Enhance: The Art of Fiction

Page 26

Fiber by Susan Rukeyser

“I’m an artist,” Sid whispered in the café selling his three-dimensional fiber works, bright against pale walls. It felt brave to say it aloud, like when he confessed he liked men. Nothing sold. Susan Rukeyser writes stories because she

He was an artist, but failed. Sid worked a

can’t stop. Believe it, she’s tried. Most of them

desk, used the degree he fell back on. He’d been

are fiction. Her shortest work appears in or

reprimanded for knitting on the job.

is forthcoming from Star 82 Review, Boston

If he didn’t, his fingers burned.

Literary Magazine, Short Fast & Deadly, and

Kevin, with his kind shoulders, just wanted Sid

Stone Highway Review. Longer work appears in

to be happy: “Quit trying to sell, just create and

The View from Here, SmokeLong Quarterly, and

we’ll keep them.” But Sid craved response. He


was practically mute, except in yarn. He would be

Find her here: www.susanrukeyser.com



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