Soul Purpose: A Brief Overview

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SOUL A brief overview

We want to bring you joy. It’s our Soul Purpose.




- Extra Money / Right now income

- Pay / save for child’s college education - Have more money than month??? - Get out of debt - Take REAL vacations - Charitable giving - Home-based business tax benefits


Through the development and marketing of highly differentiated, natural and botanically based beauty and wellness products; Soul Purpose is dedicated to providing entrepreneurial opportunities and resources to EMPOWER ALL people (with a focus on African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American women). Our goal is to help entrepreneurs launch and sustain viable socially-responsible businesses that will create wealth, stimulate growth and revitalize minority and other communities across the country and globally.


As a socially-responsible direct selling company, Soul Purpose will redefine empowerment in support of fulfilling individual purpose and vision through the marketing of exquisite, quality products illuminating body, beauty, style and spirit one person at a time. Soul Purpose offers high quality, nature-based treatments for everyday bath and beauty care, aromatherapy preparations, home accents and motivational products. The Soul Purpose Lifestyle Collection is the collaboration of an international network of product developers, perfumers, herbalists, musicians, graphic designers and writers There will also be a collaboration with women’s cooperatives in Northern Ghana to provide wild crafted shea butter and honey for use in the new product line as well as cooperatives in India and Vietnam.

The Nsoromma Within the lives of the vision for the Nsoromma foundation which literally means children of the heavens or stars calling us to remember that we are all equal under heaven. We embody this concept by caring for those often overlooked and by dedicating ourselves to the care of those who may otherwise not know opportunity. Our service is to those in need of support as they pursue their starts, their highest achievement. It hopes that it will serve as God’s lights on earth and will in fact encourage each one to reach for his or her star.

wellness&network marketing

We are definitely positioned to take advantage of both of these industries. Our company is a green company and we offer products that are good for people, good to people and good on people. Economic Advisor Paul Zane Pilzer says,

“the wellness industry is slated to be the next trillion dollar industry and that those involved in it will have the opportunity to tap into that trillion.� How about tapping to just a quarter of the market, huh? Well with having your very own Soul Purpose Business, you have the opportunity to do just that!

product line & brand overview

4 Stages of Growth


Foundation - Just getting started


Concentration - The first 2-5 years

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Momentum - Straight upward growth

Stability - Fast growth declines, but very strong sales, in most cases reaching in the Multi-MILLIONS!

Imagine yourself already being on board with Soul Purpose during these 4 stages!




Our initial line includes traditional solid perfumes, shea butter balms, body custards, body washes, body lotions, scrubs, foot care, hand care and therapeutic salves.


We believe that good skin care is essential for those outer characteristics of beauty that we all privately desire. Our line of natural, organic skin and personal care takes care of you while being mindful of our planet.


We won’t claim that the only beauty we care about is the inner kind. We are all for shower gels to raise your spirits, body butters and custards to soothe and caress your skin. We’re in the beauty business, of course. But, we’re also in the heart and soul business and we believe that we don’t have to choose one over the other. We believe that we can help you love the body you have, while taking good care of it. We believe that love makes people beautiful, in a way that lip gloss never can—and we believe in very good, organic, pretty and delicious lip gloss, too. Don’t you?

product line & brand overview

Our Products... Soul Purpose seeks to be the leader in the field of healthy, natural and eco-friendly products. We are constantly looking for healthy additives and new ways to bring you the benefits of antiaging without the use of harsh chemicals. To that end we have


A little Gold is a good thing. Likewise, a little Bronze. Due to our partnership with Youngevity International we have an award-winning line of mineral makeup for every shade of skin on God’s good earth. There are mineral powders in beautiful colors and earthy shades to accentuate your natural beauty.


Whether you need a little pick me up for the soul, a bouquet of sensory delights or a moment of pure and almost decadent indulgence, Soul Purpose has something (That’s more than just one thing!) for you. Experience the Soul Purpose “Journey of the Senses” candle collection and silk covered journals. Soul Purpose understands what you need, and want. Although we know that some wonderful things are worth waiting for—all of ours can be shipped right away.

partnered with our manufacturers to deliver these healthy natural extracts in a viable way to our entrepreneurs and customers. We cannot say enough about the cancer fighting benefits of vitamin D and the superior antioxidant blend of our exclusive extract blend which includes Acai berry, Oregon grape, red wine and green tea. The benefits of Acai, Oregon grape, and red wine polyphenols are related to reducing inflammation which is the key to anti-aging, and lowering levels of free radicals.

Nadine Thompson

Our CEO & Founder

A True Visionary

Blessed with 10 years of direct selling experience, a unique flare for product development and marketing; and an authentic passion for

empowerment, Nadine Thompson has branched out from her previous role as President and CEO of a multi-million dollar network marketing company to begin Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company. Her commitment is to build a socially-responsible and sustainable direct selling company with a mission of creating empowering business opportunities for women of color. She is also an empowered product creator who is recognized as a committing and passionate advocate. She is a noted speaker in the areas of racial equality, entrepreneurship, women’s issues and empowerment.

product line & brand overview

A Green Company with a future A product line that is natural and botanically-based. Sulfate and paraben free. Soul Purpose uses recycled paper, vegetable-based inks and has a recycle program for all the product containers. The future for Soul Purpose is bright. We accepting new Lifestyle Entrepreneurs from all walks of life. Women as well as Men. What you can expect is to be positioned to take part in a National and International expansion, as well as the introduction of hundreds of products during the next two years.

Lucrative Rewarding

Our Prosperity Plan

• 7 Pay Streams • Uni-Level Plan

• Pays out up to 50% • No Breakaway Volume • Lifetime Titles • Qualify and be “paid as” in same month!

How to Get Paid. • Plus exciting incentive and promotional programs!

• Retail Profit 25% to 30% • Personal Purchase Rebates 3% to 5% • Quick Start Bonuses 20% to 30% • Level Overrides paid thru 6 levels 5% to 8% • Dream Bonuses $500-$1,000 more a month! • Infinity Bonuses 2% • Global Revenue Sharing Pool 1/2 of 1% of the company profits!

how to get started! Initial cost to get started is just $35 Choose our Success Pack for $125 OR Choose our Prosperity Pack for $300 Less than $500 to start your own business! FREE Training and FREE Coaching

are you in? Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company has one of the best compensation plans in the industry! This is a life-changing, money earning industry. With this type of opportunity there are usually 3 types of people:

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Those who get in the game and play. Those who sit in the sidelines and watch. Those who look up confused wondering what happened.

You’ll get everything you need to get started, including business materials and products!

Make a Decision. At the end of the day YOU are responsible for your own actions and your own future and once you make a decision, you are going to say either one of two things:

I am SO happy I joined Soul Purpose. OR I wish I HAD joined Soul Purpose.

If you decide to join we welcome you with open arms. If you decide not to, we hope that you will consider becoming a customer and refer people to our company and products. Be sure to contact the Lifestyle Entrepreneur who introduced you to Soul Purpose and let them know what you’ve decided.


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