Agnes nutshell eh m8

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See ( for) yourself.

…the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each for the profit of all. –1 CORINTHIANS 12:7

We are not just one. We are many. We are the truthful, passionate, daring, joyous, and dedicated students of St. Agnes Academy! – CL A SS OF 2013

At St. Agnes Academy, we are

SISTERS EACH A St. Agnes girl knows she’s singular. She has her own style, her own perspective, her own talents. She’s a go-getter. She decides. She’s responsible. She’s confident. And when she’s unsure? She’s courageous. She delights in new experiences. She follows her gut, voices her vision, hones her skills. She knows that nothing worth doing is easy, and for her, doing nothing would never be an option.

We don’t just believe it;

INSPIRING ALL A sister knows we’re all in this together. She loves selflessly, shares generously, stands up courageously. She’s not just living for herself. She seeks meaning, connection, a sense of higher purpose. She challenges others as bravely as she takes up a challenge. She makes sacrifices. She inspires. She knows that one strong voice can get attention—and many voices together can change the world.

we see (to) it.



THE BEST FROM HERSELF At St. Agnes, we set high expectations for each student and inspire her to meet and exceed them every day. Putting forth her best effort becomes a matter of habit. Soon, she’s setting her own high mark—challenging herself to question deeper, to work harder, to push beyond what she thought possible.

THE BEST IN OTHERS As each girl is inspired, she also becomes an inspiration to others. Here, every personal success is an opportunity to teach, challenge, encourage, and celebrate one other. Ask any student from St. Agnes, and she’ll likely tell you, her greatest personal achievements arise from collaboration and engagement.

You have to experience it to understand how amazing it is to be here, surrounded every day by girls that are so intelligent and interested in learning new things. –STUDENT

EACH SEEKS HER OWN TRUTH Every St. Agnes student explores the world from a unique perspective—her own. Each one brings fresh insight to a text, painting, theory, or experiment. And we value and respect her position, helping her not only to seek and find her own truth, but to express it with confidence.

ALL FIND WISDOM BEYOND THEMSELVES We are on this journey together. And that means that every St. Agnes student learns not only to respect the perspectives of others, but also to reconsider, reflect, expand her view. At St. Agnes, students learn to listen to each other and, through each other, to find a higher shared truth.

St. Agnes taught me to live truth. To live true to myself, true to my desires, true to my wishes, and true to others, and then, to respect their truths. –ALUMNA

EACH ASSERTS HER OWN STYLE Whether through a physics experiment or a pair of socks, our students openly express themselves. Here at St. Agnes, we acknowledge each girl as vividly, unapologetically individual— blessed with distinctive talents, interests, and aspirations. Not only do we encourage her to show it, we teach her how to own it.

Our students say things like, “You’re so different from me how to celebrate their differences. – FACULT Y MEMBER

ALL INVITE THE PERSPECTIVES OF OTHERS Having a confident voice of one’s own at St. Agnes doesn’t mean just going your own way. Our students’ varied perspectives spark lively classroom debate. They turn a good first draft into a great final paper. They turn an interesting theory into a collaborative project.

and I find that curious and interesting and wonderful.” They know

EACH EXPRESSES HER OWN BELIEFS Whether they’re Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist, we embolden our girls to discover their spirituality, not only to question through intellect but also to uphold in faith. In this safe, welcoming community, students begin courageously and proudly to fully inhabit their beliefs.

ALL MANIFEST OUR SHARED VALUES Our students learn to demonstrate what they experience here—God’s love. They serve in places where disaster and despair have struck, yes. But they also minister every day wherever they are—bravely, humbly, adamantly standing up for what’s right.

“Dominican” here isn’t about articulating beliefs, it’s about living them every single day. It’s not explaining it to someone, it’s showing them what it looks like. – CURRENT PARENT

EACH PROVES THE POWER OF A SINGLE VOICE At St. Agnes, we prompt our students to advocate for themselves in every situation: when she doesn’t understand something, we urge her to see why, when conflicts arise, we ask her to confidently present her side, each day and in her future—she learns to take charge.

ALL PROCLAIM THE POWER OF A SHARED MESSAGE When many powerful voices unite, change happens. Our students and alumnae prove this truth. We address controversial issues with love, instigate new projects to benefit our neighborhood, show integrity and grace in competition. Together, we preach our bold message wherever we go.

You can spot our girls from a mile away. They’re the ones speaking their minds, living their lives with purpose, conducting themselves with poise and integrity. – PARENT OF ALUMNA

EACH DISCOVERS THE IMPORTANCE OF FUN As hard as our students work, we make sure we also take time as a community to let go, laugh, and play: coed dances, spirit days, game nights. Having fun together rejuvenates our spirits, exercises our bodies, and reinvigorates our minds, so we take it pretty seriously.

My students have given me an appreciation for life itself.

ALL SHARE AN IRREPRESSIBLE ZEST FOR LIFE A mind well-stocked with knowledge, a heart filled with compassion, a spirit alight with inspiration—together they lead to a life of purpose, meaning, and, just as importantly, great joy. This kind of joy runs deep in the St. Agnes community. And it’s contagious.


EACH HONES HER SELF-COMPOSED VISION There’s a place and person for every passion at St. Agnes: geology, robotics, photography, ancient history—our curiosity-driven teachers guide students in finding and practicing their God-given gifts, channeling that initial intrigue into focused ambition.

ALL OWN THEIR PURPOSE-FILLED FUTURES From day one, students begin connecting what fascinates them with what motivates them, what they enjoy with how they can use it, where their talents lie with how to achieve their dreams. This is so much more than college preparation. It’s the beginning of all that comes next.

I know I’m not the only person on this planet. I know I’m called to help others and to make a difference beyond this school and beyond Houston. –STUDENT

Our teachers want us to go out and make a difference. To change the world. To set it on fire.



DISCOVERS HER LARGER-THAN-(HER-OWN-)LIFE PURPOSE—AND LIVES IT. As teachers, coaches, parents, and friends— we see every St. Agnes girl as an invaluable, singular member of our encouraging and supportive community. We challenge each one to claim her God-given gifts, to develop her unique voice and her bold message for the world.

Go beyond the confines of what is humanly possible and create a world of brothers and sisters! – POPE FR ANCIS

AT ST. AGNES ACADEMY, young women forge the courage to challenge the status quo, boldly transforming the world and inspiring others to do the same. We see (to) it every day. Want to learn more about St. Agnes Academy? See (more) for yourself at


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