settings, mailboxes, organization details, etc. Import Tools Allows the user to view the system import history Tab Settings Allows for the renaming and organization of module tabs Workflow Settings Allows for the organization of workflow alerts, rules, & tasks

This document provides an overview of the sub modules, outlines the functionality, and offers how-to instructions for effective usage of the system feature. It is important to note that the information included in this appendix is most relevant for administrative users. However, general users are encouraged to read this document in order to provide a well-rounded understanding of the Radius system.

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Pers on al Set tings Within this section of the Setup menu the user is provided with options regarding the management of individual user accounts. These settings are applicable to both general and administrative users.

Account Information For users who need to edit or view demographic data pertaining to their user account, the Account Information screen provides access to the necessary functionality needed for managing user data. From this screen the user is presented with the following options: User Information Address Information Locale Information Mail Profile The viewable data on this screen represents the relevant demographic information related to the particular user. Users with the necessary permissions are provided with the ability to edit their information. Edit Account Information There are multiple methods for editing information found on the Account Information screen. The same information can be edited regardless of the method utilized. Located in the upper left corner of the screen, the Edit icon is the most direct method for editing User Information. Click the link to unlock those fields that can be edited. Once the desired changes have been made, click the save icon to complete the action. The inline edit icon is visible for all editable fields. Clicking the icon allows the user to make the desired edits. Once the changes have been made, click the save icon to complete the action. Administrators and those users granted the appropriate permissions have access to clone account information. Details regarding this process are outlined in the Users & Permissions section of this document. Change a User Password

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103 Changing a user password requires three pieces of information, the Old Password, New Password, Retype New Password. Create User Email Signature Each Radius user has the ability to create an email signature. The system editor allows the user to create a customized signature. Detailed instructions regarding the use of the content editor can be found in the Email Templates portion of the User Manual.

U s e r s & P e r mi s s i o n s Within this section of the Setup menu the user is provided with options regarding the management of system security, user accounts, and system privileges. These settings are applicable to the administrative user.

Data Sharing Settings To assist administrators in effectively managing the system security settings, Radius provides administrators with the ability to set default sharing rules for all modules and permissions for the institution. Institutional Default Permissions Each of the various modules in Radius can be edited individually. By clicking the Edit link to the right of the module name the user is presented with a drop-down menu.

Administrative users also have the access to setting default module permissions for the entire system. Selecting this option presents the user with an easy-to-use interface.

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Field Level Security The ability to set field level security in Radius requires the user to select both a Profile and Module List. The combination of these two elements generates a detailed list of the fields associated with the module. Each profile is granted full access to all fields in Radius unless otherwise specified by an administrative user. The user has the option of defining each field’s:

Visibility This determines whether the selected field is visible to users assigned to a specific profile

Read-Only For users with the ability to view a particular field, the read-only access toggles the ability to edit data.

Groups Groups provide the Radius administrator with the ability to manage multiple users in an effective manner. Once created, users can be assigned to the group. A group defines “Who is the user affiliated with?” Creating a Group Step 1: Determine a group Name and Description The group name is a required field and must be supplied. Following the group name the administrator user is provided the option to include a Group Description. While providing a description is not required, it is recommended that one is included. Step 2: Select the Group Source Type The group source type determines the users who will be affiliated with the newly created group. Users have the option of selecting:

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Groups Previously created groups can be selected as a source. It should be noted that the configuration of the source group directly influences the configuration of the newly created group.

Roles All created roles can be used as the source for the new group. All users assigned to the particular role are included in the newly created group.

Roles and Subordinates Like Roles, this source option includes all users assigned to the particular role. Additionally, any subordinate affiliated with the primary role will be included in the selection.

Users The final source type is the User. This type allows the administrator to select individual users to add to the group.

Profiles Profiles allow the administrative user the ability to manage module-level permissions for system users. It is at this level that the administrator is defining “What can the user do?” Creating a Profile Step 1: Create a new profile or edit an existing profile Upon selecting the Profiles tab, the user is prompted to create or edit a profile. Step 2: New Profile Create a Profile Name. Select Cloned Profile. The cloned configuration establishes the foundation for the newly created profile. Create a Profile Description. While this field is not required, it is recommended the user provide a brief description of the profile’s configuration and intended use.

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Step 3: Edit an existing profile The Administrator and Standard profiles are inherent to the system and cannot be deleted or renamed; however, the user can choose to edit the existing configuration. To edit a profile the user should follow these steps: Click the Edit link – located to the left of the Profile Name Upon entering the edit screen the user is presented with six categories of permissions that can be assigned to the profile.

Each category presents the user with a variety of options that allow for the customization of profile permissions. Using a simple checkbox format, the administrator can select those permissions that are available to the user.

Permission Categories Module-Level Reports & Dashboards Import Export Admin General

Module-level Permissions In the creation of a customized Radius profile, the user is first presented with the Modulelevel permissions section. This section provides the ability to determine access to the Radius modules and sub-modules. Entity o This listing includes the available modules and sub-modules permissions from which the administrative user can customize. View o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to view data associated with the entity. Create o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to create records associated with the entity.

Edit o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to edit records associated with the entity. Š 2015 Hobsons

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107 Mass Update o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to mass update data points associated with the entity. Delete o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to delete records associated with the entity. Mass Delete o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to mass delete records associated with the entity. Mass Email o When selected, all users assigned to the profile are permitted to queue emails en masse. Reports and Dashboards Permissions The second component of the profile customization is the configuration of permissions pertaining to the generation of reports and dashboards. Administrative users can grant users the ability to manage Reports and Dashboards, as well as schedule the delivery of created reports.

Import Permissions The third component of the profile customization is the configuration of permissions pertaining to import functionality. Users who are granted these permissions have the ability to import data into the various Radius modules.

Export Permissions The fourth component of the profile customization is the configuration of permissions pertaining to the export functionality. Users who are granted these permissions have the ability to export data from the various Radius modules.

Admin Permissions The fifth component of the profile customization is the configuration of permissions pertaining to administrative functionality in Radius.

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108 General Permissions The final component of the profile customization is the configuration of permissions affiliated with multiple Radius modules.

