2 minute read

Zero Waste – lesson from nature, or the life of a leaf

pretreatment of their waste water. In 2020, a deal for a project to upgrade the existing water purification plant was signed. The upgrade should lower the residual levels of organic matter and the nitrogen and phosphorus levels. 4

Fish and microplastics


The ecological problems described above are not unique to the Danube. All around us, our planet is suffering from environmental pollution, exacerbated by the sometimes unwitting complicity of those causing it. With the promotion of consumption as the answer to all economic problems after World War 2, and the invention of plastic, increasing production in all sectors, the emergence of a throwaway society was inevitable. Zero Waste as an attitude and lifestyle is the most promising solution we have. Coming from the Danube perspective, we want to widen the

Maryna Potriina

Imagine that you are in a forest — look around, and listen. Do you feel that anything does not fit, or is not in balance with its surroundings? Unless there are signs of human activity in your imaginary forest, this is unlikely, because in nature, everything has its own designation during its lifespan, and even after death. Nature does not know what waste means, and

4 www.crorivers.com/dunav www.dw.com/hr/%C5%A1to-ako-ma%C4%91arski-otrov-do%C4%91e-u-hrvatsku/a-6100291 www.voda.hr/hr/novosti/lijepi-plavi-dunav www.dw.com/hr/dunav-je-vise-od-vode-koja-tece/a-2281165 www.energetika-net.com/u-fokusu/komentar-kratki-spoj/nazovimo-zagrebacki-procistac-otpadnih-vodabandicevim-imenom-13936 www.vecernji.hr/zagreb/predstavljen-projekt-nadogradnja-uredaja-za-prociscavanje-otpadnih-voda-gradazagreba-1451948

has instruments and mechanisms for dealing with everything. We invite you to join us on the journey of a single leaf, in order to understand a Zero Waste lifecycle in nature. Our leaf has come into the world much sooner than it was supposed to, because the snow has melted earlier than expected and the sun has warmed the tree that it grows on faster than usual. This is surprising, because the leaf has never heard about climate change, but it simply follows its instincts.

From the very beginning of its life, the leaf starts to “inhale” CO2 and produce oxygen, while enjoying the sun and wind. In addition, it notices that the concentration of gases has increased drastically — meaning that its life will not be as long as its ancestors’.

When the autumn comes, our leaf falls, and some might say that it is dead, and no longer useful. However, life after death exists for leaves. It may be not obvious, but it exists for all living things, without exception. After falling to the ground, the leaf becomes nutrition for numerous insects and microorganisms. With time, our leaf falls apart, getting smaller and smaller, and in the end becomes a delicious dish for worms.

Finally, after the worm has digested it, our leaf becomes soil, and an amazing fertilizer for the surrounding plants and for its mother tree, which gave it birth. Everything natural on earth is biodegradable, and does not create pollution or damage to its surroundings at any stage of its life, from its birth till its death, and even after that. Everything has its own purpose — it is just a matter of time for it to complete its mission. The Zero Waste principle is a lesson from nature.