Stark County District Library 15th Annual Youth Poetry Contest Booklet

Page 76

Ka-Pow! Pop! Poetry!

Grades 6 & 7

The Perfect Summer Have you ever walked outside and smelled the morning dew? Have you ever walked outside and discovered things about your nature you never even knew? Have you ever walked outside and saw your neighbors playing together and mowing their lawn? Have you ever went outside and watched the sunset at the break of dawn? In the summer have you ever seen kids playing joyfully with the happiest soul? In the summer kids laugh, sing and play in the great big pool. In the summer do you go outside and find pictures in the great big white cloud? In the summer children laugh and play aloud. On this beautiful day People are happy and say “look, what a nice day.” People and neighbors are friendly and they say “hey.” On this beautiful day birds and wildlife fly by. On this beautiful day you can’t quite understand the majestic wildlife but you know they are saying hi. You go outside and ride your bike. You go outside and adventure new things by going on a hike. You go outside and have a nice lunch. You go outside and say “I’m thirsty” so have a glass of yummy fruit punch. You wanna spend time with your family and friends. You wanna go pick flowers and cut of the beautiful stems. You wanna go on a family cruise. You wanna take a long, quiet peaceful snooze. The perfect summer is caring for someone dear like a mother. The perfect summer is always being there for one another. The perfect summer is being with the people you love. The perfect summer is having a special symbol, and for me it’s a Dove. Rachael Fiore 6th Grade, Jackson Middle School

About Me Five feet two and eyes of blue. Brown hair age twelve. Born on September, two languages I speak. Many might say that makes me unique. The color of grass i tend to enjoy; Flannel shirts and Construction, after all I’m all boy! Computer games are how I spend my free time. It drives my mom nuts but its not really a crime. I like to build and collect tools I do. One day I may build a dream house for you. I hope this poem didn’t blow your mind, my name is Alex and I’m one of a kind. Alex Fleseriu 6th Grade, Jackson Middle School

Stark County District Library ~ 2014 Youth Poetry Contest ~ Page 75

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