Lion King

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The lion,the king of the forests,is old after long years.He can go out from his cave. And he can’t get up from his bed, eiter.

-All of the animal in the forest hear that the lion is ill and he can’t go out from his cave.Animals were afraid of the lion but now they are afraid of him

The lion is in his bed and he is sad Because he happy remembers old days The lion is old and ill.the other begin animals to make of the lion.And they even try to beat him

The horse come and kicks the lion. the wolf come and bites the lion ear the ox come and hits with its horn poor lion is very weak and exhausted he can roar and he even can’t groan

He wants to close his eyes and he wants to die.But then ,he sees something The donkey come.He wants kick the lion, too

He begins to scratch the soil.He want to find some and insects.Finally,he finds something.覺t is bright,round and hards He looks at this carefully.He understands that it is a pearl.He is upset.Becouse he think that is very anlucky

He says: -l want to corn.l don’t want to find thes pearl.A corn is better than a pearl for me Something is valuable you need it


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