Taking a long view

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Students Strengths

Blue = Strategic

Focus Group Discussions Number of times referenced by participants


Number of times referenced by participants

Grey = Checklist

Strategic Priorities Discussion Summary

-- Student

engagement-spirit is down overall. Smaller percentage in more things. Question about quality of new students as a cause of previous. Can AP start earlier in careers? Day Boarding interaction low. Spirit in Day Houses is weak. Parts of boarding need updating (washrooms and laundry). Can cadets become optional? Coaching at MS seen as weak. Big questions about affordability. Financial aid going to hockey, football, hockey. More rigour in application to get better students. Need more accessible and present school psychologist. More Harkness discussions. New physics and History spaces are well-liked. Dome/bubble for winter activities. Celebrate diversity more. Coordinator of supplemental activities. Change boy culture of lying.

Supportive faculty who care and know you


Boarding Houses need updating


Not enough students participating in activities‌Lower levels of engagement by all students. A few students/smaller percentage involved in everything

Lots of Extra-Curriculars and Councils



Strong academics


Some students at the school do not seem to be a good fit (Admissions) Life is busy and overwhelming at times

Great traditions


Mandatory involvement in something every term should be policy, sports and/or co-curriculars


Well-Rounded approach to education


Lunch lines and serving sizes need to be addressed


Facilities GLC and Academic Support

7 6

Coaching at lower levels is a weakness Not enough education about stress management

3 2

Sports program



Leadership opportunities


Some straying from traditions for modern times (not good) Not enough priority placed on Academics

Smaller School Environment


Limited Dayboy/Boarder interactions


Strong overall community


More student say in food services


Need to change the perception of events. Participation rate low in spirit related activities Quality of student body doesn't help facilitate student engagement. It's something of an admission question. Better students equals more engaged students? Need to introduce AP courses earlier to take pressure off. Can we start this earlier/fast track earlier to begin the AP process earlier. Student example Max Chemistry 10-11 Brotherhood: Not enough interaction between day and boarding students. Spirit lower in day houses. Role of Housemaster in day houses? Boarding houses need to be updated‌facilities (Laundry facilities=2?) Cadets optional? More knowledge in admission process. Why did we not know? Can we make it more fun/interesting? Quality of coaching below the U16 level is "questionable". Lower level coaching not good enough Lunch logistics -- Better organization. Run out of food, long line-ups, more diversity in choice MS - Needs to be a destination. Greater quality. Make it more special not just an early opening to get into the high school. Affordability -- Can you work off some of tuition. Scholarships provided for achievement after you arrive based on grades, athletics and commitment



Cadets Boarding

3 3

Cost is significant (too much) Not enough facilities in the winter for athletics (Dome)

2 2

Financial aid to hockey, football and hockey (Yes they said it that way) No to formal sports in morning




Break in afternoon for club or other activity to break up day, like morning

Great University placement/preparation


Need to work harder to have kids be accountable for mistakes, as opposed to having punishments a scary byproduct of mistakes. More conversation, less interrogation Lack of school spirit

International Trips


Brotherhood Student diversity

3 2

Students -- Strengths Traditions are great but not afraid to move away from them Strong Arts Res Life and weekend Programs

2 2

Should be more student involvement in making clubs/events Focus too much on Athletics Too much dependence in academics on tablets and wifi/technology

Admissions -- Make it harder to get in, therefore better applicants and students Make application process more "intense" Better integrate international boarding families with day families Less assemblies than Chapel (but there were three assemblies that week so this might have been based on week)

Students -- Weaknesses

Strategic Priorities

Need to allow greater freedom to change of status requests Wireless in residences Go semester instead of full year

More full-school Chapel -- This is a rallying point -- More faculty and students speaking Mental Health -- Need more visible and accessible school psychologist Monthly meeting with individual advisees to assist with mental health concerns Better training for advisors to identify mental health issues Health Centre not seen as a place you can go for mental health concerns. This might be tied to #21. Health Centre seen as physical health place, not mental health Post-It Note wall of challenges in mental health. Helps get it out, and possible solutions More Harkness than traditional rows They like the new setup in Physics for learning They like the comfort of the history wing Are teachers teaching out of their specialties? Sometimes it seems that way.

Student's have a voice Different experiences between day and Boarding

Need more community support programs Concerns about drug use

Community Outreach

Too much focus on certain sports

House captain Program Athletic Therapy Food Learning independence

Science program is way behind in facilities More and broader cadet program…beyond camping Healthier options in Campus shop Revisit the three year laptop program. More flexibility and options Cadets in third term increases stress because there are lots of other things going on at same time Chapel We need a better intramural program Do not promote the Arts enough SAC life leaves little time to participate in "out-ofschool" activities Classrooms need a renovation

More training in how to teach AP TV's in the classroom not used uniformly or consistently in Upper School. TV's are used in MS classes Snack during the day. More fruits and vegetables during the day. At break. Skipping breakfast is prevalent = needs at break Need a dome/bubble for winter sports activities Building connections with established well-respected universities. With connections made, and promoted, this will cause students to see SAC as a more desired destination. Stressed by -- longer summative. Still seems as though stress is magnified academically at certain points of the year. Change of status concerns boarding to day. International kids whose parents come and live after a year.

Celebrate greater diversity. Celebrate more of where people come from and the richness of that experience as it lends itself to SAC Create an inventory of different travel and trip and promotion of the experience of going to…by students. Coordinator of supplemental experiences. A question of Honour -- Lying and getting people to be less fearful of getting in trouble. How do we change culture of lying

School Design Challenge

Kingbridge Centre Strategic Planning Retreat Sunday 2:30-3:00 -- Hotel Check-in 3:00 – McHenry Welcome - Shrimpton – Are We Ready for Bold? 3:15 – Content Review 1 from Blue Sky 1: Future of Work and Teaching and Learning; Blue Sky 2: Residential Living and Sport, Health and Wellness 3:30 -- Discussion 1 * from Blue Sky 1 and 2 Exploratory Questions 4:00 – Content Review 2 from Focus Groups 4:15 – Discussion 2 * from Focus Group summaries 4:45 – Content Review 3 from School Design Challenge 5:00 -- Discussion 3 * from School Design Challenge 6:00 – Consolidation of Content – Fill in “Checklist” and “Bold Action” items 6:15 – Free Time 7:30 -- Dinner and Drinks 9:00 – Social time and ongoing discussions in the bar Content Reviews will have a summary of all content from each of these “Strategic Fixtures” presented to group by C. Shrimpton. *Designated secretary (LT member) will list/record group member priorities for Strategic Plan inclusion from each section under categories of “Bold Steps” or “Checklist Items”.

Monday 7:30-8:45 – Breakfast and early morning exercise and rejuvenation 9:00 – Thoughts since yesterday’s sessions (Additions to “Checklist” and “Bold Action” sheets?) 9:30 – Re-shuffle discussion groups and share the priorities created by groups from yesterday 10:10 – Return to Home Group and share re-group dialogues 10:30 – Break 10:50 – Rank All Content 1-4 ** from “Checklist” and “Bold Action” sheets 11:30 -- Break for lunch. Check out of rooms 1:00 – Public discussion of all priorities both “Bold Action” and “Checklist” 2:45 – Are there “Categories of Action” (Pillars) for new SP? What are they? – Where do things fit? 3:15 – Final Thoughts and Thank You – K. McHenry 3:30 – Closure of Strategic Plan Process ** 1 – Non-negotiable element of our future vision (Will) 2 – Mandatory element of our future vision (Must) 3 – Critical element of our future vision (Should) 4 – Important element of our future vision (Would)

Groups Kevin McHenry Andrew Dalton Chris Foster Nick Weedon (S) Grace Wyvill

Michael Roy Wendy Muratoff (S) Dan Stock Rob Crowder Nicolette Fleming Jon Butcher (S)

Steve Rush Scott Hayter John Dunlap Katie Henderson Melissa Ramon (S) Mark Etherington

Greg Reid Sabrina D’Angelo Dawn Beswick Jamie Inglis (S) Giancarlo Trimarchi

Michael Paluch (S) Beth McKay Terri MacLean Ian Michael Mike St. John

Summary of Challenges/Opportunities from Surveys Surveys took place in May of 2015

Old Boy Results Areas of weakness or decline 

Only 17% of Old Boys visit the School’s website for information.

