The Keys, August 2013

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The Keys

August 2013

of St. Peter

No matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!

“The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest.” —Martin Luther

The Corner Office Musings by Mother Susan It is a great joy to me to be able to write to you as your Priest-in-Charge. This joy is a soul-deep recognition of the great privilege it is to be with you as your priest. St. Peter’s ministry to the community, the world and one another, for 150 years, stands as a remarkable testament to this congregation’s continuing efforts to make the kingdom of God a reality. For the last year or more, St. Peter’s has been in what is called a liminal place; a place between the ‘what was’ and the ‘yet to be.’ It is not unlike standing in a doorway. The great thing about liminal places is that they allow us to prepare to step into the next place. We are allowed the opportunity to consider where we have been and where we want to go. This is a luxury few companies or people allow themselves these days, which is not surprising. The time the process takes is just one issue, there is also the issue of how to find meaning and purpose in a multitude of conflicting information and ideas. The process often seems overwhelming and impossible. But it’s not hard to see how vital this process is to personal spiritual growth and to the search for a new priest. A strong, thriving ministry relies on carrying forward the wisdom and vital traditions of the past, the wisdom of the now, and allow all that to inform where we want to go and how we might best get there. That is the work we have all been doing – you more than me. The members of the Search Committee though, are especially equipped to assist us as we move forward because they were the people who went out and explored, investigated, interviewed and considered. They have looked at not only who we are as a congregation, but also considered other priests, and visited any number of other parishes. The information they have gathered will be invaluable to us we begin our journey together as a parish. To assist me in moving forward I am organizing a Transition Team–not a committee– whose sole purpose is to serve as a working group. They will focus on key activities 2

The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

to be accomplished between now and Christmas. I will use them as a sounding board as we move forward, but mainly they are to be very action oriented with glorious Christmas celebrations in a church that is inviting as our immediate goal. And so, we begin our journey together in the dog days of summer; a perfectly fine time to begin because the long, warm days are made for dreaming, planning, imagining and beginning. And dogs make excellent companions on journeys. Their devotion and love is legendary. The unconditional love a dog has for their people, a love that is often undeserved and is ours no matter how unkind, or thoughtless we have been, is exactly the kind of love God has for us. With much joy and excitement, I send you blessings, Susan+

A Dog Tale

Susan & Sophia (Angel is probably on Susan’s lap)

Brought to you by Mother Susan In honor of our beloved companions, here is one of my favorite stories about a dog: A member of the Episcopal church approached her priest and said, “Father, my dog died this morning and I want to know if you think it is all right to have a funeral for him. He was just like a member of the family.” The priest, somewhat taken aback by this strange request, said, “Yes, I suppose it would be appropriate. The grieving woman then asked, “Who shall I get to do the funeral?” Not at all pleased with the thought of having a funeral for a dog, the priest replied, “I am very busy for the next couple of days, why don’t you ask the Baptist minister. Perhaps he can help you.” “Thank you,” she replied, “how much should I pay him – would a $1,000 be enough?” The eyes of the priest lit up and he put his arm around the bereaved woman. “My dear woman, why didn’t you tell me it was an Episcopal dog?” August 2013


The Dog Days of August “Praise dogs from whom small blessings flow.” —The Dogsology In the cycle of the seasons Sirius, the brightest star, makes its first appearance during the hottest days of the summer. In Egypt this is just before the lower Nile begins to flood, so the ancient Egyptians called Sirius the “watchdog” star. The Romans called the hottest days of summer dies caniculares, the “dog days,” because Sirius shines in the constellation Canis Major, the Large Dog. In Rome the Dog Days ran from July 24 through August 24. The Dog Days worked their way into several versions of the Anglican liturgical calendar, though dates vary—the 1611 lectionary has them starting on July 6 and ending on September 7. But no matter whether you’re an Egyptian, a pagan, or a good Episcopalian—we’re all hot together when the Dog Days reach their peak in early August. The Dog Days are languid and sultry, with a bad reputation. During the Dog Days real dogs are at their laziest… dogs overheat in hot weather. On Wall Street the stock market is usually slow during the summer, so brokers think of the Dog Days as a time when poor stocks (the “dogs”) are the only ones moving. But the Dog Days also remind us of the wonderful, symbiotic relationship humans share with dogs. It’s common knowledge that the line dividing humans and canines is highly permeable. Many dogs come to believe that they’re human. We once knew two brothers who played an indoor game in which they raced from one rug to another without touching the floor. They came home one day to find the family dog playing the game all by itself, tearing through the house, bounding from rug to rug. They said it looked a little sheepish to be caught. There are countless other stories about dogs who think they’re human. One of our favorites is My Dog Skip, by Willie Morris, which was made into a movie in 1995. Skip was Morris’s Jack Russell terrier. He could play football (he held the ball in his teeth by the laces) and drive a car—he’d sit in Morris’s lap with his paws on the wheel while Morris hunched way down in the seat. This would get double-takes from pedestrians every time. It cuts both ways—there are humans who go to the dogs, so to speak. When people who don’t own dogs talk about people who do, they always say, “Why, soand-so treats that creature like it was his own child!”… as if that’s somehow a bad thing. 4

