compare auto insurance quotes without personal information

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compare auto insurance quotes without personal information compare auto insurance quotes without personal information Related

How much is the cost of a health insurance policy for a family of 5 in USA? lets assume Joe (38years old) and Sally (38years old) public both work and make a total of $70,000 a year between them. They have 3 children, Todd, 15, Gwen 13, and Gina 10. They have to buy their own health insurance since their employers do not provide it. They want a plan that does the following: max $25 dollar deductible for any visit to a doctor....and then 80% of all cost after that up to an individual maximum cost per person per year of $2000 at which point the insurance will pick up 100% up to $300,000 per person per year. Dental and vision coverage is a flat 80% of all procedures after $25 deductible. If this family goes out in the market place to buy this insurance, how much will it cost them per month." Pregnant with no insurance? I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer. Car insurance with dwi? I went to a bar in upstate ny to see a friend's band play. I was drinking at the bar, so I decided to stay at a friend's house down the road (walk there obviously). Someone I thought was my friend took my car to go home ( I left the keys in the ignition ). I know I'm a dumb *** for leaving the keys in the car, don't flame me for that please. Anyways this guy got pulled over by the cops and got a dwi. The car was legally parked when they pulled him over so it didn't get impounded. My question is will my insurance go up? I wasn't driving the car and this guy had no license or any kind of insurance whatsoever. He was also under 21 if that helps and no I didn't report the car stolen. But when the cops questioned him he just told them he took the car." Is the American health insurance is like Car insurance? Life insurance and all the other insurances? And you pay it every month and how much? Or what it's like? Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..? With 4 year driving record? thanks How to change auto insurance?

I pay my auto insurance every 6 months. I want to change insurance company from 'company A' to 'company B' because it's cheaper. I already paid a bill for company A and still have about 4 months until renewal. If I change to company B now, will I get a refund from company A? How does this work? I don't want to wait another 4 months with company A." Cheap Auto Insurance for someone under 21? The lowest auto insurance rates I can find wants me to pay like 340 a month I want to know if someone knows of a auto insurance that has a monthly fee of 200 at the most high or low deductibles do not matter buut there has to be a deductible anyone know a auto insurance that can offer me this Thanks Any of you know about a maternity Insurance? I live in Las Vegas Nevada, I just found out I'm pregnant and I need Insurance to cover all my doctor's visit and labor. Would like to know if any of you know about an affordable insurance I make about 4,000.00 a month . thanks so much for your help. Araceli" Insurance Groups - HELP!? Ok im looking to buy my first car, and ive found a 1.4cl Ford Escort which im interested in, it says its in insurance group 5E, is that a good group to be in (is it cheap or expensive), thanks for any help :D" Seven years ago i got a speeding ticket with no proof of insurance in california.? Then they turned it in to collections and suspended my licence. When does it get cleared? Can i get affordable baby health insurance? ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!" Does Scrapping my car Affect Insurance? I have 2 months left to pay on my insurance, after this 2 months i will earn my 1 years NCB - will scrapping the car affect the insurance and my ability to get the NCB. Car needs to be scrapped as someone damaged it badly, costs too much to fix and if i claim insurance will go up, so just wanna get rid as it has no tax or mot. UK question" Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?

I live in North Carolina and I have my permit and I've taken drivers classes and I'm ready to take my test but I don't have a car or insurance. Can I use someone else's car? Will I need insurance? Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance? Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance? Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21? Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21? Will my insurance go lower if i buy a older car? I currently drive a 2003 honda civic coupe and i was wondering if the insurance will be cheaper if i traded it in for a 1998 maxima sedan? Does Aetna medical insurance cover fertility procedures? Does Aetna medical insurance cover fertility procedures? Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance? I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program." Car Insurance estimate? I know it's a bit impossible (like asking what's the length of a string) but I am wondering if anyone knows a rough amount , or has experience of how much car insurance would be for a 19 year old - near 20 year old male in the UK. I would be a named driver on one of my parents cars (A vauxhall Corsa 2013), my parents have no points on their license. I would only be using the car when I am back from University so for a maximum of about 3 months a year so not for the full year! I have heard of some people younger than me getting insurance quotes as a named driver for around 700 but I am unsure if this is true. a) Are there any insurance websites where you can calculate an estimate for a Named driver? ( I know ones for the main driver) b) would it be worth to pay it monthly ?... c) any estimates roughly? (an estimate within 200 or so! ) Thank you ! P.S if anybody magically knows of how much it would be for me to be with an insurance company as a named driver yet still gain no claims bonuses (as many named drivers don't get no claims) I'll be extremely grateful!" Question about newborn insurance coverage under the mother's plan? With the birth of my first two children, any claims that were submitted to the insurance company for the first 30 days were paid under my plan. After that, I could elect to add them to my policy or not. I had a baby 30 days ago and they're denying his claims. I've called Humana (a new insurance for me since the birth of my first children) and they

