Misel Fuko - Hrestomatija

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0 FUKOU Castel, R. (1990) - "The Two Readings of Histoire de la folie in France", Historyofthe Human Sciences, 3(1): 27-30. Chambon, A., Irving, A, Epstein, L. (eds) (1999) Reading Foucault for Social Work, New York: Columbia University Press. Cladis, M. S. (ed.) (1999) - Durkheim and Foucault: Perspectives on Education and Punishment, Oxford: Durkheim Press. Crosslezy, N. (1994) - The Politics of Subjectivity: Between Foucault and Merleau-Ponty, Aldershot: Avebury Cruikshank, B. (1999) - The Will to Empower: Démocratie Citizens and Other Subjects, Ithaca, NY: Cornel University Press. Dean, M. (1994) - Critical and Effective Historiés: Foucault's Methods and HistoricalSociology, London and New York: Routledge Dean, M. (1999) - Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modem Society, London: S a g e Deveaux, M. (1994) - "Feminism and Empowerment: A Critical Reader of Foucault"; Feminist Studies, 20 (2): 223-247. Dreyfus, H. L., Rabinow, P. (1983) - Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Foucault, Michel (/1954/ 1976) - Mental lllness and Psychology, New York: Harprer & Row Foucault, Michel (/1963/ 1973) - The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Médical Perception, New York: Pentheon Books. Foucault, Michel (1963) - Raymond Roussel, Paris: Gallimard Foucault, Michel (1971b) - The Order ofThings: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, New York. Panthéon Books. Foucault, Michel (1975) - /, Pierre Rivière, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother: A Case of Parricide in the 19 Century, New York: Pantheon Books. th

Foucault, Michel (1983a) - "The subject and power", u: H. L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow (eds), Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Foucault, Michel (1983b) - "On the genealogy of ethics. An overview of work in progress", u: H. L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow (eds), Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Foucault, Michel (1988b) - "The ethic of care for the self as a practice of freedon: an interview with Michel Foucault on January 20, 1984", u: J. Bernauer and D. Rasmussen (eds), The Final Foucault, C a m bridge, MA: MIT Press.

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