The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

We’ll acknowledge that it is vaguely absurd to see a grown human nose-to-nose with some poor pup, babbling, “Who’s the cutest widdle doggie in the world? Who’s my widdle ootsum-wootsums?” and so forth, especially if the dog holds still for it. But hey… it’s love, and love is good. Dogs return human love in countless ways. They’re trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, obedient, cheerful, brave, and playful, which are many of the qualities that we try to inspire in children (especially if they’re Scouts). Like kids, dogs are often happy to perform… although when you see an owner giving his dog a treat for shaking hands you have to wonder who’s trained whom. As we drift slowly through the Dog Days of August, 2013, let’s remember that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to find unalloyed pleasure: sometimes just a porch, a pooch, and a pitcher of something cool will do the trick. What a joy to sit back, relax, and watch the hot, weary world go by, next to a companion whose love is boundless and unconditional, and whose company is always a delight! This month we’re pleased to present a gallery of the finest dogs in all the land... each one more handsome than the next, and all of them remarkably intelligent. You could hang around the Westminster show for days and not find a better collection of outstanding canines. We’re glad this isn’t a contest… we’d hate to have to pick the best one. And anyway, you know which dog deserves the blue ribbon—it’s the one who lives at your house.

August 2013

Onyx, one of the Graham family’s dogs, knows how to beat the heat.


The Pooches of St. Peter’s

A few photos of our 4-legged parishioners

Levi Goulden’s best trick is is to run “zoomies” in a big field and run circles around you to herd you.

Gorgeous Fraser with two of her Goldendoodle puppies. Her best trick is asking for water by barking “Wah.”

Here’s Von Schenone, a Poochon (mostly miniature poodle, a bit Bischon) doing one of his circus tricks, “Spin.” Brisco Hardie’s idea of heaven is chewing sticks in the backyard.


Onyx and Sandy Graham on the road. Onyx’s trick is “being a challenge,” while Sandy enjoys “being almost perfect.” The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Leah Trei is very cuddly, especially with kids. She’s also great at killing rats.

Taz Fraser is a lively 13 year old loyal companion and bird hunter. She only wants to please and loves to be talked with about the day’s events.

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Calendar–Fall 2013 To give you some idea of what is planned for the Fall, we are publishing a ‘slender’ calendar; “slender” because it does not have every date or event. We are counting on you to assist us in making sure it gets filled out over the next few weeks so the next calendar we publish is hefty. August 25* Blessing the backpacks September 1 St. Peter’s Retreat – Bishop’s Ranch September 8* Homecoming - Jazz Mass September 15 September 22* September 29 Celebration of Our New Ministry October 6* Childrens’ Mass at 10:30 October 13 October 20* October 27 October 31 Thursday Halloween November 1 Childrens’ Mass at 10:30 November 2 Saturday Confirmation at Grace Cathedral All Soul’s Day November 3* November 10 November 17* November 24 November 28 Thanksgiving – Church will be open for personal prayers and thanksgivings December 1 First Advent Christmas Pageant Rehearsals December 8 Christmas Pageant Rehearsals December 15 Christmas Pageant Rehearsals December 22 Christmas Pageant during 10:30 service December 24 Christmas Eve Services December 25 Christmas Service? December 29 *Youth Group at 6pm August 2013