assured me that the claims for him would be paid, and that they would NOT add him to my policy (he has separate insurance). I was just at Humana's website searching for a provider (for myself) and it appears they've added him and made my deductible of $2,000 go up to $4,000 (family coverage). Is this correct? I thought it was state or federal law or something that newborns are covered under the mother's policy for the first 30 days. Can someone help?" How do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance? I am working but I do not have Health Insurance. How do you go and where do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance? "Life insurance terms cash value, dividend, loan to value, interest rate?" I don't know much about life insurance. This is for a whole life policy = $50,000. Could you explain what these terms and numbers mean about this policy? cash value of $7,000 Loan to value of $6,000 interest rate of 8% dividend of $60" (uk) Do you need to tell your car insurance this....? If you get diagnosed with mild arthritis, do you need to tell your car insurance this? And if so, do they make it more expensive?" Texas Car Insurance - 16 Years Old - Provisional License? Okay, I'm sixteen years old (turning seventeen on July) and I have my provisional driver's license already. I don't have a car so I use my parents' when I drive. They don't let me drive alone because I'm not part of the car insurance. My question is: do I need to be part of the insurance coverage that we currently have for our car to be able to legally drive alone, even though I don't own it? Or can I drive alone without insurance as long as owner of the car (my parents) know that I took the car? 10 points to whoever answers the best and the clearest." Health Insurance for kids? I have health insurance through my employer, I have a baby due in July and I have looked into adding her as a dependent but it is way to costly. It jumps from 88.00 a month for Keystone Health Plan East to 400 a month if I add her. Can anyone recommend any health insurance companies that will just cover her by herself. Iam not interested in CHIP or Keystone Mercy or any other state facilitaited health insurance. Thanks for the help." compare auto insurance quotes without personal information compare auto insurance quotes without personal information Car insurance for a 17year old help? I just went online and was quoted 8grand to get insured to my dads 1.9 tdi VW Bora, would it be cheaper to buy a cheap car for a grand which is a 1.2 petrol engine and get that insured or should i stick to my dads car which cost 8 grand to insure? which one would end up being cheaper for me?"

What is the cheapest Auto insurance company in Florida for youth !? I am 23 Years old and i am looking for a cheap car insurance for a Honda Civic EX Coupe , i have never had a car insurance before because i was out of country for Years, I got my driving license last year when i was 22 years old i heard that the insurance will be high and i checked with Geico online i find out that i am going to pay 180$ every month that's too much for a car like this !! and this is the minimum state insurance." What does Term Life Insurance mean with no surrender value? If I had a 15 year Term Life Insurance at $100,000. with no surrender value. What would it be at the end of 15 years. Can I collect the full amount on this type of insurance?" What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.? What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.? How is mandating health insurance socialism? Why is no one rioting about car insurance? Healthcare is still run by the private sector. Just more people will be able to get it. How is ensuring everyone has insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare is run by the private sector either way. Can you get temporary car insurance for say a month? I just got my car but i cant register it till next week. I got a permit to drive it but I do not have insurance, so I heard you can get temporary car insurance for a month. Im not really sure though.. HELP!" Small business insurance? This is for hw, any info would be helpful I'm opening a salon in hollywood california. (5,000 square feet) How much would I pay in insurance a year? what kind of insurance would i need? Example: i think i would need product liability insurance, professional liability insurance, there are so many different kinds! Which one/ones should I use? and how much would it be? I've been googling and researching for a long time if you can help thank you!!" Im 17 and i need cheap insuarnce on a 1.0 corsa? i live in the uk. my parents are not with me..soo this means i cant be a named driver. how am i gna get cheap insurance.. give me tips and cheap insuance companies websites please.. I am 17 and pregnant and don't have health insurance?