Roles Roles provide structure and organization of new user accounts, and allows for the duplication of the Organization-wide hierarchy. For this reason, each newly created account must be assigned a single user role. It is at this level that the administrator is defining “Who is the user?� Creating a New Role The Roles page presents the user with an overview of existing roles, as well as the defined hierarchy. Upon viewing the page the user is presented with two options for viewing the available roles. Option 1 Tenant Name President Manager Custom Role 1 Custom Role 2

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Option 2 Clicking the chart view icon displays the list of roles in an organizational chart format. President*




Student Worker

The President role is inherent to the system and cannot be deleted

Create a Role Step 1: Click the New Role Icon Step 2: Role Details Designate a Role Name. The Role Name is a required field. Users should carefully consider utilizing standard naming conventions prior to naming each role. It is a best practice to utilize names that correlate with the various institutional positions. Ex. Student Worker, Admissions Counselor, Assistant Director, etc. Identify who the role will Report To. This is not a required field; however, use of this feature provides the user with the ability to build organizational hierarchies in the Radius system. There are two icons to the right of the field. The first launches a popup listing all previously created roles. Determine if the new role can Share Data with Peers. When this box is selected all users assigned to this role will have the ability to view data with other users within the system. Provide a Description of the role. Adding a description to the role allows for longterm organization of the system. Click Save.

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110 Edit a Role Step 1: Click an Existing Role There are two methods for editing an existing role. The first option is to click on the name of the role; however, Radius provides the user with an additional method. Place the cursor over the Role name. While hovering above the name a series of three icons will appear. [Insert Icon] – This allows the user to Create a Subordinate Role. [Insert Icon] – This allows the user to Edit the selected role. [Insert Icon] – This allows the user to delete the selected role. Only user created roles can be deleted from the system. This excludes the President role. Once the desired method is selected the user is presented with an overview of the identified role. From this screen the user can Create a New User, Edit the Role, or Return to the Roles List. Click on the Edit icon. The user is presented with the same screen as encountered in the role creation process. See instructions in the above section.

Security Settings There are a variety of settings that contribute to the overall security of the Radius system. It is the combination of these settings that ensure institutional data is protected from misuse. Within the Security Settings section the user can customize the number of invalid logins before the user is locked out of the system. Once locked out it is necessary for an administrator to unlock the account by resetting the user’s password.

Users The creation of new users is a task that must be manually performed and is the responsibility of an administrative user. While the process is not difficult, it is important to give attention to the required fields.

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Create a New User Step 1: Click the New User icon The creation of a new user consists of completing five clearly labeled sections, User Information, Address Information, Locale Information, Password Protection, and Mail Profile. Many of the fields presented to the user are self-explanatory; however, the administrator should take note of the following items: o Role – This field references all previously created roles in the Radius system. Using a simple drop-down menu, the administrator must select a role for the new user. o Radius Id – Along with the user password, this is the second component of the user’s credentials. BEST PRACTICE: The Radius Id serves as the username for accessing the system. It is recommended a consistent naming convention be utilized for all new users. A best practice is to use the user’s email address. o Profile – Like the Role, it is necessary to assign a Profile to the new user account. Select the appropriate Profile using the drop down menu. o Password Hint – It is necessary for the administrative user to select both a password hint and answer. The new user has the ability to change this information but it is recommended the initial setting be recognizable to the user. o Friendly Name – This is the name that will appear in all Email communications sent by the user. Step 2: Click Save

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The List View The Radius system was built upon the idea that data should work for the user instead of the user working for the data. It is for this reason that Radius was built upon list view functionality. A detailed explanation of the List View functionality can be found in the Navigating Radius section of this document.

Clicking on the Users link provides a List View of all users in the Radius system. Prior to customization, the List View includes: # 1

User Name FN & LN





User Status


Radius Id

Created Time

Tenant Name



Last Login Time DD/MM/YYYY


Users are able to sort each of the columns using drag & drop functionality. Additionally, the viewable columns can be customized using the Add/Remove Columns feature. Add/Remove Columns – Adding and removing columns is a simple process that consists of: o Using the drop-down menu, select the Module that will serve as the source of the fields. o Click the corresponding box to select/deselect the field.

Other features available via the Setup module include: Export List of Users – Using the Export functionality, the user has the option of exporting a list of selected users from Radius. The export takes the form of the list view and can be formatted as an Excel, CSV, or PDF format. Search for Users – It is possible for a user to search the list using any of the selected column fields. Located on the right portion of the screen are a search field and a corresponding drop-down list. By default every search encompasses the data from all columns; however, deselecting the appropriate boxes can customize this search.

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Org ani zat ion Set tin gs Within this section of the Setup menu the user is provided with options regarding the management of settings related to the organization’s Radius tenant. These settings are applicable to the administrative user.

Configure Search Settings Radius features a Global Search option that allows users the ability to conduct a search without entering the specific module. This functionality is not meant to replace the module-level search; instead it provides convenient access to data that is often referenced. Customize Form Field Lists The user has the option of customizing the searchable fields for each of the modules within Radius.

A maximum of 6 fields can be searched using the global search option. Step 1: Select the Desired Module Using the drop down list, choose the module that will provide the list of available searchable fields. Available modules include: Application Forms Appointments Attendees Campaigns Cases Contacts Discounts Email Templates Event Forms Events Exclusions

Inquiries Inquiry Forms Invoices Iteration Recommenders Iterations Leads Lifecycles Locations Opportunities Organizations

Payments Programs Recommendations Recommender Forms Registrations Requirements Sites Targets Tasks Test Score Values User Notifications Views

Step 2: Make Selection(s)

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Click the Edit icon located above the list of fields. The list of red X’s will change to clickable boxes after clicking the icon.

Create Mail Profiles

Radius allows for the creation of multiple Mail Profiles, which are used in a variety of locations throughout the system. Through the use of mail profiles, users can configure settings that will be utilized when sending messages from the system. Create a New Mail Profile Mail profile creation consists of three sections, Properties, Profile Address, and Accessibility Details. Properties Friendly Name: This is a required field that determines the name that is visible to recipients. From Address: This is a required field that determines the email address that is visible to the recipient(s). Reply-To Address: This is a required field that determines the address for which all replies are directed. Mailbox: By default this option is set to System Mailbox. User-created mailboxes can be selected. The decision to select an alternative mailbox will depend upon the user’s strategic utilization of Radius mailboxes. Active: Users have the ability to delete mail profiles; however, in the event that the profile should no longer be used, the profile can be made inactive.