Only 29% of Old Boys know what St. Andrew’s directions and priorities are.

63% are in the negative range position in regard to awareness of volunteer opportunities at SAC

55% are in the neutral or disagree category when asked “I often participate in activities associated with St. Andrew’s.”

Only 58% are aware of what St. Andrew’s is like today

31% support St. Andrew's to the best of my capacity. (Down 8%)

16% are aware of the various areas in need of support at St. Andrew's

Only 41% said that requests for support reflect the areas I want to support

Interesting opportunities to stay involved with SAC = 22% and declining. Only 12% are knowledgeable of opportunities to volunteer

28% St. Andrew’s is one of my charities of choice … and 23% I have a responsibility to do what I can to help SAC financially (both up however 3% and 4%)

30% of Old Boys said they support St. Andrew’s regularly. The School would like to increase support from Old Boys to the College’s Endowment for financial aid.

Parent Satisfaction Survey Results Areas of weakness or decline 

More social/emotional support programs for students

More financial aid and scholarship options

Improvement in university preparedness

“The Middle School curriculum prepares my son well for the transition to Upper School.” Has declined over two surveys of 7%

Quality of son’s room and private space 7% decline since 2010

Accessibility and responsiveness of Middle School Administration (-7%)

Top five reasons for choosing SAC – decline by 7% “Reputation”

Areas for Improvement = Social Emotional support +10% and Academic program 6%

Number 1 priority for giving by parents = Academics (66%)

Student Survey Results Areas of weakness or decline 

49% of students believe the food served in Cole Hall is varied and nutritious

66% say Cole Hall staff care about the quality of food that they eat

40% of respondents disagree with the statement, “My teachers get assignments marked quickly.” And subsequently, 1 in 5 students (20% of respondents) find their online marks not to be up-to-date.

Only 20% of students say there is absolutely no bullying at St. Andrew’s. 43% of the students say it’s happening on a fairly regular basis with 6% (27% in the negative category altogether) saying it’s happening every day.

20% of respondents don’t find their marks to be a fair reflection of their abilities or effort.

More than half of the day students (52%) would be interested in converting to boarding for grade 12.

Residential – Biggest issues were quality and cleanliness of washroom and shower and quality and condition of furniture

Faculty/Staff Results Areas of weakness or decline

Faculty 

20% of people feel neutral about being valued for their contributions at work – they aren’t positive nor negative. 25% don’t feel they have enough time to complete their work and that could increase to 50% if you use neutrals on the disinterested rather than positive side of the coin.

Staff (These do not represent Admin. Staff)    

Property and Facilities staff feel there is a lack of communication and do not feel respected or supported (negative or neutral). Less than 50% satisfied with salary. Pay training and time seems to be big concerns with Staff, and maybe certain staff only. 39% of Property and Facilities Staff do not feel supported by school administrators

Blue Sky Thinkers Presentation and Dialogue Evenings



The Future of Work -- the Future of Teaching and Learning

Sports - Athletics - Exercise - Wellness and Residential Life

LIFE SKILLS SUMMARY: We must find a balance between technology and soft skills. We also need to find a balance between collaboration versus individual leadership. We need to investigate solution based thinking, that utilizes critical thinking, initiative and authenticity. How do we develop deeper more effective communication skills using technology. Failure is ok, but we need to be problem finders and solution based creative thinkers.

SPORTS SUMMARY: Some suggestion of kids only playing SAC sports. First priority in all cases, not just hockey. Promote the value of well-roundedness in Athletics. Safety must always come first. Have we considered sport safety in all of our sport offerings? should we consider formalizing the competitive athletic track and athletics for life track. Does this stigmatize or does it provide focus for both sets of athletes. How much should competition play in all of these offerings? Should we have mandatory fitness for every student every term. We need to consider alternative athletic times. Exercise and/or mindfulness every morning and perhaps consider significant scheduling changes to facilitate greater exercise and better nutrition. Finally, does the sports program offerings satisfy the diversity of our international students?

LIFE SKILLS COMMENTS: How do we balance a rise in technology with empathy, compassion, and respect in the classroom or workplace? How do you merge the astounding development in technology with personal relationships? Further explore the importance of tech skills to prepare for the demands of a small-group based workforce of the future. In light of the extensive technology used in all businesses and enterprises, how do we learn to use that technology ethically and with emotional intelligence in both personal and professional lives? How do we teach boys to be empathic and caring for others?

SPORTS COMMENTS:House league program in middle school is viewed by middle school students as being for losers! What can we do to alter this view? All sports should be offered on a recreational level or inter-school level (i.e. hockey). Can we foster a love of sport for sport's sake?

What role will ethics/morality play in the world of artificial intelligence? What role does capitalization/greed play in the role of innovation? How should we maintain and build male and female relationships that integrate the use of tomorrow's technology? How do you develop soft skills through and/or without the use of technology? Can one employ soft skills in tech communication and collaboration? How do you teach the students to identify their skills individually and how do you build on these fundamental skills? How do you strike a balance between collaboration and leadership? How do you solve a problem? How do you teach life skills? How do you teach solution-based thinking? How do you help the boys understand how to be happy? How do we make them more well-rounded in the area of social responsibility? How do we teach resiliency? How do you teach leadership without title or position? How do you communicate effectively and deeply connect with people (in ways of: in person, electronically, and by telephone)? How do we continue to ensure that students value themselves but also value community?

Can sports coaching and coaching theory become an academic course? Would this be considered a sports 'credit' toward the two-term requirement? Will SAC replace/do better than outside elite sports? Will this lead to scholarships both domestic and international? Should we require diverse experiences in sport? (Not allow students to repeat the same 3 sports?) How do you balance the pressures of specialization vs. participation and discovery? Does the York-Simcoe Express relationship overly shape our programming goals? How much sport is too much? Is there still room for a well-rounded athlete? A new athlete? No term off sport! SAC should find a way to ensure all students are active all year (and have diverse sport experiences)? Aim to remove stigma of intermural series amongst the boys? Is it possible for students to follow passion if not good at it? Can the school convince parents that safety is above winning? Parents may be hesitant to allow their boy to play. Does the school offer or look to offer some type of sport management/coaching/officiating course/or career training? Should investments be focused only on two main sports? How can we ensure that the range of athletic opportunities continues to be offered from competitive sports to athletics for life? Offer different sports such as equestrian? How do we encourage sport-for-life with a) the 'specialist' athletes, b) 'non' athletes, and c) faculty? Is there a way of encouraging boys to find 'themselves' through sport? I.e. support the specialists and the multi-sport athletes and 'life-sport' athletes. Could there be consideration given to emphasizing development over winning at all levels with a focus on the younger teams at SAC? Time to be found to ensure every kid tries a new sport each year.

