Do people ask you, "How much do you bench"?

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Do people ask you, "How much do you bench"? I always had a weak chest and got up to a 405lb. (x)2 bench by doing a couple of things different with my chest workout:

Warm up with 20 reps    

Increase weight to enough that you hit failure by 8-10 reps. Do 3 sets to failure. Do 2 more sets of forced reps with lighter weight. (Hit failure, then have your partner help lift the weight and let you do negatives). Have them force you to 5-10 reps PAST failure to drive blood into the muscle.

This should help increase your maximum bench press significantly! There are a few things that lower body exercises do for you that you can't get from working smaller muscle groups (like arms). Working with larger muscle groups such as back (lats) and legs burn more calories because you're activating more muscle tissue. Having more muscle tissue will keep you leaner because 1 pound of muscle burns 3-4 times the amount of calories that 1 pound of fat does at rest. (Lean and hard is always better than just being big). (Your muscles look better when you can see the definition/striations). Working large muscle groups forces your body to produce increased levels of HGH (human growth hormone), testosterone and other hormones that make your entire body grow quicker. This is due to your body trying to repair the huge amount of muscle tissue you just broke down. (So, yes, training legs will actually make your ARMS grow!) He may end up like a guy riding a chicken if he doesn't train legs too! lol Most men, it doesn't matter their age are prone to working their upper body and skipping the all-important legs day. W e're all guilty of it, I hate legs day because it hurts worse, they're sore longer, and I typically get nauseous from the high level of intensity required to get a good (bodybuilding) legs workout! I understa nd why he doesn't like legs, but training legs will have a huge effect on his overall results!

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