February 2, 2012 Stir

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The offical student-­run newspaper of Sterling College

Volume 115 issue 7

Convocation Students experience ‘social inequality’ and ‘musical opportunity theater’ abroad in Honduras and New York City BAY BAKER to connect in By Staff Writer classes that went diverse world onFortrips,the Interterm was an


The 27th of January was the Making Connections in a Diverse World Convocation. The Convocation featured a group of teachers from around the state called the 2012 Kansas Teachers of the Year Team, which focused on diversity in classroom situations and how educators have to take varying backgrounds into consideration when teaching their students. Students were given a bag of M&M’s and a Styrofoam cup as they entered the auditorium. The convocation opened with a speech from Dr. Greg Kerr, who agreed with the team that diversity is not only to be embraced by the faculty, but by the students as well. “We are all called to model that love that transcends boundaries and barriers that separate us,” Kerr said. “Whether the barriers are racial, economic, cultural, educational, or whatever.” Carla Goertzen acted as the groups’ main representative. She spoke of the diversity in classrooms all across Kansas and explained their importance in our society. “No matter what field you go in to, you are going to be dealing with diversity,” Goertzen said. See Convo, Page 7

THISWEEK Today. Women’s Basketball vs. Kansas Wesleyan, 6 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs. Kansas Wesleyan, 6 p.m. Fuel @ 10 p.m. in Upper Wilson Friday. Debate @ Kansas Wesleyan Saturday. Track @ Nebraska Wesleyan, 10 a.m. Sunday. Chapel @ 3 p.m. Superbowl @ 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Chapel @ 10 a.m.

NEWSBITES Drop Add Deadline Friday, February 3 Make sure to get your class schedule finalized as the drop/add date is tomorrow, February 3rd. Any change to your schedule after tomorrow will result with a withdrawal appearing on your transcript, which could hurt your future plans including grad school applications.

Campus Visit Weekend Sterling’s Campus visit weekend is today and tomorrow. Please make all of our prospective students feel welcome and show them the great opportunities Sterling has to offer. Also, make sure to participate in all the fun events that are sure to be planned for this weekend.

adventure. For perhaps the final time Gordon and Diane Kling’s Musical Theatre class went to New York to see professional productions and get a taste of some of the great musicals currently on Broadway including Porgy and Bess, Anything Goes, and Godspell. “My favorite musical was probably Godspell,” Freshman Kayla Miller said. “This particular production showed the story of Jesus from the perspective of his disciples in a way I had never seen before. The show was very moving, the actors were wonderful, and the show was very interactive.” The students got to experience several interesting restaurants including Bubba Gump’s Shrimp and the Hard Rock Café. Perhaps more intriguing still were the city’s people. “No matter who’s listening, they speak what’s on their mind with no reservations,” Freshman Stephen Newby said. “We are so used to keeping how we feel to ourselves in order to not offend any-

Photo on left: Stephen Newby, Nathan West, Josh Thomas, Megan Reed, and Emily Walker outside ‘Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark’ in New York City. Top right: Mike Redondo, Ryan Ehresman, Reid Goffigan, and Travis Norton climb a statue in Central Park. Photos courtesy of Nathan West Bottom Right: Alex Lawhon-­Bush playing with a Honduran child. Photo courtesy of Alex Lawhon-Bush body. In New York, it’s not ent economic conditions than in a town called Santa Cruz like that. Random strangers our own,” Froese said. “There de Yojoa. After visiting sevwould just walk up and join are very rich people and very eral peasant villages nearby, in on the conversation. The poor people in Honduras. The their final destination was Copeople on the street of New very poor are in terrible con- pan Ruinas, the site of a great York weren’t strangers; [it ditions and there are many former Mayan civilization. was] more like a community more of them. We saw them One of the most striking you’ve grown up in all your begging in the streets, living things to both students and life.” in shacks made of whatever faculty was the cultural difIn addition to the musi- scraps they could find ly- ferences between Honduras cal theater class, the Social ing around, and sleeping on and the United States. Inequality class would also streets and sidewalks.” “The rich-poor gap is huge,” leave Sterling, going to HonProfessor Froese said they Junior Alexandra Lawhonduras on a Field Experience flew in to San Pedro Sula in Bush said. “We would be led by Arn Froese. the Sula Valley. From there, walking by the mall, seeing “The purpose of the trip they travelled to the moun- people in Abercrombie with was to explore inequality in a tains between San Pedro Sula See Trips, Page 7 country that has very differ- and Tegucigalpa, and stayed

