How to Organize a Denim Day to Benefit Stiggy's Dogs

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HOW TO ORGANIZE A DENIM DAY TO BENEFIT STIGGY’S DOGS Many people ask how they can get their organizations or workplaces involved in a fundraiser for Stiggy’s Dogs without too much hassle. One way to do that is to organize a Denim Day. A Denim Day, simply put, is a day (usually a Friday) where workers can wear denim if they give a donation to an organization, here Stiggy’s Dogs. It’s easy to set up and run and it really does benefit Stiggy’s Dogs in an important way. Here are some brief instructions and tips on how to set up a Denim Day: 1. Talk to your boss or supervisor. Is this something your organization would be willing to allow (workers wearing denim) for one day as long as the workers agreed to support Stiggy’s Dogs with a minimal monetary donation? 2. Get the word out. Create a flyer using our logo and basic info such as the date, minimum donation information and contact person. 3. Collect the donations either in advance or on the day of the event. Make sure to inform your boss/supervisor of those individuals who have paid money to wear denim that day. 4. Make sure to take LOTS of pictures! 5. If you let us know ahead of time, we may even be able to come to your workplace with one of our Psychiatric Service Dogs, time and distance permitting. 6. After the event, contact a Stiggy’s Dogs representative and let us know that there is denim day money to be picked up. We’ll discuss the best way to get it to us and earn your organization’s recognition.

It really is that simple! If you have any other questions or concerns or want to set up a Denim Day at your office or organization, contact us at to get started. We’ll help you make the most out of your Denim Day.



MAKE A DONATION… …WEAR DENIM… …SAVE THE LIVES OF VETERANS AND SHELTER DOGS. ____________[YOUR ORGANIZATION]_______ is sponsoring a Denim Day to support the mission of Stiggy’s Dogs, a nonprofit organization that rescues shelter dogs and trains them to be psychiatric service dogs for our veterans living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. By rescuing shelter dogs to serve our military veterans, Stiggy’s Dogs is fulfilling their mission of Rescuing One to Rescue Another. You can join us by making a $___[MINIMUM DONATION]____ or more donation to Stiggy’s Dogs. Your donation not only goes to the life saving work of Stiggy’s Dogs, but also allows you to wear denim for the day on _________[DATE OF EVENT]_______.



Donations/pledges due by ______[2 days prior to event]____


Where: How:


Donate $ ___[MINIMUM DONATION]___ or more to wear denim on ___EVENT DATE____. Talk to ___CONTACT PERSON____ to sign up.


For more information about Stiggy’s Dogs, go to their website at

There are an estimated 5 million dogs sitting in shelters across America, many of whom could make excellent psychiatric service dogs for veterans living with post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.


Stiggy's Dogs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that transforms shelter dogs into individually trained Psychiatric Service Animals for our military veterans living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury at no cost to the veteran. Like guide dogs for the blind, Psychiatric Service Dogs aid people with mental illnesses and traumatic brain injury. These dogs are taught specific tasks ranging from: reminding veterans to take their medicine, waking them up from a nightmare or alarm clock ringing, to directing them through a crowd. All of our dogs are rescued. They come from rescue organizations, shelters, animal control agencies and humane societies. We believe that many mixed breed and rescue dogs can make wonderful service dogs and provide a mutually beneficial relationship with a veteran living with PTSD and/or TBI.

By rescuing shelter dogs and providing our military veterans living with PTSD and TBI with psychiatric service animals, we are “Rescuing One to Rescue Another.” STIGGY’S DOGS

2610 BOWEN HOWELL, MI 48855 Stiggy’s Dogs was founded by Jennifer Petre in memory of her nephew, HM3 Benjamin Phillip ("Doc Stiggy") Castiglione. Doc Stiggy dedicated his life to preserving and improving the physical and emotional health of those serving in his unit, and all who serve. He gave his life working as a Corpsman in Helmand Province in Southern Afghanistan, taking care of "his Marines" until September 3rd 2009. HM3 Benjamin "Doc Stiggy" Castiglione, was respected by his Marines and known for his determination, professionalism mixed with sharp wit. To his family he is remembered for his caring nature, his love for family and dogs.

H O W TO G I VE WE THRIVE BECAUSE OF DONORS LIKE YOU Stiggy’s Dogs is a 501(c)(3) organization and provides psychiatric service dogs to veterans free of charge. We are able to fulfill our mission through the generous nature of donors—both businesses and individuals—like you. To date, our donors have enabled us to train and deploy 15 psychiatric service dogs. In order to make this ongoing commitment to our veterans and shelter dogs, we need financial support from individuals like you. On average, it costs $6,500 to train and deploy a psychiatric service dog for a deserving veteran.

ONLINE Visit our How to Help page at‐to‐help

BY MAIL Send a check or money order to:


SPONSOR A DOG OR VETERAN For those who wish to contribute a little more, sponsorship levels have been developed that allow individuals and organizations to contribute directly to the success of a dog and veteran pairing. Sponsorship levels start as low as $200 and include free promotional benefits, advance notice of events and more. All sponsorships are tax deductible. For more information, e‐mail

IN KIND DONATIONS It takes a village to run Stiggy’s Dogs and in kind donations are always welcome. Your business or organization can help provide the necessary items it takes to rescue and train a dog or services for a veteran while in training. If there’s a service or item that your business is interested in providing, we’d love to talk to you. Our dogs are always in need of treadmills, flea and tick medications, crates, collars, dog beds, dog treats and dog toys. Our veterans could use things to do with their dog while in training such as meals, event tickets, activities and more. If your business is interested in providing any good or service to Stiggy’s Dogs, contact our Development Coordinator, Kim Saks, at or by phone at (248) 345‐9067.

By donating to Stiggy’s Dogs, you are helping us RESCUE ONE TO RESCUE ANOTHER Stiggy’s Dogs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (IRS No. 27‐2228933)

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