How can SAC continue to develop the art of communication to meet the working environment of 2030? Further explore programs within the school that encourage the development of social skills. We believe SAC should explore the development of a caring classroom environment cultivated by a community of learners (student and teacher) that inspires passion, critical thinking, initiative and authenticity (through collaboration, confidence, and empathy) in our sons. How to create skills where people are able to come together and quickly create effective collaboration. How can we develop the communication skills to interact with, understand and respect all genders and cultures in both social and work environments beyond the gates? I believe that we need to allow our boys to fail. Failure = ultimate success.

How do we better incorporate the "learnings of failure" in our student's lives - how can we turn it to not be a stigma but a life strength? How do we encourage students to independently "problem-find" and answer the questions "so what"? (So it goes beyond just collecting the data, but making meaning of it). How do we empower boys to criticize their environment and perpetuate lateral thinking? How do we incorporate collaborative, project-based learning across the subjects that fosters creative and imaginative thinking?

Does a continuous loss of games in any sport at SAC negatively affect the well-being of the student? Could that team better serve the students as an intramural team/sport? Rule change: No checking in hockey? Team vs. life sports (yoga, fitness, cross-fit, and triathlon). Should boys be required at least one participation in each? Not every student who attends SAC is an 'athlete', how can we re-develop our intramural program to better serve/motivate these students to be active and enjoy sports? SAC needs to consider how to keep 'values' in sport over winning or at least maintain values at the forefront so that our boys understand things like humility, etc. We would like to see more than just hockey and football getting the money. Many boys are talented in other sports and there seems to be disproportionate homage paid to these two sports. We lose good students as a result. Should sports practices be held in the morning rather than the afternoon? Mandatory athletics in the morning? Can phys-ed be replaced with a mindfulness program if we start with 'spark in the morning'? Can we have a meditation from 10:30-11 How can weprogram rework the daily schoolpm? schedule to allow to physical activity every morning before classes? How can we structure/build a schedule that facilitates physical activity/exercise in the morning? How can we build options/variety in physical activity to engage all boys?

Education Summary: We need to be mindful to keep Critical Thinking as priority one as technology power and usage grows. We need have greater academic freedom and ask great questions that requires more thinking than content finding. We need individual growth and at the same time community engagement. How do we approach the question of specialization of offerings and programs with wellroundedness? Failure is sometimes a positive. EDUCATION COMMENTS: How do you teach critical thinking when the "computer/smart tech" will give you all the information you need? How do you strike a balance between collaboration and leadership? How do you teach the students to identify their skills individually and how do you build on these fundamental skills? We believe SAC should explore the development of a caring classroom environment cultivated by a community of learners (student and teacher) that inspires passion, critical thinking, initiative and authenticity (through collaboration, confidence, and empathy) in our sons. How to create skills where people are able to come together and quickly create effective collaboration. How do we better incorporate the "learnings of failure" in our student's lives - how can we turn it to not be a stigma but a life strength? How do we encourage students to independently "problem-find" and answer the questions "so what"? (So it goes beyond just collecting the data, but making meaning of it). How do we empower boys to criticize their environment and perpetuate lateral thinking?

Should we consider early morning practices for all sports in order to maximize academic potential while still retaining a manageable schedule? How can we re-work the timetable in order to incorporate mandatory physical activity for all students in the morning? Should sports be moved to the mornings? (School then ends at 5:30.) If exercise in the morning is the route we are going, how do we ensure the boys that need it the more are involved? We wonder if the numbers are driven by the boys who actually want to be there. Also, how do we ensure day boys are also involved? How do the ideas expressed by boarding housemasters as they pertain to mindfulness and health connect with the chapel program? How to make mandatory physical activity positive and not negative reinforcement? Is it possible to change our morning schedule to incorporate exercise (mindfulness, like yoga) and nutrition (smoothies) into each day? Should we broaden the definition of sports to make it more inclusive for more students - i.e. meditation, yoga, etc.

How do we make sure there are appealing sports and co-curriculars so that all boys are able to participate in a variety of activities? (Must be modern and useful in future endeavours).

If international students are identified as a priority due to increased boarding rates ($) and the need to have high usage rates, does our sport program align with that strategy?

There should be more flexibility in the standards including: more freedom in how we teach, what we teach, and what students need in order to graduate. How do we create a successful program at SAC without traditional academic courses which is recognized by universities as a rigorous/challenging program which will garner admissions?

How to align teacher/coach philosophy with SAC Athletic vision. How to play and compete is just as important as why play. How do we teach gracious losing?

How do we teach our boys to be able to ask great questions? How do we further explore the systematic development of key skills such as curiosity, collaboration, initiative, and leadership not as a by product of the SAC experience, but in a more mindful way.

How do we ensure that students have a non-academic (out-of-the-box thinking, problem solving, social cues, or manners) skills to be successful in an environment which rewards freethinking and well-rounded individuals. We believe SAC should explore reducing the amount of time spent learning content and increasing the amount of time sourcing, analyzing and thinking about content (content = knowledge). The pursuit of each individual's passions. What can we do as educators to instill critical thinking and leadership skills to promote common sense? How to gather, filter and assemble information to create the desired outcome. Individual vs. community? Both! How do we help boys develop as strong individuals, but for the specific purpose of being better able to serve their community? Specialized vs. well-rounded? Both! How do we develop a foundation of well-roundedness, with the ability to re-specialize rapidly for an ever-changing context? How can SAC students know what it's like to win and lose (can trying and failing be a mandatory experience) in co-curricular settings and in the classroom.

Mission Summary: We need to continue to focus/prioritize well-roundedness and breadth. We should examine the relevance of all of our programs in the context of the mission. Specialization vs well-roundedness. How do we account for differences in style and substance of all of our kids. What are the non-negotiables in the SAC experience. MISSION COMMENTS: What is the well-rounded citizen? We believe that the mission "developing the complete man, the well-rounded citizen" is evolutionary and will stand for 2030. The challenge then, is how does SAC deliver an evolving program that will still meet the expectations of this statement?

HEALTH AND WELLNESS SUMMARY: How can we fully grasp the power of food and nutrition in the development of growing young men?. What is the place of religion and spirituality in our world, in our school, and in our students. How and why would measuring activity levels assist us in our academic/educational mission. Mental Health supports and structures must be a priority (+Counselor). HEALTH AND WELLNESS COMMENTS: Sport and wellness - where does food and nutrition fall into this (processed food, organic, etc.). Staff should be trained in mental health wellness. Preventative care in important to make the boys feel better. Where is the place of religion or faith in SAC? Can the institution of chapel be re-invented to serve the mindfulness need? How do the boys take a 'body holiday' every day (including the mind, body and spirit)? Maybe an app designed by SAC - like Fitbit. How do we measure the results? Can morning physical activity for everyone help with mental health habits? How can we structure the self-esteem building aspects of SAC and boarding life to reward all skill levels in a transparent and equal way? Do we have enough supervision to monitor mental health/study, ex. In residence? Can mental health strategies (i.e. anxiety management, relaxation, test anxiety, performance anxiety, etc.) be integrated into every class/subject? Can the use of strategies be evaluated as part of the course of an assignment? How do you measure the implementation and success of a mindfulness program that transcends all aspects at SAC? How do we make resilient habits part of our program in terms of academics, athletics and social well-being?

How do we create an environment where faculty and students are encouraged to use mental health experts? Keep it simple. Delay the start of classes and give all students and all faculty the chance to wake up their minds and 'get ready' to learn. Maximize the value of our class time!

Let kids try everything - provide ample opportunity to explore everything from clubs, sports, drama, music, etc. Identify strengths and passions because we need to provide a broad knowledge base. How do we make sure there are appealing sports and co-curriculars so that all boys are able to participate in a variety of activities? (Must be modern and useful in future endeavours).