Profile Address

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115 Within this section the user is required to provide Radius with address information. The client’s business address is often provided. Accessibility Details There are three distinct options regarding the accessibility of created mail profiles. Users can selected from the following: No restrictions – all users can view the mail profile Restricted – only the user can view the created profile Selected access – identified users can view the created profile

Mailboxes Mailboxes allow users to utilize an external email account to facilitate the creation of contact records and cases within the Radius system. Scenario As part of the recruiting effort at Hobsons University the Admissions Office maintains a dedicated email address for the collection of prospective student inquiries. When a prospective student sends an email to the designated address the inquiry is received by both the inbox and Radius. Once received, Radius will create a new Contact Record (based on the sender’s email address), as well as generate a Case within the system. Create a New Mailbox Step 1: Click on New Mailbox The New Mailbox button can be found on the left side of the user interface. Step 2: Mailbox Information It is required that each mailbox be provided a Name. The selected name is for internal purposes only and will be used for system organization. While it is not required, it is a best practice to provide a short description as well.

Purpose – This field is also required and helps determine if the newly created account will function as an Incoming & Outgoing, or simply an Outgoing mailbox. © 2015 Hobsons

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116 Send / Receive Duration – This value determines the amount of time between sending/receiving mail. By default, this value is 5 minutes. Step 3: Outgoing Mail Server Information The information required for this section corresponds with email address linked to Radius. Server information is specific to the email client, and typically can be found under the user account settings. Reply E-mail Address – This is the full email address of the selected account. For example, a user who intends to link a Gmail account would enter youraccount@gmail.com. SMTP Mail Server / IP Address – This information is specific to the selected email account. Typically this information is accessible via the account settings. Below is a table of settings for commonly used email clients. Email Client Gmail Outlook.com (formerly Hotmail) Yahoo

Outgoing Server smtp.gmail.com smtp-mail.outlook.com smtp.mail.yahoo.com

Port – Like the SMTP Mail Server, the Port is unique to the email client and typically can be found within the email account settings. Additional Fields – Along with these required fields, the user should indicate whether the email address requires Authentication, the account is SSL Enabled, and most importantly provide the account’s Username and Password. Step 4: Incoming Mail Server Information The information required for this section corresponds with the email address linked to Radius. Unlike the Outgoing Mail Server, the Incoming Mail Server Settings are only necessary if the User has indicated that the account will be used for both Incoming & Outgoing. Radius supports both POP3 and IMAP server types and it is the user’s decision as to which of these server types to utilize.

Step 5: Assignment Settings The configuration of a Mailbox allows the user to integrate Assignment Settings to enhance workflow and efficiency. The configuration of Assignment Settings requires the user to determine the following for both Contacts and Cases:

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117 Select a User or Select an Assignment Rule The User for which the newly created Contact or Case will be assigned Finally, the user can configure Radius to send an Auto Acknowledgement email. This is not required; however, its usage is recommended.

Organization Details The Organization Details link directs users to a summary of the institution’s details captured by Radius. Users with the appropriate permissions have the ability to edit these fields. An Edit button can be found at bottom-center, and upon being clicked will unlock each field – with exception of Company Name.

Payment Gateway Settings Radius supports numerous payment gateways to ensure the institution can fully integrate Radius into existing systems. The Radius configuration of a Payment Gateway is dependent upon the selected institutions selected provider. Radius currently supports the following payment gateway providers: PayPal Payflow YourPay CyberSource CyberSource Secure Acceptance TouchNet

Custom SallieMae QuickPAY CASHNet ACIOfficial PointNPay


To facilitate the setup of each these payment gateways, Radius triggers a pop-up that informs the user of the specific details needed for a successful configuration.

Payment Gateway Transaction Log

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118 The Payment Gateway Transaction Log allows users to easily view a comprehensive transaction log and can be viewed in a List, Chart, or Summacy fonnat. Users can customize the order and visibility ofthe displayed columns.


IPaymentTransact onLog 61 Avail able Columns ISearch -

nvoioe N_um _b _e_r:========= Payment Amount


Selected Columns • PaymentTransactionLog Invoioe Number

Payment Date

Payment Number

Payment Gateway Name


Payment Gateway Type

Payment Date

Payment Number

Payment Amount

Re.f ID

Payment Gateway Name

Response Code

Payment Gateway Type

Response Message

Re.f ID


Transaction ID

Transaction JD

Response Code Response Message


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Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin is a collection of all deleted records in Radius Like any trash receptacle it should be emptied on a regular basis A record placed within the Recycle Bin is categorized as a soft delete, signifying it is marked for deletion. While in the Recycle Bin a record can be restored Upon emptying the Recycle Bin all records marked for deletion will be labeled as a hard delete and will no longer be restorable. Contact records within the Recycle Bin are still unique records and will be considered in the unique email address check. The deletion/restoration of records is a manual process and cannot be automated The Recycle Bin is a view of all deleted records in Radius, and does not display “My Deleted Records” When a user deletes a Contact Record all directly associated records are deleted as well (ex. Cases, Experience, Registrations, etc.)

Emptying the Recycle Bin Step 1: Click the Actions Menu/Delete, Restore, Empty Under the Actions menu the user has the option to Delete, Restore, or Empty. The Empty action applies to the entire Recycle Bin and should not be used unless a data purge is desired. Upon selecting Empty the user is presented with:

When utilizing the Empty action it is not necessary to select all items the bin, instead, Radius automatically includes all records.

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120 Individual, or groups of records can be purged using the Delete action. To delete a record simply check the box (or boxes) of the affiliated record. Once the records are selected click Delete in the Actions menu. It is also possible to Restore records and remove them from the Recycle Bin. Using the same process outlined in Deleting records, simply select the records and execute the Restore action.

