Marc Benamou - RASA, Affect and Intuition in Javanese Musical Aesthetics

Page 278

complete glossary arang—see awis ASKI—Akademi Seni Karawitan Indonesia (National Academy of Javanese Performing Arts); the one in Solo (ASKI Surakarta) was subsequently STSI and is now ISI *asmårå [J], asmara [I]—romantic love, lust, in love awis [K], arang [Ng]—“infrequent”; see kethuk awis ayak-ayak—the least tense-sounding of the three kinds of gendhing lampah, in which the gong is played every four beats *badhutan [J] badhutan [I]—comedy (from badhut, clown) balungan—outline or reference melody (literally, “skeleton,” “framework”) used by musicians to derive their respective parts; notated melody (also used for deriving a large number of parts); medium-density melody usually played by the sarons and slenthem; a kind of composite melody meant to represent the basic melodic flow of a piece by incorporating elements from several different polyphonic parts barang—“thing”; the pélog mode with the highest tessitura, usually limited to the pentatonic scale 2 3 5 6 7 and deemphasizing pitches 1 and 4 (see pathet) barang miring—see minir båwå—unmetered, solo vocal introduction to a gamelan piece, usually performed by a male vocalist, lightly accompanied by the gendèr, with occasional interjections by one of the larger gongs, and into which is sometimes inserted a jineman; the texts may be taken from either the sekar måcåpat, sekar tengahan, or sekar ageng categories of classical sung poetry *bébas—free, unhampered bedhåyå (also badhåyå; adjective: bedhayan)—a genre of refined court dances performed by seven or nine young women and accompanied by unison (or octave), long-phrased, legato choral music sometimes with full gamelan, but in some cases only a very small percussion ensemble featuring the kemanak bedhayan—in the style of bedhåyå accompaniment *bérag [J]—exuberant, joyful, merry, spirited, rambunctious, lighthearted ■ Ө; gendhing, garap, personality *bérag alus [J]—exuberant but refined *bérag sanget [K]—very exuberant *berat [I]—heavy; difficult; heavyhearted ■ gendhing, (garap), voice *bersahaja [I]—simple, uncomplicated *bersemangat [I]—see semangat *berwibawa [I]—commanding, potent, magisterial, imposing, having an aura of power, exuding masculine authority ■ +; gendhing, garap, singing voice, speaking voice, personality, behavior *biasa [I]—ordinary, common; lighthearted bonang—gong-chime (set of 10 to 14 tuned pot gongs arranged in two rows and played with a pair of padded wooden beaters); bonang barung [photo 4]


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