Surfaced ‘sword in stone’ gift Sterling’s ‘Unsolved Mystery’ By SAMANTHA DAVISON Staff Writer A typical news story examines the who, what, when, where, why, and how of an event. However, in this special case many of these questions are left a mystery. On December 23rd of 2011 a gift was delivered; at the base of the Cooper Hall steps sat a boulder with a sword stuck in the middle of it. The boulder reads, Sterling College and as reported by the Sterling College website the stone was discovered around 7:00AM. Former employee Ginger Reed recalls seeing a red truck with a white flat bed trailer parked

on Cooper Lawn that evening. Still the actual donor was never seen. More than a month later it is still unclear who has donated this King Arthur inspired artwork. Some staff and students have some fun guesses as to who it might have been, however. “I think, possibly, it was donated by a loyal alumnus to inspire unity on campus,” Admissions counselor Sasha Hildebrand said. Others have more pointed guesses. “I think that Greg McGlenn did it, “Kacie Hastings, a graduating senior this year, said in a joking manner. Mr.

McGlenn, A Sterling College alum is the theatre teacher at Campus High School in Hays and a former teacher of Mrs. Hastings. “[I feel] this person had a very growing obsession with King Arthur and felt they [wanted] to express their love and passion in a gift,” Junior Amanda Xydis said. Whoever it was we can assume did it with a creative passion for Sterling College, leaving behind an almost unending conversation piece and campus attraction that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

“It’s not goodbye, it’s simply see you later” Cousin Jennifer Lies remembers the late Brooke Minor, 2011 Sterling College Graduate By JENNIFER LIES Cousin of Brooke Minor It’s hard to explain the wonderful 22 years of life that my vivacious, beautiful, go-getter cousin Brooke Minor lived. She was a very influential part of my life since the day I was born. One of the first memories I have was of my brother’s 5th birthday party. Brooke was a loud, impatient, energetic three year old who always had to be involved in everything. We were all watching my brother unwrap his presents when Brooke sat down beside him and started helping him unwrap his gifts and informing our family what the presents were before my brother had a chance to. The more I think about it the more I realize that that moment describes Brooke perfectly. Brooke and I grew up together in our small town community of Minneola, Ks. From Kindergarten to her senior year of high school, Brooke thrived in our small town. She was always involved in something, going somewhere, or helping out in some way. She was full of energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life that most people only wish they had. She was also loud. Considering she was a cheerleader for 9 years, this should come as no shock. Brooke’s loudness was also felt all over the campus and community of Sterling. She showed

Brooke Minor (left) and cousin Jennifer Lies (right) up at Sterling College on a basketball scholarship and ended up being a cheerleader before her four years of college were done. Go figure. After her last semester of college, she got an internship in the athletic department of Tulane University. Once her internship was completed, she graduated form Sterling College with her degree in sports management and marketing. Most people try to find a small job to start off with after college that is close and safe, but not Brooke. She was offered a job with the NCAA Men’s Final Four in New Orleans, Louisiana, and without a moment of hesitation she jumped right in. She was so excited. No fear. No hesitation. Brooke had always been independent to say the least. The thought of living alone in a new and big city where she knew a handful of people didn’t worry her at all. In fact it did the opposite. She was ready for whatever life wanted to throw at her. I had the opportunity to

spend a few days in New Orleans with her back in October 2011. I’ll never forget my time with her down there; we had a blast. That was only a few weeks before we would all learn that she had cancer. Early in November of 2011, Brooke discovered that she had Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer in her liver. Not once did she ever throw herself a pity party or say she couldn’t do it. She told everyone that it was just another trial she had to face, and that she had God with her. She also told us all she was going to fight until the end;; until she won. That was just how Brooke always acted. She was fearless and ready to overcome anything. The next ten weeks went by too fast. Needless to say, Brooke lost her battle with cancer on January 16, 2012. One of the last things she said to me was that she was sorry she was sick and that she wasn’t going to make it. Again this was just Brooke. Apologizing for things that were beyond her control. Brooke’s friendly personality, beautiful character, and positive attitude for life have left a lasting impression on countless people. She was one of the best people I have ever known and will ever know. Although a numerous number of people are deeply saddened by her passing, we have to remember her own words… “It’s not goodbye, it’s simply see you later”.