R a d i u s We b S e r v i c e s Summary Hobsons is excited to offer native Web Services capabilities for Radius. This feature gives Radius clients the ability to customize and launch a myriad of data transfers with Radius by utilizing the Web Service API methods documented within. Clients will need staff on hand with Information Technology (IT) capabilities to utilize the API methods made available via Web Services. The detailed documentation that follows provides your IT staff with the appropriate information and guidelines for implementing the Radius Web Services. Please keep in mind that you may have data transfer and integration needs where Web Services may not be the best fit. These include scenarios such as transferring Personally Identifiable Information, complex Student Information System integrations, batch file transfers, data transformations, etc. What is a Web Service? At its most fundamental level, a web service is a mode of communication that facilitates the interaction of two machines over a network. In a web services transaction there are two essential parties, the service requester and the service provider. Call

Service Requester


Service Provider

This illustration depicts the transfer of data between the Service Requester and the Service Provider. In this transaction the service requester places a Call to the service Š 2015 Hobsons

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121 provider. Upon submitting a successful call, the service provider will return the Payload. Radius serves as the service provider in this transaction and can accept Web Service requests from numerous types of service requesters, such as a Student Information System or lead generation service. Regardless of the specific requester, the setup and use processes remain the same. The Components of a Web Service There are few elements to a web service; however, these elements are essential for executing a successful transmission of data. Each web service transaction consists of: URL HTTP Method GET POST PUT DELETE Payload – If using POST, PUT, or DELETE

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122 HTTP Methods GET – The GET command is utilized to retrieve a resource. Potential resources include a list of system modules, fields, or records from a module. POST – The POST command is utilized when creating a resource on the server. Potential resources include the creation of a contact record, organization record, or education record. PUT – The PUT command is utilized when changing the state or updating a resource. Potential changes might include updating demographic information, and education records. DELETE – The DELETE command is utilized when removing or deleting a resource.

Responses All web service responses are in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. A successful response will yield the following message. { "status":"ok", "payload": <response data> } An unsuccessful response will yield the following message. { "status":"error", "message": "<error message>" } HTTP Response Codes 200 201 400 404 500

– – – – –

OK Created Bad Request Not Found Server Error

Radius Web Service Set-up

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The Radius Web Service is built upon the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, and utilizes JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The web service is a real-time exchange of data and is designed for the transmission of single records. Larger transfers should utilize an import/export process for efficiency. Creating a Web User Account A Radius administrator can create any number of Web Services accounts. Each account is unique and provides the user with credentials that must be utilized to execute a successful web service transaction. Step 1: Navigate to the Web Services Navigate and click on Setup. The link can be found in the upper-right portion of the Radius user interface. Web Services is accessible via Organization Settings.

Upon entering the Web Service menu, the user is presented with a listing of all created accounts.

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Step 2: Click the New Web Service button The creation of the web service consists of two sections of information: Web Service Information, and Assignment Rules.

Step 3: Create a Web Service Name The web service name is an open field and allows for a variety of names. This is a required field, and it is recommended it follow a naming convention that will allow for effective management of the web service accounts.

Step 4: Run Web Service as User

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125 Each web service account is required to be assigned to a Radius user. By default, this value is assigned to the user who is creating the account. This relationship determines the system permissions affiliated with the new web service. Example In creating a new web service account, the administrator changes the assigned user. This user has limited permissions within Radius, and therefore the web service account will inherit the permission level of the assigned user.

Best Practice: Ensure the permission level of the assigned user account corresponds with the permission level the web service account requires.

Step 5: Assignment Rules By default, the system will set the Assignment Rules to the Radius user who creates the web services account. Similar to the process of creating a contact record, the user can determine whether she owns the record, or the newly created record is routed to another user with Assignment Rules. Web Service assignment rules determine how new contacts, inquiries, leads, notes, etc, will be routed. Step 6: Saving the Web Service Account Click the save button to finish the creation of the account. Upon a successful creation, the user is presented with the following screen.

Each Web Service account is provided a set of unique credentials that are required to utilize the functionality. As noted in the confirmation message, it will only be displayed one time. Š 2015 Hobsons

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Hobsons highly recommends that users immediately record these credentials, as well as utilize a secondary method such as a screenshot.

In the event the account credentials are lost, it is possible to generate a new set. Navigate to the web services account list Click on the name of the web service account Click the Edit button at the top of the menu Make changes if desired and click the Save and Generate New Credentials button Record new credentials and provide to account user Once a web services account has been created, the user has the appropriate credentials needed to access Radius. Generating new credentials invalidates the old credentials.

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Radius Web Services Use Cases Web services are a versatile tool that can be used to integrate various systems with Radius. Every Hobsons client is unique and therefore there are numerous cases where web services can be utilized.

BEST PRACTICE: If you are uncertain as to how you would use web services, or need assistance in the setup, contact your Hobsons Representative.

Here are some common examples of web services use cases:

Marketing and Recruiting The University marketing and recruiting office uses a custom form and lead generation site to collect leads. This data must be pushed into Radius, as well as another university system.

In this scenario the university is utilizing a web form to collect prospect data. Through the web service, data collected is pushed, in real-time, to Radius. The web form can be customized to collect any set of data. The data is also pushed into their SIS in real-time. To successfully complete this action the user would reference the Create an Entity Web Service.

Real-Time Exchange of Data Š 2015 Hobsons

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The University needs a system that allows for the real-time exchange of data with an existing on-campus system. This exchange is used for contact, interaction, organization, and lifecycle management.

In this scenario the university is utilizing web services to ensure the real-time transfer of data between Radius and the SIS. It is important to note that Web Services should not be used for bulk type transfers. The transfer of bulk data can be achieved via an export/import process. To successfully complete this action the user would reference the actions for Updating an Entity or Creating an Entity. In either scenario, users may want to query the system first using the Search for Entities action. This allows users to check for the existence of entities prior to attempting to create new entities.

