South Florida Parenting

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family  relationships things that need to get done. Chances are good that as you begin to feel more stressed, you also become a lot less attractive to your partner and a lot less fun to be with for your kids. Parenting takes patience, and you simply can’t be patient when you’re feeling like your love tank is running on fumes. So what can you do to make sure you keep your love tank full?

Make a list of the things you enjoy doing. These are things that are fun and make you feel happy, relaxed and renewed after doing them. Keep it simple. It may not be possible to go to spa every day, but you can lotion your body, make time for a Skype call with your girlfriend, or just sit for a few minutes and do nothing. (Moms know this can be a rare treat!) Try to avoid adding things to the list that you feel you “should do.� If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, then don’t add it to this list. Maybe there is another way to exercise that you enjoy more. Add that to the list instead.

Plan to do at least 2-3 things for yourself every day. If you followed the advice above to keep your ideas simple, this is absolutely do-able. Making yourself a nice lunch or taking yourself out to lunch doesn’t take a lot of money or time. Changing the polish on your fingernails, dancing while you listen to your favorite song or browsing through a magazine, doesn’t either. Schedule whatever it is you plan to do daily in your calendar. Set reminders that pop up on your phone or computer, and keep these self-care appointments the way you would keep any other important meeting. This is about you being the best you that you can be. It is important.

Lose the guilt. There is nothing selfish, unloving or inappropriate about taking good care of yourself. Your partner and kids want to see you happy. When you’re happy, you’re more attractive, more fun to be with, more relaxed and more yourself. That’s the you they love, so believe that they will support you in having time to

replenish your mind, body and spirit. Being a great woman, partner and mother takes work. And as with anything else of great value, you need to be taken care of. Your happiness is your responsibility, so on this Mother’s Day, put keeping your love tank at the top of your priority and gift list. You will be a much better partner, mother, co-worker and friend, and your partner, kids and everyone who loves and lives around you will thank you for it.

Gladys Diaz is a dating and relationship coach, author and speaker. She has written several ebooks with her business partner, Michelle Roza, including “30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU: A 30 Day Journey Toward Discovering Self- Love,� “Relationship FUNdamentals: How to Keep Your Relationship Exciting, Fulfilling, and Fun!� and “Dating FUN-damentals: How to Make Dating Exciting, Fulfilling, and Fun!� For more dating and relationship advice, or to schedule a complimentary Ready for Love Coaching Session with Gladys, visit

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