Education department changes leave students confused, seeking answers By NATHAN EHRESMAN Staff Writer The Sterling College education department has recently undergone some major personnel changes, centering on the reshuffling of staff and responsibilities amongst the department’s faculty. A chain reaction began with the absence of department head Dr. Gladys Ritterhouse. Ritterhouse is not teaching any classes this semester and is no longer head of the department. Mrs. Terri Gaeddert has stepped in to fill the role of head of the education department. Because of these added responsibilities, Gaeddert is not teaching any classes this semester either. Through these changes the education department has, in effect, lost two full-time professors for the spring semester. Several adjunct professors have been brought on board to fill these voids. This has led to a major problem being felt by most education majors: having to adjust to new professors. Students doing their clinical teaching this semester are also feeling another major effect from these changes. The shuffling of responsibilities between STEP faculty members has resulted in a corresponding shuffling in the STEP supervisors for the studentteachers. See Changes, Page 7

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The Weekly Sports Wrap By KATIE MCGRATH Staff Writer

Saturday, January 28th, the Men and Women’s Sterling College track teams competed in Seward, Nebraska in the 2012 Concordia Classic. The competition took place in the Bulldog Fieldhouse where Sterling matched up against several colleges from across the country including Concordia University, Northwest Missouri State, Nebraska Wesleyan, and York College. With several Sterling athletes placing in the top 10, Sterling showed that they were a force to be recognized. “Although this was not our best meet, we are excited to see the potential of our team considering the great chemistry we have together,” Senior team member Sarah Doll said. Doll placed 7th with a new personal best in the Women 1 Mile Run with a time of 5:55.22. Amber Balvin took 7th place in the Women 1000 Meter Run with a time of

Above: Senior Mike Talton prepares to take off from his starting blocks. Right: Senior Sara Doll running the 1 Mile. Photos courtesy of Hans Nickel

3:26.21. Taking 5th in the Women 800 Meter Run, was Jillian Linnebur with a time of 2:27.79. Heather Simpson also held her own as she placed 11th in the Women’s 400 Meter Dash. The Women Distance Med-

Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year By PATRICK WRIGHT When I first arrived here at Sterling College in the fall of 2010 I was as excited as a kid in a candy store. I couldn’t wait to start my adult life. Everything was new to me: getting away from home, living away from my parents, and taking new and challenging classes. I met new professors and new students; I was able to meet people from all over the country and even a few people from different countries. It was new experience after new experience. Everything was going my way. It was one of the highlights of my life. As my freshman year ended, however, the newness of college began to wear off. Classes weren’t as exciting as they were before. Meeting new students was fun, but I couldn’t muster the same zeal I had before. No matter how hard I tried to keep myself interested, I found myself falling into the same ruts that I fell into in high school. Classes were less of an experience with my professors and became a chore. Waking up in the morning was no longer as easy as it was before. My sophomore year beat my enthusiasm out of me. I was running head first into my sophomore slump. All throughout life, we experience these hills and valleys. Just as we gain speed and reach the high points, another valley is right around the corner. Once you fall into life’s pitfalls, it’s hard to claw your way out. Each of us needs to find that light in our life that renews our vigor and gives us that drive to push through our slumps and rise to our former glory. For some of us, it’s simply a matter of patience, but sometimes we need another kind of push. God gave me that little push and it wouldn’t be the first time. He pushes me to not only go to my classes and do my homework, but do it to the best of my ability. He pushes me to give life everything I’ve got. I think all of us need that push in our lives when things start to slow down. God will always be the fuel that helps us power through our tough times, but we have to ask for that help. When it comes down to it, it’s our choice to either be in the sophomore slump or have the comeback of the year.


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Students who attended the convocation got to use the cup and candy they were given at the beginning of the convocation to creatively apply the principles of diversity. The M&M’s were a symbol of a diverse community having many common traits and the “white object” was used to find uses for it other than its intended purpose. The speakers told students that it was not just important for educators to connect with their students, but to connect with the parents and cultural backgrounds of the children


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Coach purses and here is a kid without shoes asking for money as a horse-drawn cart passes by.” Lawhon-Bush said that the trip reminded her that even on the worst day, we have it much easier here than more than half the world. Jayleene Garrett also noticed several things about the country that surprised her. For instance,

as well. For some students, certain stories or allusions will not make sense based on where that child is from and what that child’s upbringing may be like. They also stressed that if parents become involved in the child’s academics, any student can excel. The speakers did not just use diversity as a way to show that people are different, but also to show that being diverse can add strength to a community. “Diversity makes things stronger,” Team member Michael Pickman said. “When we apply that to people, imagine the barriers we can overcome.” pedestrians do not have the right-of-way, the traditional Honduran food is altogether un-processed, it was not uncommon to see machine-guns outside every store (security is a necessity), and a common sight in Honduras is a Toyota truck packed with nearly 15 people inside. Each trip was a success and every student who voyaged outside Sterling has a tale or two of how he or she benefitted from the experience.

ley team, consisting of Balvin, Simpson, Linnebur, and Doll, placed 3rd with a time of 13:29.63. Not to be outdone the Men’s Distance Medley team also took 3rd with a time of 11:28.18. Kevin Burgess took 18th in the Men’s 1000 Meter