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129 Available Radius Modules Radius is built upon numerous modules that provide the user access to a wide set of data points. There are two components to Radius modules and it is important that users note the distinction. Below is a list of the available modules, which represents the “System Names” and not the “Display Names” that appear in the Radius User Interface. Web Services utilize the system names that are returned in the “List All Modules” Web Service. Additional modules will become available in future releases for web services. This list of modules that are returned for your tenant is based on your Radius package and may be less than what is listed below. Check for updates after each release to explore new modules that are available via the Web Services. { "status": "ok", "payload": [ "UserNotifications", "Accounts", "Cases", "Programs", "Inquiries", "Venues", "RelatedAccounts", "Tasks", "Notes", "Iterations", "CaseMessages", "Appointments", "Registrations", "Leads", "Contacts", "Experiences", "Educations", "Lifecycles", "Recommendations", "Connections" ] }

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Available Field Attributes Modules in Radius are comprised of fields. To ensure the preservation of data, a specific set of field attributes are made available to the web service user. Attribute Field Label

Display Label

Mandatory Custom Field Decimal Places

Maximum Length Data Type Groups

Possible Values Update Allowed Create Allowed

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Description An internal system label that is used by web services. This is the label that users should reference in web service calls. The field display label shown in the User Interface. This label should not be referenced in web service calls. States whether the field is required as part of creating/updating the record. States whether this is a user-created or a system field. For Currency and Number fields, states the number of decimal places as configured in the User Interface. States the maximum length of characters allowed for the field value. States the type of the field, as configured in the User Interface. For “Grouped Multi-Select” type fields, lists all of the groups with the respective values for each group. For “Pick List” and “Multi-Select” type fields, lists all of the possible values. Indicates data for the field is updateable as part of web service calls. Indicates data for the field can be created as part of web service calls.

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Web Service Methods for Radius The examples within this section can be utilized as a reference for accessing data within Radius. For maximum security of data, all Web Service calls (URL’s) are required to use HTTPS. <host> for US clients: api.hobsonsradius.com <host> for EMEA clients: emeaapi.hobsonsradius.com List All Modules URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules HTTP Method: GET Optional parameters: useDisplayLabels=true - Return display labels instead of system labels. Default is false. Returns: A list of module names available through the web service. Get a Module’s Meta Data URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName} HTTP Method: GET Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name Returns: The display label for the module, as configured in the Radius UI as well as a list of the modules fields. List All Fields for a Module URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName}/fields HTTP Method: GET Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name Optional parameters: includeDetails=true - Return detailed field information Returns: A list of all the fields available in the module.

Get an Entity URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName}/{entityId} © 2015 Hobsons

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132 HTTP Method: GET Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name entityId - the unique ID of the entity Optional parameters: returnFields - A comma separated list of fields to include when returning the entity. Invalid field labels in the returnFields request are ignored. Returns: The entity with the given ID. If the returnFields parameter is populated, only those fields specified will be returned. Otherwise all available fields will be returned. Create an Entity URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName} HTTP Method: POST Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name Request body: A CreateFields object in JSON format Returns: The entity ID. If the returnFields parameter is populated, only those fields specified will be returned. Details: The CreateFields object consists of: createFields - A set of field label/field value pairs. returnFields (optional) - A set of field labels indicating which fields should be returned for the created entity. Defaults to Entity ID. Invalid field labels in the returnFields request are ignored.

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133 Examples: A sample request body to create a contact: { "createFields": { "First Name": "aFirstName", "Last Name": "aLastName" }, "returnFields": [ "Entity ID", "First Name", "Last Name" ] } A sample successful response: { "status":"ok", "payload":{ "entity":{ "Entity ID":2000000220005, "First Name": "aFirstName", "Last Name": "aLastName" } } }

Update an Entity URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName}/{entityId} HTTP Method: PUT Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name entityId - the unique ID of the entity Optional parameters: returnFields - A comma separated list of fields to include when returning the entity. Invalid field labels in the returnFields request are ignored. Request body: JSON containing key/value pairs of field labels and values to update Returns: The entity ID. If the returnFields parameter is populated, only those fields specified will be returned.

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134 Examples: A sample request body to update a contact: { "First Name": "newFirstName", "Last Name": "newLastName" }

A sample successful response: { "status":"ok", "payload":{ "entity":{ "Entity ID":2000000220005 } } }

Delete an Entity URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName}/{entityId} HTTP Method: DELETE Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name entityId - the unique ID of the entity Returns: A message indicating the entity was deleted. Search for Entities URL: https://<host>/crm/webservice/modules/{moduleName}/search HTTP Method: POST Path variables: moduleName - a valid module name Optional parameters: page - The page to return. Default is 1. Valid range is 1 - pageSize. pageSize - The number of entities to include in the response. Default is 50. Valid range is 1 - 50. queryId - The query ID is not required for the initial query, but is required when requesting additional pages (page > 1). Request body: A SearchCriteria object in JSON format Returns: A list of entities that meet the search criteria.


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135 The initial version of the Radius web service provides a simple search capability that allows modules to be searched for entities that match search criteria. The search criteria consists of searchFields - A set of field label/field value pairs. Only entities whose fields are equal to the specified values will be selected. All search terms are ANDed together. Search is case insensitive. returnFields - A set of field labels indicating which fields should be returned for entities selected by the search. Search results are paginated, with a default page size of 50. A query id is included in the search response, and must be included when requesting additional pages of results. Examples: A sample request body to search for contact’s whose first name equals “FIRST” and last name equals “LAST”: { "searchFields": { "First Name": "FIRST", "Last Name": "LAST" }, "returnFields": [ "Entity ID", "First Name", "Last Name" ] }

A sample successful response: { "status":"ok", "payload":{ "total pages":1, "page":1, "total entities":2, "queryId":"8bb74976-923b-4cd7-ad8556c7f911e5ed", "entities":[ { "Entity ID":2000000134001, "Last Name":"last", "First Name":"first" }, { "Entity ID":2000000137003,

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136 "Last Name":"LAST", "First Name":"FIRST" } ] } }

Usage Limits & Best Practices Web services are a powerful tool that, when used properly, can enhance the client’s efficiency and overall productivity. With its wide variety of uses and customization, the client has the ability to determine how and when the feature is utilized. As a Radius user, it is important to note the usage limits and best practices for Radius web services. Hobsons reserves the right to add entity properties at any time in order to enhance the product functionality. It is recommended that clients account for this during the implementation of their solution. Failure to account for this can result in the breaking of the integration after Web Services functionality is released in the future. Renaming Custom Fields in Radius will result in the breaking of the web service. Limit the administrative capabilities to authorized staff only and educate them on this topic. The web service functionality will be rolled out in phases. Clients will be notified via release communications as new functionality is added. All pieces of data are case sensitive. Failure to adhere to this will result in web service errors. Field dependencies do not validate via web services. It is the responsibility of the client to insert proper data into those fields that have dependencies.

