SAC ARE Brochure

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The Andrean Residential Experience (ARE) program is a new and exciting initiative designed to provide day boys the opportunity to move into boarding for an affordable half year in grade 8 and/or a full year in grade 12.

Signing up for this program represents no risk to families. Any monies contributed will be fully refunded plus 1.25% should your son choose not to participate in the boarding program when the time comes. However, there is a cap of 25 students in any given grade who can enrol in the program, with a waitlist should any spaces become available.

The interaction between day and boarding students is mutually beneficial and a key differentiator in the Andrean experience. As a day student, your son’s time at SAC has been enhanced by our 24/7 mentality and the friendships he has developed with boys from around the world. The Residential Life Curriculum is a dynamic and enriching experience that creates powerful friendships, Trivia Night after evening study allows students to reap the benefits of studying and playing hard, develops important life skills like resiliency and time-management, and encourages students to explore a wide variety of leadership opportunities. For most students, boarding serves as an important social and emotional bridge to the next stop along their educational path, such as a move to Upper School or into university away from home.

”I really like seeing my teachers at night and getting extra help with my homework. My friends and I have fun after study.” – Sam Crowder, former day boy,

Visit for full program information, frequently asked questions, a detailed explanation of the financials, and a personal strategy calculator. Academic Resources

HOW TO ENROL HOW IT WORKS The ARE program will match your investment dollar-for-dollar from the time you enrol in the program through grade 11. Middle School families will be matched $2,000 per year while current Upper School families will be matched at $3,000 per annum. The money can be applied to a half year of boarding in grade 8 and/or a full year of boarding in grade 12. A $2,500 bonus will be awarded to Middle School families who opt to board their son for a half year in grade 8. This bonus will help kick-start the Upper School ARE savings plan. The family and the School will still be responsible for contributing the annual $2,000, bringing the total grade 8 contribution to $6,500 to be applied in grade 12.

current Middle School boarder

Within the online re-enrolment form you may indicate your desire to participate in the ARE program. After submitting your request, you will receive email confirmation as to whether you have been successfully enrolled or if you have been placed on the waitlist. The program is on a first come, first served basis. Should you wish to join the program after reenrolment closes, please contact the Admission Office directly.

“Boarding was so much more than we expected. We had concerns that the extra activities would cause Scott’s grades to suffer, but the result was quite the opposite. He thrived and learned to expect and give more of himself. We often commented how much he had grown and matured when he came home on weekends. For Scott, boarding truly solidified everything SAC had to offer.” – Lisa Gragtmans-Elliott,

mother of Scott Elliott ’14


Student Led Groups for peer-to-peer academic support

Dylan Smith has been a day boy for two years. In grade 7, Mr. and Mrs. Smith have decided to contribute to the ARE program. As Middle School parents, they will make a $2,000 annual contribution to their ARE savings account, which SAC will match. At re-enrolment, Mr. and Mrs. Smith decide that to prepare Dylan for Upper School, he will board for a half year in grade 8. The $4,000 currently saved in their ARE account will be used to offset the boarding fee. In grade 8, SAC provided the Smiths with a $2,500 bonus in addition to the $2,000 match, bringing their Upper School savings account to $6,500 in grade 8. When Dylan reaches grade 12, the Smiths will have $18,500 to offset their son’s final boarding year (4 years x ($2,000 + $2,000) + $2,500) = $18,500).

ENSURE YOUR SON IS READY The School offers a complimentary one-week boarding program for all day boys in grades 5-11 called the 5-Day Boarding Pass. Boys are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this offer to ensure they are well-suited to board in the ARE program. Information about this program is sent out every October, with weeks available from November through May. You can reserve your spot by contacting

This program is exclusively for Canadian, full-fee paying day students. International day students, all boarders, and any day families receiving financial aid are not eligible. Day boys who have won minimal entrance scholarships are eligible to participate in the program. Should you not qualify for the ARE program, but are still interested in boarding, please contact the Admission Office directly for assistance.

Residential Free Skate

”Boarding has been nothing but a pleasure. There are endless academic resources available that I didn’t have at home. I made a lot of friends. Boarding has been the best thing to happen to me during my time at St. Andrew’s and I feel it’s helping me achieve the School’s mission of becoming the complete man, the well-rounded citizen.” – Cooper Scullion-Smeenk,

former day boy, current Upper School boarder

The Andrean Residential Experience (ARE) program is a new and exciting initiative designed to provide day boys the opportunity to move into boarding for an affordable half year in grade 8 and/or a full year in grade 12.