With the call of Mother Susan as our new Priest in Charge (Hooray!), the decision was made to appoint a transition team to work with her to see that key priorities are addressed as she moves in to her new role. At the top of the draft list of priorities is “Improve the quality of our Sunday Service.” As an interesting coincidence, we got on the subject of our Sunday Service during one of our recent Sunday Bible Studies and we came up with a couple of points that we could all practice to improve the experience for everyone, especially newcomers. The first idea was to do a better job of respecting the desire of many worshipers to have a few moments of quiet prayer before the start of the service. Growing up in the Episcopal Church, we were always taught to enter the church quietly and reverently, to bow to the altar as we entered our pew and then to kneel or sit quietly for a few moments, thanking God for bringing us there and asking that the next hour would be one of spiritual enrichment. At St. Peter’s, however, we often arrive at church excited to find friends already there and anxious to greet them. This is great for us but it can prove a disruption for those around us who may wish to savor that quiet moment before the service. It may also be off-putting for visitors who are excluded from the greeting. Thus the recommendation is that we greet our friends quietly, saving any extended discussion for the coffee hour. If we need to have an extended conversation with someone, we can ask them to accompany us outside for the purpose. On a related note, when we come to the passing of the Peace, we also tend to get rather exuberant. Again, this is a great thing and shows what a wonderful and loving community we have. At the same time we sometimes get carried away, beginning our coffee hour discussions a bit early. We need to remember that the purpose of this greeting is to offer up a bit of the peace of Christ with which we have been blessed to those around us. This exchange can be done best with a smile and a hug or a warm handshake without further discussion. If we work at trying to feel the peace flowing between us, the experience will be far more 8

The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

meaningful. In addition, visitors and newcomers will get a better feel for the love and warmth that define our community. I cherish the wonderful informality of our Sunday Eucharist. It would be a shame to lose that style. However, I believe that we can maintain that style while endeavoring to respect the sanctity of what we are about and ensuring that all have the peace and privacy to worship in their own way.

Dn. Skip

August 2013


Kid Stuff

More activities than you can shake a ruler at! We tugged on Cari Pang Chen’s sleeve at coffee hour last week and asked her what the children are up to. Here’s what she told us… Thank you to Mary Lyn Azar for her tireless leadership and organization of the Godly Play and youth activities at St. Peter’s over the last 10+ years. Mary Lyn has asked me to step in to take more of a lead with Godly Play activities for the rest of the summer and as we plan activities for the 2013-2014 year, so I have summarized the key activities below and look forward to more input during our Godly Play planning session on August 4. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments at 650 274-8643 (cell) or Upcoming Youth Activities - Save these Dates! August 4: 1st Sunday Family Service & Coffee Hour Planning Session for Godly Play. Mother Susan will lead the service on this day and we would like to have the families meet during coffee hour to discuss plans for Godly Play and the youth program. August 11: Summer of Service - Backpack & School Supply Collection/Sorting. The youth of St. Peter’s will again be collecting backpacks, supplies, and uniforms for students in Redwood City. We hope to organize what’s been collected so far on this date so we can see what else needs to be purchased. Gift cards will be welcomed as well, to purchase any additional supplies needed. New or excellent condition used books appropriate for children grades K-3 will be collected. Pease, no religious, health, and hygiene or other books of a private nature. Leveled readers and bilingual (English/Spanish) books are particularly appreciated. Books will be donated to a local public school in need at the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition Gathering on August 25 (see below). August 18: Altar Guild & Godly Play. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the youth to learn more about the altar guild and vestments at St. Peter’s in a fun and hands-on way in the chapel. All are welcome.


The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

August 25: Summer of Service - Blessing of the Backpacks (NOTE: Change in schedule from August 18). We will finish the backpack project, and the youth (and all educators and staff going back to school) will be encouraged to bring their backpacks for St. Peter’s annual “Blessing of the Backpacks” with Mother Susan. August 25: 4:00 – 7:00 PM. Peninsula Multifaith Coalition Family Gathering at Beresford Park in San Mateo. This is a fun potluck event that will include a book drive for a local public school. August 30-September 2: St. Peter’s Annual Family Retreat at Bishop’s Ranch in Healdsburg, CA. More details to come - hope to see you all there! In September Godly Play will return to its regular schedule on the second, third, and fourth Sundays of the month.