School needs to 'get ahead' of mental health, anxiety, confidence, etc., issues by having a school psychologist as opposed to current situation - health centre covers everything. For 600 boys, we need more counselling. Should we broaden the definition of sports to make it more inclusive for more students - i.e. meditation, yoga, etc.

What is the relationship between competition/rewards and entitlement?

We need to get ahead of the mental health issue. We can't afford to wait until we have a real death/crisis in our community. Full time psychologist is needed. Solution is treating mental health - but deal with why? How to term the word 'stress' into a positive. Is it just coping mechanisms that have changed? More structure, resources, training for mental health.

Are we setting unrealistic expectations? How can we teach students to be okay with failure? Should SAC become a school that is a "centre of excellence"/specialized in academics in certain streams such as law, business, technology, engineering, robotics, etc. How do we teach our boys to be able to ask great questions? How do we further explore the systematic development of key skills such as curiosity, collaboration, initiative, and leadership not as a by product of the SAC experience, but in a more mindful way. How do we ensure that students have a non-academic (out-of-the-box thinking, problem solving, social cues, or manners) skills to be successful in an environment which rewards freethinking and well-rounded individuals. How do we teach our kids what a well rounded citizen is in a technologically evolving world?

Should the school encourage boys to share all mental feelings? Is it beneficial for boys to deal internally with some issues. Fear they may become too reliant, not resilient as they should be. Mental health staff full time to address and be utilized for pressing issues.

Leverage new programs daily to instill daily physical activity in the mornings.

What are ways to make mental health as important as physical health?

Individual vs. community? Both! How do we help boys develop as strong individuals, but for the specific purpose of being better able to serve their community?

DAY SCHEDULES SUMMARY: How do we structure the day to get more activity, to increase focus and kids ability to earn. Can some sports move. How should we start our day. Should we mandate morning activity. What should we do to our timetable to facilitate this? How do get the most out of our full 8:00-11:00 pm day, that includes all mandatory pieces, plus downtime, exercise and reflection .

Specialized vs. well-rounded? Both! How do we develop a foundation of well-roundedness, with the ability to re-specialize rapidly for an ever-changing context? Is there a place for the introvert leader at SAC? Can the schedule allow for the pursuit of passion while maintaining the well-roundedness of SAC? Should we force students into generalization? What are those core-subjects/experiences that must be experienced?

DAY SCHEDULES COMMENTS: How can we structure the day so boys get more activity to increase their focus and ability to learn? Should we be offering gym first thing in the morning? Should sports practices be held in the morning rather than the afternoon? Why not do inter-house competitions after lunch? Blow up the schedule? Mandatory athletics in the morning? Can phys-ed be replaced with a mindfulness program if we start with 'spark in the morning'? Can we have a meditation program from 10:30-11 pm?

Technology Summary: How does SAC continue to be the industry leader with respect to technology. Are we the industry leader? How can we leverage technology for greater collaboration, critical thinking in a global environment. How does virtual classrooms play out in the near future. Further explore 21st Century skills and the demands on a small-group workforce. How do we ensure Critical Thinking in a world of ubiquitous content. How can we connect technology and the environment. Technology brings huge advantages, but what about soft skill development. TECHNOLOGY COMMENTS: How do we balance a rise in technology with empathy, compassion, and respect in the classroom or workplace? Leveraging new technology and new immersive learning opportunities.

Can we break up the day and even include an extra class?

How do you merge the astounding development in technology with personal relationships? How will SAC use new and existing technology to promote collaboration, critical thinking, and learning in a global environment? (Poss. ideas: Virtual classrooms with other independent schools, telepresence, remote access, skype for business in the classroom). Explore the importance of technological advances without losing our ability to be social.

How can we structure/build a schedule that facilitates physical activity/exercise in the morning? Should we consider early morning practices for all sports in order to maximize academic potential while still retaining a manageable schedule?

Further explore the importance of 21st century skills to prepare for the demands of a smallgroup based workforce of the future. In light of the extensive technology used in all businesses and enterprises, how do we learn to use that technology ethically and with emotional intelligence in both personal and professional lives? role will ethics/morality play in the world of artificial intelligence? What How should we maintain and build male and female relationships that integrate the use of tomorrow's technology? Thinking on how to frame the question so that they control the abundance of available knowledge instead of knowledge controlling them. How do you teach critical thinking when the "computer/smart tech" will give you all the information you need? What is or how do you prepare for the trigger event that leads to a step change instead of an evolution? Planning is still very focused on evolution. How do you develop soft skills through and/or without the use of technology? Can one employ soft skills in tech communication and collaboration? How do we teach our kids what a well rounded citizen is in a technologically evolving world? As technology grows and requires more power, how do you empower the boys to manage technology in a way that creates a better planet?

How can we rework the daily school schedule to allow to physical activity every morning before classes?

Why can't we consider rescheduling the school day? Have faculty work in shirts and run the day from 7 am to 6pm? Start school early and do exercise. Have it be mandatory life chapel. Have demerit points. Boys will thank you/SAC in the future given all the positives of SPARK. How can we re-work the timetable in order to incorporate mandatory physical activity for all students in the morning? How to mandate a period of effective physical activity early in the morning for both boarding and day students? (I.e. earlier day start and same day start but shorten each academic class by 5-10 minutes.) Should sports be moved to the mornings? (School then ends at 5:30.) If exercise in the morning is the route we are going, how do we ensure the boys that need it the more are involved? We wonder if the numbers are driven by the boys who actually want to be there. Also, how do we ensure day boys are also involved? What would happen if you turned the boarding curriculum on it's ear. I.e. start the day with exercise, mindfulness, start late, and focus on developing a more fulfilling rewarding experience. Is it possible to change our morning schedule to incorporate exercise (mindfulness, like yoga) and nutrition (smoothies) into each day? Keep it simple. Delay the start of classes and give all students and all faculty the chance to wake up their minds and 'get ready' to learn. Maximize the value of our class time! School schedule to include a physical opportunity in the morning? In what way can we build in more morning activities?

BOARDING SUMMARY: How do we connect Day students and Domestic boarders to international boarders in a more purposeful way. How do we focus on language development for international students. How can we create more awareness and celebration of cultural differences. Find ways to include the themes of Social Justice into the school. Work very hard on issues of time management for boarders as yet another value added for boarders. What does this look like? Build a case for why/when boarding is developmentally the best thing for boys. BOARDING COMMENTS:How can we do a better job to use our boarding environment to better develop English speaking skills? How can we retain the strong Mexican students? MINDSET COMMENTS: I believe that we need to allow our boys to fail. Failure = ultimate success. How do we better incorporate the "learnings of failure" in our student's lives - how can we turn it to not be a stigma but a life strength? How do we empower boys to criticize their environment and perpetuate lateral thinking? Are we setting unrealistic expectations? How can we teach students to be okay with failure? What is the relationship between competition/rewards and entitlement? How can SAC students know what it's like to win and lose (can trying and failing be a mandatory experience) in co-curricular settings and in the classroom.

GENERAL COMMENTS:There should be more flexibility in the standards including: more freedom in how we teach, what we teach, and what students need in order to graduate. How do we further explore the systematic development of key skills such as curiosity, collaboration, initiative, and leadership not as a by product of the SAC experience, but in a more mindful way. How do we ensure that students have a non-academic (out-of-the-box thinking, problem solving, social cues, or manners) skills to be successful in an environment which rewards freethinking and well-rounded individuals. How do we incorporate collaborative, project-based learning across the subjects that fosters creative andSAC imaginative thinking? We believe should explore reducing the amount of time spent learning content and increasing the amount of time sourcing, analyzing and thinking about content (content = knowledge). The pursuit of each individual's passions. How to gather, filter and assemble information to create the desired outcome.

