2 minute read

Zero Waste and pets

Utilize airplane mode and get into vacation mode

You don’t need to be on an aeroplane to take advantage of your cellphone’s airplane mode, which charges your phone faster and uses less energy. Additionally, you can switch off Bluetooth and your location when you don’t need them, which also saves battery. This way you can not only feel like you’re on vacation, but also use your phone battery for much longer – mine, for example, lasts up to 3 days without charging.


Flip switch

This is also not a very new life hack, but that doesn’t make it less important or useful. Using a flip switch extension cable for all your items enables you to conveniently switch off all the unused devices at once in order to prevent energy waste. And now, lights off.

Victoriya Bazynska

All pets need food, water, safe shelter, enrichment and love.

I will give you some responsible pet owner tips that will help you to look after the environment, your pet(s) and yourself. These tips will help you to give your pets the best life, save time and money, and be a part of Zero Waste! First of all, you don’t need to throw away all the stuff that you already have for your pet(s), but it’s time to start replacing it in a Zero Waste way.

1. How can we avoid the unnecessary and find useful information for Zero Waste care of pets?

Nowadays there are many information resources, and you can choose advice from any one, but which is the most correct? Which sources of information can we trust our health and the health of our pet(s) to? Your research should be based on articles about health and the impact on the environment. When it comes to recipes for cooking meals for your pet(s) or making treats for them, we should look for information from animal organizations/associations. This will enable us to make sensible decisions.

2. Food

First, you should do some research into what the animal actually eats, and what kind of nutrients this is made up of, to be sure that you will improve your pet’s health and mood. If food is good for humans, then it must be good for our furry friends! Cook food for them. For example, food with fruits and vegetables will provide well-balanced nutrition, and an additional boost of energy. I recommend that you use leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, if possible. You can bake “sweets” for your pet(s) using vegetables and many other things – just Google it! This will work out at approximately half the price of the “sweets” that you buy in the shops. When you go to the shops to buy food in bulk, take reusable cups or bags, depending on whether the food is liquid or solid.

3. How can we replace pets’ products with healthier, cheaper alternatives, save money and be more environmentally responsible?

Use the stuff that you already have. Replace plastic toys with natural ones, and your pet will be grateful, because they don’t like artificial textures and scents. You can use toys made from wood – if you have a dogm you can give it a stick from the nearest park. You can make toys from your old jeans, or completely out of old clothes! OR if you don’t want to, or you don’t have any free time, you can buy toys from a DIY animal-friendly shop. This is doubly satisfying because most DIY shops make donations to organizations that care for pets.