August 2013


From the Vestry Good news… and a joyful letter from the senior warden The Vestry held a special meeting on Monday, July 8 and its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 10. The only agenda item worth noting at either meeting was completion of discernment and selection of a new rector for St. Peter’s. After long and careful deliberation, and with great joy, the Vestry asked Reverend Susan Parsons to serve as our priest in charge. As if you hadn’t heard! The Vestry’s decision followed comprehensive, overwhelmingly generous, and carefully directed labor by the Search Committee. It’s impossible to imagine how their efforts could have been conducted with more care or commitment. Having worked tirelessly to keep the Vestry on track throughout discernment and deliberations, Senior Warden Mary Esther Schnaubelt sent the following letter to the parish on July 17: “Dear People of St. Peter’s, “I am writing to give you an update on our search for a new Rector. After much prayerful consideration the Vestry has decided to call the Reverend Susan Parsons, our current Interim Rector, to serve as Priest in Charge. We are excited by the possibilities of this new position for her and the gifts that she will bring to our congregation. “The time in which Susan is serving in this role is a period of mutual discernment for both the congregation and for Susan. We will look to all of your to help and support her as we continue on this journey together. “We anticipate that this period will last for 8-10 months, at the end of which we will have the opportunity to call Susan as our permanent Rector or to re-open the search. “We greatly appreciate the work of the Search Committee in bringing us to this point in our journey. They did an excellent job and their work has been an important and fruitful part of our life together. I know I speak for the entire Vestry when I say how grateful we are and how impressed we have been with their diligence and quality of work… “Peace, “Mary Esther” The next scheduled Vestry meeting is on August 14. In the meantime questions and comments can be directed to any member of the Vestry. 12

The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

August 2013


Retreat to Healdsburg Once again, we are off to Bishop’s Ranch over the Labor Day Weekend for the annual St. Peter’s Parish Retreat. For those of you who have never been to the Ranch; it is located just outside Healdsburg, and set in a beautiful valley in the midst of some of the best vineyards in the world. It is a spectacular place, with activities for everyone both on the ranch itself and in the surrounding area. Hiking, swimming in the Ranch’s new pool, wine tasting and shopping are some favorites, but the Ranch is also a profoundly spiritual place with space for quiet, reading, meditation and art. There is truly something for everyone. Our weekend together goes from Friday evening to Monday morning and the cost (see below) includes accommodations and all meals. Bishop’s Ranch prides itself in cooking fabulous-tasting food that is, as much as possible, organic, and locally grown. This is not your cardboard health food. And the kitchen happily cooks for people who have special dietary needs. As usual, there will be a loose schedule of activities - including a Church Service with communion, a campfire with s’mores, art activities for youths and adults in the art room, a ‘refreshing beverages’ party late Saturday afternoon and possibly square dancing – but all activities are optional. The only requirement is for people to relax, get to know one another better and enjoy one another’s company. We will once again be sharing the Ranch with our neighbor church, Epiphany. The Sunday readings for the weekend this year are all about hospitality, and it seemed appropriate to work that theme into the weekend. The focus will be on ‘entertaining angels.’ For reservations or more information, contact Mother Susan or Denise at 650 367-0777. Description Double occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s) Standard occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s) Standard occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s)–Youth Standard occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s)–Child Dorm occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s) Dorm occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s)–Youth Dorm occupancy; 2 night(s); 6 meal(s)–Child Double occupancy; 3 night(s); 7 meal(s) Standard occupancy; 3 night(s); 7 meal(s) Standard occupancy; 3 night(s); 7 meal(s)–Youth Standard occupancy; 3 night(s); 7 meal(s)–Child Dorm occupancy; 3 night(s); 7 meal(s) 14

