Poems Ebook about Freedom, Equality and Friendship

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Comenius project

„Let’s create a multicultural Europe“ As wise as an owl! Aleksandras Stulginskis gymnasium students and Lithuanian poets work (poetry and literature) about Human Rights, Equality, Racism.

2014 October

Aurelija Bartašiūtė

Colors of the world Roses are red, Violets are blue And we like all the flowers, When colors – no matter.

But people have feelings, You can‘t lough at differences. Skin – brown, black or yellow, That color – no matter.

Don‘t be so mad, Respect other rights. Smile at everyone face Make the world better place!

Gabrielė Auškalnytė

Be free There is a big world Everybody has a big choice to live, You can try to be better, Than you think that you are.

We are not the same, But it‘s not our blame. We are like birds, Flying in our lives.

If You think,that you could be better, Than You can do the best what you do, Don‘t forget that You are something special, Like we everyone are!

Akvilė Gumuliauskaitė

Equality Where‘s the unity, equality and love, When in the past, were all that common. No longer a drop, the total heat Maybe it was not, have never been. Will you learn, when we grow up? When we were equal and no one attacted to. When we could speak freely, And when you were just a small citizen. Now you‘ve grown up, changed ugly, And you ragged, what they say or not You elect and the rest, People drop as the bad.

I have never believed that you change, But always had an idea of your intention After all, people understand if you love really, Since they can not hide it, you are known forever.

Lygybė Kur dingo vienybė, lygybė bei meilė, Kai seniau būdavo, visa tai bendra. Neliko nei lašo, bendros šilumos Galbūt ir nebuvo, niekados jos. Ar sužinosim, kada mes suaugom? Kada buvom, lygūs ir nieks mūsų netraukė. Kada mes galėdavom, laisvai, pakalbėti,

Dabar tu užaugai, pasikeitei bjauriai, Ir tau nelygis, ką kalba ne ponai. Išsirenki tu, tikrai panašius, O buvusius numeti, tarsi blogus.

Niekada netikėjau, kad taip pasikeisi, Bet visada numaniau, aš tavo kėslus. Juk žmonės supranta, jei myli tikrai, Nuo jų nepasislėpsi, tu amžinai.

Equality Where‘s the unity, equality and love, When in the past, were all that common. No longer a drop, the total heat

Lygybė Kur dingo vienybė, lygybė bei meilė, Kai seniau būdavo, visa tai bendra. Neliko nei lašo, bendros šilumos Galbūt ir nebuvo, niekados jos.

Maybe it was not, have never been.

Will you learn, when we grow up?

Ar sužinosim, kada mes suaugom?

When we were equal and no one attacted to.

Kada buvom, lygūs ir nieks mūsų netraukė. Kada mes galėdavom, laisvai, pakalbėti,

When we could speak freely, And when you were just a small citizen. Now you‘ve grown up, changed ugly, And you ragged, what they say or not You elect and the rest, People drop as the bad.

Dabar tu užaugai, pasikeitei bjauriai, Ir tau nelygis, ką kalba ne ponai. Išsirenki tu, tikrai panašius, O buvusius numeti, tarsi blogus.

I have never believed that you change, But always had an idea of your intention After all, people understand if you love really,

Niekada netikėjau, kad taip pasikeisi, Bet visada numaniau, aš tavo kėslus. Juk žmonės supranta, jei myli tikrai, Nuo jų nepasislėpsi, tu amžinai.

Since they can not hide it, you are known forever.

Akvilė Gumuliauskaitė

A poem about the loss of freedom in Lithuania. In the past, people were taken into captivity and they were tortured. this poem is about the teacher taken to torture. It gives a lot of pain, not only to that person, who is taken into captivity, but also his family, friends and other close people. Freedom of person is one of the most important thinsg. If you lose it, you can not do what you want, because freedom is the right to do what the low allows. Loss of freedom is a very painful thing. In this poem is displayed pain, which felt student, because her teacher was taken into captivity... That we can understand by reading this poem. Salomėja Nėris ŽANDARAI IŠVEŽĖ MOKYTOJĄ Sniege paliko vėžės rogių, O širdyje gili skriauda… Mūs mokytoją – lyg pavogę Žandarai išvežė tada. Tarp jų sėdėjo juodas Juda Lyg pragaro tamsi dvasia. Jisai ir miegant man ir budint Ilgai šmėkšojo akyse. Nuo verksmo akys man užputę: Širdis nepakelia skriaudos. Tėvelis geras, nei motutė Draugystės tos nepavaduos. Žemėlapis išbalęs sienoj.

