Caunton, Wellow and Egmanton Focus November 2012

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Focus Keeping in touch with residents and supporters across our local villages

Lab 265

The latest local news:

Tories HGV Promise Failure Conservatives again fail to meet election promise

Lorries continue to Endanger Villages More and more residents are contacting Peter Harris and the Lib Dem team on a daily basis to say that Lorries and speeding vehicles are making the village dangerous and noisy, with one resident nearly getting knocked over by an European Lorry.

The Broken Promise In 2009 the Conservtive Councillor promised to restrict HGV’s from travelling through our villages thanks to pressure from Peter Harris and the local Lib Dem team. 3 years later the Conservatives have failed to make any significant difference.

Making a difference in our village



Peter Harris and the local Lib Dem Focus team will fight to ensure our villages are safe from HGV nuisance and continue to hold the Conservatives to account for broken election promises.

Latest on our LOCAL NHS Service campaign

Peter Harris lives in the County Council division our village sits in, unlike the Conservative Councillor. Peter understands the local issues our village faces on a daily basis.

Plus Peter Harris’ fight to save the village bus service and prevent flooding

Printed,Published and promoted . Gunton-day on behalf of P.Harris (Lib Dems) all at 14 Hillside Drive, Southwell, Notts NG25 0JZ.

Our Local NHS With Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [being found in serious financial difficulties and Newark Hospital only running at 55% capacity Peter Harris and the Lib Dem team are working hard to save local NHS Services for residents. Peter Harris and the local Lib Dem team will not be a quiet voice. They will stand up and make sure the new hospital bosses understand the importance of keeping services local and find new ways of bring money back to our local hospitals not taking them away. I In other NHS news the Ambulance Trust are currently consulting on where to base their response teams for our area. If you have any suggestions please get in touch with me.

Got a storyfor us to include in the next issue of Focus? Call (01636) 816000 or email

FOCUS on: our Village Bus campaign In our last Focus we told you that earlier in the year Conservitive run County Council ‘consulted’ on changes to bus services but failed to report back leaving many village residents and vulnerable people stranded without accessible transport. In villages like Norwell and Norwell Woodhouse a bus can only be booked by phoning the day before on 01636 703813. The bus will not accept bookings on the day or at the weekend, so residents will have to book well in advance. The new timetable introduced has 8 services a day, Mon-Sat, between Ollerton and Newark, although one journey is school days only. Peter Harris and The local Lib Dem Team have asked Nottinghamshire County Council to report back to us on how the new service is used, and a review to be undertaken within six months to make sure that

the new ‘phoneabus’ system is working properly. Residents experiencing issues with the revised 32 route are asked to contact us using the information below and we will continue to meet with the bus providers and push for a more sensible to solution to this problem.

“Flooding is stressful and annoying. We have done all we can do as homeowners and just want the root Mrs Harrison, Newark problem fixed” Advertiser July 2012

Flooding in many of our villages is a big issue. It is a great cause of concern for many local residents. That is why Peter Harris and the local Lib Dem team are fighting to get real solutions to the problem as well as sustainable fixes. Peter Harris and the local Lib Dems have a simple plan to help

prevent flooding and the damage it causes: “We will close of flooded roads to through traffic” By closing off flooded roads to outside traffic the damage to properties created by bow waves will be significantly reduced. “We will hold accountable the relevant authorities” Homes remain at high risk due to blocked or damaged kerbside gullies. This is not acceptable. We pay one of the highest Council Taxes in the country - we deserve basic services to be done properly.

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