1960 Arrow

Page 144

Front Row: Jerry Roberts, program d irector; Shirley Payton, women's athletic director; Sandra Browning, secretary. Back Row: Wayne Moyer, president, Gene Hancock, vice-president; Joe Tompkins, men's ath letic director.

Lambda Chi Theta The gymnasium rang wi,th applause and cheers, con­ cluding the closed night activities for Lambda Chi Theta, led by President Wayne Moyer. The program was de­ signed to acquaint the members with the several functions of their society in the fields of sports, music, speech, and contained a variety of examples from each of these fields. Opening the season of activities was a sequence of exciting football games. Cheerleaders Gerard Reed, Mary Ethel Parmer, \Ven dell Harrison, Arlene Sherpy, and Lawrence \Villiams helped to create enthusiasm for these sport events. Lambda mcmhers did well in the speech contest al­ though the society placed third in the final tally of points. Gerald Lane took first place in radio speaking; Gradin Martin placed first in poetry; and Gerald Lane and Gerard Reed took third in Bible reading and extemporaneous speak­ ing respectively. Lambda reached its peak of success in the presentation of its contest program, "Web of Pride," a modern dramatic presentation based on Sophocles' Antigone. Success from the beginning since all supervision was handled by pro­ gram director Jerry Roberts. Lambda Chi Theta rounded out its seasonal activities by competing in the society music contest. And as the curtain came clown on the year's events, Lambda members took pride in their many accomplishments and began looking forward to even bigger and better things next year.

Haimon (Gerard Reed) looks anxiously at Antigone (Sylvia .Moore) as his father Creon (Kent Kline) .caught in the "Web of Pride," summons g uards to take her to her death.


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