i just found out i am pregnant and i am 17 ill be 18 in june. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! i don't live with my mother or father i live with my aunt and grandma.... i have no health insurance and that is a big problem because how am i going to pay for the doctors and delivery.... can some one please help me finding some place that can help with insurance for the baby and me. P.S i live in california . and please don't even bothers answering me if u have nothing good to say because i do not need your immaturity. Thank you so much for you help :) Cheap car insurer for young driver? I am a 19 year old male trying to find a cheaper car insurance quote than 1500. Does anyone know the cheapest car to insure? or a cheap insurer? How much will I pay for car insurance? Estimate.? I am looking to buy a car this Spring (new, from a dealership). When I do, I will be 24, female, and have had my license for just under a year. Since I passed my road test, I have not been driving or on any insurance at all. I will be the main driver on this vehicle, though there might be a secondary driver. I will probably by a small car, like a Yaris, or a Hyundai Elentra. Something cheap, good on gas, safe, and not fast or sporty. It will be automatic. I am a university graduate (not sure if that matters but I heard it does). I will live in a town with about 100,000 people. About how much am I looking at car insurance/month? I have tried the online sites but find them confusing. Some people tell me $100, but the online estimates can be $300-400." Can I drive a car without teenage insurance? My uncle said I can borrow his car for new years, but he doesn't have teenage insurance. Would he need it if I'm only borrowing it for one day and night? Can I still drive it? If something happens will regular insurance cover? I've been driving for a while I'm good at it. Plus a few of my friends riding are also licensed, the oldest 23. I'm 18." Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? What is the average cost to deliver a child without insurance? What is the average cost to deliver a child without insurance? SR22 insurance Texas? I'm looking for a cheap SR22 insurance Texas, maybe some special price just for Texas State. Any info? And what's a medium SR22 insurance cost? Thanks" How much will my car insurance be when I turn 23?

I hear your monthly car insurance payments go down significantly once you're 23. I turn 23 in a few months and currently pay $65/month. How much can I expect it to be after I'm 23? How much would the car insurance for a Cadillac Escalade 2011 be? The car is for an 18 year old and two other adults are included in the insurance plan for State Farm. Are auto insurance deductibles tax deductible? I have a smashed windshield with a $500 deductible. If I get someone to fix it (for a lot), can I write off my payment of the deductible on my taxes next year, or is it just called the deductible because it is deducted from the total cost of the repair?" Car insurance price ? - so ill be 18 next sateday; im on my grandmas insurance now. i plan on getting my own car & my own insurance in 2 or 3 months. i have already had two wrecks ; how much will my insurance be ? & yes i'm a female What is a price of car insurance in Italy? What is a average car insurance premium for 25 years old with 5 years of no claim bonus in Italy? Do you have to have insurance in you're 16 and only have a permit? I'm 16 right now and i live in California. I really want to start the process of getting my license but my mother says we can't afford insurance for me. So I was wondering, do you have to have insurance even if you just have a permit?" How much does Missouri Medicaid after insurance? I have twins and Missouri Medicaid is my secondary after insurance. We had a NICU stay for 12 days. Will Missouri Medicaid cover whatever my insurance doesn't? I'm looking for any ones story's or any information! Thank you for the help! Is there anywhere to get free or affordable health insurance? Is there anywhere to get free or affordable health insurance? Whats the best and cheapest car insurance? Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, to drive in the city of London?" What is the cheapest insurance company for a teen that's on a seperate policy?

I'm getting a car in about 2 months and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company would be for someone that's a new driver with their G2. compare auto insurance quotes without personal information compare auto insurance quotes without personal information "Im looking for car insurance in washington im 22m and im student and this is my first insurance,how much isit?" Im looking for car insurance in washington im 22m and im student and this is my first insurance,how much isit?" Is proof of insurance required in California? my accounting teacher challenged us and offered extra credit. He says liability insurance is not required in California and if i get pulled over and they ask for it, i can tell them that i'm only going to show license and registration and thats it. I can tell him legally i don't have to show proof of insurance. He was legitimate proof though. Help me prove him wrong please if he is indeed wrong. Thanks" Lower insurance for young driver? so i know when you are under your parents it isn't as high i know people paying 50 dollars a month or something like that my situation though i just turned 21 im in need of a car but im the only driver in my family (single mom never got her license) i know that one-way coverage is about 300 something a month but if i finance a car i need full coverage which the price is crazy expensive something like 800-1100 a month is there anyway i can get lower insurance rate or something of the sort ? What is a really good affordable health insurance? i make 12$ hr and on a very tight budget Car Insurance for a 17 year old girl? How do I get the cheapest car insurance possible. Should the car being insured be expensive (ish) or cheap? Should I wait until after my daughter has passed her test? I appreciate that all insurance for first time drivers is high but would like advice please. How much does car insurance cost in California? I know it varies but I just need a range. Im 17 and this will be my 1st year driving & i will be on my parents insurance how much will it cost me a mon.? i live in charlotte Mustang GT Insurance?