Ten visa žemė – kaip gyva: Ten jūros, miestai, upės plieno Ir vargšė mano Lietuva. Dėl jos ir mokytoją brangią Žandarai išvežė tada. Užtemdė tėviškės padangę Nelaisvės plaštaka juoda.

Sandra Zobėlaitė

Be polite It doesn‘t matter if you white, It doesn‘t matter if you black Don‘t be racist, don‘t be cruel, It doesn‘t take you any cool!

We are humans, all the same, Love each other, do not blame! Treat the kindness, treat sincerity Treat the values of humanity!

If you want the perfect world, Love all people, love them all! Do not judge and don‘t condemn Be polite and be yourself!

Sandra Vedeikytė

Toma Andrušaitytė To the freedom Evening, quiet, calm I am lonely, there aren‘t people around Sadness comes to me Maybe someone comfort me ? But there is nobody close.

I want to run away from daily routine And fly far away there, where aren‘t problems Maybe there, where birds rise

Į LAISVĘ Vakaras, tylu, ramu Aš viena, nėra aplink žmonių Liūdesys užklysta pas mane. Gal kas paguos mane? Bet nieko nėra šalia.

Noriu išsilaisvinti iš kasdienybės Ir nuskrieti toli, toli, kur nėra bėdų. Galbūt ten, kur paukščiai pakyla

No pain, anger and soul wounds.

Nėra skausmo, pykčio ir sielos žaizdų.

Maybe I am destinated to

Galbūt man lemta

Flapping with dream wings

Svajų sparnais suplasnot

And leave all problems fly far away

Ir palikus bėdas nuskrieti

There, where everything is alright...

Tenai, kur viskas gerai...

Vincas Mykolaitis Putinas

Fly, Are

Fly, Are, fly up the sky, how you extend it, the endless world? To be a slave the land your own you can‘t. The elemental power of your soul we memorise: I am not jealous of the freedom of the heavens, Your flame is still smoldering in my breast Although only the black, cold Earth Fell in Love. Your passion IN my lips evaporates. When I take the smell of damp and nebulae You sow the heaven in my life... I am dreaming bright stars and the sky. But I‘m here black on the earth. Yet its existence of the primitive soul we memorise And when the sky rocks me again, I love you, the endless world! I will feel the longing for the land of my imagination.

Skriski, are, į pat dangų ir plasnoki, Kaip apimt tave, pasauli begalini? Būt vergu savosios žemės tu nemoki. Gaivalingą tavo galią siela mini: Aš tau laisvės nei dangaus nepavydėjau, Tavo liepsnos man krūtinėj dar žėruoja Nors tik juodą, šaltą žemę pamylėjau. Tavo aistros mano lūpomis garuoja. Kai geriu jos drėgną kvapą ir ūkus, Tu pasėjai mano gyvastį, dangau, Man sapnuojas skaisčios žvaigždės ir dangus. Bet aš čia, juodojoj žemėj, išdygau Dar pirmykštę savo būtį siela mini, O kai vėl mane padangė užsūpuos, Tik apglėbk tave, pasauli begalini! Jausiu žemę savo ilgesio vaizduos.

Tomas Petrauskas

Lauryna Luničevaitė

„Human Rights“ Everyone has the right to have an umbrella, Feeling and memories.

Everyone has the right to crave And think about it. Everyone has the right time

Everyone‘s heart is beating. Everyone has the right to dream

Forced out barefoot in the rain,

Everyone has the right to love And when the laughter starts to laugh

And substitute the socks.

Passionate and lossless And the right to endure everything Everyone has the right to the sun, For a little bit of truth. In his cloud, sleep, wine, Everyone has the right to continue In his own willful misconduct, The list of diseases infinity.

During the cloud forgotten coat

Everyone has the right to dream, To fly or fall Everyone has the right to be afraid, Even when it is not serious. All are entitled to dad Mother and a true friend. Everyone has the right to grieve Anda cry loudly when hurt. Themselves, the world and God

In this iwn denial

Everyone has the right to create.

