3 minute read

Praise for Gabrielle Hartley

The Secret to Getting Along

“A very thoughtful, practical, and upbeat book! There are many tips and tools you can learn to apply to any relationship or friendship. By starting with self-awareness, the author brings greater clarity to our own part in relationships conflicts. We are often part of the problem and changing our own approach is so much easier than trying to change the other person (which never works). If you like steps and lists for self-improvement, you will find that Hartley’s 3-step method is easy and rewarding to apply.”

—Bill Eddy, author of It’s All Your Fault: 12 Tips for Managing People Who Blame Others for Everything and Chief Innovation Officer of High Conflict Institute

“The Secret to Getting Along (And Why it’s Easier Than You Think) is a wise and engaging book that should be required reading for anyone in any kind of relationship. All relationships have conflict, but fights and disputes don’t have to tear friends apart. Hartley shares practical tips for how to manage and resolve conflicts in a healthy way so that bonds are strengthened rather than frayed.”

—Emily Esfahani Smith, author of The Power of Meaning

“There are several gems in this book, but what stands out the most is Gabrielle’s focus on the need for self-awareness—becoming more capable of recognizing the impact of our actions on others. It is clear that not being aware is a major source of conflict and by holding a mirror up to ourselves, we not only improve our capacity to manage conflict, but puts us on a path to our own growth and development.

—Donna Hicks, PhD, author of Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict

“Gabrielle Hartley’s new book is a smart, instructive, and engaging guide for anyone who is ready to start addressing conflict in their relationships with a holistic approach. It’s easy and habitual for people to point fingers and place blame without pausing to consider a more nuanced 360-degree approach that takes the other side’s point of view into consideration. Gabrielle’s conversational style of writing make reading this book feel more like chatting with a good friend; she lit up my brain with ideas about how I can be working to reduce strife to make my relationships more harmonious and meaningful. Whether you’re trying to improve your marriage or address issues more peaceably with an ex or friends or family, this book has invaluable advice.”

—Laura Friedman Williams, author of Available: A Very Honest Account of Life After Divorce

“The Secret to Getting Along is a smart, comprehensive, user-friendly guide for navigating conflict to enjoy healthy relationships with not only other people, but also ourselves. Hartley gives us specific, timetested tools and insights, culled from her deep experience as a professional mediator, that allow us to make good choices in service of both our own sanity and in keeping the people who matter in our lives, even when we disagree. I can’t recommend this book enough, especially in these conflict-riddled times, when our impulses are to either argue with or walk away from those who don’t share our beliefs. Chock full of stories, exercises, and useful details, it’s a great read!”

—Jill Sherer Murray, award-winning journalist and author of Big Wild Love: The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go

“I wish everyone would read this book before they come into my office. I often see people giving up on relationships because of a conflict they just couldn’t resolve. The Secret to Getting Along (And Why it’s Easier Than You Think) offers step-by-step tools to manage conflict and move through it so you can actually have greater connection. The goal is not to win but to feel seen and heard. Gabrielle has done it again with another pivotal book.”

—Elizabeth Cohen, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Light at the Other Side of Divorce

“It really is easier than you think to avoid conflict and get along better. In this book, Gabrielle Hartley shows you how.”

—Lisa Zeiderman,Esq. Managing Partner of Miller Zeiderman LLP

“Conflict is bound to happen but Gabrielle’s method provides real, actionable tips for how to avoid it and to keep your team working together and truly getting along”

—David Duncan, President and CEO, First Hospitality

“Reading this book will change everything you thought you knew about conflict resolution and how to actually get along better.”

—Natasha Sizlo, author All Signs Point To: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Paris

“Gabrielle Hartley’s approach to conflict resolution is simple, effective, and potentially life-changing. A must-read in this world that feels increasingly at odds!”

—Susan Guthrie, Esq, co-founder and CEO, Mosten Guthrie Academy