I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...) How does insurance for a scooter in florida work? I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!" How much do vision insurance cost per month? I'm looking into vision insurance and I don't know how much it cost each month. Does anyone have any experience here that can tell me? How much is adding my teenager to my insurance policy? how much is the averge amount that i would have to pay when i add my teen to my auto-insurance policy..with their own car. Car insurance? I just bought a brand new car and recently changed my car insurance company. Today after leaving a meeting I hit a fire hydrin while backing up leaving a nice hole in my back bumper. I called my insurance company and submitted a claim but am more concered with the my insurance premium going up. Does anybody know if it will go up or not. I have not submitted a claim in more then 5 years and only pay 86.00 a month for full coverage including collision and renters insurance for my house. Does anybody know about this kind of stuff?? If i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year? ? if i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year? How much is the cost of a health insurance policy for a family of 5 in USA?

lets assume Joe (38years old) and Sally (38years old) public both work and make a total of $70,000 a year between them. They have 3 children, Todd, 15, Gwen 13, and Gina 10. They have to buy their own health insurance since their employers do not provide it. They want a plan that does the following: max $25 dollar deductible for any visit to a doctor....and then 80% of all cost after that up to an individual maximum cost per person per year of $2000 at which point the insurance will pick up 100% up to $300,000 per person per year. Dental and vision coverage is a flat 80% of all procedures after $25 deductible. If this family goes out in the market place to buy this insurance, how much will it cost them per month." Car crash insurance? Insurance?!? Ok, I crashed my toyota corolla 1997 from the back, the guy didn't have insurance, a license, or papers!, the guy who crashed me had a ford escape or explore. anyways I made a claim thru my insurance (Mercury Insurance), they approved the claim and are offering me the money for my car ($3,000) but a $500 deductible, do I get to keep my crashed car or will I have to give my car to Mercury Insurance?! Thanks!" Modified Car Insurance? I'm looking for Auto insurance for my modified muscle car, but many places that claim they insure modified cars are turning me down. The car is fast, but will only be driven up to 2000 miles/year. I will not be taking it to race at the track, just driving it to events and family functions. The car's engine has been stroked, has apx. 700 horsepower, an 8pt roll cage, but has maintained most of its originality. The car is not cut up. I'm specifically looking for answers from individuals who have or have had a modified/highly modified muscle car insured. What company would you recommend and what costs should I expect to pay? Lastly, Hagarty has already turned me down... Thanks in advance." Car insurance help please? Hello I just turned 17 I want to do my driving test soon .. And I already have a car .. so I just want to know soon as I pass my driving license How much will insurance cost . Peugeot 107 - 1.1 - 2008 Straight answers only please .. and can you please suggest cheap insurance company's or ways to make it cheaper .. thank you .. What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today? What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today? Question about car insurance.? my dad has never been in a car accident or anything of the sort. 4 months ago we got a 2005 dodge ram rumble bee. i was really confident about my driving. but today i was exiting on a freeway and the car in front of me stepped on the brake real hard and i had no choice but to swerve outside the lane. i didnt hit anything else but the bottom of the front bumper kinda got wrecked and bent. i didnt hit the car in front of me or anyone else and i gained control of the truck and slowly got back on the lane. so if my dad reports it to the insurance how much will it go up?? he told me not to speak of this to anyone and he was gonna say it was him that it happened to. please help. what if i replace the bumper and dont report it? should i even report it?

