1 minute read

At school and work


What types of waste do you create at work or in school? Here are some tips to avoid massive amounts of waste at school and at work. 16


Meals and food:

• Prepare food the day before, and bring it with you:

If you are in a rush, you will probably buy fast food, and unfortunately in most cases this is packed in plastic. Bringing food from home also saves money. Look for examples on Pinterest. • If it’s hard for you to be creative and come up with a varied menu, bring your own utensils and a cloth napkin as an alternative to singleuse materials.

• Have your own cup: If you buy coffee or tea, bring your favourite reusable cup or mug. You will enjoy it even more. • Have your own handmade snacks: When you buy snacks in a supermarket, they are usually packed in plastic. But you can start a good tradition and bake every weekend with your family, and have sweet snacks for the whole week.

Paper, materials, supplies:

• Try to keep everything digital (cloud, email, notes in your phone);

• Ask yourself if you really need things on paper: Don’t feel shy to ask for a digital version of any paper handouts. • Print on both sides

• Suggest to your boss/teacher that (s)he buys recycled paper