Picture Bible Stories

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Life of Jesus

God sent an angel to a virgin girl named Mary to tell her that she would give birth to the Son of God and his name would be Jesus. Luke 1:26-38

As a young man, Jesus performs many miracles, including bringing a young girl back to life. Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26

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Jesus heals a blind man.

The religious leaders, known as Pharisees, condemned many good people. They were angry because Jesus healed a blind man on their holy day of rest.

The man was grateful to Jesus that he was no longer blind and he believed that Jesus was the Son of God. John 9:1-7, 13-16, 24-25

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Life of Jesus

The Pharisees sent soldiers to arrest Jesus because they didn’t believe that He was the Son of God. Mark 14:55-65

The Pharisees paid people to tell lies about Jesus so they could condemn him to death.

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Jesus is beaten and sentenced to die on a cross just as he had foretold.

Jesus is crucified.

The perfect Son of God died on a cross for us so that anyone who accepts Him as the Lord of their life may go to heaven. Matthew 27:27-31, 38, 45-46, 50-54 | 5

Life of Jesus

The body of Jesus is placed in a tomb.

His body was in the tomb for 3 days. Mark 15:42-46 | 6

Jesus rises from the dead on the third day and appears to over 500 people. Today we can choose to accept Him by believing that He died for our sin, rose from the dead, and invite Him to be the Lord of our life. Mark 16:1-16, 19-20

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Jesus Teaches Forgiveness John 8:1-11

A woman is charged with adultery.

The crowd wants to stone her to death. | 8

Jesus said, “Let anyone without sin throw the first stone.�

They all put down the stones and walked away. | 9

The Parable of the Lost Son Luke 15:11-24

A son demands that his father give him his inheritance now.

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The son spends all the money foolishly.

He is left with nothing.

He decides to go home and ask his father to forgive him.

His father loved him, had compassion and forgave him.

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Woman at the Well Finds Forgiveness John 4:5-19, 25-26

A woman feels guilt and shame for mistakes made in her past.

She meets Jesus at the well. He knew about her past and offered her forgiveness.

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The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37

A man is robbed, beaten and left to die.

Several people passed by without helping him.

A Samaritan man has mercy. Jesus tells us to be good neighbors.

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Tabitha Serves the Poor Acts 9:36-42

Just like Tabitha, we can use our talents to help others.

Tabitha uses her talents to help others in need.

Everyone was sad when Tabitha died because of all the good she did to help others. | 14

Spending Time with Jesus Luke 10:38-42

Mary talks with Jesus while Martha is working.

Martha wants help from Mary.

Martha learns that spending time | 15 with Jesus is most important.

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