Online insurance - how to? Hi.. im looking for information regarding online insurance and how one goes about it?? Does auto insurance do this? Pay or Scam? So it always seems that my Girlfriends mom is trying to slow her down by take her money or use her to get money from the state or what not. One of the new things is that her mom says is that geico called her up and told her because my girlfriend just got her Drivers License that she has to put her under her policy. She doesnt drive her moms car and is currently looking to get a new one. Is this a normal thing for the Insurance company to call up out of no where and tell them they have to pay because there is a new licensed driver that doesnt even drive the car the policy is on or Is it another way for her mom to gain more money Advice about car insurance in Ohio..paying way too much? I reside in OH. I have insurance through progressive, my payments are about $230/month. I do finance my vehicle so it's necessary to have full coverage, I do have GAP insurance through my car dealership. OK. I have a ticket and 2 at fault accidents on my record (one really wasn't my fault) both under $500 claims... ANYWAYS, I know people who have DUI's that have lower car insurance than I do and I am a good driver, ugh. Is there any sugesstions on ways to lower my car insurance? I know eventually they will drop off but the last accident is on until April 2012 the other will drop August 2011 and the ticket will be gone October of this year. I am paying a mortgage, condo fees, a car payment that I just aquired January, this new insurance payment which is like an additional car payment (it was $100 before getting full coverage), and the obvious other bills. I am so strapped for cash, is there any ways to lower this fast or any good companies in OH that can give me lower price?" "Is this car insurance friendly for a 17 year old, new driver's first car?" 2009 Dodge Avenger SE Sedan Bodystyle 4 door Sedan Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Color Silver Int. Color Dark Slate Gray Mileage 21,038 also if you have an idea give me a price range of how much insurance would be per month. Thanks! =]" What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ? Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both? The best Car insurance for a 19 year old.? What Car holds the cheapest car insurance rating for a 19 year old ( first car ) Living in the southport area ? compare auto insurance quotes without personal information

compare auto insurance quotes without personal information Insurance for infant in a home daycare? I'm sending my 1 year old son to a unlicensed home daycare. The daycare provider does not have insurance. What kind of insurance should I get for my son? Car crash and keeping insurance out of it.? I have caught the back of a car whilst parking up. I have offered to pay for the repair whilst not involving our insurance companies. The third party accepted this, I have found a company who can repair the damage at a decent price but the third party are saying they wish to get other quotes. Who's decision is it ultimately to where the vehicle gets repaired?" How can i get cheaper car insurance? I have been looking around for car insurance for a while now and other than getting a pretty good quote from a company that fit a box inside my car, the other quotes are no lower than 4,500! It's a 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy about it. It's a bigger car than usual learner drivers drive but i'm sure the quotes i am getting ar way to high..1000 deposit and 492 a month? Help needed!" Does anyone know this car insurance joke? I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :) As a new Driver when should I expect my insurance costs to lower? Here is the background: I am 27 years old and I just learned to driver a little over 7 months ago. I know that as a COMPLETELY new driver my insurance costs weren't going to be the best so I was surprised when most if not all companies I went to quoted me at about 400-450 for 6 months of full coverage. I thought this was very very good because that is about what my husband pays and hes had an perfect driving record since he was 17. Well when I went in to buy my first car ( brand new and financed, so I needed full coverage based on my state laws. ) Before I left the lot I called my chosen insurance company and they activated my insurance for me. To my dismay but not complete shock they told me they would have to raise the quote because I didn't have a driving record yet. ( At this point I had only had the license about 3-4 weeks I don't quite remember ). I was told this should clear up the next time I renew. Well my premium has actually gone up fifty dollars ( instead of down 150 )! I was shocked. So, out of curiosity I got quotes from other places now and it was just as expensive if not more so. What happened? I've had no moving or parking violations, my driving record is perfect. I thought I would ask the yahoo community before I call my insurance company to point fingers." Question about cars and insurance?

I know that the cheapest NEW car to ensure is the VW Up costing around 1500 a year. But is there any USED cars that can match this insurance cost but isn't any older than 5 years? NOTE: The VW Up is in insurance group 1 What if I choose not to have insurance on my car? whats the big risk im taking? Do i even need it? I am 19 years old, I have been legally driving since I was 17, but have actually been driving since I was 15 (Yeah crazy huh?) (My dad was my teacher) Thankfully, I have never been in a car accident. I am a very careful driver. Point is: I want to buy a used car, and I don't feel like having car insurance is even necessary. I'm not made out of money and I really NEED to save the extra cash. Also if you have ever gotten a ticket for not having car insurance , how much was it?" Is there a way for me to get cheap auto insurance? I am 16 years old and from minnesota. I don't have a car yet but I want to get one from around $3000-$4000. I have to go with State Farm because my parents have it. I am a safe driver and I get good grades. Is there a way to get cheap auto insurance through state farm through any special deals? Thanks What is affordable insurance for nasal fracture (nose broken) in Texas? i'm looking for insurance that cover foe nasal fracture that i can affort..I live in Texas .. i look for the cost for the doctor, and it is too much to pay put of my pocket without insurance" Please help answer a health insurance question: group vs. individual? I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!" Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow? Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow? Question on car insurance? i have progressive and i was wondering if i would be able to swtich my insurance from one car to a different one. my current car got its sub frame pretty bent up and theres no fixing it. so im looking for a diff car. so when i do get my other car. will i be able to switch my insurance over to the new one? Why is it the law to have car insurance? I mean if I get into a car wreck. Will the insurance company really cover the cost of me getting into an accident? It feels like I will just be dumping money down their throats

