St Minver, Summer 2021, Issue 229

Page 61

be planted early as possible so that they are strong enough to support the beans. Each Sunflower can host up to three beans but it is best to stick to two. I find a wigwam of eight tall canes securely tied at the top, will withstand strong winds much better than a long row. Beans have soft leaves and they suffer horribly in strong winds. Sow three beans around each cane and thin if necessary once they come up also sow some beans in the middle of the wigwam for filling in gaps. Make the Right Choice Polestar; the best red flowering stringless bean Red Rum AGM; The earliest runner bean to crop White Emergo; White flowered bean producing smooth light green pods Lady Di; Red flowering stringless bean with long straight pods Secrets of Success Although beans and peas generally resent extra nitrogen preferring to fix their own with

their root nodules the best way to provide lots of nitrogen is to incorporate organic matter as mentioned earlier. Bide your time, don’t expose beans to night-time temperatures until early June. As a rule, I tend to plant out on Royal Cornwall Weekend (obviously pre Covid times!) To get good pollination plant a few sweet peas between beans. Once they reach the required height pinch out the top shoot so that they bush out lower down. Sow a second crop in June for Autumn pickings. Keep slugs at bay as if they nip out the growing points the beans will not recover. Adding lettuces to the area helps to lure slugs away from the beans. A quote to the end the edition from E.B. White (1899-1985) Our vegetable garden is coming along well with radishes and beans up and we are less worried about revolution than we used to be. Keep well, everybody. Next Issue…………..The Glory of Autumn

How well do you know the local area?

1.Test drilling sampling is taking place in the Redruth area for which mineral which is used in the making of batteries? 2.As a result of the May elections, which political party has the majority in Cornwall Council? 3.In which century was the current building of Lanhydrock House built? 4.In which year was the first copy of Link published? 5.In which year did Sir Malcolm Arnold write The Padstow Lifeboat March for the launch of a new lifeboat? 6.Which tides are responsible for very high and very low water? 7.Which one of the pubs in Wadebridge was previously known by three different names; the Fox, The King’s Arms and The Fountain? 8.Through her TV programme, who was responsible for the building of the pedestrian bridge, linking the Egloshayle Playing fields to the Jubilee Fields? 9.With which town is Wadebridge twinned? 10.To whom is St Minver Church dedicated? Answers on page 61 Visit our website -


Articles inside

Obituary: Pat Rogers

page 66

Local Telephone Numbers

page 64

Local Quiz - answers

page 63

Book Review by John Baxter

page 62

Rosie’s Recipes

pages 56-59

Local Quiz

page 61

Move it or lose it

pages 54-55

Gardening Made Easy

page 60

Aren’t We Lucky

pages 52-53

Wildlife in Summer

pages 50-51

Country Diary from Cobb Cottage

pages 48-49

Polzeath Coastguard Update

page 47

St Minver Pre School

page 44

Featured Artist-Abigail Fincher

pages 41-43


page 46

Polzeath Surf Lifesaving

pages 39-40

Classic Tractor Run

page 45

WadebridgeTennis Club

pages 36-38

Polzeath Together

pages 28-29

Link Award Scheme

page 27

St Minver School News

pages 34-35


page 26

Wadebridge Primary Academy

pages 32-33

Eating For a Healthy Weight

pages 24-25

Local Elections

page 20

Business Spotlight - estuary

page 31
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