Product Releases & Web Services Periodically, Hobsons will schedule product releases that integrate enhancements and new features to Radius. Hobsons schedules product releases during hours that will cause the minimal amount of disruption to clients. During these times, it is important

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137 to note there will be down time and Radius Web Services may be unavailable. Clients will need to account for down time and accommodate for it in their code that references Radius Web Services. Hobsons does not store or queue web service calls made by clients, vendors, etc. In the event of an outage, clients need to capture the error condition, accommodate for it, and send the request at a later time when the Radius Web Services become available. Resources There are various resources available on the Internet. Below are some resources that provide additional information on the fundamentals of web services. Rest Web Services Demystified Building a RESTful Web Service JSON.org Working with web services takes practice and a basic understanding of the necessary components. There are a number of web-based tools that will allow for practice. These tools can be found by conducting an Internet search. Two options (listed below) have a user interface that is simple to use. Advanced REST Client (Chrome) RESTClient (Firefox) It is important to understand the user’s Locale Setting and how this impacts Dates & Times in Web Service calls. Dates and Times are returned in the "Natural Date/Time Format" that is human-readable, based on the Locale preferences of the user specified for the Web Service. Date Format by Country Time Zones

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I mp o r t T o o l s The Import Tools module provides the user with a view of the system’s import history. From this module the user has the ability to customize visible columns that include

In addition to viewing imported data, the user can initiate an export of data in an Excel, CSV, or PDF format.

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Tab Settings Radius is a highly customizable system that permits users to rename and organize Tabs and Sub-Menus.

Organize Tabs The organization of tabs is a simple process that involves moving the available tabs among three separate menus.

Users are presented with a menu consisting of;

The items listed in the Tab Group column correspond with the various modules within Radius. Once an item has been selected the Sub Menu List will populate with the available menus. The interface allows the user to: Customize the order of the Radius tabs using the set of blue arrows. Customize the Sub Menu List using the set of blue arrows Hide Sub Menu lists by selecting the item and using the red X After making the desired changes, click the save button. While the user has the ability to customize Radius menus, the Home tab cannot be removed.

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Rename Tabs

The Rename Tab tool provides the user the ability to change the display label to align with institutional naming conventions. Users can rename Tabs and Menu Items, and the process for both is the same.

Through the Rename Tab menu the user can edit and reset default name. Additionally, Radius records those labels that are customized and the system user who made the modification. Clicking Edit triggers a pop-up that allows the user to designate a new label. Upon clicking Save, the system will reflect the change.

Wo r k fl o w S et tin g s Workflow Alerts, Rules, and Tasks are valuable tools that allow the user to configure system automation, and improve institutional efficiency. Through the use of user-defined criteria, Radius can trigger workflow rules once the criteria have been met. Workflow rules can improve institutional efficiency through: Eliminating unnecessary steps in the assignment of records and tasks Improving business processes through the standardization of working methods Reducing operating costs There are three distinct components of Workflow Settings: Workflow Rules, Workflow Tasks, and Workflow Alerts.

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141 Workflow Rules The creation of a workflow rule consists of two sections, the rule details, and rule criteria. Step 1: Select the Record Type When creating a new workflow rule, Radius first prompts the user to select the record type, or rather, from which part of the system will the rule draw its criteria.

By default the system displays Application Forms; however, users have other options that include: Application Forms Case Messages

Appointments Cases

Attendees Communication Plans

Campaigns Connections




Event Communications

Event Forms


Email Templates Exclusions

Experiences Invoices

Groups & Associations Iterations Recommenders

Inquiries Iterations

Inquiry Forms Leads

Lifecycles Programs Rules User Notifications

Locations Recommender Forms Sites Views

Opportunities Registrations Targets

Payments Requirements Tasks

Step 2: Create New Rule Š 2015 Hobsons

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142 All workflow rules require identifying details and a set of defined criteria.

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When establishing the rule details, the only required field is the Rule Name, and while required, the Execution Time must be set between one of two options. Enter a Rule Name. The rule name should align with a defined naming convention. The naming convention is unique to the institution. While not required, users should provide a Description. Providing a detailed description is a best practice that will support the long-term health of the Radius system. Determine if the rule will be Active. This setting can be changed at any time. New Radius users should make new workflow rules inactive until all criteria logic can be reviewed. Finally, set the Execution Time. Workflow rules are triggered by criteria, but are executed on one of two times: o When new records are created o When new records are created and existing records are edited. The next step in workflow rule creation is the building of criteria. The construction of rule criteria requires that the user follow three steps. 1. Select a field from the Record Type 2. Select an Operator – examples include is, isn’t, contains, starts with, etc. 3. Enter the desired Value When entering a field value it is necessary that the user be knowledgeable of available options. For example, if the user plans to utilize the field Modified By she should be aware that is an open text field. In this situation the user needs to know the names of other system users.

Workflow rules can be built on multiple lines of criteria. Users can incorporate additional lines of logic by clicking the Add Criteria button, located in the lower-left portion of the screen.

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A new workflow rule is not actionable until either a Workflow Alert or Workflow Task is created. Version 020415

144 Once finished, the user should click Save to complete the process.

Workflow Alerts A Workflow Alert is an email notification that is sent to selected recipients upon the execution of a workflow rule. There is a one to one relationship between a Workflow Rule and the Workflow Alert. To create a Workflow Alert: Navigate to Workflow Alerts  Click on New Alert Specify a Name for the alert Using the dropdown, select the Email Template. Users must select from previously created emails, and are unable to create them on-demand. Select the recipients of the alert. Select the source type o Groups o Roles o Roles and Subordinates o Users

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Once the Source Type has been selected a list of available users will appear. Highlight the selected system user. Click the Add button. To remove a user from the selected list, highlight the user and click Del. Finally, the user has the option to notify additional recipients including: The Record Creator The Record Owner Additional Recipients: This is an open field where the user can enter additional email addresses.

