1965 Petrean

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President, John Caravello and Vice President, Stan Wasowski.

. . . experiment with . .

. other worlds.

Er, Steve, I think you’re electrocuting yourself.

Again under the guiding hand of Mr. McCaffery, the Prep hams continued in the fascinating hobby of amateur radio. With his assistance, more Prepsters this year obtained their amateur radio licenses, and now are able to operate the Prep radio sta­ tion, under the call sign of K20QJ. The members this year assembled a new rig, and also completed many new improve­ ments, such as the finishing touches on a new instrument panel. This year Mr. McCaffery s amateurs, besides contacting almost every state, reached such far-away places as Germany, Russia, and England. Ron Graziano and Bob Frees "work* some other hams.

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