WeMerge Magazine Issue #1

Page 14

Digital Artist

WeMerge’d with a digital artist named Julio Salvat to find out more about the world of animation. We found that not only does working with animation have its long hours, but also that animators like Julio are creators of life. He first comes up with the names and emotions for his characters. Then he designs them - everything from clothes to facial features. He digitally rigs his characters with bones, which allows him to pupeteer their movements. He becomes an actor, director, and storyteller at the click of a mouse, creating stunning and compelling animations. “Creativity is the root to all greatness” - Julio Salvat

Short Story the crow

Heavenly seemed the dark bird that perched on top of the tall trees behind the boy’s house. Each day this crow would come sit and watch the boy play by a small pond with paper boats he would create, as the boy was already a master of origami. The crow would watch as the boy would sink the boats with stones that surrounded the muddy waters, perhaps imagining a naval battle at his whim. The boy always noticed the bird, who to others seemed sort of frightening. His cackles would stir anger and frustration to the neighbors. At times some of them would come out and throw stones at the bird, watching it jump and fly on, only coming back when the boy was near. “Why do you come, crow? My neighbors hate you and there is no reason for you to come here.” The bird squawked once more as if to respond to the boy’s inquiry. But no sense was made of the strange noises created by this fowl’s voicebox. Days and nights passed and the crow still came back each day to watch this boy play by his pond, his usual game of “sink the battleship.” This time the boy decided to create a big splash and pick up the biggest stone he could find. Heavy as his heart this stone was, but the boy was not about to give up. He lifted the stone up over his head attempting to throw it to the center of the pond where his enemy target floated patiently to be destroyed. His fingers could not grip the stone firmly enough

12Support the scene or there will be no scene to support

and the boulder fell, landing on his head, and the boy fell face first into the filthy pond. The crow began to scream with all its might. Flapping its wings, it howled and screamed, until once again neighbors rushed out with such anger that this time, they came armed with more than just sticks or stones but with a large BB gun rifle. Without any hesitation the neighbor shot the crow across the chest. Blood gushed out, rendering the crow dead, but as if a final gesture of kinship for this little boy, he landed in the middle of the pond, giving a direction of sight for its murderers to be aware of its warnings. And so this crow, labeled a pest, served its purpose in this universe. Never given credit for his role in this boy’s life. Yet he still remained in the heart of him, even after he became a man, realizing the sanctity of life and all the vessels that carry it.

Do you know of an artist that needs more exposure? Maybe someone who just doesn’t know where to begin? Maybe you are the artist and just never knew it. Contact us today to submit your work for possible inclusion in the next issue of WEMERGE MAGAZINE. Contact us today at Info@WeMergeMag.com or www.MySpace.com/WeMerge www.WeMergeMag.com

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