The (St Minver) Link Magazine, Issue 230, Autumn 2021

Page 20

St Endellion and St Peter’s Port Isaac Summer Fete

The idea of holding a small fund raising event was first raised in February when the government published its roadmap out of Covid lockdown. As time went on, enthusiasm grew and it was decided that it would be good to aim for a full fete once again, always bearing in mind that it could be cancelled at the last moment. As you can imagine a great deal of work went into the planning but the support from the community has been wonderful. People totally unconnected to St Endellion or St Peter’s churches have willingly given of their time putting up posters, banners, erecting tents, moving furniture, making cakes, pickles, donating to and running stalls and sideshows. We’ve always tried to have something for everyone at our fete with children’s

competitions, games and this year a rewritten politically correct Punch and Judy show which, judging by the noise coming from that corner of the garden, was very popular. The committee is indebted to the owners of The Rectory for allowing us spill over into their garden and it was the first time we were able to use the new St Endellion Hall, which was a great asset. There was a really good attendance by both locals and holidaymakers and the weather was kind. At the moment it appears we will have raised just under £7000 which is an incredible amount for an event held in the tiny hamlet of St Endellion! We just want to thank everyone for their help and support. It was fantastic. Fran Pennington St Endellion Fete Committee

Pause for Thought

by Marcus Jones, North Cornwall Cluster of Churches

I wonder what are the hardest words for you to say? Cocamidopropyl betaine is something found in shampoos. It is possible to say phonetically when looking at it but I wonder how long it would take you to be able to say it without looking at the word, now that would be an achievement! Welsh place names can be difficult too, especially Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch! As I had to go online to get the correct spelling you may need to go online to hear it pronounced accurately. One of the nice things about visiting other regions is noticing difference in place names and how they feel to say. There is something very special about our Cornish place names and Ponsanooth would be among my favourite names to say. Pontefract in Yorkshire is another. When a red lorry collided with a yellow lorry the police officer calling it in over the radio was heard to say ‘Sarg, this is hard to say!’ I’m sure you already knew what I meant when I mused about the hardest words to say. For some people is simply ‘sorry’ for others it is ‘I love you’ and ‘I need help’ is often difficult when we’ve grown to be so independent. Interestingly, these three in some form or other could be said to be the backbone to our services in church. I wonder if it is that we find it easier to say these words to God, or is it that we are good at switching off in some way to these moments of the church service. We don’t always have the words to say to God and so lighting a candle can be helpful, perhaps there is a word or sentence we use in church that you are struggling to say at the moment. Light a candle for those words and let the silence speak to you. If you can, say the words when you blow out the candle. For me, the hardest word to say is ‘Goodbye’ and as I prepare to leave for Somerset in September there are many last goodbyes ahead. I’ve moved so many times around the country and left so many beautiful people sometimes I don’t know how to feel when it comes again to the last goodbye. The Christian hope is that it is never the last goodbye and that there will be the most glorious of reunions in the time to come. So until we meet again, Goodbye.


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Articles inside

Local Telephone Numbers

pages 71-88

AA Book Club

page 69

Book Review by John Baxter

page 68

St Minver Scout Group

page 67

Parliamentary Update-Scott Mann MP

page 66

Place Names

page 65

Aren’t We Lucky

pages 56-57

Gardening Made Easy

page 64


page 55

Polzeath Coastguard Update

page 53

1st St Minver Brownies

page 52

St Minver Silver Band

page 49

News From St Minver School

pages 50-51

St Minver Pre School

page 48

News From St Breock School

pages 46-47

Wildlife in Autumn

pages 44-45

Country Diary from Cobb Cottage

pages 42-43

Fire & Steam Arts Project

pages 39-41

St Minver Guides

page 38

Wadebridge Primary Academy

pages 36-37

Polzeath Together

pages 34-35

St Minver Tractor Run

page 33

Polzeath Football Club

page 32

Chris Treglown Foundation

page 31

Local Swimmer Wins Gold

page 30

Wadebridge Business- G7

page 26

Pause for thought

page 20

Torquil Cottage

page 23

Padstow to Rock Charity Swim

page 28

Rosie’s Recipes

pages 24-25

Business Spotlight- Amelias Wax Melts

page 27

Songs of Praise

page 29

Polzeath Marine Conservation Charity

page 22
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