Issue 23 of Stencil Mag

Page 150

Interview with Kurt Can you tell us about the formation of WCBH Clothing? It basically came from me disliking my uni degree. I wanted to spend some time doing something I enjoyed and I had always been in to clothing and design so I thought why not compare the two!

How did you get to the name WCBH Clothing, and what does it mean to you? Not to sound too geeky but it just comes from a love of comic books and superheroes. I’ve been an avid reader of them from a young age. It was also at a point when clothing companies had darker names so I wanted to go for something that was more upbeat and positive.

So, what's the most rewarding part about running your own clothing label, and why? It’s when you get to share times and experiences with certain people. They’ll talk to you about a time when they were wearing WCBH and something happened. It becomes a small community and that’s something I really enjoy. It’s also just when you see someone wearing the brand walking down the street or online, it’s awesome to see people enjoy something you put so much care and effort into.

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