Workflow Tasks Tasks can also be associated with a Workflow Rule, and will allow for the assignment of the task to a designated system user. This assignment occurs when the Workflow Rule is triggered. BEST PRACTICE: It is important to note that Workflow Tasks can only be associated with Workflow Rules of the same Record type.

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146 To create a Workflow Task: Step 1: Navigate SetupWorkflow SettingsWorkflow Tasks Click on New Task Step 2: Complete Task Information fields Record Type: Select the Module to be used Subject: Specify the subject to the Task Priority: Designate the Task as one of the following: o Highest o High o Normal o Low o Lowest Status: Select the default status for the Task: o Not Started o Deferred o In Progress o Completed o Waiting on someone else Due Date: Specify the date for which the Task will be created and assigned. Assigned To: Select the User to whom the Task will be assigned Description: Specify additional Task details Once completed, click Save.

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Modules Radius is structured as a collection of interconnected Modules, which can be managed via the Setup portion of the system. Radius Modules Application Forms Appointments Attachments

Contacts Discounts Educations


Email Templates

Inquiry Forms Invoices Iteration Recommenders Iterations

Campaigns Case Messages Cases Communication Plans

Event Forms Events Exclusions Experiences

Leads Lifecycles Locations Notes

Recommender Forms Registrations Requirements Sites Targets


Groups & Associations Inquiries




Test Score Values


Payments Programs Recommendations

Test Scores Views

Each Module includes a series of sub-menus that provide the user with the ability to customize the Radius system. These sub-menus include: Field List Edit Field Dependency List View Quick Link Settings Assignment Rules Merge Views Edit Page Layout Duplicate Organization Settings Duplicate Contact Settings It is important to note that each module is unique and might not include all sub-menus.

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Field Lists Radius Modules include a listing of all System Fields, as well as the ability to create Custom Fields. Each module includes a set of System Fields that cannot be deleted; however, users can edit select System Fields. After selecting a Module, the user is presented with comprehensive list of all associated fields.

The field list for each module includes both System and Custom fields, which is indicated on the right portion of the menu. When applicable, an Action menu is displayed for those fields that can be Edited or Deleted. A Search bar is located in the upper-right portion of the menu and offers an efficient method for finding fields within the selected module. Finally, users are provided the ability to create Custom Fields. There are various field types from which the user can select. These types include:

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Field Types Text Field Displays as a free form text field Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Length: Specify a field size Integer: Displays as a numerical value and will only accept values Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Length: Specify a field size Percent: Displays data in the form of a percentage Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name Currency: Displays data in a currency format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Length: Specify a field size Date: Displays data in a date format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Format: YYYY/MM/DD o Format will be changed according to user time zone settings Email: Displays data in email format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name

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150 Phone: Displays data in phone number format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Length: Specify the field size (integer number) Pick list: Displays data in a pick list format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Pick List Values: Values will automatically sort alphabetically. First value in list will appear as the default value. URL: Displays data in URL format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name Text Area: Displays data in long text field Field accommodates 64,000 characters Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name Checkbox: Displays data in a true (checked) or false (unchecked) type value Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Enable by default: Check a box by default on new Contact forms Multi-Select: Displays data as a pick list with multiple selection of values Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Pick List Values: Specify the pick list values o Sort Values Alphabetically: Will automatically sort the values.

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150 Date/Time: Displays data as a date/time combination field Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM o Format will be changed according to user time zone settings Month/Year: Displays data as a month/year combination field Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name Number: Displays data as a decimal type number field – Example: 20.4 Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Length: Specify the number of decimal places Auto-Number: Displays data as an auto-number field Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Prefix: Specify the prefix of the auto-number sequence o Starting Number: Specify the starting number of the sequence o Suffix: Specify the suffix of the auto-number sequence o Existing Records: Select the check-box to apply auto-number to existing records Grouped Multi-Select: Displays data in a grouped multi-select format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Groups: Create the groups that will contain values o Values: Create the values within the previously created groups Postal Code: Displays data in a postal code format Requirements: o Label: Specify the field name o Length: Specify the field size in an integer format

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151 Date/Time:

Radius modules are editable so they may align with established institutional naming conventions. Users can modify the default names and labels for all system modules.

Prior to making edits, the user should keep record of all changes for documentation purposes. Step 1: Name the Module It is necessary to provide both a Singular and Pluralized version of the name. For example, if editing the Locations tab the user would provide “Location” and “Locations.” Step 2: Module Label The Module Label is the “title” of a record. The label can contain both free-form text and field values. This label will display anywhere the record is uniquely represented, for example, in the Recent Items and the detail view Title bar. Prior to editing, default module labels will be present. To add labels: Click the Wand icon – located on the right portion of the screen Clicking the icon triggers a drop-down menu to appear. The drop-down provides the user with a list of available labels. Using the list, select the desired labels and click Save when finished making edits.

Field Dependency Radius allows for the creation of Field Dependencies, which establishes a “parent-child” relationship between two pick lists. Field dependencies can be created for any record type; however, prior to establishing the dependency the user should confirm the field exists.

Step 1: Create a New Dependency

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Setup”Selected Module”Field Dependency Click the New icon Step 2: Establish the Parent-Child Relationship After clicking New, users are presented the opportunity to select a Field Parent and Field Child.

Every Radius Module has a unique set of fields that determines the available options in the drop down menu. In the above the user is attempting to create a new Field Dependency within the Contacts module, and has selected “Intended Entry Term” and “Majors of Interest.” In the above example available majors are based upon the selected entry term. Once the “Intended Entry Term” has been set, Radius limits the available choices within “Majors of Interest.” Why would a user create this Field Dependency? This particular situation might arise for an institution where the available majors are dependent on a particular term.

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Step 3: Field Dependency Mapping Once the Parent-Child relationship has been established, it is necessary to map the dependencies. Continuing the example from Step 2, the user needs to determine which majors are offered in a given term.

Field dependency is limited to those fields using drop-down functionality, and the image above illustrates this reasoning.