How do we more deliberately encourage our domestic students to befriend our international students? Should we consider rotating roommates? If international students are identified as a priority due to increased boarding rates ($) and the need to have high usage rates, does our sport program align with that strategy? International theme activities for student life (theatre, food, shows and music). Can we integrate social justice and community activism into the curriculum as well as residence life curriculum? Would SAC value integrating day students in boarding activities to provide more students the benefits that boarders receive? How do we ensure that we integrate international students to ensure the best experience for them, the Canadians and generates true integration and avoid cliques? How does roommate selection impact a child's year? Sometimes too similar is a bad thing/ What measure the boarding staffs can help to improve a kid's 'time management technique' for a boarder whose 'time management' is very poor? How do we teach/help them with monitoring their 'on-screen' time, make better decisions and help with time management while online? I know boarding would be amazing for my son, but I can't let him go yet (comment by two SAC day-boy Moms). How to allow your some to board when parents aren't ready to 'let go'.

What age is the right age for boarding?

How do we better integrate life skills training into our boarding program? How could mixing roommates be used to develop cultural sensitivity? Should students be 'placed' with roommates rather than choosing? Should they switch multiple times per year? Could a boarder be 'matched' with a dayboy to better help them adapt to our (Western) culture? Could SAC pair boarding students with day families?

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP SUMMARY: We need to include both or students and our parents in our process to develop cultural sensitivity as an international school. Process by which we proactively connect international students with local families. We need to foster cultural curiosity in all of our students. can we create internships internationally, using the network (2-3 month placements). Chinese cultural exchanges, culture or business. GROWTH COMMENTS: I believe that we need to allow our boys to fail. Failure = ultimate success. How do we better incorporate the "learnings of failure" in our student's lives - how can we turn it to not be a stigma but a life strength? How do we empower boys to criticize their environment and perpetuate lateral thinking? Are we setting unrealistic expectations? How can we teach students to be okay with failure? What is the relationship between competition/rewards and entitlement? How can SAC students know what it's like to win and lose (can trying and failing be a mandatory experience) in co-curricular settings and in the classroom.

CO-OP WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: How to we find authentic projects that intrinsically motivate students to work independently and in groups with "real people" in the work force and real-life situations. We believe SAC should explore a co-op program where students work in a real world environment? Explore programs that present professions and jobs. External visitations, etc. How can SAC use their alumni network to enhance their unique value proposition? Perhaps a mentor program?

FUTURE THINKING COMMENTS: Do we offer two options for Andreans? A) The full-Monty breadth diploma (5 years). B) The streamlined approach diploma (4 years). Ex: fixed menu vs. a la carte. Consider asking current students how they see the future of education and classroom (education). They have lots to teach us! What will "university" intake look like in 2030? What are kids heading to when they graduate? Will UCC, Lakefield, TCS, etc., still be the right bench mark for SAC? Are they really the competitive schools we compare ourselves to?

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP COMMENTS: Cross-border exchange programmed to get boarders more 'aware' of other cultures. How do we provide the opportunity for our families to further their own cultural intelligence by incorporating them in to the cultural education process and familiarizing then with all of our 30 different cultures? How do we more deliberately encourage our domestic students to befriend our international students? Should we consider rotating roommates? Can we integrate social justice and community activism into the curriculum as well as residence life curriculum? How do we ensure that we integrate international students to ensure the best experience for them, the Canadians and generates true integration and avoid cliques? We need to define cultural intelligence and the ability to be comfortable working/living/socializing in/with multiple cultures. How do we ensure that cultural integration is a two-way street? How do we foster that cultural curiosity in students? How do we maximize/utilize our access to all of these great cultures? Consulting international students directly should be a priority. How can we take better advantage of day families to improve the cohesiveness of the boarding and day communities? How could mixing roommates be used to develop cultural sensitivity? Should students be 'placed' with roommates rather than choosing? Should they switch multiple times per year? How are we going to engage our boys to be interested in other cultures? How does the school 'force' positive cross-cultural interactions? (i.e. student-student and parents?) Should/could SAC build connections (electronic, student exchange, teacher exchange) with other schooled around the world? They could be paired by grade (se each grade has a different school experience). Maybe be required 1 exchange trip? How can SAC expend/formalize celebration of all cultures and traditions? Create an international program where the students earn their way or to the (co-op) 2/3 months in time. This program needs to be systematic and builds year to year. Are we missing out on the opportunity that exists with 37% of our students coming from China? Should we have a program based in China so our students (after they learn Mandarin) can study the whole Chinese experience.

LIFE SKILLS COMMENTS: Conversational capacity. What ideal qualities do the SAC boys possess? What other soft skills can a SAC boy be taught?

PROBLEM SOLVING COMMENTS: How do you solve a problem? How do you teach life skills? How do you teach solution-based thinking?

CuRRICULUM COMMENTS: There should be more flexibility in the standards including: more freedom in how we teach, what we teach, and what students need in order to graduate.

How do we better integrate life skills training into our boarding program? How do we get the parents less involved so the kids can learn to fail fast/fail forward? How do you provide time for kids to spend time with themselves vs. structured programming? How does SAC teach natural problem-solving as part of regular life vs. structured problem-solving? How they deal with pornography as another form of substance abuse and how we help our boys with this, especially as it leads to many future issues (i.e. erectile dysfunction, relationship issues, etc.) Check out fightthenewdrug.org While dominating in academic skills, how does SAC foster the soft skills and dominate in teaching?

How do we create a successful program at SAC without traditional academic courses which is recognized by universities as a rigorous/challenging program which will garner admissions?

How can SAC motivate boys for further self-enrichment in their life given most boys are from above average families?

What are those core-subjects/experiences that must be experienced?

How do we push them to stop being followers but be a compassionate and innovative leader? How do we get the parents less involved in students lives?

GLOBAL EDUCATION COMMENTS: How do we leverage the diversity within the school? Can we encourage more interaction and collaborative learning between the cultures at school? Nurture/encourage international travel to continue to be well rounded and worldly. How can we leverage our old boy network to develop global education opportunities (and practice opportunities) for our students?

FAILURE & LEARNING COMMENTS: How can we teach students to be okay with failure? Are we setting unrealistic expectations? I believe that we need to allow our boys to fail. Failure = ultimate success.

ENVIRONMENT COMMENTS: As technology grows and requires more power, how do you empower the boys to manage technology in a way that creates a better planet? If climate change will be the overwhelming context for this generation of leaders, how do we enhance their ability to mitigate it and adapt to it? How to manage risk, make decisions with limited information, to ensure justice for those people impacted externally? Should we begin with the performance of the school as a sustainable place to live and learn?

WORK REALITY EXPERIENCE COMMENTS: How can we develop the communication skills to interact with, understand and respect all genders and cultures in both social and work environments beyond the gates?

MENTORSHIP COMMENTS: How can we take better advantage of day families to improve the cohesiveness of the boarding and day communities? Can the parents' guild get involved in helping forge connections between day and boarding students? Can we specifically and intentionally match international boarding students with day families when they arrive? Could SAC pair boarding students with day families? Use Big Brother/Little Brother program to help build cultural intelligence (Canadian student-mentor, international student and v-v). May be ore than forcing roommates. Is there a way to enhance Canadian day students interaction with international boarding students? (I.e. mandated buddy activities?) Can we set-up a 'formal' program where day boys invite boarders home for the weekend?

CHAPEL COMMENTS: Where is the place of religion or faith in SAC? What is the role of chapel moving forward?