In a full glass of milk

Store in a frost during tje winter

The silly little puppy

Hands has the right to the word.

Everyone has the right to play And if you like – to lisp.

Lauryna Luničevaitė

„Žmogaus teisės“ Visi turi teisę į skėtį, Į savo širdies plakimą. Visi turi teisę mylėti Aistringai ir be praradimų Visi turi teisę į saulę, Į debesis, miegą, vyną, Į savo paties apgaulę, Į savo paties neigimą, Į pilną stiklinę pieno, Į mažą kvailą šuniuką (tačiau nesakyt “jis mano” tik švelniai glostyt kailiuką). Visi turi teisę žaisti Ir jei patinka - švepluoti. Visi turi teisę geisti Ir apie tai negalvoti. Visi turi teisę kartą Išbėgt basi į lietų, Per šaltį pamiršti paltą Ir kojines sukeisti vietom. Dar turi teisę sapnuoti, Kad skrenda arba krinta. Visi turi teisę bijoti, Netgi kai tai nerimta.

Irma Dambrauskait

Visi turi teisę į tėtį, Mamą ir tikrą draugą. Visi turi teisę liūdėti Ir garsiai verkti kai skauda. Save, pasaulį ir Dievą Visi turi teisę kurti. Laikyti per speigą žiemą Rankoj vaiko rankutę. Visi turi teisę į žodį, Jausmą ir prisiminimą. Visi turi teisę svajoti Ir juoktis kada juokas ima Ir teisę viską iškęsti Dėl truputėlio teisybės. Visi turi teisę tęsti Šį sąrašą lig begalybės.

“A retired president of the US, John F. Kennedy once said: „If we cannot end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity“. With all my respect to Mrs. President, I do not fully agree with this statement. I don‘t think that we should end our differences, in fact, I think that being different is what makes us unique and special. It’s too bad that a lot of people still don‘t understand it: they believe that because their skin is lighter or they are shorter in height it makes them better than others. This is the root of a huge world wide problem called racism. I agree with the end of the statement, where the politician talks about diversity. We have to, no, I should say we MUST make our world safer for diversity, if we are not powerful enough to do it for ourselves, we must do it for our children. Personally, I do not want my kids would grow in the environment that I grew up, because even though we begin to conquer racism, as I said, it is just the beginning. We still live in times, where people are judged by their looks and appearance, and it is not good. In my opinion, we have to change it if we want to make the world a safer and more comfortable environment for ourselves and others.” Ieva Ivinskytė

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of the character. This time many people are abused, because their different skin color, race. Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation, because of their race, color, descent, national origin. Everyone faces racism, but minor mostly at school. Some people seem to think racism at school died out a long time ago. It couldn‘t be so wrong. Racism in the learning environment is more evident than ever and it needs to be stopped, because it affects the way students learn. Everyone have human rights. Human right is the basic right and freedom which all humans are considered retitle. Human rights are those rights which are fundamental for living and for normal human existence. I think, that every person has a right to certain things, but often they are violated. Among the most important are civil and political rights, freedom of speech and assembly, and the order to provide safety and equality to every individual. Freedom is important to everyone. When freedom is guaranteed, I can think freely, go where I want, express my opinion without fear of people who would not agree. Freedom is not absolute, freedom must be limited I think, if everyone started to change their attitude about racism, everything would change.” Gabrielė Mockutė

“Nowadays people forget that about human you get information when you communicate not only from his appearance. Everyone knows that the first impression about human is got from appearance. When we meet person we always look what he wears, is he stylish. Overall we decide on a person wealth, style, character, social class or behavior. This is a very big mistake to judge a person by his appearance. We just need to communicate more with that person, only then we can decide about his friends, position in society and character. I can say that the first impression is always wrong. You need to talk with person if you want understand him much more. You can‘t judge person just because his skin is different than yours we are all equal. How Martin Luther King says: „I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content, of their character.“ I agree with that words and I also hope that people in future will not judge another and they will be more tolerant to each other. You don‘t know what‘s going on in their life, or what it‘s like to be in their shoes. Before you judge someone at least make sure you have all the right information. It‘s completely wrong to judge a person through his or her physical appearance. How can people judge person only by his appearance, features, or clothes, because your features, your appearance or your clothes do not tell about your personality traits, your wisdom, your character or your way of thinking, but your speech your behavior and your character do. It is truly biased thing to make a certain thought or beliefs about someone only by seeing him. I think to judge a person by his facial appearance or his own look means you are making yourself fool, and it will never make you know about his actual personality.” Gintarė Gleščinskaitė

Maironis SPRING


The sun of spring shines foundly And laughing and is tempting the heart. The larks fly up high in the sky And twitter and flap with the wings. It kisses and freshen the heart.