Parent Field

Parent Field Value #1

Parent Field Value #2

Parent Field Value #3

Child Field

Child Field Values

Child Field Values

Child Field Values

In the first row the user can view the values associated with the Parent field. Directly underneath these values is a dropdown of all Child field values. To map a dependency simply click the desired value from the dropdown menu. For example, if our institution only offers Applied Health Sciences and Biochemistry during the Fall (2014) term, we would only highlight those values. This process can be duplicated for all values associated with the Parent field. It is important to note that the Radius interface is capable of displaying up to four Parent field values on screen. In many instances this is a fraction of the available values. Located on the right portion of the screen (see screenshot above) is the ability to proceed to the Next page or return to the Previous page. Upon finishing the desired mapping, simply click Save to complete the process.

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154 Step 4: Manage Field Dependencies After saving, Radius returns the user to the Field Dependency tab. From this tab users can create additional dependencies, and edit existing mappings.

Quick Link Settings In order to promote efficiency and workflow, Radius provides user with the ability to easily transition between modules and functionality within the system. Quick Link Settings allow the user to create related records without having to navigate from the existing screen. System administrators have the ability to customize these menus via the Setup menu in Radius.

By default, all quick link views are immediately visible. To customize the list: Highlight the item(s) Use the middle left & right arrows to transition between lists Use the up & down arrows to re-order the items in the visible list The customizations made to the list are reflected in the following portion of the system. Š 2015 Hobsons

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It is important to note that the available quick links will differ between the various Radius modules.

Assignment Rules Assignment rules facilitate the automatic assignment of inbound records to ensure they are assigned to the appropriate user. The process for creating a new assignment rule simple; however, depends heavily upon the user’s ability to clearly define the desired outcomes. There are two types of Assignment Rules: Random Assignment Criteria Assignment o Assigns records based on one or more user-defined rules. These rules determine the order and conditions for record distribution. Assignment Rules can be created for any inbound point of entry – including: Importing Contact Records Inquiry Forms Event Forms Application Forms Mailboxes Additionally, Assignment Rules are available for imports of less than 10,000 records.

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156 Step 1: Create a New Assignment Rule Navigate to Setup  Select a Module  Assignment Rules Click Create New Rule Provide a Rule Name Select a Rule Type o Random Assignment o Criteria Click Save At this point the creation process differs and is dependent upon the selected Rule Type.

Step 2: Criteria Based Assignment Rule After saving the newly created rule, the user is directed to

Click Create New Rule Entry button. The user is taken to the following screen.

Criteria based assignment rules are a series of logic statements, built upon user-defined criteria. The Query Builder guides the user through the query creation process. There © 2015 Hobsons

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157 are six components that are necessary for completing a single line of query logic. These components include: Parenthesis (Open and Closed) o The set of parenthesis signifies the beginning and end of a statement. Area o The Area refers to specific module/sub-module from which the user wishes to pull data. Field o The Field determines the available values from which the user can utilize in the creation of the query. Operator o The Operator connects the Field and the Value. Operators include Non-Numerical Fields Is Isn’t Contains Doesn’t Contain Starts With Ends With Is Empty Is not Empty

Numerical Fields < <= = <> > >= Is Empty Is not Empty

Value o The available Values are limited to the selected Field and are the unique piece of data for which the user is searching. o The format of the data is dependent on the configuration of the field. For example, if the field was configured as a drop-down the user will have the ability to use the drop-down in the building of the query.

Criteria based assignment rules can be as simple as a single line, or can consist of numerous lines of logic. To add, remove, or reposition lines, Radius provides the following set of Actions

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When creating a query with multiple lines of logic, Radius will populate a drop-down entitled Join. This drop-down includes the values: Or And Minus These values allow the user to create complex strings of logic and can further enhance workflow and automation in the assignment of records. Step 3: Specify the User After completing the query-building step, the rule must be assigned to a single Radius user. To assign, click the magnifying glass icon. This will trigger a popup that lists all available system users. It is at this point where Random and Criteria based rules differ. The Random assignment simply requires the user to select the available system users to whom newly created records can be assigned. Step 4: Associate a Task Users wishing to further enhance workflow and system automation can associate a task with the criteria based rule. This process allows the user to select a previously created workflow task and associate it with the rule. The rule will assign the selected tasks when a record meets the workflow rule criteria. Click Save to complete the process.

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Edit Page Layout

Page layouts are utilized in the various Radius modules, and they determine the available fields when viewing and editing a record. Customizing page layouts allows the user to: Add and Remove Fields Customize the Field Order Designate Required/Mandatory Fields

Regardless of the selected module, the steps for customizing a page layout remain the same. Page layout customization allows the user to: Rename sections of the layout Select between 1 and 4 columns for a section Designate mandatory fields by clicking the * icon Remove fields from the page layout Add fields to the layout by dragging and dropping from the list of Available Fields

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Duplicate Contact Settings

Duplicate Contact Settings allow the user to configure the parameters that are used for comparing inbound contacts with existing contacts. The duplicate check uses the student ID and email address combined with a user-set weighted threshold. Each field in the weighted threshold is given a numerical value, all of which are totaled and compared. If the sum of the inbound contact field values is equal to or greater than the threshold value, then the inbound contact information is appended to the matching contact record. There are two stages of verification a record is subjected to before it is added/appended. The first of these stages is the Absolute Matching Criteria. Users have the option of selecting from three different Absolute Matching Criteria. If an incoming record matches the selected criteria, the identified record is immediately appended. In the event the record fails this test, the system will create a new record. Users who desire a second verification be performed can configure Threshold Matching Criteria.

Threshold Matching Criteria provides the user the ability to designate the threshold a record must meet (or surpass) prior to appending an existing record.

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Example An incoming record does not satisfy the absolute matching criteria and is subject to threshold matching. Incoming Record John Hobsons 50 E Business Way Cincinnati Ohio 45241

Existing Record John Hobsons 50 E Business Way Cincinnati Ohio 45241

Threshold 10 10 10 10 10 10 Total 60

In this scenario the incoming record would updated because the 60-point threshold was met. There are two exceptions in which the threshold criteria is not considered: Contact creation due to inbound email to mailboxes Contact creation from use of the Outlook Plugin

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APPENDIX A Radius Data Diagra m Since Radius is a relational database it is important to understand the structure of system. The following illustrations represent the data structure of the system.

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Version 020415


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