Can the institution of chapel be re-invented to serve the mindfulness need? How do the ideas expressed by boarding housemasters as they pertain to mindfulness and health connect with the chapel program? Promote other cultural holidays.

HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMENTS: Further explore how to understand mental health issues.

ACADEMICS COMMENTS: Showcase academics more than today to take away 'perceived' emphasis on sports? Market to future students vs. parents. Can mental health strategies (i.e. anxiety management, relaxation, test anxiety, performance anxiety, etc.) be integrated into every class/subject? Can the use of strategies be evaluated as part of the course of an assignment? Can we develop more rigorous language opportunities for the students? Considering we have them when their language acquisition is strongest?

LEADERSHIP ENTREPRENEURSHIP CREATIVE THINKING COMMENTS: If climate change will be the overwhelming context for this generation of leaders, how do we enhance their ability to mitigate it and adapt to it? How to manage risk, make decisions with limited information, to ensure justice for those people impacted externally? Should we begin with the performance of the school as a sustainable place to live and learn?

BOARDING LIVING COMMENTS: How can SAC require all boys to experience boarding/living away from home?

INTERNATIONAL CO-OP COMMENTS: Cross-border exchange programmed to get boarders more 'aware' of other cultures. Create an international program where the students earn their way or to the (co-op) 2/3 months in time. This program needs to be systematic and builds year to year. Are we missing out on the opportunity that exists with 37% of our students coming from China? Should we have a program based in China so our students (after they learn Mandarin) can study the whole Chinese experience.

TECHNOLOGY COMMENTS: How do we teach/help them with monitoring their 'on-screen' time, make better decisions and help with time management while online? How they deal with pornography as another form of substance abuse and how we help our boys with this, especially as it leads to many future issues (i.e. erectile dysfunction, relationship issues, etc.) Check out fightthenewdrug.org Should/could SAC build connections (electronic, student exchange, teacher exchange) with other schooled around the world? They could be paired by grade (se each grade has a different school experience). Maybe be required 1 exchange trip?

ADMISSIONS COMMENTS: How can we retain the strong Mexican students? Can we re-kindle relationships with the island market?

GENERAL COMMENTS: How do we provide the opportunity for our families to further their own cultural intelligence by incorporating them in to the cultural education process and familiarizing then with all of our 30 different cultures? Alternative solutions need to include day as much as boarding students.

Focus Group Summaries

Faculty Strengths

Positive Working Environment

Blue = Strategic

Focus Group Discussions Number of times referenced by participants



Number of times referenced by participants

Grey = Checklist

Strategic Priorities Discussion Summary Challenges imposed by set curriculum limit opportunities for breadth and what faculty believe are in student learning best interests. Need to look at endowment so as to invest in more horses. Mitigate pressure on students and culture of manic. We need a full time counselor. We need to look at classroom design and what the future of learning spaces might be(come). Consider five year program. Bunch breaks together to make longer breaks, rather than twothree long weekends/term. Have curriculum build on real experiences. Modular and inter-disciplinary experiences must be focus for academics because it feeds into our mission. Focus on our diversity as a strength. How we can become a world model for citizenship, completeness, and diversity, and an acceptance of cultural difference. Focus on product through process. Build relationships with universities in the context of changes we might make. Problem based critical and authentic learning. Consider physical configurations to boarding. Build a new residence (Grade 12 House) and/or reduce sizes in existing. SAC Campus as centre for culture in York Region. Our own school, graduation and curriculum. Centre for excellence in boys education. Focus on Professional Development for Faculty.

Life is at times too busy or doesn’t allow the greatest expression of ourselves…just busy


Breadth of Programming


While diversity is a strength, we have lots of opportunity to improve our cultural understanding among cultures




Not enough support for mental health concerns of our boys


We love our school (All Fac-Staff-Stud)



Faculty Commitment to boys


Over programming ensures breadth, but not necessarily depth ESL support is weak


Lots of discussion about trying to provide breadth engagement in academics because they feel tempered by the ministry. Feel they are already doing that and they are becoming more cutting edge in their classroom use of technology and in their curriculum. They want to liberate themselves from some of the challenges set by an imposed curriculum which they do not feel always best represents what they believe is in the best interests of kids and learning Vector math example of spending an inordinate amount of time working on how to do something manually …its complicated …but technology does it quickly and that's how people would do it in the real world. We are stuck because the province can mandate the new way to do it across the province...technology issues. Building our endowment so we can be more competitive in the admission process. Having the right horses to engage in the best. Right now we have a lot of $ invested in a few horses. We need a lot more $ invested in a lot more horses. Transparency in admissions. Real-time and open process for admissions. Work life balance for faculty. If we are to serve the needs of the kids, their needs to be some room to breathe. Also, felt the same about students. Too busy for a significant portion of them. They also need time to breathe.

Supported by Admin to try "The new"


Boys are conflicted because they have competing interests and not enough time

Reputation (grows)

Need a greater focus on critical thinking

Opportunities for student learning

Focus on tradition often implies inherent conservatism

Live the mission - Do what we say

Marks and competition for marks is not positive

Location in GTA

Greater transparency in the Admission process required

Boarding Athletics

Lack of women in leadership roles Spiritual or pastoral guidance or leadership is lacking

How do we get parents to understand the impact that their pressure has on their kids. How do we confront that and help parents to not put pressure on them. What is good pressure, what is bad pressure. Culture of manic amongst kids. Kids that are improving sometimes get overlooked by high achievers Full time counsellor required. They felt we are really far behind in mental health support. Full-year schooling while a neat concept, would likely mean we would just keep adding and keep levels of "mania" and stress high with more things to do To be true innovators in classroom design, our classrooms need to look dramatically different. We need to consider what the future of learning spaces should look like in our subject areas Five-year high school program -- Co-op or experiential year. Need kids to have more global exposure to make them more aware and savvy of the big world. Instead of long weekends, we bunch them and have longer breaks that can be used for rest, rejuvenation or alternative opportunities Review Eton College's five-year plan…they felt that this was excellent If we were to consider five-year, we have to have a clear plan

Great pride among students




Greater focus on breadth rather than a focus on a few aspects of our offerings Handcuffed by curriculum

Faculty -- Strengths

Faculty --Weaknesses

Strategic Priorities

Strong Admin

Unclear academic vision

Strong Communication

Endowment/financial aid pales in comparison to some of top schools in the world If we are going to be seen as truly elite, we need to have the financial wherewithal to go and get the very best kids

Faculty development…longer stays to get more out of a visit and truly see school actualize what they say is innovation in the classroom. See it happen, be a part of it, and ask kids about it. Experiential learning…have curriculum build up to a real experience where action takes place. How do we support ESL and LD kids in the context of our classrooms. Do we add to GLC and Amanda's world, or do we reduce numbers dramatically through admissions. Alternatively, should ESL kids come for an extended orientation/workshop summer program? Mandatory for ESL international second language learners

Safe and Inclusive generally

Complete Man is real

Lack of inter-connectedness in our courses/subjects. This stifles critical thinking and problem solving Middle school timetable needs to be reviewed

Discrepancy between top and bottom students significant and therefore challenging Weak communication to parents, faculty, and students

Too often we feel chaotic and that there's a lack of organization … too busy

Building greater understandings and acceptance of diversity. Make diversity a strength as opposed to something we simply acknowledge/tolerate. How does this become a huge advantage because we model the world. What does it mean to be great. What makes a great school? Is this academic success? No. Greatness in the context of SAC is mission-driven, but also how we can become a world model for citizenship, completeness, and diversity, and an acceptance of cultural difference. Modular and inter-disciplinary studies should be a focus. It actually feeds more directly into our mission of completeness, as opposed to single, individually isolated courses unconnected to everything (something) else Forging stronger relationships with universities, especially if we moved away from Ministry expectations. US prep schools obviously do this, but no one has, as of yet, attempted to do this here. What are the students producing, rather than what mark they received. Products of learning, through process, not end result of a mark. There must be some end-game product.