Pavasario saulė prašvito meiliai

The blossoms have spilled and spread in the fields. The wreathes in lines all aruond... So bright and fun so cheerful.

Pabiro, pasklido žiedai ant lankų –

The hope is shining abow Let‘s sing with lovewith passion And hug all the world close your heart Then kiss everyone sweetty kiss.

Ir juokiasi, širdį vilioja. Iškilo į dangų aukštai vieversiai, Čirena, sparneliais plasnoja. Išaušo! išaušo! Vėjelis laukų

Bučiuoja, gaivina krūtinę;

Vainikų eilė pirmutinė. Taip giedra ir linksma! Tiek šviečia vilties!

Vien meilę norėtum dainuoti, Apimti pasaulį, priglaust prie širdies, Su meile saldžiai pabučiuoti.

Vincas Kudirka Bell That in the morning first sun‘s beam Has shown it‘s sunrise to the earth, The bell has sounded with the clearest order, Just like it got human lips: Wake up, wake up, wake up.

Varpas Kad rytą saulė spinduliu pirmiausiu Apreiškė žemei tekėjimą savo, Užgaudė varpas liepimu aiškiausiu, Tarytum jisai žmogaus lūpas gavo: Kelkite, kelkite, kelkite, kelkite…

In a moment all the workers started to whisper Just like the citirens of a hurt antsnest. And everyday works have started In the human nests and on the pure field. Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up..

Tuoj darbininkai visi suknibždėjo Lyg gyventojai užgauto skruzdyno Ir kasdieniniai darbai prasidėjo Žmonių lizduose ir ant lauko gryno. Kelkite, kelkite, kelkite, kelkite…

Bernardas Brazdžionis I KNOW I know, there‘s one Truth in the world And it‘s travelling alone Through lies, trought revenge, trought cheat It‘s walking alone

AŠ ŽINAU Aš žinau, yra tiesa pasauly ir keliauja ji vienui vienui viena. Pro melus, pro kerštą, pro apgaulę eina ji tik vieną žodį nešdama. Viena žodį – Meilę – nešdama.

Carrying only one word – Love

I know, there‘s peace in the world And it‘s travelling alone Trought wars, trought revenge, throught cheat

Aš žinau, yra taika pasauly ir keliauja ji vienui vienui viena. Pro karus, pro kerštą, pro apgaulę eina ji tik vieną ginklą nešdama.

It carries only one weapon Carrying only one – weapon – Love.

I know, there‘s light in the world

Vieną ginklą – Meilę – nešdama.

And it‘s travelling alone

Aš žinau, yra šviesa pasauly

Trought nights, trought darkness it shines as the sun

ir keliauja ji vienui vienui viena.

To king, to me, to poor it‘s endless Love – Love – Love it‘s endless.

ir karaliui, ir man, vargšui, amžina.

Pro naktis, pro padugnes ji spindi saule

Meilė – Meilė – Meilė – amžina.

Maironis Forward to battle!

Pirmyn į kovą!

Forward to balttle for our homeland,

Pirmyn į kovą už tėvynę,

For precious land of Lithuania

Už brangią žemę Lietuvos!

For preci

Honour to people who protect her

Garbė tėvams, kurie ją gynė

Honour t

To those who fight for our bright future

Ir kas už ateitį kovos!

To those

Our greatest God, please give us strenght

Pastiprink, didis Dieve, mus

Our grea

To keep our enemies away.

Atremti priešo puolimus!

To keep

For our own beloved land

Už mūsų žemę numylėtą,

For our

For graves of our grandfathers

Už bočių-milžinų kapus,

For grav

Už brangų vardą paveldėtą,

For our v

Kursai garsus pasauly bus,

Which w

Palaimink, Viešpatie galingas,

Oh migh

Lietuvių pastangas teisingas.

