Sophie Woman's Magazine Feb 2014

Page 11

Journaling The J urney E T A UPD

by Judy Smith

Judy Smith reporting for torture! That is what I told them this past week when I had to have my mammogram. It is an understatement for me to say it is not a pleasant experience. I know there are a few women out there that say it does not hurt. If you think that then it just proves you are not operating with a full deck! Just sayin’. It is sort of hard to believe that it has been a year now since my last one and I did tell you that I would do an update every so often. Things have been going pretty good since last year but I have to say, my emotions were running pretty high. Heck, I was more than a little nervous and scared. Sort of like when I have six cups of coffee in a morning. Thankfully, that does not happen that often. I think I just heard some hallelujah’s from some of my networking friends. I have to tell myself….just once a year. If everything is good, well, then it will be another year. It is that “if” word that gets you though. Anyone that has cancer, I think will understand what I am talking about. Storm Jameson said that the only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle, which is exactly what it is: a miracle and unrepeatable. I try to live each day , realizing how precious each minute is. However, there was another one of those seemingly insignificant words that has such huge implications. The word “try”. Most of the time I don’t succeed. Most of the time I get drawn into the norm of the day and let those unrepeatable minutes slip on by without a second thought. So during a mammogram, I am trying to accept each minute. I really think I can hold my breath for at least six or seven minutes

even when all I want to do is scream. They get you all pressed and pulled in, the whole time telling you “Just hold on. It will be over in a minute“, while they stroll back behind the shield and then tell you to hold your breath. “Hold, Hold……………..Hold“. I mean, really? You can’t pass out because the machine has got you in it’s grip. OK….breath! “You are doing so good. We only have 27 more pictures to take.” Then you have to wait to make sure all the pictures took. I don’t know if they have to run over to Wal Mart or the pharmacy to where they get them developed but they tell you not to get dressed till they know they are good to go. If I was a pessimist, then I would just have to sit there waiting for them to come back and tell me we have to do it all over again. Since I am an optimist, I am just waiting to party when they come back and tell me I can get dressed. Even though I don’t know who saw the photos, I am thrilled they liked them. I am so happy to report that I do not have to do a mammogram for another whole year. No signs of the cancer! That is twelve months. That is 365 days, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty hours. Or better yet, that is five hundred twenty five thousand, six hundred unrepeatable miraculous minutes till I have to do it again. What all can I do with those? Lord, help me to not take a one of them for granted and help me to remember each one is a miracle! Thanks for all the prayers and cards and well wishes and remember how many minutes you have to pray for me until the next one! Love and Blessings to you. | pg 11

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