Rate per person $221.00 $202.00 $136.00 $101.50 $185.00 $124.00 $93.00 $292.00 $266.00 $178.00 $133.00 $241.00 The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Explanation of Occupancy Rates Dorm: 5-8 people per cottage (St. Stephenʼs Youth Village) Standard: 3-4 people per room or cottage (Ranch House, Harrison House, or Youth Village) Standard Rate applies to all people staying in Ranch House only if there are 28 or more. Double: 2 people per room or cottage (Webb Lodge or any other building) Single: 1 person per room (Webb Lodge or any other building)

Noted in Brief The Liturgical Juggle

Many hilarious cartoons have been drawn which picture parishioners navigating a liturgical worship service. The congregation gamely uses the bulletin as a kind of treasure map which points to the hymnal, the prayer book, or the weekly Psalm and Scripture inserts. At the least, this challenge is distracting to regular congregants and potentially a deal-breaker to a new parishioner. In the coming months, St. Peter’s will experiment with placing more of the liturgy in the service leaflet. This may include hymns and responses, as well as portions of the liturgy itself. We will try balance having “everything” in one document with common sense about what is truly needed for confusion-free worship. This approach will be considerate of the environment, as well as aware of how even the smallest thing can impede the Spirit. As always, your feedback will be welcomed.

Peet’s for St. Pete’s

Our monthly coffee sponsorship program is running full steam ahead! Many thanks to Kathryn Marconi for her sponsorship of Peet’s Coffee for August; lift your cup to her at coffee hour! If you would like to sponsor a month, please write

Memorial for Fran Guida

Fran Guida, our beloved friend and fellow parishioner, passed away on June 13, 2013. Fran’s memorial service will be held on Saturday, August 3, at 4:00 PM in the church, with a reception in the Parish Hall following the service. In lieu of flowers, Fran requested donations to St. Peter’s Entertaining Angels Fund, Planned Parenthood, Friends of San Carlos Library, the Foundation for Fighting Blindness, or the charity of one’s choice. August 2013


Baton Notes –James Sharpe

Choir Is Back In August – It is with joy that I share that many of our choir members miss singing on these two Sundays each month. So, bowing to popular demand, our choir returns to worship in August on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. This means that you have, individually or as a family, the opportunity to join others at 9:00 am on Sunday, learn an anthem, and then share it with the congregation during worship. This is a “heart-felt” experience, and one which will keep you humming a tune for the next week. All are welcome, young people and their parents. If you need more encouragement, or want to be added to the choir email list, please call me at 415.883.1696 or send a note to And, if you know someone who needs to be asked, let me know.

Coming Soon, Welcome Back Sunday, September 8th – A special worship service is planned for the second Sunday in September. At the least, it will include a special anthem, “Every Time I Feel The Spirit,” which we sang on Pentecost Sunday. It will be a great way to begin our fall schedule! Please plan to be in worship!


The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Finding Your Way Are you looking for a new way to get connected or help out at St. Peter’s? Wondering what your ministry might be within our community? There may be more going on than you realize and more chances to get involved that you know. Think about one of these ministries and if something interests you, get in touch with the contact person listed below. • Choir—contact James Sharpe at • Parish Governance (Vestry, Deanery, Finance or Buildings & Grounds)— Sr. Warden Mary Esther Schnaubelt at • Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes and Lay Readers—contact Sue Walker at • Godly Play (Sunday School)—contact Cari Chen at • Altar Guild—contact Barbara Naas at • S.P.Y. (Youth Group)—contact Susan at • Hopkins Manor Nursing Home Ministry—contact Deacon Skip Bushee at • Maple Street Shelter Ministry—contact Pat McCarty at • ECW (Episcopal Church Women)—Su Boocock (650) 591-9395 or Kathryn Marconi (650) 365-8861 • W.O.W. (Women of Wisdom)—Lori Castellucci at • Crafty Ladies (ECW)—contact Midge Bobel at (650) 364-0195 • Brotherhood (Men’s Group)—contact JD Davidson at Of course, if you have an interest in starting a fellowship group or ministry at St. Peter’s, don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Vestry so we can assist and support you in that effort. August 2013