And mak

Pirmyn gi, vyrai, už tėvynę,

Go forwa

Už brangią žemę Lietuvos!

For preci

Ją bočių bočiai amžiais gynė,

Our gran

Už ją ir jų vaikai kovos!

And our

Pastiprink, didis Dieve, mus

Our grea

For our valuable name Which will be known around us Oh mighty God, please bless us And make our effort righteus Go forward lads, for homeland For precious land of Lithuania Our grandfathers protected us And our children fight for us Our greatest God, please give us strenght To keep our enemies away.

Atremti priešo puolimus.


Maironis The Earth has fallen asleep

Užmigo žemė

The Earth has slept. The only sky

Užmigo žemė. Tik dangaus

Doesn‘t close its eyes of silver,

Negęsta akys sidabrinės,

and wing of pleasant feeling

Ir sparnas miego malonaus

Can‘t make the young chest sleep.

Won‘t make night stars to sleep Won‘t calm down the heart desires; What is the spirit looking for – who guesses When it is drowning into memories.

Nemigdo tik jaunos krūtinės.

Neužmigdys naktis žvaigždės, Nenuramins širdis troškimų; Dvasia ko ieško, kas atspės, Kai skęsta ji tarp atminimų!

The dawn of sunrise begins to shine, And close its eyes the night of lightness. The only heart won‘t have a rest, The Hope‘ll never stare into its depths.

Aušra saulėtekio nušvis, Ir užsimerks nakties šviesybės; Neras tik atilsio širdis: Viltis nežvelgs į jos glybes!..

Eurika Masytė

Freedom I have thought of you not on the way How apple apsunkusi from the fruits of Crash tragically hands which hang down, And you say, "Stand like standing Freedom. And you say, "Stand like standing Freedom. I close it, my homeland, in itself, As death closes the throat, saying, Just as the evening closes night And you said to me, 'I'm your freedom. " (X2) The never-ending journey to you, Already a stone by the roadside slumped I like the gray evening samanom dengiuos, And you say, "Go, as well as the freedom to go." And you say, "Go, as well as the freedom to go." I close it, my homeland, in itself, As death closes the throat, saying, Just as the evening closes night And you said to me, 'I'm your freedom. "

Laisvė Aš jau nepakeliu minčių apie tave Kaip obelis, apsunkusi nuo vaisių, Užlaužiu tragiškai nusvirusias rankas, O tu sakai: „Stovėk kaip stovi laisvė”. O tu sakai: „Stovėk kaip stovi laisvė”. Tai uždaryk mane, Tėvyne, savyje, Kaip giesmę gerklėje mirtis uždaro, Taip kaip uždaro vakarą naktis, O tu man atsakai: „Aš tavo laisvė“. (x2)

O nesibaigianti kelionė į tave, Jau kaip akmuo šalikelėj sukniubęs Aš pilku vakaru lyg samanom dengiuos, O tu sakai: „Eik taip kaip eina laisvė ”. O tu sakai: „Eik taip kaip eina laisvė ”. Tai uždaryk mane, Tėvyne, savyje, Kaip giesmę gerklėje mirtis uždaro, Taip kaip uždaro vakarą naktis, O tu man atsakai: „Aš tavo laisvė“.

SONG ABOUT FREEDOM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRJbWSrQODs

Comenius students group: 1. Deimantė Gedvilaitė

13. Akvilė Gumuliauskaitė

2. Eglė Kvestytė

14. Tomas Petrauskas

3. Ugnė Višinskytė

15. Domas Skirgaila

4. Aurelija Bartašiūtė

16. Kornelijus Balčiūnas

5. Gabrielė Auškalnytė

17. Laimonas Vedeikis

6. Sandra Zobėlaitė

18. Augustas Dranseika

7. Sandra Vedeikytė

19. Kristijonas Jonuška

8. Goda Gudinskaitė

20. Mantas Petraitis

9. Ieva Ivinskytė

21. Jonė Kinderytė

10.Irma Dambrauskaitė

22. Neda Pociūtė

11. Gabrielė Mockutė

23. Edvinas Rimkus

12. Gintarė Gleščinskaitė

24. Edvardas Sakalauskis

An e-book „As wise as an owl! “ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x40KPtZjGac

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