Run clocking in at 2:51.40. In the Men’s 800 Meter Run Austin Gauntier took 12th with a time of 2:11.73, followed by teammate Jared Reimer with a time of 2:12.45. Taking 27th in the Men’s 200 Meter Dash was Jacob Brown with a time

of 25.97. Brown also took 20th in the Men’s 400 Meter Dash with a time of 55.46 followed one second behind by Jeron Hensley who took 21st. The women’s team is excited about the potential of the Distance Medal Relay, which has Amber running the 1200, Heather running the 400, Jill running the 800 and Doll running the 1600. Although running an impressive 13:29.63, Doll is confident they can shave an additional 20 seconds off before conference picks up, which is important because in order to qualify for conference the team has to run the Distance Medley Race in 12:55 or under. The team expressed confidence in their abilities to qulaify and is also looking forward to the first indoor track meet in the history of the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference. Next week, on February 4th, Sterling College will head to Lincoln, Nebraska for the Nebraska Wesleyan Indoor Meet.

Satellites & Sirens Frequency album review

By JON FAULKNER Staff Writer

It’s not every day that one finds a synth driven pop rock, but that’s exactly what one should expect to find on the sophomore release of Satellites and Sirens, Frequency. Yes, the band that formed entirely from Craigslist ads is back with an independent release and unfortunately the results are less than impressive this time around. The album opens with the musically powerful “Run Away”, which does a good job of showing the band’s talent and strength within this genre. It’s followed by the similar “Frequency”, which also serves as the album’s title cut and is another showcase of the band’s talent. Musically

everything else on the album follows the same mold, not delving into anything too exotic nor ever expanding on the first two tracks, seeming to always stick to the fast/slow pattern. Lyrically it seems that the band has forgotten about depth and while the first two tracks are strong, musically they have no depth at all. They just feel like skin deep anthems meant to simply rock the flock. Probably the best song on the album lyrically,


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Every student doing clinical teaching has a Sterling Teacher Education Program (STEP) supervisor come observe the student a certain number of times while doing their teaching and now some student-teachers are having to be assigned a different STEP supervisor than they had previously. This has not been a welcomed change amongst some student-teachers. One such person with whom I spoke was assigned a new STEP supervisor whom the student had not met until the first time the new supervisor came to observe him. The initial reactions of many education majors have been those of frustration and confusion. The aftermath of the changes appears to be shrouded in hearsay, leading to understandable frustration. One student called the changes “bogus” while another admitted

“Ready to Save” gets heavy as the singer sings to a good friend who’s hurting, saying, “There is a love, you’ve been waiting for, there is an answer, there is a cure, there is a healer who’s ready to save you, ready to save.” “Run to You” follows the same pattern of every other song by the same title, fitting a nice little clichéd mold. If you’re looking for a nice blend of Synth and pop rock then Satellites and Sirens, Frequency will give you just that. This may be a good album if you are looking for some variety in your radio selection, however I hope S&S’s next album is a little more together and finds the depth we found in their first record.

that “at first, I was really upset about it.” There is a certain amount of valued continuity when students are working with the same professors over the course of a year and some students feel that the middle of the year is an inopportune time to make such big changes. Despite these initial negative reactions, things are looking up. Often things can be lost in the shuffle, but the department did a good job of keeping things organized. An All-Education meeting was held this past Monday, January 23rd to present the students with the changes and to give information about the new faculty members and the new responsibilities of existing faculty. All in all, students trust the academic dean and admit that things seem to be turning out for the better. Education is the largest department by enrollment on campus and shows no signs of letting these changes get in the way of that statistic.

S S Established in 1889

Editor-in-Chief.................................................................................Tim Luisi Assistant Editor.........................................................................Ryan Corwin Sports Editor..........................................................................Katie McGrath Staff Writers.............................................................................Patrick Wright Samantha Davison Bay Baker Nathan Ehresman Jon Faulkner Faculty Advisor........................................................................Felicia Squires

The Stir is produced by Sterling College students and printed weekly in and by the Sterling Bulletin, Sterling, Kansas. We seek to serve the Sterling College community with news and information. We work toward goals of honesty and integrity while always seeking the truth. We also work with an understanding of service to a Christian community. Letters to the editor must be signed and legible. Letters are subject to editing for style and spelling and will be printed at the editors’ discretion. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Letters must be received by 3 p.m. the Tuesday before the print date (Thursday). Opinions presented on the Opinion page do not necessarily represent the views of Sterling College. Address letters to The Stir, SC Box 8, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579.

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