Student buy-in by all students in school spirit is not there.

Re-designing the curriculum to model more problem-based learning approaches because that will increase critical and authentic learning. Tests? Why? -- What does that mean for preparation for university

Discrepancy between academic program and quality of students

Boarding -- Residences out-of-date. Way behind our competitors on this front. Comments about other schools and the condition of residences and facilities in residences Need to be far more diligent in ensuring our students get boarding life skills of cooking, cleaning, hygiene, budgeting, time-management More residence supervision International students…again summer transition program, course, program and better communication ahead of arrival between School/Housemasters and maybe connecting current families with new international students Physical changes to boarding.. In many ways housing doesn't work, study is very challenging with one person circulating, ability to do group work in residence is problematic. Boarding as a family pod 12-16 kids from younger grades to older. A family.

Lack of emphasis on soft skills Disconnect between learning and success Not enough leadership training -- Titles but little development Too many communication tools, too much duplication

Faculty -- Strengths

Faculty --Weaknesses

Strategic Priorities

Lack of student self awareness - socially and academically

Build new residence and then move students to renovate, dramatically, each residence in turn. Blow out walls and add common spaces and bathrooms. Massive changes… Better and more mental health training within the residences. Should we have more cross-section of grades in one house, 5-12? Greater support systems for our most challenging kids who eat up 50% of Housemaster time on 10% of kids or fewer. Need to have more care for caregivers. People and resources to allow our House staff to feel emotionally well and supported Graduate House. All grade 12 grads in one house as a transition experience. Perhaps different set of rules with a little bit more liberty and freedom so that university is not such a shock. Shorter classes in MS so one can see kids more frequently We need to have the courage to make bold steps Should we consider BYOD Centre for documentary studies program Our own curriculum, school year, and graduation requirements Critical literacy skills…school-wide reading event…and more student selection of reading texts The SAC campus as the center of Culture in northern York Region Professional development of faculty must be at or near the top of priorities if our school is to grow and flourish Consider greater transparency…share what we do. Become the Centre for independent Education for teaching boys

Blue = Strategic

Parents and Past Parents


Well-rounded and breadth

Number of times referenced by participants



Too much focus on sports like Hockey and Football

Number of times referenced by participants


Grey = Checklist

Strategic Priorities Discussion Summary -- Need to move to 21st Century Assessment practices. Consider school life balance issues. How do we really differentiate instruction. Should we consider a gap year, not remedial, but value added fifth year as a transition to university. We need to better leverage our Old Boy and Parent Networks for our students and career exposure/development. Need more cross-curricular learning to model work/life. Why are we still doing the Pre-orientation for international families that would involve the School and also day

Brotherhood- Community


Outdated Boarding Houses





Traditions Extra help - Emotional Support

4 4

Greater ability to connect to the broader SAC Community. To leverage opportunities Take greater advantage of global connections Greater accountability of boys in the Upper School boarding houses

families. Avoiding cultural shock and making transition smoother Calibre of teaching -- disparities -- Passionate about their craft -- How do we work on this from a professional development perspective Consistency in the practice of assessment

2 2

Assessment needs to move to 21st Century models of assessment Can instruction become more individualized to the students? Differentiated?



Food is a concern from student's perspective


School life balance is a weakness. Kids too programmed? Too many things going on?

Great Momentum - Continuous improvement Faculty-Staff Engagement


Need to work harder to make every boy feel special


More security for school and boarding

Structured GAP year -- Social Justice, social entrepreneurship, Community service, Work placement 5-year program discussed -- International exchange opportunities for faculty and staff



Academics need to be more of a priority

Great reputation


Lacking a "core" character program

Communication with Students and parents


Need more world class teachers who are passionate about their craft and inspire boys to greatness

Encouraging students to be their best


Greater diversity of thought and opinions

Leadership opportunities


Use of 24/7 facilities to support day boys

Lifetime community -- Andrean


University prep

Financial difficulty to get academically deserving students to make classrooms more diverse Communication between teachers/parents sometimes inconsistent

University acceptance rate

Very good…but a little more consistency between classes

Exposure to Global Community

Difficulty of engaging in things other than SAC because of allencompassing nature of place More hands on-more "the way the world works" teaching. Less memory work

Online communication -- CoursesHomework

Utilize our global community more. Leverage international connections, in 5th year and/or in post university Want to build more connections between all Andrean community through vehicle like Switchboard. More mentorship available by creating a communication vehicle that would facilitate this. Boys are sophisticated but not mature. Free time management. Because we schedule them so much, when they have free time, it is rarely productive. What are productive hobbies? How do they fill the void of time available once they get to university Shadow visits -- More discussion about networks More specialists and people with specialists skills come in to the School, or have the opportunity to send our boys out on exchange with specialists so they can get a feel for careers Cross-curricular learning. How does education need to change so that the classroom models real life Why are we stuck with provincial curriculum. Is this what our kids need? Better incorporate boarding skills into learning…life skills. How do we bring these to day students before they go off to University too More exposure to GTA through Weekend Program Mac House is an amazing experience, but some differences between Mac and Upper school houses and even between Upper School Houses

Parents and Past Parents


Number of times referenced by participants


Number of times referenced by participants

Strategic Priorities

Community Outreach

Too competitive

Awesome boarding curriculum…amazing facilities in school generally but boarding facilities are sub-standard by comparison to school and other boarding schools


Too much focus on University as the only option

How do we foster independence and good decision making so they don't struggle in first year University. Why don't we have a Grad house as a transition to University? Ease that step into independence so they don't "go crazy". Need to make more problem finders and opportunity spotters (Kids skillsets). This is the future of real work and life. How do we teach them to do that? Future of public spaces to work on collaborative work outside of classroom. Like lower library, but elsewhere. Returned to conversation about connection between boarders and day students throughout career…better integration for the now, and for the future Chapel is about being a good person and values, not based on a single religion. Peaceful reflection and time to contemplate. Can kids visit other places of worship for greater understanding, or guest speakers brought in. Religious and Native.

More/greater commitment to after-school activities that blend in students from other countries. Integration as goal. Lack or weak mentorship program More consistent delivery of curriculum, assessment and teaching Not enough co-curriculars for those not interested in sports Too busy -- No downtime

More time spent on transition elements -- MS to US and Grade 12 to University Program is very condensed. Not a lot of time to fit in all of the activities, studying, sports, comm service, clubs, leadership‌

We MUST focus on Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creativity, and Innovation By what standards would/should we judge ourselves if we want to be seen as the best boys boarding school in the world. Write the standard, then reach it.

Focus Group Discussions Weaknesses

Old Boys Strengths

Number of times referenced by participants

Blue=Strategic Number of times referenced by participants

Strategic Priorities Discussion Summary -Premium cost and place requires premium everything. Endowment is weak by comparison to "best" schools. How do we promote cross-cultural learning? Need to attract better international students through reputation. Opportunities in exchange/work term. Study why kids com to Canada for boarding. Why do few Old Boys send their sons? What are impediments, and how do we overcome these? Promote Old Boy world class excellence more. Teaching of common sense things need to continue to be a priority (Taxes, budgets, leases...). People need to see the value in boarding more. Focus on innovation as a priority for the future of work. Need to leverage our internationalism. How do we create more and more positive interactions with women? Public speaking is a key for life. Critical thinking for being global citizens. List why SAC is amazing. Educate Old Boy wives and get them on campus. More friend raising, less fund raising. Chapel is a special place that needs to focus on spirituality. Address elitism in athletics (Hockey). Stay with Capstone.