Signing up for this program represents no risk to families. Any monies contributed will be fully refunded plus 1.25% should your son choose not to participate in the boarding program when the time comes. However, there is a cap of 25 students in any given grade who can enrol in the program, with a waitlist should any spaces become available.

The interaction between day and boarding students is mutually beneficial and a key differentiator in the Andrean experience. As a day student, your son’s time at SAC has been enhanced by our 24/7 mentality and the friendships he has developed with boys from around the world. The Residential Life Curriculum is a dynamic and enriching experience that creates powerful friendships, Trivia Night after evening study allows students to reap the benefits of studying and playing hard, develops important life skills like resiliency and time-management, and encourages students to explore a wide variety of leadership opportunities. For most students, boarding serves as an important social and emotional bridge to the next stop along their educational path, such as a move to Upper School or into university away from home.

”I really like seeing my teachers at night and getting extra help with my homework. My friends and I have fun after study.” – Sam Crowder, former day boy,

Visit for full program information, frequently asked questions, a detailed explanation of the financials, and a personal strategy calculator. Academic Resources

HOW TO ENROL HOW IT WORKS The ARE program will match your investment dollar-for-dollar from the time you enrol in the program through grade 11. Middle School families will be matched $2,000 per year while current Upper School families will be matched at $3,000 per annum. The money can be applied to a half year of boarding in grade 8 and/or a full year of boarding in grade 12. A $2,500 bonus will be awarded to Middle School families who opt to board their son for a half year in grade 8. This bonus will help kick-start the Upper School ARE savings plan. The family and the School will still be responsible for contributing the annual $2,000, bringing the total grade 8 contribution to $6,500 to be applied in grade 12.

current Middle School boarder

Within the online re-enrolment form you may indicate your desire to participate in the ARE program. After submitting your request, you will receive email confirmation as to whether you have been successfully enrolled or if you have been placed on the waitlist. The program is on a first come, first served basis. Should you wish to join the program after reenrolment closes, please contact the Admission Office directly.

“Boarding was so much more than we expected. We had concerns that the extra activities would cause Scott’s grades to suffer, but the result was quite the opposite. He thrived and learned to expect and give more of himself. We often commented how much he had grown and matured when he came home on weekends. For Scott, boarding truly solidified everything SAC had to offer.” – Lisa Gragtmans-Elliott,

mother of Scott Elliott ’14


Student Led Groups for peer-to-peer academic support

Dylan Smith has been a day boy for two years. In grade 7, Mr. and Mrs. Smith have decided to contribute to the ARE program. As Middle School parents, they will make a $2,000 annual contribution to their ARE savings account, which SAC will match. At re-enrolment, Mr. and Mrs. Smith decide that to prepare Dylan for Upper School, he will board for a half year in grade 8. The $4,000 currently saved in their ARE account will be used to offset the boarding fee. In grade 8, SAC provided the Smiths with a $2,500 bonus in addition to the $2,000 match, bringing their Upper School savings account to $6,500 in grade 8. When Dylan reaches grade 12, the Smiths will have $18,500 to offset their son’s final boarding year (4 years x ($2,000 + $2,000) + $2,500) = $18,500).

ENSURE YOUR SON IS READY The School offers a complimentary one-week boarding program for all day boys in grades 5-11 called the 5-Day Boarding Pass. Boys are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this offer to ensure they are well-suited to board in the ARE program. Information about this program is sent out every October, with weeks available from November through May. You can reserve your spot by contacting

This program is exclusively for Canadian, full-fee paying day students. International day students, all boarders, and any day families receiving financial aid are not eligible. Day boys who have won minimal entrance scholarships are eligible to participate in the program. Should you not qualify for the ARE program, but are still interested in boarding, please contact the Admission Office directly for assistance.

Residential Free Skate

”Boarding has been nothing but a pleasure. There are endless academic resources available that I didn’t have at home. I made a lot of friends. Boarding has been the best thing to happen to me during my time at St. Andrew’s and I feel it’s helping me achieve the School’s mission of becoming the complete man, the well-rounded citizen.” – Cooper Scullion-Smeenk,

former day boy, current Upper School boarder

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