Stigmart Videofocus 8th Edition 2014

Page 86

Jason N. Miller An artist's statement "Products have sex via their UPC sexual organs.” –Jason N. Miller UPC SEX by Jason N. Miller: A Film Short About Shedding The Limitations of Consumerism Hailed As A Holy Communion to Fill The Ever-growing Void of Emptiness that Has Slowly Been Created Since We First Began to Accept the Vain Walls of False Security Into Our Lives Under the Charade of Convenience, Security, and Vicarious Forms of Entertainment It is hilarious to me how online marketers and service providers watch us to learn how to better market and sell products and services to us–it is still funnier yet how government then gleams that information from in order to learn more about its population all the way down to the individual. With our online presences stalked by tracking cookies and our physical presences still shadowed by the older looming ploys of advertising tactics, it is an interesting time to remove the illusive veil between the

A still from UPC SEX

subconsious implant of a sexual lure and product that lure is designed to "bait and switch". The fact that sex is nearly always used in advertising to sell products is nothing new, and moreover the walls created around us by often overly predigested information, mediated for no reason other than to sway our thought and lead us by our loins, are now beginning to lose the potency of the intended effect as we grow more desensitized and numb from an over embartment of creative sales pitches. This weakening of the once blinding effect carries with it a reawakening in many of us that thirsts for the genuine article to partake in as a participant, rather than mere consumer. More are wanting to create and add to the verse, which is reflected in the current surge of independent businesses and artists popping back up like weeds corporatism failed to fully kill. UPC Sex is a satire on the idea that if we allow ourselves to be manipulated much longer we may well become so much the product that the inanimate objects that were the bait, which led us morally astray for so many years, finally

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