Must work on Endowment


Long History and Traditions


Price is too high for a group of professionals who could previously afford it









Breadth of Programming All-Boys

3 2

Must engage Old Boys better. US College feel should be goal for connectivity and giving back Some elements of our physical plant are ageing (Boarding/Science) Too much focus on certain sports teams. Sports School School is getting too big Ontario/Local Boarding School Mindset



Lack of (perceived) world class academic standards


Balanced Approach to Education Drama Technology Old Boys

Risk of imparting Old Boy Mentality to a generation that will not accept/tolerate it Lack of clear "customer" identification Lack of commitment by those who are passing through Not attracting Old Boys sons @ high rate

Grey = Checklist

4 2 2 2

Premium place and premium cost needs to offer premium everything…students, facilities, teaching Endowment needs to make sure that we can provide these things. Endowment is very weak by comparison to world-class schools. For Canada we might be fine, but we need to have a bigger goal How can SAC promote cross-cultural learning? Better bringing together of day and boarding students as life goal that starts here. Need to attract better international students by promoting ourselves more effectively. How does one get/gain/grow a reputation to achieve this? If we are going to move in this direction….we also need to have better boarding facilities Exchange program -- Term away to work and experience life/culture elsewhere Who values coming to Canada for a boarding education? Why Canada first, and then why SAC second. Once we begin to understand that, how can we market ourselves to these families better. Why Old boys don't send sons. Old Boy engagement is low, cost is high, options in Toronto, spouses concerns, and a lack of understanding that the school is potentially a dramatically different place from the one (the challenges) that they attended. Funding for Old Boys sons needs to be a priority Do we promote our Old Boys as World-class leaders enough? If we are a global, world-class leader, then we need to promote those people who have graduated from here and have gone on to achieve GREAT things. Most valuable skill that they wished they came out from their experiences at SAC was common sense. Life insurance, taxes, budgeting, rental contracts…

Multicultural composition of school

Lack of clarity on Grants/Bursaries available


Real lack of exposure to women

Commitment of people

Inaccessibility of certain marquee programs to new grade 11's

Clarity of Mission Leadership

Arts program

Old Boys -- Strengths Strength in specific programming (Robotics, McEwen) Opportunity to establish lifelong friendships/connections Caring Nurturing environment Andrean-centric experience before University

Old Boys -- Weaknesses

School supported too much sometimes and didn't let them fail or figure stuff out. Challenging balance there. Encourage the concept of boarding for day students. Big disconnect between day and boarding. Huge value in boarding for their future. Public speaking is absolutely critical for their jobs/careers and needs to be a point of emphasis for the School for young Andreans future. Make Public Speaking mandatory for all students. More focus on being innovative (beyond technology) as a skill for life. More interactions with girls and women. Acknowledged that this may have already changed, but they all recounted the one woman (or two) who worked here when they were here. Cultural intelligence is hugely important. Need to leverage all of the countries, customs, languages, and experiences of everyone who comes onto our campus to learn. Being more self-aware, but do feel the School is doing fine in this area, but it needs to continue to be a priority.

Strategic Priorities Are kids really becoming critical thinkers? Critical thinking will assist them in being global citizens for life. Gender piece is still more important than cultural Advancement priorities. SAC still doesn’t quite resonate with them. Sons still not coming in big enough numbers. We need to continue to remind them why SAC is amazing…and different from when they were here. Engagement must go to wives in a big way, and bring their parents and the parents pride in how SAC contributed to their success. Need to get Old Boys back on campus in more and different ways. Embedded video in Old Boys News specifically around boys and learning and experiences, as a means to advertise to Old Boys constituency groups. Not enough promotion to/of Old Boys about what we do here. Also celebrating Old Boys successes more. Teaching more entrepreneurship programs Too much engagement for money, rather than friend raising. Too much fund…not enough friend How can we use Old Boys more and promote that. Tuesday careers, McEwen Panel, Old Boys coaching…? Just because Class Ambassadors volunteer, doesn't mean that they are the best to be Ambassadors Chapel is about spirituality and values clarification. The space is very critical, the hymns are very important, and the order of events, but not necessarily a specific religious orientation. Multi-faith and commonality of religious ideals that we can exemplify in our world. Life Lessons. Hated at time, love it now. Chapel is best location, not assembly hall. Add International Academic opportunities Some sports are too elitist. Create greater balance. Keep Capstone progressing


Blue = Strategic

Focus Group Discussions

Staff Number of times referenced by participants


Number of times referenced by participants

Grey = Checklist

Strategic Priorities Discussion Summary - Tuition discount/remission for Staff. Why not? What are the implications for affordability. Do we need to focus on endowment? How do we increase support of Center for Learning and Teaching? There are significant challenges in communication between departments leading to challenges as a consequence of a more complex environment. How do we get more influential people in the world to send their kids to SAC? Create a long-term plan for hiring and retention of great people. How can staff contribute to an exciting new future?



Communication between people and departments is weak


Communication, Communication, Communication

People Positive, supportive community Traditions Reputation Strong Board and Administration Programs offered to students

8 7 4 2 2

Residences need upgrading School costs too much We are not able to accommodate all learning needs Excessive days missed from class travelling for sports Beginning to feel too big Accessibility issues in the school (handicap-Injured)

6 2 2

Residences need to upgraded In particular there are safety (water) and power/electricity issues Affordability for staff -- Why not same tuition remission as faculty Affordability in general - what are the implications for admissions generally Increase in scholarship and bursaries needed Too many Band-Aid solutions in maintenance, fix this temporarily when we should replace and do over. Greater support for Centre for Teaching and Learning and student needs Accessibility, as in wheelchair access is terrible A mechanism for greater dialogue between departments in Athletic Therapy, coaches, Health Centre Who is the go-to person for logistics and campus reporting‌who do they go to for information about daily operations? Jane? Operational concern about getting information

All-Boys Piping and cadets Advisors and Housemasters

Too busy Location in Aurora may limit appeal No place for students to "hang out"

Inclusive leadership

Too many/too large speedbumps

Location out of downtown

Need greater communication on term project between relevant departments Departmental isolation

We are a family/community who look after each other Accessibility of campus Athletics Arts Wide variety of opportunity -- potentially

Great position to improve with balanced leadership

Rental facilities over programming therefore difficult to manage Sometimes people are not always working together School has become too structured

Endowment Overspending? Do we need another 1 million dollar challenge How do we get more influential people in the world to send their boys to SAC, thus increasing the reputation Another boarding house? Should we not be going to Northern Canada for our service trip. Can we not find local charities to help? (then interjection with reality of work we do with Holiday Hero, YPI‌ are local) Greater dialogue between Health Centre, Athletic Therapy, Strength and Conditioning and Dining Hall on calories, nutrition, healthy eating/living (again communication model)

Safe and Clean Environment

Kids need more basic life skills -- Home economics, cooking, laundry, hygiene, home renovations, carpentry, basic financial planning, taxes (Taking advantage of skills from our staff) What is the long-term plan for hiring and retaining great people

Great health awareness for students and staff Unity and Loyalty of people

How do we change our marketing philosophy toward promoting SAC as a top educational facility Do we need an Operational management/communications person to manage the multitude of schedules and communication needed in a more complex organization

Well-rounded education

Staff - Strengths Access to resources

Staff -- Weaknesses

Strategic Priorities Focus on healthy, happy community as a priority In what further ways can our staff contribute to SAC's improvement?

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