Rites of Passage August Birthdays

August Anniversaries

Thane Graham ���������������������������������������� 8/5 Nancy Tovar ��������������������������������������������� 8/6 Kathleen Palmer ������������������������������������� 8/9 Michael Sholes ��������������������������������������8/10 Cynthia Phan �����������������������������������������8/11 Gene Hoffman ��������������������������������������8/14 Eleanor Hiles �����������������������������������������8/18 Sydney Essenburg ���������������������������������8/18 Alejandro Mejia �������������������������������������8/22 Heather Hoffman ���������������������������������8/22 Paul Schaefer �����������������������������������������8/24 Mary Wolf ����������������������������������������������8/25 Kathryn Marconi ����������������������������������8/29 Katie Redman ����������������������������������������8/29

Court & Julie McKean ����������������������������� 8/5 Peter & Neva Hutchinson ���������������������� 8/4 Mary & Phil Wolf ������������������������������������ 8/17 Denise Delaney & Bill Barton �������������� 8/23

“In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.” — W.H. Auden

“My girlfriend bought me a collared shirt for my birthday, mainly so I don’t get too far ahead of her when she takes me for a walk.” — Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not for Sale 18

Please contact the church office to make sure we have YOUR birthday or anniversary date to celebrate. The Keys, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Meadowlark Retreat: September 27 – 29, 2013 For mothers grieving the loss of a child

Meadowlark Retreat is for mothers grieving the loss of a child. It provides a safe setting and extended time of healing—time to share stories and feelings with others who have experienced the same kind of loss. Professionally staffed and facilitated, the retreat is held in a private home with gardens and space to reflect, walk, and rest. Its seven attendees are offered community, compassion, understanding, and tender loving care. Powerful healing can emerge. Here is what some mothers have said…. “To simply say ‘Thank You’ would never come close to the overwhelming gratitude I have…” “Being with other mothers who have experienced the same loss was an incredible experience…” About two-thirds of the retreat’s costs are underwritten by the Tim Griffith Foundation. Participants’ share is $450 per person, with sponsorships available for those who may need additional assistance. Contacts: Stacey Redman (President, Tim Griffith Foundation) 650 483-9912 Leslie Chin (Facilitator, Meadowlark Retreat).

The Next Page The Keys is a monthly newsletter for all members and friends of St. Peter’s. And all members and friends are welcome to submit articles for it. You might be a member of a group in the church that would like to invite more people to a gathering you are having. Or, you might be someone who has just read an interesting book and want to share your thoughts about it. The parish staff does reserve the right not to publish something if it is, for some reason, deemed inappropriate. But, we do publish most articles that are submitted. If you have questions about your submission for the Keys, please contact Peter Hutchinson at August 2013


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 
 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 178 Clinton Street 178 Clinton Street Redwood City, 94062 Redwood City, CACA 94062

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St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Worship Schedule:

Holy Eucharist: Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays 12 Noon in the Chapel


Worship Schedule: Holy Eucharist: Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.

The Rev. Marc Andrus
 Bishop of the Diocese of California The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus Bishop of the Diocese of California The Vestry: Mr. Steven Azar Clergy & Lay Staff: The Rev. Susan D. Parsons, Priest in ChargeMs. Adina Badia The Rev. Skip Bushee, Deacon Mr. James A. Sharpe, Music Minister Ms. Denise Delaney, Parish Administrator Mr. Marco Picon, Sexton & Facilities Manager

Officers of St. Peter’s: Ms. Mary Esther Schnaubelt, Senior Warden Mr. Darryl Race, Junior Warden Mr. John Lessar, Treasurer Mr. Peter Hutchinson, Clerk of the Vestry

The Vestry:

Mr. Steven Azar Mr. Ted Hardie Ms. Adina Badia Ms. Lori Castellucci Mr. Dave Householder Mr. Dave Householder Mr. Peter Hutchinson Mr. Peter Hutchinson Mr. Arthur Lloyd Ms. Susan Mitchell Ms. Nancy Oliver Ms. Nancy Oliver Ms. Mary Esther Schnaubelt Mr. Darryl Race Mr. Scott Turner Ms. Mary Esther Schnaubelt

The Keys is published monthly for members and friends of St. Peter’s Episcopal The Keys is published monthly members and be friends of St. Episcopal Church. News items Church.for News items may emailed toPeter’s Next deadline: th Keys online at August 26th; pictures welcome! You can find The may be emailed to Next deadline: November 5 – pictures welcome! and

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