for nothing in return. Problem with my car insurance company? Just before new year, sitting stationary at a roundabout, old guy bashed into back of me. Exchanged details and went through the insurance. Nearly 4 months on...and my insurance company is still chasing liability. Meanwhile, my premium was due for renewal at end of Jan and that has gone up and my insurance company tell me they have problems with the other insurers as they don't answer their phones. They tell me they're sending out letters every 2 weeks and are trying to phone them. I don't think this is enough, especially after all this time. Basically, I'm being held over a barrel. I'll bet the old guy has got his car fixed now, but meanwhile even though I've done nothing wrong, I'm paying out more money and still have rear damage to my car!! I'm getting really sick of it, especially as I need to sell the car soon. It's completely ridiculous. Please wait for rest...." How often does Geico lower their insurance rates after you have been with them? i have been with Geico for almost a year and right at the 6 months my insurance went down from $90 a month to $77 a month... I think they do what some other companies do and lower every 6 months for not getting involved in an accident but i want to know for sure. if someone has the information for me that would be great... thank you:) Is insurance expensive on an '01 Hyundai Tiburon? Is insurance expensive on an '01 Hyundai Tiburon? Can someone please explain what these new insurance laws are? are we required to have insurance? do all companies have to offer insurance now? What percentage do companies have to pay for insurance? Thanks What is the best insurance companies in NYC? What is the best insurance companies in NYC? About how much is Valet parking insurance in FL? garage liability insurance Can i pay for my car insurance weekly? i am 20 years old and im finding it hard to get insured. is it possible for me to get insurance for a week and only use the car on the weeks that i insure it? it would work out cheaper for me that way because i would only pay insurance on the weeks i need the car... thanks Affordable Health Insurance?????

hi asking this question for my parents. they are 56 (dad) n 53 (mom)....both of them are permanently disabled. my mom has been on ssi and disability since i was 5 (now 23) due to a severe back injury that left her unable to work. my father was forced to retire about a year ago due to a hip replacement, crooked spine and back surgery that left him crippled for months. my father now receives his retirement and ssi as well...however due to extreme circumstances they both just lost their medical insurance from another provider. what options do they have??? how can they get coverage??? thats affordable...??? medicare doesnt kick in for my father for 24 months after he first started receiving his ssi benefits. n my mom said for her to get it its very expensive. what do they do???" Cheapest insurance? what is the cheapest car insurance in Hamilton Ontario Canada if i was 19 years old and i got the g2 3 moths ago? Cheapest car to insure for new driver aged 17? I looked for a quote on a 1994 renault clio 1.4 RT, which came up as 1059 per year, and also for one of the older eary 90's golfs, which was even higher at over 2000, for a 17yr old driver. I then looked at a 1.4l vauxhall corsa, 1993, which was still at least 1000 to insure. yet my friend managed to get insurance on her own policy for the same 1.4l corsa, at around 700 a year, and she had only been driving an additional 2 months more than me. and thats on the same insurance company too. Whats one of the cheapest cars possible to insure (within reason, preferably a half decent car haha) now, so i can see what my cheapest quote could be?" Question about health insurance? My fiance got a job that has health benefits but I dont have health benefits, so how can I get onto my fiance health insurance and how much would it cost??...." What makes car insurance car insurance? I always wondered. Not to brag or anything, but my family is so rich that we really don't need car insurance. If something were to happen we would be able to take care of it. So basically we waste hundreds of dollars each year on car insurance. Is there a way we could have our own insurance card to issue to a police? What makes car insurance companies able to function and not me?" compare auto insurance quotes without personal information compare auto insurance quotes without personal information

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